- Shunryu Suzuki Index  - WHAT'S NEW - table of contents - SR Chronology

All the Wind Bells  ---  Wind Bell Excerpts -- Shunryu Chronology

Shunryu Suzuki
Of course just about everything in the early Wind Bells involved Suzuki in one way or another but here's a selection of excerpts. Look at the General excerpts focusing on the Suzuki era for a broader look - the other Excerpt categories as well.

WB 61-12-02 - December


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a,zuki rron or or Jure 22, 
eunhioe eon-duet.inr 2m


Says Shunryu Suzuki came here from Japan on the afternoon of June 22, 1959 contradicting what is commonly thought which is May 23, 1959.


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L or Ro.hi Suzuki, entitled ?ülav Under 
no. 7 p.n. 
Sutra ere beine concluded, to 
or Zen b' D.C. Suzuki



WB 62-03 - February




WB 62-04 - March




WB 62-05 - April


Way of Zazen




WB 62-06




WB 62-07 - June


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On 20 Suzuki as or 
For thon. attended, an Of haunänr 
t-G be Zen —.ers eonvrlbuvd errort "my 
pg.. SuvX ro:d 
go road under feet, 
R golden-chaired 
Although -is still 
rt is hard 
orrer Buddh. 
And burn — no 
vas 26. 
by Rashi v.. .twrvard. 
to happy occasion.



WB 62-10 - September


Sunday, September 2nd - first lay ordination

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This ...k w. I 
of Zee. us 
Shin Shiki 
'Ons have practiced Zazen terrp'e o. Each w. 
Constanc. Hoi'". Al L.v;ræn, Kin", Sony


Even though Suzuki's name isn't mentioned, this first lay ordination ceremony was always considered to be by him with Yamada doing it for him. That's also how he considered Jean Ross's later priest (nun) ordination in Japan and by inference, the earlier priest (monk) ordinations in 61 of McNeil and Hense in Japan to be done for him by "my friend."



WB 62-11 - October


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CGI' translnt;on of 
Lid. , We Eng'" it



WB 62-12 - November


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WB 63-03 - April


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w i Onl 
All be 
W. wish 
trip md 
will sming Sske-ii. Zara 
his rttvm.



WB 63-04 May-June


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Reverend He left on the Of 
h" in schedule:


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Suzuki Son Frmgisca My He w. agconvmi.d by h. 
staying Ei.iii For the par A wa given July 6th e.l.bat.



WB 63-08 December


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24, at me-noria' Our 
President Kerncdy, Rev. Suzuki eenpared President Kenr'edy to a Bodhisattva for statement, 
not what For country can da for rau, Sut what pu Far rour nun , " This is the 
spirit and vow to Seb Fore On Main 
open Say 'r,



WB 64-07


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REVEHEW suZUKrs vtsrr TO 
Suzuki "s be 'be 
Fall he 
his conversations with Mr Mitchell th.e Catravidge 
from be 'he Buddhist 
Wbeu be 
be us Zen a 
Oue did an - 
The next Cue day Se.ghir 1B tar Sguraay, Decevrt. S, 5:45 a 
is Sesshin. 'i you wish w make expenses 
a day. 
10 Anyone is 10 join him 'n 
is by R. _ K.wgir'.


Cambridge Buddhist Association - Elsie Mitchell



WB 64-08 December


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of the 
(7:30 p. i. 
lea a R 
.ctves are me the 
by R.D.". st.. curt 
wres' a. orl*eacetaadHaøSub.ect. The 



WB 65-01 February


repeat of prior report

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September SunJki Mitchel 
in The trip 
society resolved fresh insigh.s as to some the ptuolenvs ia 
at soW-x the 
the Cliff We 
Kara"'ivi. who to Eiheiji Japan,



WB 65-04 July


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WEEK l.v 1.F.cr1JHF.s: 
give ' 
88 89. 
o a Many 
July 21 



WB 65-05 - August


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avated with Revaer" Suzuki or 
WCS' or 
y the 

From Sesshin Lectures report


This year, Reverend Suzuki's lectures (given twice daily Monday through Friday) centered on the problems arising from confusing religion with science (in particular psychology), and with philosophy (especially ethics). Zen is not inimical to science, and it has its own philosophy, but it cannot be equated with either. Reverend Suzuki felt that a clarification of the difference was particularly important in view of the many questions recently raised with respect to LSD, and because of the common tendency in the West to think of religion in moralistic or ethical terms.



WB 65-06 September


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Recently R 
Mi.. to 
from . 
Y Of one



WB 66-02


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There eas long an interest Zen New recewl" seems w have 
a Gtion. m i S 
feel ins R bought with 
ccccnt twc æc 
k Yi5it to 
groNLrg demarKf m:xe ot Zea was In rhe navy 
he his He at the 
Of Mrs. With people in At Amheet, his 
M:s. JoseFh S. Havens, he held leat'_ze_ 
Of the 
a whee 
're Havens teact. 01 scnools. Lne atrange:neN or Prolessorl, LeLam 
the University Massachusette, oleo 
a HC also visit" Manchcstcr 
nip to the by Mrs. 
(ef_ the Cf the At the 
No,ltnawpton home, currently held EXE the group .erxls soon tC rent 
-.c make :egular zazen waclice 
On April 24th, went to whcrc 
held a t' the of 
he Spirit Of 7m 
in Nev England, and V'.tn a feeling lot the and Zen In Americi.



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During the spring one of the themes of Revererxl Suzuki •s weekly lectures has been the 
role of Zen Center, especially in relation to society. and the right attitude toward practice 
Zen Students should have. Some of his ideas are summarized Eelow. 
Zen Center is not a group of persons setting themselves apntt from society, each striving


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for his own personal enlightenment. All of us, including himself and Reverend Katagiri, are 
Americans, responsible to the society which supports us. The Bodhisattva's vow is to seek foc 
the enlightenment of all beings tkfore oneself, actually, to help others is to help oneself. 
Without this spirit, our is not true Zen. 
To help others, however, is not to have idealistic dreams about the possitility of a 
perfect state of society towards which we strive. Such idealism is dangerous, for it can rnake 
men fight and kill one another, each feeling righteous. This does not mean that there is no 
need of effort. We must apply great effort moment by moment to allow expression of our u-ue 
nature. Only through the actualization of our true nature can we truly help one another. If 
you practice zazen, you will Ergin to understand how to carry the effort and attentiveness of that 
practice into" Ypur everyday life. 
Our daily responsibilities is the field in which we incessantly strive to actualize 
Buddha's way. We should grateful for difficulties and problems we have for the 
greater opportunity of practice'they afford. We should uot judge and bad. [n the realm 
of true Buddhism, Chere is and each. moment we create ourselves anew. 
Zen is the Way creativity. is not the idealistic way, which remains in the realm 
of conscience, and of right and wrong, good and We should never ignore conscience, 
but it is not what we should strive to follow. we should follow the Great Creativity, 
renewing creat*on over and over. 
That is why one cannot study Zen as one doe some'other religion or philosophy. Zen 
has no doctrine. nor formula to mastered which guarantees enlightenment. Fundamental 
to the Soto Zen Buddhist approach is the truth that practice and enlightenment are one. Zen 
has nothing to teach. Rather its purpose is to point again and again to the truth each of 
us has atrady within ourselves. 
Reverertl Suzuki's later spring dealt with the "Shushogi", compilation 
of from Dogen•s He plans to continue exposition of this essay, Which 
can be fourd in ReihoMæsunaga•s Zen for Living, copies Of which åke available fot $1.50 
from the secretary at Zen Center. He also plans to speak on Dogen'S "Genjo Koan". 
During Suzuki's atsence, Reverend Katagiri delivered the Sumiay and Wednesday 
lectures. We would like to compliment him on the grent be has made in such 
short time towards mastering our Language, and to thank him for these meani1Vful talks. (Note: 
Reverend Katagiri regularly speaks the last Wednesday of each month.)



66-03 Summer


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in , the 
and In 
to Temple Z. 
San August 2S.



WB 66-04 Fall


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One of the reasons Suzuki Reshi went to Japan for the past two months 
's to turn his temple. to his Suzuki 
in the mountains and Tokyo near 
in Shizuoka Preiecrure. 
The SBCial service for the retiremen: of Shunryu Suzuki and the install. 
ment of Hoitzu Suzuki will be held 23. Most of us have never met 
Suzuki SOD, We thankful to him the Of 
letting to the States. 
The Which in 
damage to Rinsoin. Mrs. Suzuki says that no major damage was done, 
but that a lot of little damage done ail over the large building. Zen 
Center sent a small amtributicn to help with the repairs. Phillip Wilson, 
Crahame Petchey, and Ciaude Ddenberg. Zen Center in Japan, 
helped up work on the repairw


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Watts Wrote a letter Ben and a 
tribution to the Center land fund and to the Wind Bell (Thani 
You), but Out that is only 
an adjective and a 
ride. the past, others drawn our attention to the fact that 
calling Roshi "Reverend" was 
t a of word; 
but Alan's letter moved us to action and it was discussed with Suzuki Roshi 
and Katagiri Sense.. The,' agreed that perhaps now was the time change. 
Zen Master is clumsy is '"he Venerable Mister" used in England. So 
Suzuki Ro;hi ard Katasivi S.nsei decided on Roshi (meaning ole teacher 
and Zen M»tm for and 
teacher) for Katasiri. In l.pan rides arc placed after man's name.


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For the feeling success af the sesshin all the participants are 
be congratulated. but especially the leaders: Suzuki RO$hi, Bishop Togen 
Sumi Roshi, and Xatagiri Sensei whose spirit helpd us through hard 
spiritual struggle of the sesshin.



WB 67-01 Jan-Feb


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Suzuki Roshi returned to Sokoji Temple and Zen Center On November 6 
after a two and a half month Stay in Japan.


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Roshi is of a 
lone by T re-siddet Me. 
of will "Zen 
EcEr"ry 14, at 4 ; 13 
e will be by n 
Alan Watts, King, Of the Altos 
Writer; Table.


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On January 12, Suzuki Roshi gave a lecture On Zen Buddhism to a 
group Of students at *walt High School in Los Altos Roshi reports that 
the crudene were very interested i" "our Way" and asked perxptive



WB 67-02


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Suzuki Roshi described the Shuso Ceremony in this way: "Each practice period 
we appoint a Shuso to be head of training and leader of the disciples. For the student 
the experience of being Shuso, head of the monks, and being tested by the other 
students in the Discussion Ceremony marks the second stage in prieathood. Fot this 
first practice period at Tassajara. Zentatsu MyOyu Richard baker) was appointed 
Shuso. He was the first priest appointed Shuso in America."



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On March 8th, Suzuki Roshi gave a public lecture entitled "The Practice of Zen" 
which was attended by about 600 persons at the Community Church (Unitarian) in 
New York City. The lecture was Organized by Peter Schneider and sponsored by the 
Young Adults of the Community Church. 
The lecture was scheduled to beén at 8:00 but the audience. which was the 
Suzuki Roshi had ever spoken to, Was not seated until 8:30. Following the lecture 
Suzuki Roshi and Dick Baker answered questions for another hour and a half. Several 
students who are now at Zen Mountain Center first heard about it then. 


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Last Washington's Birthday Suzuki Roshi new East accompanied by Richard 
Baker. Roshi went to conduct a sesshin for the Northampton, Massachusetts. Zen 
pup (see Northampton Zendo news). and to conduct zazen and lecture at the 
Cambridge Buddhist Society. They had a fine Visit With Elsie and John Mitchell 
and the Cambridge goop. 
A number of people in the Boston and particularly in the New York area had 
written and asked to find out more about Zen Mountain Center. Suzuki Roshi 
felt it would be a good idea to visit these people if possible and also to visit the 
other Zen in the East to find out more about Zen in America and to en- 
courage more communication among them, They also visited a number Of people 
Alan Watts and had they meet. 
Suzuki Roshi was very impressed with the Zen group in Rochester led by 
Philip Kapleau. Roshi meditated with them and then talked briefly about the 
value of having a good teacher. Richard answered questions about Zen Mountain 
Center. the practice period this summer at Z..æn Mountain Center it 
was clear what a revolutionary effect Philip's book. Tlte T%ree Pillars of Zen, has 
made 00 the entire Zen scene in America. Seldom was a question asked, Parti. 
from the younger which did not include an understanding gained 
from that book. Students had a much better understanding of what a Roshi is, 
what koans are. what the place of satori in Buddhism is, and what practice 
is. than they had a year or two ago before the book really took effect, and per- 
haps more accurately. before the paperback of it was published. In Dick's copy 
of Tlte 71'ree Pillars Of Zen. Philip wrote, "On top of a flagpole a Cow gives birth 
to a calf." This summer we saw that a birth is xcurring on top of his book. There 
is new spirit in the Zen scene in America and a large part of it is the result of this 
fine book. 
Suzuki Roshi and Dick were also able to join the meditation Of the Zen Studies 
Society in New York City. This is an excellent place to study Z.en where there is 
visible commitment to Zen practice. Eido Tai Shimano (Tai-san), their resident 
teacher. was visiting Japan at the time and so unfortunately we were unable to meet 
him, A number of students from the Zen Studies Society have been among our best 
students at Mountain Center this spring and summer. 
At the first Zen Institute in New York City we met Mary Farkas and a few mem• 
of their goup, but we were not able to be there during meditation. They have 
a beautiful building. zendo. and library, and are the oldest Zen group in America. 
During the last week in Roahi and Mrs. Suzuki visited Mike and Trudy 
Dixon at Trudy's family's ranch. It is the HF Bar Ranch, a working cattle and dude 
ranch in Saddlestring. Wyoming (just outside Buffalo). It must be one of the most 
beautiful ranches in the west. Its 12,000 acres stretch up to the granite and firs of 
the Big Horn Mountains. The ranch abounds with elk, deer. antelope. as well as 
140 and many head of cattle. It was the first experience of the cowboy


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west for Roshi and his wife. Mrs. Suzuki performed the tea ceremony for the house- 
hold, surely the first in the history of Wyoming. They both rode horses for the first 
time, and Roshi kept his seat like a samurai, Trudy said.



Suzuki's sumi circle and statement on practice at Tassajara

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they accomplished an enormous work, and their Zen practice estab- 
lished the spirit of Tassajara._ 
Although the central metaphors of religion aig often tough ones (note the use 
of the kyosaku stick to help students in Jack's story), like Christ's crucifixiop or 
Bodhidharma's nine year sitting, still the beginner must be ableto find a way inc 
religion to develop his own possibilities. For this reason, beginning next year the 
summer win be left Open to students and visitors, with the GU, winter, 
and spring reserved for experienced sitters. 
We are thuly involved With the development of Our way, 
there will be no idea of development, 
Of religious or worldly, of Japanese or American, 
Of or S•oman, or even Of Zen. 
Sgek true etivity will start 
distbw•don.s are forgotten 
and hindrances the opportunity for practice. 
nus you will know your own way. 
It is the time to put these seven hundred yearbid 
teachings of Zenji into practice. 
Shunryg Suzuki Rosh/ 
Sumi circle by Suzuki Roshi.



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This calligraphy by Suzuki Roshi is the 
Japanese name he chose for Tassajara— 
Zenshinji meaning Zen Mind-Heart Temple.



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Abbot Suzuki Roshi


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SESSHIN LECTURE By Shunryu Suzuki, Roshi 
During the seven-day sesshin that ended Tassajara 's first two-month training 
period, Suzuki Roshi gave lectures almost every mid-day and evening on the Praina 
Paramita Sutra. which focuses on the idea that 'Form is emptiness; emptiness is 
form. All things which are form are emptiness; all things which are emptiness are 
form. This lecture and the discussion which followed it between the Roshi and 
the students rook on Thursday, August 24th.



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Roshi and Philip Wilson working on the garden near Roshi's Cabin.




WB-68-3-4 - Fall


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From left to right: Maezumi Sensei, Soen Roshi, Tai-san, Suzuki Roshi, 
Dick Baker, Yasutani Roshi, YasutaHi Sensei and Chino Sensei 

P14 - on this visit - PDF


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The pot Suzuki Roshi is holding contains the first rice crop at Tassajara.



WB  69-3-4 Spring


The Trikaya - Shunryu Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra edited with an introduction and footnotes by Tim Buckley - covers the whole issue - cuke page for these lectures with links to originals



WB 70-1 Winter


Trudy Dixon memorial issue - Suzuki's eulogy for Trudy - WB PDF - this eulogy in lecture archive


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Suzuki Roshi's resignation his duties With the congregation 
Wag accepted in July of 1969 and he was then freed to fully devote his time 
to the development Of Zen Mountain Center and Zen Center in San Francizo. 
Shortly after this, a building became available that seemed just right for our 
city needs—one with potential zcndo space for about 159 students, living 
accommodations for up to 75 persons. an office, library and lecture hall. as 
well as a quiet garden cour ard. Throughout, the building had been safely 
built and generously design It was an overwhelming prospect; the kind of 
challenge that could help us stretch and respond positively to the need 
manifested by the growing numbers of students wanting a more complete 
involvement in Zen. 
In August of this year. Suzuki koshi and the Board of Directors, supported 
by the membership, resolved to buy this property, previously the Emanu-el 
Residence Club for young Jewish women, located at 300 P 
Street in


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WB 70-71


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WB 72


Announcement of Suzuki's death and funeral - PDF


Brief summary of Suzuki's life - PDF


Zentatsu Richard Baker's Mountain Seat Ceremony - PDF


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This been ex 
"*ordinary time of and We 
Bring out to communic e 
this with has 
o to stop and 
what is Buddhist practice Was 
of life. 7xn Center a Sangha 
cf his a " a 
w y of 
with him. Zen Center 
held by his gæat by his (there 
calmness by his 
no one by his 
perfect by his skillful by unwavering 
example. by his and 
life situation. by his 
by his umtoppable 
by his deep feling and sharing with us. by w 
hic" us the Way. 
by his Mind which ineluda us. and by 
zen held 
by Ata We by him. But his "aching 
not let 
only a place wh 
s the way of B'_nddiw's teaching, 
we feel to have 
him to 
Still is easy, he 
a friendly Who gave up his and 
to live us. He how '0 le 
to bring 01K deepest feelings, how 
time. to 
to tough with and sure and 
in ways we 
be with of this 
of Zen Center pr 
And although "e gave us 
a form md 
much t hat was implied in the of 
did to be while he 
while his 
necessity is articulating 
of suggeMiom 
he in mo 
Of his life. been 
steps the completion of the of the Zen Center


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Center a the intensive Fractice of Zen the of 
fullest and It is community, not on living 
nity it merges with 
but on 
group of trying tn 
the community. yet it still exists as a 
Zen and trying to fmd the of 
gives to find a daily life which 
allows to again again to 
d going 
s our daily life together, 
mg and into an expm"ion of 
h Other. He knew it was 
in Way. 


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TWO MEMORIAL OR FOUNDER'S HALLS have been created at zen Center, 
one at the City Zen Center and one at Zen Mountain Center. The one at Tassajara 
is in the Zendo, to the left Of the main altar, and consists Of Suzuki-roshi's picture 
and a table with incense and flowers. Someday we will have a separate Founder's 
Hall for him there. In the City the Founder's Hall is in a separate room overlook- 
ing the inner courtyard. The room is in the center of the building, at the head Of 
the first floor stairs, and is the one Suzuki-roshi used during the last months of 
his illness because it was quiet and sunny. In these two Founder's Halls we do 
memorial services for Suzuki-roshi on the evening of the third and the morning 
Of the fourth of each month, 
ASHES CEREMONY The Ashes Ceremony for Suzuki-roshi which Was 
scheduled for October 21 had to be cancelled because of the heavy rains and 
the condition of the Tassajara Road. We have rescheduled it for April; by that 
time the yearly Spring road work should be done. The ashes site that Suzuki- 
roshi chose and began work on has been completed and a beautiful stone, one 
that Suzuki-roshi particularly liked, has been brought from the stream bed by 
his cabin up to the ashes site near the top of the ridge. 
RENPO NIWA-ROSHI was One Of Suzuki-roshi's Oldest friends. They had known 
each Other since they were youths studying Dogen together under Ian 
roshi. a great Master and the scholar on Dogen at that time. Niwa-roshi is now 
the Kannin (perhaps equivalent to Director and Archbishop or Cardinal) of the 
Tokyo branch of Eiheiji monastery. He visited the United States for the first time 
in February 1971, and then came again by special invitation to perform Suzukv


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roshi's funeral ceremony. He led the ceremony with great care, calmness, 
and dignity, 
Niwa.roshi gave Zen Center the wood sculpture entitled Nirvana which now 
stands in the Cit' Zen Center entrance hall. was made by one of Japan's best 
young wood sculptors.





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until retwned to San to the 
students eve He followed regular 
in T his 
d the o f th e 
Often a NO him down although 
tried. e»aially Mm Suzu 
ki. We Mrs. Suzuki and 
both knew he might not be well he seemed. They had 
nor to tell the students everything they knew the 
His Ji,.u and training 
attendants to the Roshi), 
Niels Holm 
quite a difficult time to help 
Suzuki keep him from 
and ger him to take naps the 
and at the trying 
follow Roshi's them 
Mw was 
adamant in trying to he did 
in insisting on 
Roshi's Gvoeite activity Was 
ki tried to stop him. So when she 
with sto 
his gNden. Mrs. Suzu 
appeard he "uld quickly up pret&'d just be giving instructions to 
Niels me-we or that storw As soon she go he would 
bc to place a stone Niels 
"Tme:imes a 
point told to whi"le if Mrs. Suzuki wn 
knew u 
q to make of the w 
often doing things as 
his wife's cabin to get back to the garden to work. 
One of the funnie%. things w 
to of about ten olda 
Pretty the whole rolling and 
ing wheat dough on the of the kitchen. more dough 
kept being added. Soon Suzuki to him knowing w 
h. what like an argument he her out 
of the workd on pound* the dough. The whole of 
interrupted and involved. Again hours Mrs_ re. 
this time visibly She him of 
the He 
d Lughing. waving —bye to students. in 
for two days; 200 made. 
alw apprent goa health. in lecture in San 
talked the faith school of Amid. He 
said some claim that Buddhism in Japan 
dying. then he paused 
with what 'taents 
of almost 
"But when something is dying it is greatest On August 20 he left 
and on the 
y San at the St. R 
join the sitting and closing ceremony of the Nakagawa 
in from Two days btet 
Suzuki.toshi went to bed was almost never able to be up again,


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the A of ig 
is of Life and Death 
gone gone 
Don't Waste your life!'



WB 73


Ashes Ceremony - PDF


Suzuki lectures on Blue Cliff Records #18 on the untiered mound from 63-02-13 and edited selection from 71-02-07 (08 in WB) - PDF - In lecture archive: 63-02-13 and 71-02-07


Richard Baker's lecture for Suzuki's one year memorial - PDF


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If you have some personal recollections of Suzuki-roshi, especially any incidents 
that stand out in your memory or were a turning point for you, we would like 
to begin compiling such stories and anecdotes as a collection of Suzuki-roshi's 
teaching. Dr. Abe, Mumon-rOshi, and Baker-roshi have suggested that we do this. 
It is the traditional way that Buddhist teaching and the lives of the patriarchs 
have been passed down and collected. Please address your letters to Baker-roshi 
in care of the Zen Center office.



WB 74-1-2


Memorial for Vocha Fiske White - PDF


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In the last issue of the Wind We that you scnd in y Our personal 
recollections of Suzuki-roshi, particularly incidents that werc important in your 
tile or stand out for you. We ax grateful for the respon 
e did tcr.eive, but 
among the many, many students and friends of Suzuki-roshi. particularly those 
still active in Zen Center, 
there Still be marc stones, please try to if 
you have anything to 
ntributc; it IS important that wc collect these stories 
While they arc in our You address your letters to 
Baker.roghi in care of the Zen Cenier OfGcc


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temple i 
Saz"i-roshi moped it there riverbed sometime m 
townspeople Vere 
is four 
at a-rile 
5 suz.i-rosi„ 
broke finger Of kis right 
'd sevaighten 
g (palms Some n 
Zen s'wien's would 
o 'y imitate this 
.41 Spring Equinox. 
and pond be 
peop'e would 
frogs. In Amer 
often talked eg e.xmpie Of



WB 75


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a-ample of H„dähisr 
o Ely two tall.


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part du ties Of the A"ja f Abbol's is for the 



WB 76


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When boy, his teacher told him his be like a 
mirror, just reflecting each thing as it comes, This is good advice for the begin- 
stases of p ctice. Let 
speak themselves, You will be 
more patient and compassionate. As Dogen said, practice and confirm all 
things by conveying one's self to them is illusion; for all things to advance 
practice confirm the self is enlightenment.

P11 - From Zentatsu lecture Inside Out, June 1976 - PDF


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In 1975, the fifth 
held the City Center. In addition the memor- I 
and accompanying 
ny (cærnony f'" wandering spirits). a life-size statue of SuzukF 
by F "-aji t 'de. 
the Hall. room or second floor msted 
Suzuki.roshi quite well in and 
his as n 
a artist and of both tradi- 
Buddhist statues and 
After Suzuki.roshi's death. 
felt to come to to this for 
He first the spring to for a witable piece of wood, feeling that 
mcc Suzuki.oshi esublishaå in 
should be American too. This decision his job 
more diffxult. in 
Japan the wlection an 
d curing of 
od cawing is an i 
often twen 
tyfive. fifty. years, After searching Of mills 
and yards almost no single p' 
of large enough), 
of cypre" on the beach in che 
Bolinas house of a student. 
He in fall to do the actual carving, using a Shed a: Gulch 
a studio, working from mc 
did not 
find when he cu in o 
t t wood. 'he wood, 
like Suzuki.oshi. full of it to 
it, but he able repa 
all its irregularities. 
k with 
T e to interesting for us. AE the climax 
of the 
the eyes of e 
p Baker.oshi 
them in w. 
k. By this the statue is 
to life as embodirncnt the Tenshin Reb Anderson and 
kainei Ed 
the students. and 
wife), stood and spoke as to a friend 
thing daily bows in the Hall each


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WB 78-79


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WB 84


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On April of this year an for Suzuki-roshi Wd at Genb- 
ii, Zen Of Sonoma with presiding. 
was a diwi* of and ceremony, Which 
by Holtsu-rcshi and heir) was to


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reaffirm md expr& feelüig Which md 
feel with Suzuki-rushi and his lineage. Also in attendance were the KMcan 
Zen Sahn of Zen Mel 
and Mrs Mitsu Suzuki-sensei, 
A by a ring been ereaed on site, 
with a tall Japanese English all 
representing a traditional At the time 
dedicatory perm, Wind began to build, as it had so 
Often was to a 
in night. 
In middle b— 
May the


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within of 
mioy as 


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WB 85 Spring


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The source of the stream of experience is completely calm and ser— 
ene. Still, something Will crop up. For example, when Kishizawa—lan, 
Suzuki-roshi's seccmd teacher, was a young monk, he was sitting in 
meditation on a rainy day and heard the sound or distant wateF 
fall. The han was hit. He went to his teacher and asked, "What is


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the place Where the sound Of the rain, the waterf811, and the han 
meet?' His teacher replied, "True eternity still flows." And then 
he asked, "Whut is this true eternity that still flows?" "It is 
like a bright mirror, permanently smooth." 'rls there anything beyond 
this?" 'ryes." "What is beyond this?" "Break the mirror. Come, and 
I'll meet you."

From a Tenshin Reb Anderson lecture



WB 85 Fall


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With Monica Linde


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WB 86-1


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Roshi's ashes Site



WB 86-2 - 25th anniversary issue


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Suzuki-rash i" the old Tassajara *Endo.


My Husband Shunryu Suzuki - by Mitsu Suzuki - PDF

MItsu Suzuki cuke page


Remembrances of Suzuki Roshi by students - PDF


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Suzuka-roshi Chinæsensei in Page Street hall, c. 1970.



WB 88-2


SR on Money dated May 4, 1970 from lecture 70-05-24 link (some Wind Bells dates dubious ) - PDF



WB 89-1


Machine generated alternative text:
Jaan Kaplinski is the leading Estonia. He has written few in English. This is 
one of 'Em. Our to Mickæl K"'z for passing this glong to us. It's front the The 
Wandering Border, by Canyon 
Shunryu Suzuki 
a lütle Japanse living 
and teaching in California 
couldn 't be my teaåer 
one of my non-teachers 
a little lit match from God's matchbox 
Vind soon out 
someu,'here between California ad Estonü 
somewhere between East and West 
between somewhere and nowhere 
nobody can find out What remained of him 
after the Wind has blown and the tide 
come and gone - the white sand 
as srrtcn7th as before - buf his smile 
from the back Of Zen N'find, Beginner's Mind 
has silently infected book aft" book on my shdtE 
and perhaps shelves themselves Qrtd walls and wallpapers too




WB 92-2


from Suzuki lecture 69-09-14



WB 98-1


The Life Times and Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki by Gil Fronsdal on the Stanford Conference - PDF



WB 98-2


Sati Conference


cuke section for Sati Conference - with the whole Wind Bell report and more


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Suzuki Roshi Tapes 
AN FRANCISCO ZEN CENTER is entrusted with the teaching 
legacy Of Shunryu Suzuki in the form of approximately 300 recorded 
lectures dating from 1965 to 1971. (An additional 100 or so transcripts 
exist for which there is no known tape.) Because the original tapes were 
reaching the end Of their expected Storage life, in 1995 the Board or 
Directors approved a project to make a preservation archive copy of 
each of the original tapes 
The first phase of the project has been completed, resulting in a 
catalog of all known information about each tape, plus an open-reel 
archive copy and a backup cassette copy of each lecture (produced by 
Mark Watts). Happily, a number of lectures long thought lost have been 
rediscovered and will be transcribed for the first time. 
One of the first results of the archive project is the release of four 
recorded lectures—on two cassette tapes—by Suzuki Roshi for sale to 
the general public (With 1110re to follow): 
Both Buddha and Ordinary (1969) 
Sunfaced Buddha, Moonfaced Buddha (1969) 
Why We Practice zazen (1969) 
Bodhisattva Way (1971) 
The tapes will be sold through two or more national distributors. 
They are also available at the three San Francisco Zen Center bookstores 
(or by mail to Beginner's Mind Bookstore, 300 pÅge St., San Francisco, 
CA 91102, for SIS + $2 shipping per set of four lectures) 
Fundraising is also underway to complete the next phase of the 
archive project, which includes the production of a complete set of 
verbatim transcripts for all lectures. Any financial assistance would be 
most gratefully received. Please contact Michael Wenger, Dean of Bud- 
dhist Studies, at Citv Center.




WB 99-1


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Book Excerpt 
Introduction to Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen 'leaching 
of Shunryu Suzuki BY David Chadwick pp. 42—44  
PDF with these excerpts


Crooked Cucumber cuke page


WB 99-2



 - PDF with these excerpts


Branching Streams cuke page



WB 2001-1




  - PDF of Shine excerpts


Shine cuke page (now Zen Is Right Here)


WB 2001-2







WB 2004-1





WB 2004-2




Happy Birthday, Suzuki Roshi - PDF


Students remember Suzuki Roshi - PDF


My Parents by Hoitsu Suzuki - PDF



Why I came to America - Shunryu Suzuki talk 69-09-16



WB 2005-1


Suzuki talk on Zen Center and City Practice - 70-05-10


WB 2012


A Note on Lecture and Archives Project by Charlie Korin Pokorny - PDF