Writings by Others

Practice related articles by those not in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki.

The Way of Zazen by Rindo Fujimoto - 1966

12-21-20 - Somewhere Between Prophet and Drunk by Mark Blacknell

Bhikkhu Moneyya - Moneyya Chronicles, Myanmar monastery guide, article on why not to take drugs

5-13-16 - My Way Seeking Mind in a Nut Shell - Shindo Gita Gayatri

10-18-14 - The Embodied Mind - An interview with philosopher Evan Thompson - son of William Irwin Thompson - from Tricycle dot com - thanks Brit Pyland

I enjoy reading science stuff and sometimes science/religion stuff if it gets beyond literalism which this does. None of it is how I see things which is more like being underwater and whatever label I put on something floats away or gets eaten by a passing fish. But I think there's value in this sort of discussion - especially for people who can comprehend it. - DC

10-07-14 - Mark Foote writes: Here's one for ya:  a piece on Fuxi's poem (as translated by Andy Ferguson) that I hope represents a coherent description of practice: Zen Mudra - Fuxi (On Trance)

4-10-12 - Waking Up and Falling Asleep - by Mark Foote

Here's an essay Steve Frost wrote about Raimundo Panikkar that uses three Buddhist terms to title its 3 main segments: Pratityasamutpada, Nairatmyavada, Avyakrstastuni. Frost writes, "It presents my take on Panikkar's take on the Buddha from his bookThe Silence of God."

The World Catches Us Every Time by John Tarrant. Published in the April/May 2014 edition of Shambhala Sun

Abiding nowhere, the heart comes forth
- Zen koan

John adds: My name is on the cover and the cover text says the problem with distraction is that it stops you from getting enlightened. Fortunately my piece has nothing to do with that:-)

6-18-14 - On Ejo Takata by Andreas Ekei Zettl - a monk at Sogenji, Okayama, Japan

[A Japanese Zen Monk Offered 30 Years of his Life to Help in Developing a Foreign Country (Mexico)]

4-21-13 - Brad Warner compares Shobogenzo translations

Sudden Awakening by John Tarrant  with art by Kaz Tanahashi

10-27-12 - Posted A Simple Sense of Delight by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and created Mt. Root Sangha Readings

6-15-12 - Who Is Meditating? - original teaching of Buddha on how to meditate by Narayan Liebenson Grady

4-03-12 - 2012 Matsuoka Roshi Archive Project
Before Shunryu Suzuki and all the Soto Zen priests who came to America whose names we know, there was Soyu Matsuoka. - dc

7-30-11 - Gudo Nishijima's blog. His Dogen Sangha website, link to Articles on that website. Buddhism and Action - a translation of three talks Nishijima Roshi gave on NHK in Japan in 1994 - suggested by AA.

4-29-11 - NHNE's "Big Mind" Resource Page from Bro Lor

4-27-11 What would Lady Gaga appear like if she evolved into a spiritual teacher on a magic, enlightened island? Maybe she'd be Candice O'Denver. Click on this link for virtual heaven on earth. Enjoy. Lor

02-19-09 - Chinese Chan Master Sheng Yen has departed this floating world. A report from Andrew Main.

3-20-09 - Two talks with Ken McCloud and Red Pine. Thanks Cheryl.

6-04-08 - Check out Clark Strand on Bridging Buddhism and the Bible on the World Wisdom site and here's an article by him on meditation with gurus.

4-30-08 - Brad Warner of Hardcore Zen fame interviews Nina Hartley for Suicide Girls. Here's Nina's website. Those who were around the SFZC and Berkeley ZC twenty five years ago or more might remember her as a funny, bright, cute pig-tailed kid with horn-rimmed glasses with a pre-stage name. - thanks Lor

Behind the Facade of Holy War by Brian Victoria

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind in Ambivalent Zen by Lawrence Shainberg

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi - by Mary Farkas in Zen Notes (1972) - an excellent piece on Suzuki and the early Zen Center with comments from an Institute member who practiced at Sokoji before and during Suzuki's early days there. See DC comments on Mark Farkas's cuke page.

Buddha's First Sutra

The Art of Living as Practice by HH Dilgo Khyentse

BUDDHA-NATURE --HH Dilgo Khyentse

Essential Advice for Solitary Meditation Practice by the late Dudjom Rinpoche.

Robert Pirsig's pamphlet on Zen in Minnesota including a piece by Pirsig on Katagiri.

The Way of Eiheiji

booklet and the 1959 recordings

Smith College publication article March 9,1967 on Suzuki talk

Northhampton ZC papers from 1965 including note from Ruth Fuller Sasaki - It's Dorothy Schalk (not Shalk)

Manual that retreatants receive at the temple where DC goes for Vipassana retreats - Brahmavihara-Arama  - in the Theravadin tradition with a Bali twist. It has all the chants we recite in Indonesian and English.

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