New Bibliography


In-house publications & limited printings
Books by students and related below
below also a few key Buddhist books from the Suzuki era
Old Bibliography Page with more books listed
DC Books
Cuke Press books

Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki

Books by and About Shunryu Suzuki with more info

Suzuki's College Disertation page

Excerpts featuring Suzuki from various books


ZMBM cover Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind edited by Trudy Dixon and Richard Baker (uncredited)

back cover of original ZMBM

ZMBM cuke page |

ZMBM 50th anniversary cover 50th Anniversary Issue of ZMBM

ZMBM at 50 with notes (the afterword to the 50th anniversary issue of ZMBM by DC)

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Abridged - It's on Youtube

Peter Coyote

on Amazon

Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen edited by Edward Brown

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Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai
Mel Weitsman
& Michael Wenger (Editors)

For more info go to Branching Streams.

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Wind Bell: Teachings from the San Francisco Zen Center - 1968-2001 edited by Michael Wenger & Erlich, Gretel

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All SFZC Wind Bells

The Trikaya - edited by Tim Buckley from Shunryu Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra.

Vol. 8: 69-03, Complete Wind Bell

Read on as text file

Dogen's Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries
This unique edition of Dogen's Genjo Koan (Actualization of Reality) contains three separate translations and several commentaries by a wide variety of Zen masters. Nishiari Bokusan, Shohaku Okamura, Shunryu Suzuki, Kosho Uchiyama. Sojun Mel Weitsman, Kazuaki Tanahashi, and Dairyu Michael Wenger all have contributed to the presentation.

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Remembering the Dragon: Recollections of Suzuki Roshi by his Students
Gil Fronsdal - editor

Published by Sati Center and SFZC in 2004 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary.

Available for a donation: (415) 354-0397
PDFs: High resolution  - low resolution

Zen Is Right Now and a slightly redone Zen Is Right Here - 2021

on Amazon

By Shunryu Suzuki
Edited by David Chadwick

ZIRH page with the whole book

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Zen is Right Here once was
To Shine One Corner of the World: Moments with Shunryu Suzuki

Crooked Cucumber  - 1st edition

2nd edition and audiobook page

DC home page

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Books by Students and related
an incomplete list

Seeing One Thing Through Seeing One Thing Through: The Zen Life and Teachings of Sojun Mel Weitsman

A young painter, coming of age in San Francisco's bohemian 1950s, meets his teacher—Shunryu Suzuki, a pivotal figure in Buddhist America—and dedicates his life to continuing Suzuki Roshi's teachings.

Seeing One Thing Through begins with a series of autobiographical memories and reflections going back to Sojun Mel Weitsman's boyhood in Southern California, his coming of age as an artist and a seeker in the vibrant San Francisco of the 1950s, and his encounter with Zen in one remarkable teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. From that moment, and for nearly sixty years after, Weitsman's life took the direct path of Zen—as a student, as a teacher, and as one of the first generations of American Zen masters. The larger portion of the book is a collection of Weitsman's edited talks, his articulation of "ordinary mind," and his strong belief that Zen as a way of life is available to all. - Amazon link

The Psychology of Mass Propaganda Edward Conze’s The Psychology of Mass Propaganda presents a commentary on the psychology of propaganda during the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s. It discusses the conditions which generate vulnerability to misinformation in human societies, and thus offers insight into how propaganda may be "withstood." Completed in 1939, during the period of Conze’s own inflection from Marxist philosophy to Buddhist studies, the original manuscript was never published and is now in print for the first time. Edited and with a new introduction by Richard N. Levine and Nathan H. Levine. Published by Routledge (on sale April 2023). Amazon link.

On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings
By Robert Pirsig and Wendy Pirsig

Harper Collins page for On Quality

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New 2018!

A Brief History of Tassajara by Marilyn McDonald
from Cuke Press

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Reb Anderson

Warm Smiles
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on Amazon

Being Upright
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on Amazon

Many Suzuki stories
Other books by Edward Brown

Edward Brown

Tomato Blessings
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on Amazon

by all means
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on Amazon

Nothing Holy about It website
features Suzuki and Katagiri

Tim Burkett

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17 pages on Shunryu Suzuki all added up - more on Dainin Katagiri

Thank You and OK! home page - read the whole book

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Books by David Chadwick

Gratefully Remembering Kobun to be available soon

DC chapter from this book

How the Swans Came to the Lake by Rick Fields  
with excerpt about Shunryu Suzuki

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Seeds for a Boundless Life by Blanche Hartman

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Dainin Katagiri

Returning to Silence
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on Amazon

You Have to Say Something
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Each Moment Is the Universe
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Keep Me in Your Heart a While
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Les Kaye

Zen at Work
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on Amazon

A Sense of Something Greater
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on Amazon

Joyously Through the Days
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on Amazon

Jakusho Kwong

No Beginning, No End
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on Amazon

Breath Sweeps Mind
on Amazon

The Truth of This Life
Katherine Thanas cuke page

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on Amazon

Sun Buddhas, Moon Buddhas
Excerpt about Shunryu Suzuki

Elsie Mitchell

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The New Religions by Jacob Needleman
A lot on the SFZC, Tassajara, and Shunryu Suzuki. Maybe the first to do so.

Read some of it

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Books by Lew Richmond

Work As A Spiritual Practice
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Healing Lazarus
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on Amazon


Aging as a Spiritual Practice
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on Amazon

A Whole Life's Work
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on Amazon

Music by Lew Richmond

Lew Richmond

A Flora of Tassajara
David Rogers page

PDF of this book

Also see Rogers' A TASSAJARA SCRAP-BOOK Literature Pertaining to Tassajara Hot Springs, Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey County, California from 1861 to 1949 - (PDF) - 265 pages (1997)

Books by David Schneider

The Teacup and the Skullcup
Trungpa & Suzuki

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Street Zen
Issan Tommy Dorsey

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Crowded by Beauty
Philip Whalen

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Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas
with Footprints of Suzuki Shunryu & Zen groups
See Dharma Wheels and Fish Ladders

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Rebecca Solnit website

Nothing on My Mind
features Suzuki and Katagiri

Erik Storlie

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Mitsu Suzuki

Temple Dusk
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on Amazon

A White Tea Bowl
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Getting Saved from the Sixties: The Transformation of Moral Meaning in American Culture

(based on interviews with students in and around SFZC in the 1970s.)

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Books by Steve Tipton

Steve Tipton  

Born In Tibet
Epilogue from third edition featuring Suzuki

Chogyam Trungpa

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on Amazon

Dragon Thunder by Diana J. Mukpo
Shunryu Suzuki in this book

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on Amazon

Zen in America by Helen Tworkov

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Michael Wenger

Thirty-Three Fingers
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on Amazon

49 Fingers
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on Amazon

Umbrella Man: Recollections of Sojun Mel Weitsman by his dharma heirs

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Mel Weitsman  

The Esselen Indians of the Big Sur Country by Gary S. Breschini and Trudy Haversat

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Esselen Indians

Coyote Press

The Zen Environment with Shunryu Suzuki and Sotan Tatsugami and more

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Marian (Derby) Wisberg  


More Books by students and related

Remembering Myogen Steve StückyRemembering Myogen Steve Stücky
by Renshin Bunce (2023)
on Amazon

The Path of AlivenessThe Path of Aliveness: A Contemporary Zen Approach to Awakening Body and Mind
by Zenki Christian Dillo (2022)
on Amazon

Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation by Carl Bielefeldt

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The Call of Spiritual Emergency by Emma Bragdon

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Standing Ground by Tim Buckley

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Three Charles Stories by Jed Linde

on Amazon

A Guided Tour of Hell
Sam Bercholz, founder of Shambhala Publications.

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Fire Monks by Colleen Morton Busch

Tassajara Area Fire History

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Sleeping Where I Fall
Excerpt about Human Be-in mentioning Suzuki

Peter Coyote

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Zen Architecture by Paul Discoe

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"Paul Discoe was in on the ground floor of Zen architecture in the United States. In the 1960s he became a student of Zen Buddhism, studying and building at the Tassajara complex in northern California. His own wood-based Zen-Buddhism architectural structures and renovations in the United States and Europe are the focus of this book…." - from Amazon. Cover and sample pages from the publisher.

San Francisco At Your Feet, must be first mention of Suzuki in a book - 1959 walk through Japantown.
Margot Doss interview

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Shoes Outside the Door
Michael Downing Books

Cuke page for this book

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Deep Fool by Barry S. Eisenberg
Focuses on his rape of a guest at Tassajara

DC on this in Tassajara Stories

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Finding True Magic by Jack Elias

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Andy Ferguson

Zen's Chinese Heritage
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on Amazon

Tracking Bodhidharma
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on Amazon

Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language, and Religion

Norman Fischer website

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Stephan and Ina May Gaskin

Suzuki story from Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin

Spiritual Midwifery
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on Amazon

Amazing Dope Tales
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on Amazon

Falling Through the Ice by J. D. Hiestand
He grew up in family involved in Los Altos Haiku Zendo

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Two of Natalie's books featuring Dainin Katagiri: The Long Quiet Highway and The Great Failure

Natalie Goldberg books

The Great Spring
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on Amazon

Long Quiet Highway
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on Amazon

The Great Failure
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on Amazon

Books, mainly poetry, by Jane Hirshfield

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Richard Jaffe

Neither Monk nor Layman
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on Amazon

Selected Works of D.T. Suzuki, Volume I
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on Amazon

Gardening at the Dragon's Gate by Wendy Johnson

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White Magic by Molly Jones

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Books by and edited by Arnie Kotler (incomplete)

Arnie Kotler

Engaged Buddhist Reader
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on Amazon

Being Peace
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on Amazon

The many Buddhist Books by Taigen Dan Leighton and others he suggests

on Amazon

Dogen's Extensive Record
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on Amazon

Just This Is It
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on Amazon

Two excerpts with Suzuki commentary on this page

Taigen Dan Leighton

The Zen Follies

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All Fil Lewitt books

Fil Lewitt  

The Greens Cookbook

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All Books by Deborah Madison

Deborah Madison  

A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi by Keith Martin-Smith Excerpts with Suzuki

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DC on this book  

Nine-Headed Dragon River by Peter Matthiessen

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Books by Susan Moon

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Experimental Buddhism by John K. Nelson  (not the one who lived at ZC)

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Zen Shin Talks by Koshin Ogui  with links to much on Suzuki and him

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The Discipline of Freedom by Phillip Olson

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Fallen Water by Tim Ream

on Amazon

Tim's bio on SFZC website

Incident at Lukla by David Padwa

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The Heart Sutra by Red Pine

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Silence and Noise by Ivan Richmond

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Walking in Beauty by Harry Roberts

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Temple Walls, Photographs by Ryuten Paul Rosenblum

Paul Rosenblum photography site

Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross

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Two Shores of Zen by Jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byler
Read excerpts from the book at Jiryu's website

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Suzuki excerpt from New Gods in America by Peter Rowley

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Nanao or Never by Nanao Sakaki

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Ambivalent Zen by Lawrence Shainberg
excerpt about Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

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Zen Women by Grace Schireson

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Books by Gail Sher

Gail Sher

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Tai Sheridan dot com - with a list of books and quotes from reviews

Tai Sheridan

His books - at Amazon:


Tai has kindly made these books available in the EPUB format which can be read with many freely available apps for computers, tablets and phones. He has requested that donations be given to Cuke Archives if you download the books from these links:

Gary Snyder books

Gary Snyder

at local indie bookstore | on Amazon

Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen's Shobo Genzo

Books by Kazuaki Tanahashi

Kazuaki Tanahashi

at local indie bookstore | on Amazon

Brian Unger editor

Zen Monster
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on Amazon

The Rincón Notebooks
cuke page for this book
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on Amazon

Brian Victoria

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Books by Brad Warner

Brad Warner

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All poetry books by Beclee Wilson

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A few key Influential Books from the Sixties

1934, The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Along with Watts, most influential

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1957, The Soto Approach to Zen - Masunaga lived and taught at the SFZC in the eighties

1957, The Way of Zen
Most mentioned book (plus other books and Watt's TV and radio shows) as sparking their first interest in practice
Alan Watts

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1958, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po translated by John Blofeld

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1958, Buddhist Wisdom: The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra by Edward Conze. Book all students studied at first Tassajara practice period

Edward Conze

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1958, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones by Paul Reps

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1958, The World's Religions by Huston Smith

Books by Huston Smith

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Huston Smith  

1959, What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula

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1961, The Blue Cliff Record translated by Thomas Cleary
(Other translations available)
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1966, Zen Dust by Isshu Miura and Ruth Fuller Sasaki

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1971, The Recorded Sayings of Layman P'ang, Ruth Fuller Sasaki (Translator)

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interview with Dana Fraser

1967, The Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau

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1959, Zen Buddhism
Peter Pauper Press

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1968, Whole Earth Catalog

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1971, Be Here Now by Ram Dass
Included Tassajara schedule (PDF) which brought Ted Marshall to ZC. See text on Ram Dass page (thanks Ted Howell).

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