December 2011
12-31-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
.So far, 2011 has been a good year for cuke and the cuke
staff. Thanks to all the people, angels and angles that made this
possible. - dc
12-30-11 - RIP
Thinley Norbu
12-29-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
84,000 (pages) - Translating
the Words of the Buddha (into modern languages)
12-28-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Added to the Xmas report
something else we all
did to fight against the War on Xmas - listening to a 97 year old
recording of the Night Before Xmas.
12-27-11 - Here's another scan of a Shunryu Suzuki comment on
If you are truly involved in the development of our
way - from a Fall, 1967 Wind Bell -
included on the same page as the prior quote, below it.
ornaments from A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles,
Vol. 1
Happy New Joy - card received from Genine Lentine who
wrote to all - "you = joy"
12-26-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#127 -
This yuletide season we here in Fort Worth have
fought bravely on the side of tradition in the War on Xmas
Read more in DC Misc
Also at the same link,
Is there a war on Xmas?
12-25-11 - Merry Christmas.
Last Sunday I told you
that, whatever religion you belong to, it doesn't matter when you to come
and sit with us. That is because our way of sitting, of practice, is for
you to become yourself. Katagiri Roshi always says, "to settle oneself on
oneself." To be yourself. When you become you, yourself, at that moment
your practice includes everything. Whatever there is, it is a part of
you. So you practice with Buddha, you practice with Bodhidharma and you
practice with Jesus. You practice with everyone in the future or in
past. That is our practice. But when you do not become yourself, it
doesn't happen in that way. -
Shunryu Suzuki
19 June 1971
San Francisco
And for those of such inclination, Merry War on Xmas.
12-24-11 - Here's a scan of a Shunryu Suzuki comment on
the importance
of practice periods - from a Fall, 1967 Wind Bell.
Eric Arnow on Six Months in China in six parts.
Here's part one which will lead to the rest.
Eric's cuke page.
Amrita (Chatterjee) Shlachter, Fort Worth friend.
12-23-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#126 -
Been sending out
cuke spam - would you like
12-22-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#125 - be strong
enough to live without information.
Happy Winter Solstice - at 530am. It's so curious that on
the first day of winter the days start getting longer and the nights
shorter. - dc
bring to Texas
when you come Xmas eve with Clay
12-21-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#124 - be strong
enough to live without information.
How to get
your lllamas straight
12-20-11 -
A few comments from DC on interview of Henry
Schaeffer with Sam Bercholz on Rinpoche and Roshi as posted the day
before yesterday. (Don't miss DC story at end)
Pardon me but must share
this ultimate dog tease video sent by blues great
Charlie Musselwhite.
12-19-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
A Quiet Mind,
site of Kozan Robert Jackson, Zen Failure Junior. He's at
He wrote and said he was starting Thank You and OK!
for the fourth time. My gosh. And then he said he was enjoying To Find
the Girl from Perth. Cuke readers are encouraged to take note of this
noble person and follow his exalted example. We're talking about an
interview podcast on his site and I said I want to wait till a planned
fundraising drive to continue and make some serious progress with this
work (preserving the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki) is off and running. - dc
12-18-11 - The transcript of Henry
Schaeffer with Sam Bercholz on Rinpoche and Roshi now available on
the Chronicles of CTR (Chronicles of Chogyam
Trungpa Rinpoche) along with the audio as featured on 12-15-11 here on
Get the interview transcript and audio on Chronicles of CTR site.
the interview on with a link
to the audio.
Peter's website.
12-17-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Thanks to Jordan Rothstein of
BayVajra dot info (Bay Area Tibetan Buddhsim) for sending new Tricycle and
links for the
Red Pine
books page.
A tribute to Richard Whinery that was read at the
gathering at Ahdel Chadwick's is now on
his memorial page.
12-16-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
The Diamond Sutra says there's none but still we
seek abode - in DC Misc
- New on the Chronicles of CTR (Chronicles of Chogyam
Trungpa Rinpoche) formerly the
Chronicles Project.
Rinpoche and Roshi
An account of
Trungpa Rinpoche's interactions with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, told by Henry
Schaeffer with Sam Bercholz. -Listen
to Chronicles Radio [Audio 18:54]
In this episode, Henry Schaeffer and
Sam Bercholz talk about
*** Rinpoche throwing his mala over a fence in Oakland,
California in 1970;
*** Roshi blessing Rinpoche’s son,
Taggie Mukpo, and the origins of the children’s blessing ceremony still
practiced within Shambhala;
*** a talk given by Trungpa Rinpoche
at the San Francisco Zen Center entitled "The Open Way", and what Roshi
said to his students after Rinpoche left.
Group photo from Garuda - From left-to-right: Unknown, Karl
Usow, Trungpa Rinpoche, Henry Schaeffer
Henry Schaeffer
interview on cuke
The audio has its own links
but the text doesn't seem to have its own link yet, being just on the main
stories page. Think must wait till it's archived to have a permanent page
to link to. - dc
Today from 4 - 6pm at my mother, Ahdel Chadwick's, home in
Fort Worth, TX, there will be a celebration of the life of Richard
Richard Whinery Memorial Page with photos - dc
12-14-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#120 - precepts and
voice messages II (and the irritating phone company prompts that
follow). - in DC Misc
Site development
12-13-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
On December 18th at noon at Green Gulch
Farm, Muir Beach, CA, Ren
Getsu--Beclee Newcomer Wilson, author of Tassajara Wind will be
reading from her latest collection of poems, Winter Fruit.
Norman Fisher says of this collection, " A sweetness runs through these
quiet poems--sadness and the color of a garden, of a river rippling by, of
oak leaves and tree lichen. Things that are true, that last, that pass
away: "secrets too good to shout."
Winter Fruit dot net
Beclee Wilson books - Amazon
12-12-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
12-11-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
12-10-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#116 -
the motto of Zen Center.
DC Misc -
12-09-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#115 -
the motto of Zen Center.
Lesa Lowitz - check her out and her husband
Shogo's new book
12-08-11 - Happy Buddha's enlightenment day.
Obituary for
mother's mate, Richard Whinery - farewell Dick. We'll miss you. - dc
12-07-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#114 -
Suzuki's golden rule.
Arrived in Fort Worth. All is well. Worked on Dick's obit.
12-06-11 - RIP Richard Whinery, mother's mate of 23 years.
Died yesterday afternoon at her home in Fort Worth. I was already packed
because of something else that had come up all of a sudden - Katrinka and
I were just getting ready to go to San Rafael to the Panama Hotel (where
she works) for the night. And that's on the way to the airport which came
in handy.
12-05-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
#113 -
Suzuki's golden rule.
Skepticism on brain, mind, soul, reality, truth, etc, and what people
today call skepticism
12-04-11 -

12-03-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Check out Christopher's
Black Tie Cinemas
thing on YouTube - something he does with high school friends though it's
extracurricular. The one called Laundry Room is downstairs. I don't know
if it's appropriate for a thirteen year old to be killing his friends down
there but who am I to judge?
He is now working on an ad for a new venture of mine. And
he's going to start a YouTube account for me so I can do important and
profound videos. I got an email recently from a friend who was disgusted
with the self promotion of another Zen friend who's blogging rather
prominently and has a presence on Facebook and all and that for some
whacky reason greatly reduced my hesitancy to promote myself. I thought,
yes - I should promote myself more. I can see it now - videos, blogs,
eventually statues and anthems.
Oh yes and that reminds me. I'm urged to move my personal
and non Zen stuff off somewhere else. I do think I'll do that to some
extent. - dc
12-02-11 -
Shunryu Suzuki page on Everyday Zen website. On their list of books
about Suzuki they
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Branching Streams, Not Always So, and Crooked
Cucumber but do not include Wind Bell (which has a bunch of Suzuki
lectures) or Zen Is Right Here subtitled
Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki, Author of Zen Mind,
Beginner's Mind. Also
there's the little paperback Remembering the Dragon:
Recollections of Suzuki Roshi by his Students by Gil Fronsdal. Get
more info on all these and a few others on the cuke
Suzuki Book Page. There are
also many books with more on Shunryu Suzuki listed in the cuke
bibliography and on an
page - all that is incomplete.
Here's Everyday Zen's
teacher page with brief bios on founder Norman Fischer and others,
mainly a bunch of old friends from the
12-01-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Most days I try to put up one Shunryu Suzuki related post
and one on something else. It has been suggested that these two subject
lines be more divided. I mentioned this a while back and put up
this new idea for a home page. It's also
been suggested that be only Suzuki and other stuff go elsewhere,
like a blog or another site. I do try to isolate all Suzuki entries at the
Shunryu Suzuki Index
with a special What Was New on the right column.
I'm thinking of maybe making the cuke home
page be Suzuki oriented (as he's oriental) with a prominent link to Other
DC Thoughts and Machinations or whatever. It would probably be less
confusing which I'd be sad to part with - the confusion that is - but it
would be interesting to do it that way. Hmm. Blah blah blah.
Contact DC Any thoughts on your part welcome.

11-30-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Back to Santa Rosa today down 97 to 5 to 20 to 101.
11-29-11 - Went to some great restaurants in Walla Walla
with elder son Kelly who's in the wine biz and heard a lot of wine talk
which was over my head - like being with friends speaking a foreign
language I know some of but not enough to follow what they say. I had a
lot of good strong tea and one pomegranate with a touch of some vinegar at
the Jim German Bar where all was
exceptional. - dc
11-28-11 - Have to redo
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures #109
through #114 because I screwed up and was putting in repeats from earlier
in the series. Also found #97 was a mistake. I don't know what happened.
Little by little everything is becoming an amorphous blob. So anyway,
here's - #109
in all its glory as it should have been presented. And it's an obscure one
concerning an EKO chant which is a brief recitation offering the merit of
the prior sutra. - dc
In Walla Walla
waiting for elder son Kelly to show up at the fabulous Marcus Whitman
Hotel. Thanks Kelly! - dc
11-27-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures - this was a mistake so there's no link now (#109-114
had to be redone).
- dc
Met with friends Cheryl and Madeleine in Sisters, Oregon,
yesterday, both with ties to the SFZC. Madeline's hubby Tom joined us.
He'd been swimming. Turns out he holds world records, impressive for
someone who's either 70 or almost 70. See some of his records at
US Masters Swimming. Tom
turned me on to Skeptoid - Critical
Analysis of Pop Phenomenae. - dc
11-26-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures - this was a mistake so there's no link now (#109-114
had to be redone).
- dc
Can't put a second item on today - being pulled into
11-25-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -this
was a mistake so there's no link now (#109-114 had to be redone).
- dc
NY Times review of The Better Angels of our Nature on the
reduction of violence in modern times - as mentioned here on cuke
10-23-11. - thanks Gregory
11-24-11 - Happy Thanksgiving. What do we have to be
thankful for that isn't subject to decay?
Shunryu Suzuki said on January 18th, 1968 in Los Altos,
California, at the Haiku Zendo:
We should always be a beginner or else our practice is not pure. And if
you have gaining idea in your practice, that is not pure practice. So
whether or not you are aware of the big mind, we should say, ‘Thank you”
for the big mind. That is our practice. Anyway the big mind is always
with you so there is no need to seek for the big mind, which you have
always with you. The only thing you should do is that you should be
grateful for the big mind. That is actually our pure practice. In this
way we should continue our pure practice and we should be very careful
not to lose the point of practice, not to go astray.
On the other hand,
there's Robert Scheer's
Thanks for What? on Truthdig and I'm grateful he wrote that.
I'm also grateful right now to Adalie and Nick of
Bellatazza coffee and tea shop in
Bend, Oregon, for being open on Thanksgiving - till one.
And I am indeed grateful that Seth and Christina have
provided a friendly place to go to now and be grateful that Katrinka
(Seth's mom) will be there by my side - or over on the couch. - dc
11-23-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures - this was a mistake so there's no link now (#109-114 had to be redone).
- dc
The other day when visiting with Shin and Etsuko Yoshifuku
(see 11-18-11 What's New) we spent a lot of time remembering friends and
acquaintances we knew in Japan. Shin said the C&F Communications, a
transpersonal psychology and at least back then 23 years ago, a
translation house, is still going but the only website Yoshiko could find
is this one in Japanese. And
it's still being run by Tim and Yoshiko McLean who took it over back then
when Shin and Etsuko moved to Hawaii to surf, raise their boys Zen and Ken
and do other important things. Tim is also now the only certified
facilitator of Byron Katie's The Work in Japan.
Read his brief statement on the Katie site to see the range of what he
has to offer and contact him there if you wish to follow up. For instance
he does workshops for therapists and leads pilgrimages on the famous
Shikoku route. I didn't know him well but we met a few times around the
office there. He'd gone to UC Santa Cruz where past wife experience Elin
remembered him from. He'd also been a monk at Hoshinji in Obama for
some time.
11-22-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures - this was a mistake so there's no link now (#109-114
had to be redone).
- dc
Religious Campaign Against Torture. Like to plug these folks now
and then. That way I can feel like I'm doing something to reduce torture
and can then spend the rest of the day ignoring the suffering of others. -
I like the
Keiser Report such as this one sent by
Eric Arnow. Don't really know anything about economics but that
doesn't stop me from putting up stuff about Buddhism either. - dc
11-21-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures - this was a mistake so
there's no link now (#109-114 had to be redone).
- dc

Dan Leighton's latest book, Zen Questions:
Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry
is now available. Congratulations Taigen!
Wisdom Publications link to
Zen Questions
Excerpts from Zen Questions related to Shunryu Suzuki
Taigen's cuke link page for
much more
11-20-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
#108 -
also obscure
Off to Bend, Oregon today to visit with Katrinka's son
Seth and daughter-in-law Christina and to say hello to some other friends
in the area and maybe see son Kelly half way to his hangout of Spokane,
WA. We'll be staying tonight in a motel in Klamath Falls (Originally
called Linkville when George Nurse founded the town in 1867, after the
Link River on whose falls the City sits). - dc
11-19-11 - Ken Kappel's
UseForeclosureLaw is a
thorough website and book. Met him at Occupy Santa Rosa. Before he gave
younger son Clay a ride back to Sebastopol, he told me all sorts of awful
stuff like how when one gets foreclosed on the recent laws make it where
the bank gets reimbursed, not the homeowner, and then the bank can also
write it off and then they can extract the former homeowner's gold teeth
and sell their vital organs and put their children in coal mines to slave
away for the 1%. It was maddening. Glad my field is emptiness - I'll have
to leave the phenomenal problems to folks like him. - dc
11-18-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
#107 -
rather obscure.
Going to visit Shin and Etsuko Yoshifuku in Berkeley
today. Shin is Japan's preeminent writer and translator of books on
transpersonal psychology. As I remember, he told me the first book he
translated was Be Here Now. Shin and Etsuko were wonderful and
helpful Tokyo friends when I was first in Japan in 1988. I stayed in the
translation office. It was called C&F Communications.
Etsuko is here studying the
Rosen Method of bodywork with
Marian Rosen who I think she said is 97 like my mother.
Seventeen years ago, Shin was kind enough to send this
blurb for Thank You
and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan -
"A unique unromanticized view of Japan and Japanese and American Zen. One
leaves this book with a sense of our shared humanity and a confidence that
we can work it out. No collection of contemporary books on Zen or Japan
should be without THANK YOU AND OK!"
11-17-11 -
Happy birthday
Katrinka, home today from a secret mission in Baja.
Home report - While preparing for Katrinka's arrival, had
a kitty litter replacement injury, not an ordinary on-job occurrence.
While kneeling and getting the litter box in place, my toes in sandals
pressed straight down to the floor. When I shifted my weight to stand, I
went back a bit too far causing buttocks to press on heels full body
weight and the big toe nail on the right foot was stuck in the rubbery
sandal material and couldn't slide back causing it to bear all the weight
so the nail started to pull out but thank goodness just broke off a third
of the way down producing a moment of intense pain leading to dizziness
which soon subsided to be replaced by a feeling of warmth enveloping the
traumatized toe then soothed by oozing blood. Later seeing the dried blood
on toe Katrinka bandaged the wound. The pressure of sheets on toe top were
too much and I had to keep my right foot above the covers till time to
turn on my side and snooze away the night as the toe healed in the dark.
11-16-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
- Oh, this is a good one, pardon my discrimination. - d
Fatal Crossroads: The Untold Story of the Malmedy
Massacre at the Battle of the Bulge by Danny Parker (our Zen buddy).
Amazon link. Read more about the book and Danny
here at Bruce's
Browser including Kirkus' starred review. Danny has been working on
this book for years and years. He did interviews in German and English.
Danny was recently ordained as a priest by Edward Brown.
11-15-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
Just went to the annual IHS
(the Institute for Historical Study) dinner. It's an organization out of
Berkeley that can be very helpful for independent historians like me.
They're my fiscal sponsor which means if one wants a tax deduction for a
generous gift to the vital work I do, the donation should be made through
the IHS. At the dinner, Richard Herr, Professor Emeritus of History, UC
Berkeley, gave a talk on The Rise and Decline of the Homogeneous Society,
which means like everyone has to be the same and speak the same language
and keep immigrants out and such. I was tired and he kept me awake.
Anyways, thanks IHS! And don't forget to
- dc
11-14-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
Kyoto Journal - the
great magazine now only on the web.
Marijuana user persecution - arrests skyrocket in CA. Why? Cause it's
easy and they're powerless - mainly black.
11-13-11 - Interesting almost effortless
way to support Occupy Wall Street sort of thing.
No Zen today.
11-12-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
One can read into A Handbook for the Recently Enlightened
by Duncan Barford
here on Google Books. He and Alan Chapman used to have the
Open Enlightenment website
which now is just a page linking to their other sites such as
Alan's videos.
Now wasn't that 11-11-11 etc event yesterday exciting?
Just a warmup for all the fireworks in
2012 which
some say actually happened on October 28th, 2011. And what a day that
was. - dc
11-11-11 - Three double hockey sticks to use the
phrase of the 9-11 torpedoes leading
Egypt to
close the pyramids.
Here's a site with suggestions on how to interpret the significance of
this date. There's a movie from the
director of Saw II, III, and IV. And soon for those in my time zone it's
going to be 11.11.11 11.11.11 which occurs only once in 100 years
according to
this page of the UK Mail Online. Here's the official cuke reaction to
this event:

Other than that,
Brother David Steindl-Rast on Gratefulness dot org being grateful for the
unique wonder of every day, every moment. - thanks Danny
11-10-11 -
Berkeley Zen Center
photo collection
Note on
this photo album and abbot Mel Weitsman's visit to Rinsoin from
BZC site.
By Me sung around the world - for Gregory before
11-09-11 - Four friends from over here went to the 500th Anniversary of
Rinsoin, Shunryu Suzuki's temple in Japan.
Check it out on the SFZC's Sangha News. Here we have Blanche, Mel, and
Chuck at breakfast in the Rinsoin family area. More photos later.

13 years of Suzuki related posts on cuke - On the
Suzuki index page had already included on the right side a
record of posts related to Suzuki Roshi and his students and friends going
back through July. That will be enough for that page so made a new one for
the first half of 2011 [now that's all
of 2011]. Plan to
do this all the way back to the beginning of cuke. The regular old
What Was New including all posts
going back to the first is still there of course. Maybe it's not necessary
but it shows a clear record of Suzuki archiving etc and I would imagine
most people come here for the Suzuki related material and not all the
other stuff I put up - like the following.
For Katrinka in Baja -
Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band -
Across the Rolling
Peter Rowan band plays
Vulture Peak with
some of the Heart Sutra thrown in.
Dogen's Genjo Koan:
Three Commentaries by Eihei Dogen, Nishiari Bokusan, Shohaku Okamura and
Shunryu Suzuki (Aug 1, 2011) Published by Counterpoint.
11-08-11 -
See cool Zen Monster release card
click on thumbnail to
Zen Monster dot com
The release party for Zen Monster was at the
Brooklyn Zen Center.
11-07-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
Michael Hofmann is a sumi-e artist who returned this year
from 38 years in Japan. He moved to Sonoma County where I live and we met
at PZI's Monday evening sitting.
We had some Kyoto friends in common.
Here's his website.
Here's an article from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat last March. And
below is Daruma (Bodhidharma).

11-06-11 - A day of rest - sort of - Katrinka flies to La
Paz, Baja, tomorrow. Gone for ten days. Whoa is me. We went to a coffee
shop and she had to meet someone and couldn't wait and my shirt was on
inside out so I left it that way and thought that if I were a famous movie
star that might start a new fad so I left it that way the rest of the day
and pretended paparazzi were immortalizing my fashion statement. - dc
11-05-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures -
Here is the beginning of his lectures on the San
Do Kai.
Now Blog - thanks Howie
11-04-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Remember, this means this is the 100th lecture in which he used this
phrase one or more times.
Buck - a film
about a man who works with horses. He says that a lot of times when he's
helping people with horse problems, he's really helping the horses with
people problems. I found myself reflecting on how he's also showing us how
to better relate to each other. He was severely abused as a kid and became
a gentle soul and a wise man. - dc
11-03-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Refuge--the Journeys
(a Buddhist film) -
Nine or ten years ago a man named John Halpern came to what was once my
back yard and interviewed me for a film named Refuge. He couldn't find me
when it was finished in 2004 and I'd moved. Now he's trying to make it
into a feature length film, from its present less than an hour length. So
he's got a Facebook page and is raising money and having screenings.
Kickstarter Promo
on YouTube with some brief excerpts starting with the Dalai Lama and later
John Halpern encouraging us to support the next phase of this film.
Here's a
2004 review from the Buddhist Channel.
Refuge - the Journeys Facebook page.
Here's a couple of minutes of footage with yours truly in the mix:
Incidentally, I shudder to think of what else I might have
said. Why'd I do that? Oh well. - dc
11-02-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Was reminded today of
Tibet House
Wikepedia on Tibet House
Parenting story from the Onion explains all our problems - supposedly
from a local (Santa Rosa, CA) group's study.
11-01-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures #97 - Was a mistake so there's nothing there now. - dc
Talking to a woman about getting Crooked Cucumber into
Chinese and she sent me links to two organizations he's involved with. Here
they are:
The Dondrin Chojin
Help Without Borders
The earth is
our destined carrier.
All lives are our shipmates.
To help with compassion is our only direction
10-31-11 - Went to Oakland's
Kojin-an yesterday Sunday
for zazen and service and had tea with the folks there afterwards. This is
Gengo Akiba Roshi's temple next to the home of him and wife Yoshi of
Yoshi's Jazz Clubs and Restaurants in
Oakland and SF. Kojin-an is a beautiful place, good people. - dc
Went with friend artists sculptor blacksmith Andrew A to
another Occupy Santa Rosa event
on Saturday for a while and was impressed with the vibes. Not much anger.
The media has a tendency to paint the crowd as unclear of purpose
unemployed hippies. There is surely that but also there are plenty of
employed and concerned about an imbalance that's causing a lot of grief. -

Got this graphic from
Crooks and Liars.
10-30-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
10-29-11 - Marathon of organizing email addresses. Forgot
about cuke. This is the beginning of a fundraising drive so that we may
provide you with more and better of the what we do here and so we can wrap
up this work in the next three years - by the time I'm 70. We will be
encouraging you to give till it feels good. - dc
10-28-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Jack Elias' Rebel Buddha
tells a Tassajara story that includes yours truly - dc
See Jack
Elias link page
BBC - The world at seven billion -
What's your number?
- thanks JV
10-27-11 - A couple of brief excerpts about Shunryu Suzuki and others
from the late great Buddhist scholar Edward Conze's
Memoirs of a Modern
Two new sanghas for the links to
dharma groups in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage
Layla Smith
(Gyokujun Teishin) is the teacher at the
Mountain Root Sangha in Corte
Madera, CA as she is for the
Montana Zen Meditation
Weintraub is the teacher for the Presidio Hill Zen Group which meets on
Thursday evenings, 7 - 8:30 pm at St. John's Presbyterian Chuch at Lake &
Arguello in San Francisco. Their website will be
10-26-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Winter Fruit - a book of poetry by Beclee Newcomer Wilson.
All three poetry books by Beclee
Happy birthday
Camille Koue. Nice niece, it's your golden 26.
Camille's cool website
10-25-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Someone sent me
this Just for
Laughs Gags, a Canadian show with no dialogue or monologue, and for a
while I couldn't stop Googling for more.
All my names and email
addresses are a mess, in different programs, and I've got to get as
complete a list as possible to use in a fundraising drive for cuke. Any
advice of best way to do this gratefully accepted. Love, dc
Contact DC
10-24-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Victor Wooten -
I Saw God
- thanks JV
Occupy Wall St. etc movement explained - thanks JV
10-23-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Believe it or not - the world is becoming,
humanity is becoming less violent - say three studies.
10-22-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Kennan Photography - Good stuff. Met Judith when she was in
charge of construction projects at Tassajara. - dc
- Just learned that Elsie Mitchell, founder of the Cambridge Buddhist Asso.
in 1957, died on Monday.
Read it in James Ford's blog.
Go to
Elsie Mitchell's main page on cuke.
She died on Monday. On Tuesday talked with
Huston Smith about her and agreed to
send a message to her brother to say hi and inquire about her which had
been thinking of doing for some time. On Wednesday worked on the letter.
On Thursday learned from John Tarrant
she' passed. Rest in peace great Zen pioneer. - dc
10-20-11 - A reminder of the
Suzuki Roshi section of the
SFZC's website which is very well presented, the focus being
The Dharma Talks
Blog is a way to study the teachings of Suzuki Roshi, moderated by Zen
Center Priest Korin Charlie Pokorny. By publishing them over time, we can
study Suzuki Roshi's way of practice together over the course of his
teaching in America.
Join in with comments and questions!
Working on some possible new structuring for cuke.
Here's a test homepage which would send
one to the Shunryu Suzuki side or the Everything Else side.
And here's the
index page that the Test Homepage would point to with the right side
being What's New going back a few months of just Suzuki related material
unlike the regular old What Was New which mixes it all up.
The idea is to clean up the clutter, change the site from being like an
absent-minded professor's messy desk to... to something more easy to use.
I like the idea but.... - dc
10-19-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures

MK sent this from wherever he was - Nevada City? We had
that sign here for Occupy Santa Rosa too. My favorite sign was a kid
riding on his father's shoulders holding up a sign that read "My arms are
Yesterday Katrinka and I paid a visit to
Huston Smith (new
link page) who's doing great. She said he's gotten cherubic. His
ear operation (which his doctor was worried he wouldn't survive but he
said he had to be able to hear so the heck with it) was a success. Made a
big difference. Brought up
Elsie Mitchell who is not doing so well, and we agreed to send her greetings
though she might not remember us. He said it was she who got him into Zen.
He helped her to found the Cambridge Buddhist Association in 1955. When we
arrived Huston's minister was there. When I said that now this is about as
long as he likes people to stay, he said with charming humor, yes, it's
important to know when to say that for me. Now go, it's time for you to
go. And he shooed us out. - dc
Happy birthday
Elin, my past wife experience, from her wasbund. (Got these terms from
10-18-11 - Pat McMahon's
Remembering Shunryu
Suzuki Roshi
Was just exchanging messages on Facebook with Pat and asked him about
any memories of Suzuki Roshi and he reminded me he'd sent them earlier and
I found them in a place on my computer(s) [thanks to Google Desktop] I
hadn't gotten to in a while to check for such. I wonder why I didn't put
it up on cuke at the time - looks like it was sent almost four years ago.
Hard to keep up with it all, especially because there are other callings.
Just part of a large yet shrinking backlog of worthy material I'm trying
to get posted or disposed of one way or another. And tonight there's more
to be recorded which will be here on cuke as soon as it's transcribed. -
Jenny Wunderly's wonderlious Art keeps coming.
Check out her website.
Search for Jenny Wunderly Art on Facebook.
Hoping to get a new, simplified home
page and approach to this stuff up tomorrow, the idea being to divide the
site between Suzuki and other. Not sure how well it will work, there's so
much gray area. We'll see. - dc
10-17-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Ken Knabb of the incredible BOP Secrets on
The Awakening in
America (about the Occupy movement). Also, see
Ken's cuke interview.
While in Chicago a young woman approached me with info
about the Mercy Home and what
they're doing for some young people there with parent or no parent
problems. I couldn't give money so I told her I'd mention this on cuke.
Check 'em out.
10-16-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Joined in on Occupy Santa Rosa yesterday. Check out some photos of son
Clay, friends, and me and see links to articles on the local, nationwide,
and worldwide event. - dc
Put the prior and the following in the
CurrentEvents\EngagedBuddhism section.
Engaged Buddhism dc definition:
Any social, political, environmental, etc stuff I'm
bothered about. Differs according to person. Your engaged Buddhism might
be opposite from mine. We might nullify each other. Thanks. - dc
10-15-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
10-14-11 - Got carried away today delivering food to the
PZI sesshin and working with Howie on barn improvement.
10-13-11 - To see the archive of 438 Shunryu Suzuki
Now go to
SR photos on shunryu suzuki dot com - 11-01-12
OLD NOTE: join the
Suzuki Roshi Archives group in Flickr. If you know who any of the
people are in the photos, please leave a note. I've done a few. They can't
be downloaded. Thanks. And thanks to Joe Galewsky for putting them up. If
you have an idea of a better way to display them in Flickr or another
program, please let me know. For instance, it's distracting to have "by
galewsky" under each photo. - dc
India slide show coming up at the SFZC's City Center on Friday
October 21st at 7:30 pm with Shindo Gita
Gayatri, Peter Oppenheimer, and David Chadwick which is me. See
India Trip Notes written earlier this
year. - dc
Oh yes, hope to get to the
first step of site reorganization later today. Will start with a new home
page.- dc
10-12-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Happy birthday
Kelroy Chadwick (October 12, 1903 - Nov. 1, 1956), who first pointed the
A couple of talks DC gave in Chicago recently can be found
on this
page of the the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate site - Sept. 25 - Comments on
Suzuki Roshi and Sept. 26 - Zen in Japan and America. I
take it all back. - dc
Site reconstruction coming
this way soon.
10-11-11 - Looking forward to this day next month. It's a
full moon tonight. Just saw 127
Hours, one moral of which is to always
carry a sharp knife. My favorite part is what he did before leaving the
place where he was stuck for 127 hours, after he'd unstuck himself. In the
commentary director Danny Boyle said this part especially follows the book,
what actually happened,
closely. He quickly wrapped what was left of his arm, slinged it, gathered
what he needed, took a few steps, turned back around, snapped a photo, paused and
said "Thank you."
Upgraded the video section of - added another
format to each selection so if one doesn't work the other should.
10-10-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Freedom Songs, part I - College - in DC Writings
10-09-11 - Shunryu Suzuki (鈴木 俊隆 Suzuki Shunryū,
dharma name Shōgaku Shunryū 祥岳俊隆)(May 18,
1904 – December 4, 1971) was a
Sōtō Zen
roshi (Zen Master) who popularized
Zen Buddhism in the
United States, particularly around
San Francisco.
Thus begins the
Wikipedia entry for
Shunryu Suzuki which I just spent some time going over and making a
few changes - like comment on WWII period, why he left Sokoji, tempered
his put down of Zen in Japan vs America, a few details here and there. An
overall good job by someone. Why aren't these entries signed? - dc
Check out the Poetry Foundation's page on
Tranströmer, the winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize for literature. Don't
miss the poems from links at the bottom. Trey cool. He is indeed a
transformer. - dc
10-08-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
From the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project):
FBI: 750,000 People Arrested for Simple Marijuana
Possession in 2010. And for What? - It is time
we stop spending billions of dollars ruining people’s lives in a vain
attempt to prevent them from using a plant that humans have used safely
for thousands of years.
Tell Obama to keep his word on medical marijuana
DC note: Haven't had any pot for years but continue to
oppose persecution of those who do.
10-07-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
On the subject of torture:
Check out National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT)
Support hunger striking prisoners and
send a message to Gov. Jerry Brown from NRCAT.
Join NRCAT on Facebook: and
End Prolonged Solitary Confinement - an issue NRCAT focuses on.
Read the New Yorker
Hellhole - The United States holds tens of
thousands of inmates in long-term solitary confinement. Is this torture?
- thanks Janie Okamura
10-06-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
A video on Evolutionary Enlightenment - from Bro Lor
10-05-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
I had
a great time in Chicago with the
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate folks.
What a neat group. I have great respect for their practice and for their
teacher, Taigen Dan Leighton whose in depth
and other insightful books have been featured here on cuke for years
as has his engaged Buddhist activity. If
you live in or near Chicago or visit there, check them out. - dc
The audio of
this classic narrative on the F word has been around longer than the
Internet. I see in the credits of this video that it's a Monty Python
production narrated by Steve
Leyland. Don't know what the "Thanks to Lyris" means. I hardly ever
use cuss words in my own writing, as I am watched over by my late maternal
grandmother, but I am capable of appreciating profanity if used
appropriately - as in this case. Thanks Howie for the
reminder. - dc
10-04-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Happy birthday
10-03-11 -
Interview with
Jack Tjeerdsma
10-02-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
10-01-11 - Sat at the
Russian River Zendo in
Guerneville, CA today and heard a talk by Tony Patchell. Hadn't seen him
since Darlene died while I was in India.
Then got my dear little Netbook back fixed by the good
folks at the CRC. Two sectors had gone
bad on the hard drive. They were decommissioned and two spars moved into
play. All is back to normal.
9-30-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures

Our friend Father Steve Frost paints
the Light and the Lonely.
9-29-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Wow. Occupy
together. - thanks Howie.
Democracy Now on the Wall St. protests - thanks Taigen
Fischer was there in NYC where they're going to see that Wall Street
redistributes the wealth more fairly. Hope they don't forget you.
My wonderful little Netbook wouldn't start starting on
9-27. It's at the Santa Rosa CRC now -
good place to get those things fixed here. Think I'll go back tomorrow and
get a headset at their regular Saturday sale of used gear.
Got back from Chicago yesterday. The last night there on
the way home from the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, asked my friend Laurel
to drop me off at the Green Mill at Broadway and Lawrence where I heard
great gypsy-like swing till one A.M.. Here's
their page for that show. Check out Green Mill history on that site.
Oh, and since I was early, walked down the street looking for a place to
eat and read and ran into a place called
The Annoyance Theater and
Bar. Grabbed some somosas to go at the next door Indian restaurant,
got some lemonade and saw three 20 minute comedy plays for five bucks.
After the music was over took a bus to my host home a couple miles down
the street. Chicago was great. But more on the
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate which
opened to bring me there later. - dc
9-26-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Chris Boys meets a
scorpion on Arunachala.
DC remaining Chicago schedule with the Ancient Dragon Zen
folks. Here's
the page on their site for my visit.
Monday, tonight - talk at the zendo
Tuesday - meet with recovery group
Wednesday morning - zazen
Wednesday evening - talk at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
Thursday fly back to Bay Area.
Now I'm in a coffee shop called the Grind in Lincoln Square. - dc
9-25-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures

View from the tower of the Hancock Building in Chicago
where I visited with a good family on the 86th floor today. Wow. It's a
beautiful city. Traffic's not so bad due to three levels of streets and
the L. I'm down there in a coffee shop somewhere and must catch an L at
some point tonight - L for elevated. - dc
by Taigen Dan Leighton to go with the
Shunryu Suzuki lineage from Dogen romanized.
enjoyed our tour from Laurel with Taigen of the Chicago
Field Museum. Spent about four hours
there including a tour of the prep and research rooms. It's huge. Loved
the whale exhibit. Here's an ancient whale ancestor of 50 million years
ago. Couldn't find anything on their site about it so
here's an article from Science Daily.
9-22-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Wikipedia on the subject including possible explanations
And then there's the
rainbow body in
Tibetan lore.
When in Hyde Park Eric Shutt took me by Elijah
Muhammad's former home now occupied by Louis Farrakhan, then by the former
home of Muhammad Ali and then to the nearby home of President Obama and
family. We parked, walked up to the corner of the lot, the front sidewalk
was close, and after a couple of minutes, a Secret Serviceman on the other
side yelled at us to go away. Here's a photo of Obama's home from when he
was just a senator and they put out their trash in front and one could
walk by.

9-23-11 -
Shunryu Suzuki lineage from Dogen. Taigen Dan Leighton sent this list
with dates incomplete. Kanji to follow.
filed in
Suzuki Info
German version of Crooked Cucumber is being re-released with a new name as
a print on demand book along with a number of other Buddhist books by
Manjughosha Edition
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Eislebener Str.16, 10789 Berlin
This is an image of the former edition.
The old title translates as "Shunryu Suzuki or the Art of Becoming a Zen
Master." In consultation with Baker Roshi disciples Christian Dillo and
Nicole Baden in Crestone Mt. Zen Center, the new title close to the
English title was agreed upon which translates as "Crooked Cucumber - the
Life and Teaching of Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki." The following is from
Manjughosha's new brochure. The German at the bottom means "Rereleased
German translation of Crooked Cucumber early in 2012."
David Chadwick
Krumme Gurke –
Leben und Lehre des Zen-Meisters Shunryu Suzuki
Neuauflage der deutschen übersetzung von „Crooked
Cucumber"; Frühjahr 2012
And thanks to Michael Podgorschek in Austria of for scanning
the whole book and to Edgar Arnold for working on that too and for now
agreeing to transcribe some Suzuki lectures so we can have them available
in the archive.
Filed under
9-22-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Amory Lovins' response to Stewart Brand's new pro nuclear power
For earlier links on this subject including a talk by
Brand, go back to 4-24-11 through 4-29-11 in Current Events/Engaged
After sitting and meeting with some people at the
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel at the University of Chicago, walked with
hosts Eric and Laurel to dinner at a nearby restaurant, Medici. A sign
there caught my attention and gave me an idea. As we walked away, I told
them that I had a plan to do an event called "Let's do something unlawful
and dangerous and get away with it." An announcement would go out and the
group size would be fifty. We are to gather at Medici Restaurant near
the U of C. When everyone had arrived and been sent to the second floor
which is to be reserved for this exciting event, I'd walk upstairs point
to the sign that read "Occupancy by more than 50 persons unlawful
and dangerous" and then announce that the event had concluded. I'm
confident we could pull this off before the restaurant caught on to this
daring escapade. - dc
9-21-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
In the SFO airport on the way to
Chicago walking to the gate I saw a restaurant sign that read "Sushi
and Noodle." I imagined going in with a friend, one of us ordering sushi
and the other, noodle. When our orders arrive, his plate is full of sushi
and my plate has one noodle. When I protest, the waiter scolds my
understanding of English and suggests that the next time I order noodles
which is right next to noodle on the menu.
Now I'm waiting to be picked up to go to the
Rockefeller Chapel of U of
C where we'll sit and chat about ultimate reality. - dc
9-20-11 - The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Off to
Chicago at noon thirty to the Ancient Dragon Zen den - dc
Praying for
donations to support this work. What work? Well, in Chicago, when
I have time, I plan to focus on the most tedious work which is
transcribing from audio Got lots of it to do including notes and
interviews. And I think I'll write about the long hot summer in
Mississippi and what occurred around all that.

9-19-11 - An
Interview with
Catrina Boni, widow of Bob Boni, early photographer for the SFZC.
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Going to Chicago Sept. 20-29th to the Ancient Dragon Zen cave. - dc
Thinking about how to present what I'm doing and want to
do that might be considered worthy of
donations. I don't think most
prospective donors would be so interested in all the stuff written about
Mexico and South America but I like doing that and can't work on Suzuki
stuff all the time. But just yesterday I interviewed Catrina Boni and put
that up today. There's a long interview just done with Jack Tjeerdsma that
I've got to transcribe and enter (and there's tons of other stuff to
transcribe and enter). I'm working with a kind helper trying to improve
the listenability of some Suzuki lecture audio files, some so they can be
transcribed for the first time. Getting ready to go through Windbells,
just made sure my set was complete, to find Suzuki Roshi lectures not in
the transcript collection on - will have to retype them. Sent an email to Gloria
Discoe who did that with the last 60 or so entered on disc three years
ago, mostly from the set of lectures Suzuki gave at Los Altos that were
used for Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. There's more, much more, but that's
enough to mention for now. But first have got to fix the shut-off for the
water tank today before leaving for Chicago. -dc
9-18-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Just thought of this poem today. - dc
By Robinson Jeffers
Inside a cave in a narrow canyon near Tassajara
The vault of rock is painted with hands,
A multitude of hands in the twilight, a cloud of men’s palms, no more,
No other picture. There’s no one to say
Whether the brown shy quiet people who are dead intended
Religion or magic, or made their tracings
In the idleness of art; but over the division of years these careful
Signs-manual are now like a sealed message
Saying: "Look: we also were human; we had hands, not paws. All hail
You people with the cleverer hands, our supplanters
In the beautiful country; enjoy her a season, her beauty, and come down
And be supplanted; for you also are human."
Rick Levine reports that this poem was a favorite of
Lloyd Reynolds, calligraphy teacher to Rick, Gary Snyder, Philip
Whalen, David Schneider? and others at Reed College.
9-17-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Real Cream in Rio -
Part Six,
the final chapter. [formerly called "Seeking a Refrigerator
Repairman in Rio which was sort of awkward and tended to make people think
it was a notice, typical for the Internet, put up by someone who was
seeking what the notice said.
Lots of crazy comments by others and me on the
Brad Warner did a video interview
with me. Like I said there, I see why I don't have a blog. - dc
No time today to think about how to encourage
9-16-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Brad Warner did a video interview with me while I was
with him in Akron a few days ago. - dc
Going to Chicago Sept. 20-29th to the Ancient Dragon Zen cave.
Pondering further on how to support mind, body, and duty
to others enough to get through this. I could sell things including my
labor and that's possible but I'll also seek
donations. Maybe offer rewards for donations. This here is really the reward for what it's worth - this stuff that's put
here and on and But I could offer another
little book of vignettes about Suzuki Roshi to those who gave over a
certain amount. I'm also thinking about doing something called Notes on
Crooked Cucumber and could offer that though that's going to take longer.
More later.
9-15-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Starting to think about fundraising and how to encourage
more noble
donations to,, etc. Think
I'll put something on here daily about it for a while. Thanks. - dc
9-14-11 -
Art Now! Waking up to
Formless Forms | with Jean-Paul Bourdier & Trinh T. Minh-ha. Sept
24th at Santa Rosa Creek Zendo
- Check it out
Thanks to Brad
Warner for showing me around Kent and Kent State. - dc
9-13-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Getting ready to print up my boarding pass for return from
Akron to SF, CLE to SFO. Two days ago, at the Cleveland airport on the way
home from this family event, my 97 year old mother, having been pushed up
to the front of the security line in a wheelchair (only for the airport)
was asked if she had any metal in her body and she said no. Gee, I
remember her orthopedic surgeon showing her and me and my orthopedic
surgeon cousin Phil a big piece of metal he'd put in her hip - looked like
a trailer hitch with a spike coming out of it. But she forgot and as a
result had to get a pat down and had to go through more extensive
scanning. She does have a suspicious look about her and better safe than
sorry. A tip of the hat to our nation's security team. At least she didn't
say, "Well, I'm not very likely to be carrying a bomb on the plane," or
something like that like Nancy Wilson Ross did years ago when John Bailes was with her. They pulled elderly sophisticate
Nancy into a room for interrogation and she missed her flight. - dc
Happy birthday
aunt Eleanor.
9-12-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
Had a great time talking with Brad Warner at a coffee shop
in Akron last night. Have mentioned his books before here. Won't look for
past links. Here's his Hardcore
Zen blog with the latest being the
Dharma of George Carlin whom I've also referred to on cuke and there's
Louis CK too, another of my favorites. - dc.
Happy birthday
sister Susan.
9-11-11 -
The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu
Suzuki lectures
On 9-11 ten years ago a
TV crew in the public square in Sebastopol asking
people what they had to say about the morning's mayhem. I was there
walking my Boxer Lola and said to the woman with the microphone I thought
we should reflect on cause and effect. My
prayer today is that people and their representatives stop using violence
to make points, influence others, and solve problems.
Would love to get a photo of mother on the dance floor
last night - she was there with her cane off and on for several hours. The
dance floor was my cousin's tennis court with a tent over it. 180 guests
to celebrate a wedding. - dc
9-10-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
At a family event in Akron where Aunt Eleanor's family is
centered. She's so youthful, 11 years younger than mother Ahdel who's 97
(see recent piece
on her). I can't believe how sharp my 98 year old aunt Bruni (Brunhilda)
is - reads science journals. Her name is almost the combo of her parents'
and my mother's parents' names, Bruno and Hulda. In Germany I liked
telling people that I was pure German on my mother's side. Her maiden name
is Reich. Among the small square tiles in the Reich's entryway floor of
their home built in the nineteen twenties were little swastikas. My
grandfather worked at and inherited the Reich Bakery in Fort Worth.
Germans are proud of their bread and so I'd proudly say I was descended
from a line of German bakers. Her
mother's maiden name was Smallfield. She
taught society ladies fine embroidery and said she didn't believe the
terrible things they were saying about that nice Mr. Hitler. It only
occurred to me in recent years that my mother's parents may have felt a
great shame for what German's had done to their once proud heritage. - dc
9-09-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Akron is cool, overcast. - dc
9-08-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Up in the air. - dc
9-07-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Getting ready to go to Cleveland, Akron for six days for a
family thing - mother's little sis and family are Akron based. - dc
9-06-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Real Cream in Rio -
Part Five
9-05-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Interview with Peter Levitt - here is the link to a 16 minute
conversation that was broadcast yesterday AM on CBC radio in Canada re Dogen,
Shobogenzo, etc.
Real Cream in Rio -
Part IV
Happy labor day. May we all have work and learn to enjoy
life with less work, like serfs and natives.
9-04-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Real Cream in Rio -
Part Three
Going to Akron this month the 8th through the
13th for a family event but I'll have some time - and Chicago to hang with
the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate folks and their teacher, Taigen Dan Leighton,
featured prominently on this site.
Here's their page for that trip and dates of a couple of talks I'll be
giving. If you want to contact me about any of this, just write -
contact DC.
9-03-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
A reader comments on giving up worldly desires and DC
comments on that.
DC Misc
9-02-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
understanding E-Prime
Working with E-Prime (PDF)
Discovering E-Prime (PDF)
Thanks Anderew A
9-01-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Soy Info Center
- Bill Shurtleff's life work, bigger than the universe. Check out his
History of Erewon on the
Free Online
Books page. - and check out the real paper books on tofu, tempeh, miso.
Bill Shurtleff cuke link
8-30 -11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
8-29 -11 -
Michael Wenger making a dragon's leap out of the City Center. Location sought for his new residence and practice place.
See SFZC article on this. Go to Michael
Wenger's cuke link page
How to Decide by Not Deciding - Colleen Morton Busch who wrote Fire
Monks on the Huff Post. Posted on
Tassajara Fire page.
8-28-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
8-27-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Check out
the incredible art of our new friend Khalila Friedman. - in cuke the
arts, art art.
Jill and Riley (1st cousin once removed)
8-26-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Organizing thousands of files in a bunch of
different computers and hard drives so by the time I'm finished, they will
all be uniform and I'll know what I have where and nothing will ever again
get lost or misplaced or out of order and everything will be at right
angles and shiny and clean. - dc
What's really behind all those cat videos on the Internet?
The shocking truth.
- thanks Howie Klein
8-25-11 - On Taigen's Peace and Justice page - These
three short talks by FDR
are inspiring examples of Presidential leadership, well worth
watching now
8-24-11 - Using the tub but have to take
out boards on other side of wall to fix tiny leak in overflow. Need an
access there anyway. Been sort of fluish or bugbit or sluggish or
something. Nice sleeping, lying around. Reading. Movies. - dc
8-23-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
DC note on Shunryu Suzuki's definition of Sangha in yesterday's quote.
As predicated, Mother had some
and corrections on the tribute I wrote for her on the 13th of this
month. And naturally dc had to add to that.
8-22-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
#46 with a
note of resistance from DC.
Oh heck. The brilliant plan to insulate the tub carried
out carelessly. Noticed after connecting plumbing it wasn't seated right
on rigid piece. And the pipes barely fit. Tub wobbly. Might have to start
over. The horror. The horror.
8-21-11 - Congratulations to Al Tribe who was also ordained as a Soto Zen
priest by
Lew Richmond, head teacher of the
Vimala Sangha on Saturday. Just
learned that. Been sort of out of touch.
Having trouble with this tub plumbing. Gas to stove top now not leaking.
8-20-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Congratulations to Peter
Coyote who was ordained as a Soto Zen priest today by
Lew Richmond, head teacher of the
Vimala Sangha
Meanwhile, couldn't go to the above because of unfinished
projects that must get done before Katrinka returns tomorrow night. Maybe
she'll stay away one more night. Hint hint. The gas connection to the new
stove top leaks. Hans and Andrew will advise on that when the former comes
to put in two windows in downstairs barn tomorrow. Thought it smelled,
tested with soapy spray, didn't see bubbles so lit a match and a small
ribbon of flame enveloped the pipe. Paul Disco taught me that trick forty
years ago. Shut it off. Went to tub drain work. Complications. Stuffed
insulation around the tub, cut rigid piece to go under it - so it holds
heat better. Why don't they insulate tubs? This one's going to be maxed
out with insulation. Got circuits that weren't working working. They were
working. It was me that was broken. No problem there. Enough. Bed. - dc
8-19-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Installing a bigger bathtub so drain must be redone. Into
walls and ceiling below. Why did that circuit break and why can't it go on
again? Can't see anything I did to cause that. Life if full of mysteries.
- dc
8-18-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Real Cream in Rio -
Part Two
8-17-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Sugoi Sekai
[Wonderful World] - interesting stuff from a veteran of Japan and Zen and
more. - Thanks MK
8-16-11 -
First Part of the lecture
from which yesterday's most important point came from - for
Akiyama Roshi dharma talk on
New Year, not timely I guess, but it's the first of a number of his
short talks published by the Milwaukee Zen
Center years ago in their newsletter.
8-15-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Jeff Myers Art
- and here's another
link to the same site. Wow. Jeff practices with John Tarrant. Talked
to him and his wife Sonja at the annual (I guess)
(Pacific Zen Inst)
summer party. He's got a great big beautiful piece behind the altar (sort
of) these days at the PZI Santa Rosa Zendo.
8-14-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Seeking a Refrigerator Repairman in Rio - Part One - [renamed Real
Cream in Rio]
China Galland - her
website - has done noble work with a cemetery in Texas.
See this video clip
from YouTube from which you can see other YouTube videos she's got
8-13-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Happy 97th
birthday mother - still driving, going to meetings, Honorary Life Member
of the Fort Worth Opera Board [continued
in dchad misc]
Can gaming make a better world? - Ted Talk - thanks
Sami Takanen who also pointed out the audio file
mix-up on -
see 8-09-11
8-12-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
More Better
- in which I comment on Jiryu's
Are Zen People Better? in his No Zen in the West blog which
referred to something I'd written in my
a brief review of Fire Monks
which I'd written after he'd written
Why I won't read Fire Monks. - DC
Meditation Workshop for Social Activists - Saturday August 20, 10 am -
1:00, 2:30 - 5 pm, Ancient Dragon Zen Gate, Chicago -
Please share with Activist
friends in the Midwest: Posted on Taigen's Peace and Justice Page.
8-10-11 -
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
And, for balance,
Democrat’s nightmare: ‘Let’s make a deal’ Obama
8-09-11 - Remember
Nagasaki, Japan's
traditional Christian center. Sixty-six years ago, the year I came from,
the nuclear bomb was created and used. Many more people had died in the
fire bombings but the potential for these bombs was to waste the
biosphere. So far we still haven't done that but people tend to think that
the danger has passed. It hasn't. One of the greatest threats, maybe the
greatest threat, to the human race and other higher forms of life is the
use of nuclear bombs. Accidental nuclear war between Russian and the US is
still possible. We still have thousands of missiles armed and ready to
launch in an instant. President Obama has indicated an awareness of this
and in a first for US presidents made early assertions that we should work
toward a world without nuclear weapons in his lifetime but also threatened
Iran with
options are on the table."
Today's Democracy Now:
Atomic Cover-Up: The Hidden Story Behind the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and
of Concerned Scientists
Center for Defense
Helen Caldicott
See cuke's
Species Threat Number 1: Accidental or Otherwise Caused Nuclear War
Between the US and Russia
Check out the
Nuke Songs
section of DC's Defuser Music, featuring
World Suicide
and Freeze Please.
Today on, fixed audio for 71-07-02 which had audio for
71-07-20 there instead. Thanks Sami Takanen in Finland.
Lots more mistakes to fix and improvements to make. Advice and assistance
welcomed. - dc
8-08-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
exposed in Taigen's Peace and Justice Page
8-07-11 -
Zen Mind,
Beginner's Mind in
Ambivalent Zen : One Man's Adventures on the Dharma Path
by Lawrence
check out his
- Point of View - click on thumbnail to
8-05-11 -
How Do You Know if Your Kids Are Buddhists? on Rebel Buddha dot com -
by Jack Elias.
Listen to Jack on Single Mom Talk Radio –
Finding the Extraordinary Parent In You in which he
discusses the chapter he contributed to "If I Were Your
Daddy, This Is What You’d Learn" – a 2011 Ben Franklin Award winning book.
The chapter is a very detailed intimate story of a parenting enlightenment
experience he had with son John when he was 2. Jack's son John just
married at 30, July 16th. Congrats for all Jack. - dc
Jack Elias cuke link page
John DeSmidts'
Litter Music - Gene's brother
8-04 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Econ Stories TV,
featuring Fight of the Century - Keynes vs. Hayek. Wow.
Thanks Howie.
Howie also sent
discouraging piece of economic commentary by
Michael Hudson. Ouch.
Ugh. New kitchen cabinets in, two sinks, no leaks so far.
New in that they weren't here before - they were in the main house. Thanks
Howie for most the work while I did errands and assisted and did the
plumbing and got the new sill in above the counter. Went to bed last night
discouraged about the drain which now exits off to the side. Woke up full
of hope. Prayers were answered. Next, replace this tub with one 3.5"
deeper that's downstairs in this barn waiting. These are the topics that
consume me this week. Want the tub that's coming out?
8-03-11 - Happy Chokhor
Duchen - celebrated by Tibetans (maybe others too) as the day Buddha gave
his first teaching at Sarnath. - thanks HK
Sunray Peace Village is celebrating Chokhor Duchen
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
8-02-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Dynamics of Absence and Presence: Meditations on the Self
Saturday, September 10
9am – 4pm at Green Gulch Farm
Bernd Bender
"Oh Ananda, the view that a self exists is the extreme of
eternalism, and the view that a self does not exist is the extreme of
Bernd translated Crooked Cucumber into German. I
love the quote he used here. - dc
8-01-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Taigen on
the debt deal
7-31-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
The Tooth by Chris
7-30-11 -
Excerpts related to Shunryu Suzuki
from Zen
Questions: Zazen, Dōgen, and the Spirit of Inquiry,
by Taigen Dan Leighton © 2011, Wisdom Publications, 2011 (November)
Taigen's cuke link page
Nishijima's blog
His Dogen
Sangha website
Link to
Articles on that website
Buddhism and Action - a translation of three talks Nishijima Roshi
gave on NHK in Japan in 1994 - suggested by AA.
7-29-11 -
Suzuki and the Lotus Sutra in American Zen - an excerpt from
Visions of Awakening Space and Time: Dogen and the Lotus Sutra by
Taigen Dan Leighton.
Two new additions to
Taigen's Peace and Justice page
wherein he recommends In These
Times and links to an article revealing new proof that Ohio was stolen
by Bush in 2004.
Taigen's cuke link page
7-28-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
A call for papers -
seeking memories of Kobun
7-27-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Culture of Empathy
7-26-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Allen Hallmark posted on DC's Facebook page:
One koan for you David: "How can you be in two places at
once when you're not anywhere at alllllll?"
A profound question, first asked by the members of the
Firesign Theatre in their
show and then album with that name..
7-25-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Ko Brian Blix sends links to his iMovies
click the tab Jukai 2011 at BZC
Photo Site
Albums and iMovies at
Work at other site: iMovie on
of Lafayette homepage
7-24-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
No Zen in the West with
Why I won't read Fire Monks
- an addition to the cuke page on the
history of fire at and around Tassajara which I've edited a bit,
mainly adding comments on the
book, Fire Monks.
Added more comments about
the book at 1:25pm
7-23-11 -
Love Cenk Uyger - the progressive host with the most mispronounced
7-22-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Taigen's Peace and Justice
7-21-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Daigaku Rumme with a brief explanation of Zen -
7-20-11 -
Interview with Tim Buckley
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
7-19-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Public Citizen -
founded by Ralph Nader.
Genine Lentine -
mattress talks
7-18-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
The Buddha Garden, a commercial site that sells Buddhist stuff, sent
cuke a list
of Thai temples taken off the "Dharma Net's Buddhist Info Web
- Worldwide directory of centers" list above and asked if I'd put this
link on I wouldn't have done it cause it's obviously just a
way to get their link out, but they also included a good link (for
Soto Zen centers outside Japan) to replace a broken link, an old one
that no longer worked. I checked the source view of their link to Thai
temples and it stated right there that it came from the Dharma Net site so
I checked into that and found it needed a more clear designation on cuke
and I also discovered that the Dharma Net listing of Thai temples had no
clear way to know about it or get to it, found no link to it.
The home page of Dharma Net has a
link that says to listings of groups geographically and by tradition but I
find no link to listing by tradition except by using a search engine. I
did that and found it and by going backwards on the URL got to the hidden
directory for that page which has some other links which are quite useful
but which I don't see any way to get to - see below.
Dharma Net's list
of Thai temples in North America
Here's a
list of Dharma Centers that I found buried in the Dharma Net site but
which works best right off the Tricycle site
Check out other links in the
cuke link section.
So I thought that Buddha Garden earned
their link here though I won't buy anything from them. Nothing personal -
I don't even have an altar. Compare their method to
this sleazy attempt to get a link.
- dc
7-17-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
You Don't Know Jack, Euthanasia,
Suicide in Pali Scripture - from Bro Lor in the Santhara
Expedited getting this up because I ran into
Katy Butler at the
Fire Monks special kick-off event
at the SFZC's City Center on Thursday. Katy's article, Discussing her
popular article in the New York Times Magazine,
My Father's Broken
Heart/Slow Medicine, is what got us into talking about Santhara.
7-16-11 - The National
Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) urges us to send an email
to California Governor Jerry Brown on behalf of fasting prisoners on the
verge of death at Pelican Bay.
Go here to read a brief and disturbing description of the
situation and to send an email to the Governor.
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
7-15-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
The beautiful art
of Melanie Yendes (which is German, not Spanish) -
thanks Dennis
7-14-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Kalachakra for
World Peace - webcast with TDL - thanks Howie
7-13-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
James Ishmael Ford's
Monkey Mind Online
reminded that yesterday was Henry David Thoreau's birthday and before that
there is a penetrating look at Stephen Batchelor's
Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist (thanks Dan
Kaplan). Also, note to the right, Ford's books:
In This Very Moment
Zen Master Who?
The Book of Mu
Ford is a Soto Zen priest and a Unitarian Universalist
minister in Providence Rhode Island. His Zen lineage connects to John
(Pacific Zen Inst).
James Ford
on Wikipedia
Tristan music
dot com - from Oklahoma - Tristan is the brother-in-law of Paul Speir
who prepared and published the dubious To Find
the Girl from Perth. Paul worked with Tristan on this debut EP.
Paul and I are also now just finishing up a devastatingly
brilliant new publishing consumer product. Stay tuned.
7-12-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Cukoo Crazy Zen
7-11-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Happy 99th
Birthday Della Goertz!
Visited with Della at a residential home in Napa
yesterday. She feels fine and only has a smidgeon of short term memory
left, but she loved having me go over names from people in her past: Betty
Warren, Ananda Claude Dalenberg, Jean Ross, Bill and Laura Kwong, Philip
and JJ Wilson (she asked a couple of times if I was Philip), Grahame
Petchey, Richard Baker, Mel Weitsman - and from the more recent past,
Barbara and Michael Wenger, Jana Drakka, Blanche and Lou Hartman - and
others. Read her granddaughter's note
at the bottom of Della's link page. - dc
Been working for some days now preparing to move the
Shunryu Suzuki archival tapes and some originals from storage in Sonoma to
a room at the City Center in SF - moving day is today. Hope this is the
beginning of a permanent archive room for those and other tapes. -
7-10-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
In a
monologue the progressives at cuke appreciated, Bill Maher compares
recent famous verdict with the thinking of his unfavorite political party,
making a point related to that which Thom Hartmann made when he compared
the engaged and displeased public reaction to that verdict to their lack
of opinion to another batch of crimes from Wall Street in recent history.
See two video reports from Hartman:
Trail by media
Who should be in jail?
7-09-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Message about Della
Goertz's 99th birthday coming up on July 11th on Della's link page.
Sugar Chile
Robinson - thanks Charles and Vero
7-08-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Thom Hartmann -
progressive talk at its best. IMHO
with Bernie Sanders
- thanks Howie
7-07-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate - Soto Zen in
Chicago -
Taigen Dan Leighton is the teacher. He's been mentioned here several times
recently and many in the past and he just sent me an update on his books
[not yet including one to come out in October] and here that is:
Also updated
Taigen's Peace and Justice page on cuke though it doesn't begin to
tell all he's done in the past or recently that could be on that page. Naw
- taking it down for radical remake 0 7-09
7-06-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.
Apocalypse Now, Progressive Style – Part I from EnglightenNext
Magazine - thanks bro Lor
7-05-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229 instances. 85 each
of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read from
lecture #8
Monks will be released July 7th.
Fire Monks events
page on Colleen Morton Busch's Fire Monks' website - San Francisco ZC
on 7-14, Green Gulch Farm on 7-17.
Monks Facebook page
There's a note in the back of the book that says for history on fire at
Tassajara to go to So here
it is plus more on the book.
Corrections and additional information are
Come Home
America - calling for an end to American militarism
7-04-11 -
Happy birthday America and
Ron Kovic.
Reminiscing - This posted from the Panama Hotel in San
Rafael where Katrinka hosts. I lived a few blocks from there by Gerstle
Park 93-96 in a home with a woman renting downstairs who was taking care
of George Wheelwright (in total memory loss) who'd sold/donated Green
Gulch Farm to the SFZC. She also knew Ron Kovic who lived over the hill in
Ross and I had the honor of meeting him there.
Taigen Dan
Leighton was involved with Kovic at the time in peace work.
The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229 instances. 85 each
of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read from
lecture #7
Erik Storlie's
Beginner Zen dot com
Eric Storlie link
page on cuke
7-03-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229 instances. 85 each
of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #6
Bouncing off the mini essay of 6-30-11 on ethics, here's a
from back in 1983 or so which was inspired by the mess a spiritual teacher
got into as a result of an adulterous tryst. It's called
The Rules
of Love.
7-02-11 -
Memoir of Shunryu Suzuki and New England from Gerald W. McFarland
Thoughts on
Therafields from Brenda Doyle who got hold of us looking for a
practice place in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage in Toronto. We sent her
this link to practice centers in
this lineage which surely needs to be updated. If you know anything, let
us know - contact DC. Thanks. - dc
7-01-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229 instances. 85 each
of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #5
Got the following message on Facebook the other day:
Bonjour David, j'ai beaucoup apprécié votre livre sur laz
vie de Suzuki Roshi, voici une image de mon travail. Bonne journée jl
Jean-luc Lacombe
He's a painter.
Here's his website.
For those who saw the 6-26 post herein linking to the TED
talk on how site like Google are making choices for you based on the info
they collect on you, try SCROOGLE which
does not do that and gives you unbiased searches, or less biased anyway. -
6-30-11 - The phrase “most
important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229 instances. 85 each
of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #4
Was talking with
Taigen Dan
Leighton today about how so many people, especially Americans, and
also American Zen people, put so much emphasis on sexual behavior, often
emphasizing it above all else in the realm of ethics, not being so
interested in destruction of the environment and mass murder by
governments. Someone sent me an article on Ethics and Zen recently and it
focused on the sexual misconduct of one person. I wrote back that, okay,
that was not cool, but there's been more written about that than the Rape
of Nanking. On the national front, a congressman has to quit because he
tweeted his genitals while others continue who care nothing that millions
loose their homes and jobs and get sick and die from a system that serves
wealth over people, millions get thrown in cages for harmless acts, etc.
Then I happened on this provocative video which I think puts the issue in
a more clear perspective and sheds some light on
natural love. -
6-29-11 - The
phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229
instances. 85 each of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #3
And the faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over
and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will. No
one is master of himself if he have it not. An education which should
improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. -- William
Got that off Marc Lesser's ZBA
Associates website (leadership with mindfulness and emotional
intelligence). Among other things they're doing is attention training.
On YouTube tumbled on Bouquet of Weeds
Destroy What You Don't Understand from my 1985 LP,
Music for a
Comic Book Video.
Listen to them on YouTube while viewing a bad scan of the cover. - dc
6-28-11 - The
phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229
instances. 85 each of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #2
Listen to
by Shocking Blue in this video, almost identical to the version released
on record. - And read the
story behind the song.
6-27-11 - The
phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures. 229
instances. 85 each of "most important point" and "most important thing."
Read #1
Pi under
attack - filed in Digressions
6-26-11 - Thank goodness. My fingers are back.
Rene sent this illuminating TED talk on
filter bubbles in the
Internet revealing some choices that are being made for you. [See
follow-up on 7-01-11]
MK sent me the words to "The Guy's Only
Doing It for Some Doll" by Frank Loesser six months ago. I found some
versions of it and then heard it driving home from dinner out with mother
on a Loesser special on a
Night on the Town Loesser special on a classical station she keeps her
car radio tuned to. I keep hearing it in my head so I thought I'd share.
Bobby Darin, who sang to the old-fashioned crowd but became a sixties
progress, made a both-gender version but that's post Loesser.
Here's the song with Frank Sinatra plus two other guys from the movie.
Meanwhile, I'll prepare some Suzuki memories for
later. - dc
6-25-11 - Today I woke up with no fingers and
could not type anything so there will be no entry here on
6-24-11 - Today I did not turn on a computer.
Well, if that's so how did you post that? you may ask. That's because I'm
writing this tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I'll get something up later in the
day. Caught in the molasses of being back. In India life was so simple. Or
maybe in India I was so simple. Can't complain though. All is good.
- Peter Coyote link page
6-22-11 - Are you enjoying the summer? Were two
days in now. Here in Fort Worth which I'm flying away from later today, it
was over 100 all last week, to 106 the day I was in Austin which has
forgotten what rain means. Which reminds me, how is my country dealing
with this global warming thing?
The Zen tie in to this is that some of the
catastrophic predictions of the results of climate change would interfere
with people's spiritual practice as they might be distracted by heat
prostration or in some cases extreme cold and neverending snow, drowning,
starvation, societal collapse.
Let me check it out. Uh oh.
Al Gore article in Rolling Stone says Obama not doin near nuff
And I remember some UN environmental report was
critical of the US. Let's see.
Found this on how world lags in trip to cut carbon emissions.
But look at this:
Report Debunking UN's Global Warming Alarmism is Backed by 31,478 U.S.
Good. Nothing to worry about. Burn baby burn. -
6-21-11 - Met yesterday in Dallas at a restaurant with
Rubin Habito founding teacher
of the Maria Kannon Zen Center. He was on his way to pick up Alan Senauke
of the Berkeley ZC (what, no link on their site to teachers?). Rubin and I
got to talking about death with dignity and I just emailed him the link to
the Santhara section of cuke and
mentioned I'd update it with more links. No time to work on this now but
here's what I found.
One more comment. After visiting with Rubin, an old friend
of mine joined me and she told me of her husband's decision to discontinue
dialysis, a form of death with dignity that I hadn't thought about but
which I'm sure happens frequently. She said that friends came over to say
goodbye and that she and he - don't know quiet what to say, she was most
positive about it. - dc
6-20-11 -
Stephen Wiltse
Jerry Ray's YouTube music site of his live recordings of mainly Fort
Worth, TX, bands.
Jerry's Ray's
memories of Shunryu Suzuki
6-19-11 -
Old Jokes Department
You might have seen
this Aussie TV interview attempt at a joke with The Dalai Lama, which
compels me to drag back out the long version:
A Buddhist monk, visiting New York City for the first
time in twenty years, walked up to a hot dog vendor, handed him a twenty
dollar bill, and said, "Make me one with everything."
The vendor pocketed the money, and handed the Buddhist
monk his hot dog. The monk, after waiting for a moment, asked for his
change. The vendor looked at him and said, "Change comes from within."
With a wistful smile, the monk walked away.
thanks Nikolai in Frankfurt for the Aussie
6-18-11 -
Mel Weitsman
long time abbot of the
Berkeley Zen Center
Interview with Mel
6-17-11 -
Edward Van Tassel
On my way today to visit some friends in Austin and stay
at the Zen Center there. - dc
Austin Zen
On 40th Anniversary Of War On Drugs, Cops Decry Obama's Drug Policy
6-16-11 -
Fran Tribe
24 Hour Dharma-thon 7/2/2011 Oakland, California
I know you care about Dharma and social justice, and how
working together, we can improve the world for ourselves and the next
generations. That is why I am reaching out to you.
I’m teaching as part of the 24 Hour Dharma-thon to raise
money for EAST BAY MEDITATION CENTER - please make a donation by visiting
FirstGiving page
You can donate online with a credit card. All donations
are secure and sent directly to EAST BAY MEDITATION CENTER by FirstGiving,
who will email you a printable record of your donation.
Please send my page on to anyone who might like to donate!
"Mushim Ikeda" <>
Mushim Ikeda Nash website
6-15-11 -
Teah Strozer
Teah Strozer
link page
101 Zen Stories
from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, a Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings - thanks Andrew M
6-14-11 -
Steve Stroud
In a recent edition of The Eastern Buddhist,
Professor Brian Victoria continues his criticism of the writings of D. T.
Suzuki. (The article is here, in
posted on the
Brian Victoria page
6-13-11 -
Erik Storlie
Eric Storlie link
Just got back from Jolene's funeral.
Oh Jolene!
Full calendar in Fort Worth - Saturday a.m. Austin Zen Center
6-12-11 -
Ippo Shaku
The God Project: Hinduism as Open-Source Faith -
- read the comments
(thanks JR)
- an interesting take from a writer whom I became acquainted with in
'92-93 when living in Santa Fe where his parents had moved to start a
zendo under Kapleau's Rochester Zen Center. Josh was pretty young then,
maybe 20, and Elin and I saw an interesting one man show he put on which
started with him describing a bout of vomiting and diarrhea in Katmandu. I
remember son Kelly (19 then) and me dropping by his family home on the
last Santa Fe night. He was having a party, a bunch of young people dying
their hair orange and purple and getting all sorts of different hair
styles like one guy a Mohawk. Kelly and I chose to get our heads shaved
and drove off to Fort Worth where my mother pointed out that we were on
our way through the South where people would now think we were skinheads.
She was right. - dc
Josh Schrei Huff
Post page

6-11-11 -
Jane Schneider
Peter and Jane Schneider are teaching at the
Beginner's Mind Zen
Center in Northridge, Los Angeles.
Jane and
Peter Schneider link page
Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo
6-10-11 -
Jill Schireson
Process philosophy explained - thanks Lor and that can lead to lots of good stuff
like this.
And that could lead to almost endless excellent takes on what's happening.
Seems to me Stephan Hawking is inspiring and fascinating but he's still
stuck in dualistic materialism. Like his superficial
rejection of heaven. He and the folks in mass media could use some
grounding in deeper analysis of reality that's been around East and West
far back and forth. - dc
6-09-11 -
Elizabeth Sawyer
Reverend Elizabeth Sawyer - Interfaith Minister- Lay Ordained Buddhist
The Wonderful
Discovery of Elizabeth Sawyer
Charles Grob is doing some interesting and compassionate
research and treatment with psilocybin and terminal cancer patients.
Here's an interview with him
on Wisconsin Public Radio. Here's
more on Charles
Off to Fort Worth for two weeks.
6-08-11 -
Ed Sattizahn
Ed Sattizahn has been chairman of the board of the
SFZC for several years and has been an
important supporter of work to preserve the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki.
The Vision in
Prison by Chris Boys
Comment on Chris Boys - in India Trip Notes
6-07-11 -
Sue Satermo
Sue Satermo link page
video by Bill Scheffel with Jakusho Bill Kwong talking about on
becoming a teacher
Jakusho Bill Kwong
link page
Bill Scheffel's video site which
might have more on Kwong - there are three from him posted on Kwong's link page.
Scheffel's web site
- Western Mt.
6-06-11 -
Lew Richmond
Lew Richmond
link page
Steiner sent this frog in memory of Suzuki Roshi who was fond of frogs
and mentioned them now and then in lectures. Just located 41 instances of
him using that word.
Photo sent by and maybe taken by Tim Jones in or near Austin, Texas, and
labeled, "nocturnal images from a small pond just outside the house in
Hays County."

6-05-11 -
Reps with a brief comment from DC.
Shippee recently reached the "Tenth Ox-Herding
Picture" and is now entering the marketplace with open hands. To learn
what Paul is inspired to share with you about Internet Marketing
just go here.
From Steve Silverman's Blog
- Mike Papas of the Zen Center
of Portland sent a message about Joko Beck.
"The sad word has gone out this morning that Charlotte
Joko Beck will probably die in the next couple weeks. The word is reliable
because it comes from her daughter Brenda. Let's please join together and
make a little space in our hearts for her when we sit together tomorrow
Jack Kevorkian died yesterday.
Wikipedia page for
Reflections on Jack Kevorkian: Who Owns Death? by Janice M. Van Dyck
from Huff Post
Posted in the
cuke Santhara section -
Santhara, the traditional, natural way of death with dignity. In India
recently I read that everyday someone in a terminal state takes this Jain
vow of Santhara to cease eating and drinking. The Santhara section was
started the day Kevorkian got out of prison. - dc
More added to yesterday's notice of Albert Saijo's passing
just below.
6-03-11 -
Albert Saijo passed away yesterday (thanks
John Tarrant for
forwarding the news from
Kevin Diminyatz on the Big Island in Hawaii). Saijo was a lesser known
character in the Beat scene and was around Sokoji (the original home of
the SFZC) some in the early days, lived in the nearby East-West House and
then the Hyphen House. He's mentioned in passing herein in interviews with
Philip Whalen, Joanne Kyger, and Ananda Claude Dalenberg. He wrote a book
The Backpacker and co-authored a book of Haiku with Jack Kerouac and
Lew Welch called
Trip Trap.
Tarrant included this poem,
Bodhisattva Vows by Saijo and wrote, "He was in the
internment camp during World War II at Heart Mountain in Wyoming where
Nyogen Senzaki had the only zendo in the US at that time. Albert's mother
was a haiku poet and his brother, Gompers, was an artist, some of whose
calligraphy paper I still have."
Here's a good article on Saijo with photos - from the Tinfish Editor's
6-02-11 -
Yvonne Rand
Yvonne Rand
link page
Global War on
Drugs has Failed - BBC
6-01-11 -
Shippee has written an article on Lester Brown, WORLD
ON THE EDGE in the Crestone Eagle,
at this
link for now.
5-31-11 -
Pattee (Kryder)
Creative Harmonics (her website)
Interview with Rowena
5-30-11 -
Memorial Day
Keep the Troops at Home
Iraq Veterans
against the War (includes Afghan Vets)
Veterans for Common Sense
Iraq and
Afghanistan Veterans of America
5-29-11 -
Jones MacGregor
*SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011, 3:00
**Poetry Flash at DIESEL, A Bookstore**
Genine writes: Sean has been very immersed
in thinking about the last decade of war
so it's a privilege to read with him on
Memorial Day weekend. Among other things,
I'll be reading from The Recorder, a piece
composed from the very tender letters my
grandfather wrote to my dad when my dad
was in Vietnam.
5433 College Avenue,
Oakland, (510) 653-9965,
Near Rockridge BART.
Poetry Flash: (510) 525-5476.*
5-28-11 -
5-27-11 -
George Carlin on the economy and you - thanks Lor
I thought jetlag was worse going East but Clay
and I couldn't be held back arriving on our trip after going that way
whereas we slept forever upon return coming back with the sun. I'm still
sleeping. Not a bad problem. - dc
5-26-11 -
26 hour flight home due to detour around Iceland
volcano ash. First bath in four months. Bed. - dc
5-25-11 -
5-24-11 -

Last Day in
India - in India Trip Notes
The Wrath of Shiva - India like the US in dealing with tribal peoples.
- thanks Andrew Main
5-23-11 -
India Rocks! -
Clay's Facebook photos - of -
posted in
India Trip Notes
5-22-11 -
Clay is here at Sea Breeze in Mahabalipurim. I'm amazed.
posted in India Trip Notes
5-21-11 -
Gordillo. This is my personal favorite. - dc
Kanyakumari in a
couple of hours on the night train to Chennai. Stood on the rock at the
bottom of India today looking at where the Arabian Sea from my right, the
Bay of Bengal to my left, meet with the Indian Ocean straight ahead. I
couldn't see any dividing lines. Staying at the
Vivekananda Ashram which is like a
village. Great place.
posted in
India Trip Notes
5-20-11 -
Kerala mon sweetie
pie - in India
Trip Notes
Oh Jolene! -
for Jolene Mercer who's in hospice
5-19-11 -
Della Goertz link
to Guru - in India Trip Notes
5-18-11 -
A. Gilman
Narayana Gurukula - in India Trip Notes

5-17-11 -
Preview of Dzongsar
Khyentse Rinpoche's New Book -
What to do at India's Buddhist Holy Sites -
Howie K comes through again with a cool link.

This is Sarnath where Buddha gave his first talk and of course that
book will tell us what to do there. I just walked around. It's called a
stupa and it sure looks like a lingam, the holy of holies, to me who's
been in Shiva country for some months. From now on I will see stupas as
evolved lingams. The lingam in the pillar with no attributes. - dc
5-16-11 -
Mike Dixon link page
Willem Malten in Santa Fe urges us to be aware
of the work of the Los Alamos Study Group.
Willem says please help me destroy the proposed CMRR-NF: the liar of the
nuclear beast: visit & see what u can do.
See economics prof Chacko Jose's
photo album of Thrissur Pooram on Facebook.
5-15-11 -
B. Davis clarifies misinformation of major news
and info outlets, that is, if our sources are accurate. Yesterday we had
it from a friend of Howie that Ira Cohen was not the author of The
Hashish Cookbook under the pseudonym Panama Rose. I got
corroboration from another person who was involved with the book and did
not wish the name of the true author or any details to be revealed.
For those who had trouble finding it, here's the
link to the
slide show
on the Guardian site. - dc
5-14-11 -
Claude Dalenberg link page
Ira Cohen obit in the Guardian - thanks Howie Klein, who received it
with the note from a friend who wrote, "Best part is the
slide show. Of
course, we all know by now that Panama Rose was not Ira and was not his
pseudonym. History tends to rewrite itself."
5-13-11 -
David Chadwick
Chadwick links page
Tim Buckley
Tim Buckley link page
click on thumbnail to enlarge
Gotta get back to the
Pooram!. What a blast. In India Trip Notes. - dc
5-11-11 -
Did Shunryu Suzuki
use koans?
5-10-11 -
(not this Wind Bell which is
chosen at random)

The new Tricycle is out and there are a couple of articles
by/about S.F. Zen Center folks. There is an essay by Norman Fischer, a
feature by David Schneider on Philip Whalen's and Gary Snyder's long and
mutually influential friendship (adapted from David's upcoming bio of
Philip), and as always there's Wendy Johnson's gardening column. You can
see more at
- Andrew Cooper from Tricycle
Andrew's on the ball. He's an editor at
Tricycle and obviously works on promotion or whatever name they use and he
sends me little notes like this that are of obvious interest to some cuke
readers and all I have to do is cut and paste and do a tiny bit of
altering and it's done. - dc
5-09-11 -
Rejoice Not - thanks John De Smidt (Gene's bro)
5-08-11 -
Review of
Crazy Wisdom [See more at What's New 5-05-11] from the Chronicles
Project - The Boulder Premiere of "Crazy Wisdom"
5-07-11 - Beginning a new group -
of Shunryu Suzuki from Wind Bell and DC Files - from letters
written to Richard Baker, Zen Center, the
Wind Bell, collected by DC in the late nineties while doing research for
Cucumber. Includes letters written to DC.
The first letter -
Mark Abrams
And now for something completely different, Clay
C submits
Crazy Bug video art
and three links to
new music from his gang back home.
Shlump Crime
- produced by
Michael Petzel
Check out Facebook slideshow with him and Sleaze
raps by Sleaze
like To High to Kick It
5-05-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part XI and the last in this series.
There's a fantastic new documentary out about Chogyam Trungpa,
Crazy Wisdom. We got to see an early screening of it this weekend and it is really
wonderful. They have a short section in there about Trungpa and Suzuki
[Filed this in
Suzuki Film
among other places] - Joe Galewsky
Review of
Crazy Wisdom [See more at What's New 5-05-11] from the Chronicles
Project - The Boulder Premiere of "Crazy Wisdom"
and I was wondering if there were recordings made of
Trungpa's lectures at Tassajara and City Center? Obviously, those would be
really important recordings to copy and preserve! - Joe Galewsky of the
Desert Mirror Zendo and Guest House
in Albuquerque, NM>
I told Joe I didn't think we recorded Trungpa's lectures at the SFZC
but maybe somebody there knows.
5-05-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part X
Preparing to leave -
and return - in India Trip Notes
5-04-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part IX
Michael Wenger cuke link page to his Zen teaching, his art, his books,
his stewardship of the Suzuki archive work.
5-03-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part VIII
Some Shunryu Suzuki lecture audio in the archive
were fixed.
67-12-01A and 67-12-02
67-12-04 and/or 6712-04A was just renamed as
The file named 67-12-02 had the second half of
67-12-01A and something else. It was just a mistake. My bad because I
listened to the beginning of every tape to compare with the first line of
the transcript. I guess that was one I planned to get back to to figure
out and then forgot about. But now it's fixed.
The fixed files are in their rightful place on and also in
Only 16k mp3s - the 32k mp3s are too big to load
from here in India, at least where I go to upload.
And for taking so long to get to this, my
apologies to Charlie Pokorny of
Suzuki Roshi dot SFZC
dot org where all the Suzuki lectures are going up one by one in a
better presentation than on
- dc
5-02-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part VII
Alan Chapman and Open
Enlightenment dot org - this website now goes to Geeks. I remember him
posting that he was moving on. There's still
Alan Chapman dot me and the videos
from Open Enlightenment can be seen
here on Vimeo. - dc, 6-28-11
Found him Guruphiliac
5-01-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part VI
Eric Arnow has his own web site now. For years
I've been putting his letters from Asia
here. From now
on they'll go on his site, the
Bumble Buddhist which
also now has all the previous ones from cuke and photos more. - dc
Eric Arnow link
4-30-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part V - if you notice that the last one you read was part
III and wonder where part IV went, part I was just divided into parts I
and II so IV became V. - dc
Steve Weintraub sent a rare appeal to join
350 dot org in this global movement to
solve the climate crises
An Ancient Buddhist Model for Today's World
Lew Richmond writes: I have just published on article on
my Huffington Post blog entitled "An Ancient Buddhist Model for Today's
World." The article is about Vimalakirti, after whom our meditation
sangha, the Vimala Sangha, is named. Vimalakirti was the "householder
sage" of ancient Buddhism--a wealthy layperson whose wisdom was said to
surpass that of all the Buddha's monk disciples. Vimalakirti's awakened
activity in the world is astonishingly modern. He works in the schools,
in government, runs businesses, visits cabarets and racetracks, has a wife
and family, a palace and servants--but inwardly his only purpose is to
awaken the buddha heart in people.
Richmond Huff Post page - with links to other articles
Lew Richmond links page on cuke for
much more from and on Lew including a special thanks to him for his
significant help at times in keeping this work going.
Special thanks to Robert Barner
and Keith Cowan for helping to keep this going. See
something I wrote on this
today. And yes Robert I'll find that Tim Buckley interview first thing
when I get back. - dc
4-29-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part IV
"Big Mind" Resource Page from Bro Lor
Loring Palmer's link
(Pacific Zen Inst)
in Santa Rosa, CA
Sunday Mornings at the Creek - 10:30am to
noon Meditation,
Conversation, Community

Sunday, May 1st -
teacher Karen Richards - "Karen Richard joins us from
the U.K. She is a teacher outside our tradition and she will share her
practice. Check out her website:"
The Hero of the
Yellow Light - in India Trip Notes
4-28-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98 part III
Kwong link page including a link to
Kwong in Crooked Cucumber
A brief
memory of Shunryu Suzuki by Brit Pyland which came in the form of a
gentle correction to something in
first notes on Suzuki posted 4-26.
4-27-11 -
Suzuki disciples tell stories Jan. '98
part I and
part II
Who were the
Suzuki disciples
An old note on the
Japanese for Crooked Cucumber
and the meaning - with help from Hoitsu Suzuki and Gary Snyder. -
something that came up in the disciples' discussion.
What would Lady Gaga appear like if
she evolved into a spiritual teacher on a magic, enlightened island. Maybe
she'd be Candice O'Denver.
Click on this link
for virtual heaven on earth. Enjoy. Lor
4-26-11 -
DC on
Shunryu Suzuki - 1st thoughts.
Prior link in the new
DC on Shunryu Suzuki
and So Forth
DC Link Page
I think it makes sense to do this. At least it
adds to the catacomb effect. - dc
Brian Howlett's facebook friend and dharma pal Jamie Howell asked for a
Bodzilla-T design for his spring 2011 Zen tour.
here 'tis.
Here's a site of Brian's
check out more of Brian's art and links at
cuke art art
I love it: ACT ZEN
Arian's into this. And they have a clothing line.
But then again, so does cuke.
4-25-11 -
Katherine Thanas
remembers a talk by Reb Anderson.
Reb Anderson link page
stumbled across this not yet released book: Dogen's Genjo Koan:
Three Commentaries by Eihei Dogen, Nishiari Bokusan, Shohaku Okamura and
Shunryu Suzuki (Aug 1, 2011) Published by Counterpoint.
Father Steve Frost's Easter upload of his
check out
more of Steve's art and links at
cuke art art
4-24-11 -
SANDOKAI TALKS, in the summer of 1970
in which this introductory sentence caught my eye: The
Buckeye Fire burned 44,000 acres and got to Willow Creek just over the
Tony Trail. After looking into that a little further, added it to the
History of Fire at or near Tassajara.
Brief discussion with a few Suzuki disciples about the time of the
Sandokai talks, the summer of 1970, the first addition to
Groups of stories or Groups telling stories
Streams Flow in the Darkness
Shunryu Suzuki's lectures on the Sandokai

Here's an interesting
bio on Hakuun Yasutani,
Aitken's first teacher, which includes a brief bit on Aitken,
Maezumi, and
Eido. Don't know
where it came from. Just found it in my files. - dc
4-22-11 -
Interview with Tom Wright
A Love Letter by
Nanao Sakaki
Joan Amaral sent
this on July 22, 2009
Nanao Sakaki link page
The last two opening quotes from Phillip Alder's
bridge column:
To be matter of fact about the world is to blunder
into fantasy.- and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and
wonderful. - Robert Heinlein
The Law of Thumb says, "Somebody who thinks logically
is a nice contrast to the real world."
4-21-11 -
A Brief
Memory of Shunryu Suzuki by Tony Johansen.
Brief Interview with
Toshiaki Nakahara, friend of Otohiro Suzuki
Brown sends a spring note
Peaceful Sea Sangha
Edward's cuke
and other links page
Songs by DC with
Liz section is now done which completes the
Songs by, with,
and for Liz department. That's all I got that I know of now. Thanks Liz.
- dc
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
4-20-11 -
Interview with Tim
It's your big day, stoners, and not because it's
Hitler's birthday, but because Katrinka's son and his friends and other
high school students in Marin County, went over to Mt. Tam after school at
4:20 to smoke pot. History in the making.
See confirmation here.
Featuring on this special day,
Liz Tuomi singing
Psychoactive in the Low-Fi box of
songs by DC with
Liz section of the
Songs by, with,
and for Liz department of
(Low Fi) - Liz on lead
Smith produced version of Psychoactive - Liz background vocal
Two words are enough to take care of all your
Take a tip from Bob Newhart. - thanks MK
-A new book
published by
Nancy Welch, M. S.
Remember when cops, fire fighters, teachers, other public
employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped
out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in TARP money, spilled oil in the
Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes?
Yeah, me neither. - thanks to
Rene Pittet
What is a cult?
Photo of Kobun Chino on Facebook. Testing linking to it.
4-19-11 -
with Sterling Bunnell
Happy 20th
birthday Clayton Chadwick!
who's now only four or five hours away in
Bangaluru, formerly Bangalore.
See family
page for photos of Clay, Kelly, Howie, Katinka and DC,
4-18-11 -
Memories of
Suzuki Roshi by Rene Pittet
On the
Songs done by, with,
and for Liz page of, now getting to the ones by DC with her, Elizabeth
Tuomi, singing. My favorite of the songs we sang together and hers too is
a duo we recorded as a cut on the Fooled by Everything tape.
Here's that cut of
Here's the
Grateful page.
Here's the
Fooled by Everything
tape with Liz on piano and doing background vocals.
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
4-17-11 -
Interview with RD
lessons in Dharamsala - in Indian Trip Notes
4-16-11 -
Interview with
Steve Tipton
cuke and other link page for
Steve Tipton
Bad link for yesterday's
Ant Mystery
Solved fixed. It works now. Thanks Katrinka.
Ripped Off in
4-15-11 -
Interview with
Paul Disco
and a link page for Paul
Ant Mystery
Solved and Chalk Drawings - in India Trip Notes - Bad link here
fixed. It works now. Thanks Katrinka.
4-14-11 -
Fire Monks won't be released till July 7th, but advance copies are out and
there's a note in the back that says for history on fire at Tassajara to
go to So here it is.
Corrections and additional information are
Later I can add articles like from the Wind Bell
that give more full descriptions and background. - dc
Interview with
Louise Pryor (formerly Welch)
- Les Kaye's got another book out
Joyously Through the Days: Living the Journey of Spiritual Practice
with a forward by Huston Smith -
Wisdom Publications link [Amazon
Les Kaye on cuke and
and so does Fil Lewitt - Canyon
Wren's Rag [amazon
link} - under the imprint of Fictional Enterprises, brings together
276 poems, containing fifty years, 1960-2010, of the selected poems of Fil
Lewitt, accompanied by some of his drawings.
Fil Lewitt on cuke and elsewhere
And both of them are on cuke in various places
and that gives me a lot of linking work due to the high standards of cuke
and I decided to start a People
folder with Les and Fil being the first to have their own page for links
inside and outside of cuke. This has been done for a number of people before,
especially for memorial pages,
but they're here and there - and I plan to include links to their pages in the
People Index as I stumble upon
them. Now with the superior organizational excellence cuke is renowned
for, we begin this new folder with People pages for
Les Kaye and
Lewitt. - dc

Poor Mousy - In
India Trip Notes
4-12-11 -
Interview with Loly
4-11-11 -
Brief Interview
with Tim Aston
Dharamsala - in Indian Trip Notes
4-10-11 -
Tiny Interview
with Teah Strozer
Dharamsala eight
years ago - in India Trip Notes
What a stunning series of movies Sydney Lumet
made. Here's his IMDB obit.
4-09-11 -
Interview with Peg
Anderson and Will Stocker, early Suzuki students from Palo Alto, Peg
was born in 1903 and her path took her to some seminal spiritual teachers
of the forties and fifties on the West Coast. Will, born in 1916, was in
charge of building the Haiku Zendo in Los Altos.

with a bunch of photos ripped off the web - in India Trip Notes
4-08-11 - Adding some odds and ends to what's on
cuke about Les Kaye, abbot of Kannondo
notes of a
couple of chats with him and some comments.
That's found at the bottom of the
Les Kaye Interview
page (interviews by others mainly).
Mary Kaye on
Suzuki the thief - in brief memories,
Kaye, Les. Zen at Work: a Zen
Teacher's 30-Year Journey in Corporate America. Crown, 1996.
[Les has been a priest at the Los Altos Zendo since Suzuki
ordained him in 1971 and for many years he combined his priest practice
there with his job at IBM.]
Amazon link
4-07-11 -
Interview with
Lucy (Bennett) Calhoun
Farm - Lucy and Clay's home and biz
"We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling
and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We
have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to
share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity."
- Paulo Coelho - thanks to
Charlie Musselwhite for sending
that from his Blackberry
Mexican Standoff - Dan Rather
Mexican Drug War a Lost Cause
found as Mexicans March Against Drug Violence
filed in

4-06-11 -
Interview with Dr.
Albert J. Stunkard, one of America's senior Zen students and
teachers, doctor to DT Suzuki who studied with several great teachers
including Shunryu Suzuki.

Sunderbans - in India Trip Notes
4-05-11 -
CHAMA WITCHES, the blog of poet Stephen Frost previously seen on cuke
as artist Stephen Frost, who I first met as Father Stephen Frost who ran
the Catholic Church's Newman Center at Sonoma State College. I see his
Nepsis site
with both art and writing is still there. But today the focus is the
which link will be tucked in
A couple of follow-ups filed in
Readers' Comments
In answer to Ann Brown's question of two days
ago, Here's the
service and ceremony audio page. - thanks Brit Pyland
who also sent this self portrait or maybe hands portrait.

Peter Levitt
writes in response to his own question of 4-02:
Dear David and Kaz
I hope you both are well. I did a bit of research and
found reference to a meeting on the same day Suzuki-roshi gave that talk
in SF that indicates that Kawabata was in Japan that day, which probably
means he was not visiting SR the day before in San Francisco. I'll check
more on this, but it seems pretty tight as evidence. Oh, well.
What seems most likely is that somehow Suzuki-roshi heard
or read Kawabata's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, which had quite a bit
about Japanese culture in it (I read it yesterday) and his discussion of
the arc of Japanese literature/culture took off from there.
So, maybe "case solved" on this one. If not, I'll let you

Tsunami, sung by Ethan Okamura at Liz Tuomi's funeral.
pages for a collage of photos of Liz
for Liz's Funeral
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
favorite tune (Jesus Joy of Man's Desiring) played on an unusual
instrument. - thanks Rick Levine
4-04-11 -
My stay at a
Chinese Monastery from Eric Arnow
Photos from
and of Bob Halpern
click thumbnail to enlarge
4-03-11 -
Interview with Ken
Sawyer of Sawyer
"Hey American!" -
in India Trip Notes
Five hours after uploading this I upload a
version with slight edits making it even a better read. I do this a lot
and rarely say so like I'm saying now. - dc
Ann Brown of the
Kumeido, the Little River
Zen Center in Mendocino asks:
Hey, I was wondering if you have a recommendation for a
site that has audio recordings of our Soto Zen particular
Daihishin Dharani and the Heart Sutra.
I pointed Ann toward Elsie Mitchell's incomparable
Way of Eiheiji. I also
said I am sure that some groups have such recordings.
Any other suggestions? I don't have time to Google right now. If so
please let us know - contact DC. Thanks. - dc
Here's the
service and ceremony audio page. - thanks Brit Pyland
4-02-11 -
Interview with
Norm Randolph
Dhanam doesn't
like flowers - in India Trip Notes
Peter Levitt writes: On Sunday I based my talk on some
notes from a talk Suzuki Roshi gave on Sept 14, 1969. In this talk he
says, "Yesterday [visitor] Yasunari Kobata was speaking about something
about Japanese literature.' I am assuming he means Yasunari Kawabata, the
great novelist who is the only Japanese novelist to receive the nobel
prize in literature. Kawabata is my favourite Japanese author, and I think
same for Kaz [Tanahashi], so I am very interested in this reference. Do
you have any information (or memory) of the visit to which he refers? Are
there any records indicating that Kawabata came to see SR, or that he gave
a talk around mid september 1969. If so, I would love to know about it.
DC says: I don't know anything about this. Do you? If so
please write me - contact DC. Thanks.
4-01-11 - I was wondering what to put on cuke today for April Fool's day,
and then I read this excellent article entitled
Look Who's Fooling You by Sirshee on the Op-Ed page of the Deccan
Chronicle, "the largest circulated English Daily in South India."
April 1 can be taken to represent the day of the cosmic joke. The
biggest cosmic joke is maya... the illusory nature of reality. So, the
joke is on humanity and what better day to celebrate this joke than on
April 1.
[read more dc comments on
this in India Trip Notes
Statement read
by Liz's grandson Taro Tuomi Smithson at her funeral at Green
Gulch Farm, March 26, 2011
Brief interview with Pat Herreshoff
The Chinese Hermit Tradition, an interview with Red Pine in Tricycle.
of Clay's mom Elin Chadwick and grandma. Clare Whitfield. Elin calls
me her Wasband. In the Family section.- dc

3-31-11 -
Is That So? by
Laura Burges
on Tim Buckley: Zen Way, Yurok Way
on the SFZC website. In it she mentions his book
Standing Ground: Yurok Indian Spirituality, 1850–1990
by Thomas Buckley (UC
Press page for the book)
Here's a note from Tim about the book
put on cuke in Dec. '09
Tim's Wikipedia page
Damn - can't find the interview I did with him. I'm sure I
have it back in Santa Rosa. But I did find this story of
Tim with
Suzuki Roshi in his Garden from an old letter he sent Baker Roshi when
they were collecting Suzuki stories for the Wind Bell back in the
seventies. Filed in Brief Memories. - dc

Interview with Katherine Thanas of the Santa Cruz Zen Center
When in Alaska, be sure to stop at the
Achorage Zen Community for an
enlightening sit. Just got an email from their Director Shogen Danielson
and realized they weren't in the
Dharma groups in or related to Shunryu Suzuki's lineage section
of the links folder. But now they are. Congratulations.
3-30-11 -
Interview with Ken
Cost and Effect - in India Trip Notes
- Brief Memories
of Suzuki by Joanne Bull
Interview with Jim Morton which is also pretty brief but not right for
Brief Memories.
When I want some diversion, I sometimes tune into the
mildly demented humor of Cracked. I
love their lists such as
5 Important People Who Were Screwed Out of History Books
6 Important Things You Didn't Know We're Running Out Of
3-28-11 -
with Anne and Jim Armstrong who were around the ZC back in the Suzuki
days and later. Anne is a psychic who many students saw and this interview
concludes with her psychic reading of Shunryu Suzuki from their home in
San Anselmo in 2002..

David Godman - in India Trip Notes
3-27-11 -
Interview with
Jonathan Altman, artist, a founder of
Lama Foundation, student of Zen
with Shunryu Suzuki and later of Tibetan Buddhism.
Gennadi asked me a question at the Narayana gurukula in
Ooty. I had no answer.
Here's his. -
in India Trip Notes
3-26-11 - The funeral service for Elizabeth Tuomi will be at
Green Gulch Farm in Muir Beach today. Following the ceremony there will be a
gathering at 369 Ocean Parkway from 5-9pm. Bring a dish.
Advaita type guru
Below is a link to Andrew Cohen's Celebration on Saturday.
This is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his awakening that he
experienced with his guru, Punja-ji, who was a disciple of Ramana
Maharshi. The event will be on the web and is free: register and get the
details at this link.
- from Bro Lor
Check out this story
of Andrew and Poonja-ji.
(more on
Advaita type guru news)
in India Trip Notes
3-25-11 -
Donate to Japan Relief through Soto Zen in America.
Japan has not stopped giving aid to India, where I am, but
I've seen articles in the paper about ways that India is sending and
offering to send help to Japan. - dc
observations and Botox ants attack - in India Trip notes
3-24-11 - Interview
with Henry Schaeffer, early Suzuki and Trungpa student, SF Cable Car
Guides - in India
Trip Notes
3-23-11 -
A long
interview from 1994 with Gary Sndyer by Matt J (Jenske?) who was
living at Green Gulch back then from which his
brief memories of Shunryu Suzuki have been snatched. And since there
is more from Gary on cuke, there's now a
Gary Snyder Main
For Indian Trip Notes
through Hindustani
When I was staying at the Khrisnamurti Foundation India (KFI)
in Chennai, I enjoyed conversations with Rajeesh Dalal who was close to
and used to travel with J. Krishnamurti..
Check out Dalal's website.
He looked into and showed a keen interest in what I was up to
and, in the serious and sincere spirit of KFI, asked me if I still
experienced suffering. I said yes and he asked, "Then why do you keep
doing what you're doing? What's the value of it?" to which I replied. "No
value. Good question."
That reminds me, he was at some meeting with Andrew Cohen
who said he would be revealing something on 3/26. So for those who are
interested, let's remember to go to Andrew Cohen's website in three days
and see what's up. - adding this last part to
a prior post which
had mentioned the KFI.
And that reminds me of
a conversation we
got into about getting to seeking - the truth and so forth.
God of the Israelites? They'd have no problem with that here in Tamil
Nadu. This place is all about
Shiva and his wife Paravati. "The power or energy of Shiva is Shakti,
his spouse, of which Parvati is probably the most popular form. Shiva's
first wife was Sati and his second wife was Parvati. They are also known
by many other names, such as Uma, Gauri,
Annapurna and
3-22-11 -
Interview with Ted (Ed)
Tripp, draft resister, peace marcher, memories of Shunryu Suzuki.
Six Finish Folks Songs played by Liz Tuomi for the page featuring
music done with, by, and for her.
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
A message from an American in
Sendai, hardest hit by the earthquakes. - thanks
$300 Home - maybe not for you, but then, if you look around, say where
I am these days in Tamil Nadu, it seems worth looking into. - thanks MK
3-21-11 - Edward Brown
on his
shaking and Suzuki
songs by the Accidentals, an acapella musical group that
Liz Tuomi was in a while back - for the page featuring music
done with, by, and for her.
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
Three Mid East Tales
by Tom Harriman - Tom sent me these short accounts not long ago and he
gave me permission to share them here. He's a lawyer, travel consultant,
and cousin of Fred Harriman who helped me so much with translation and
advice on things Japanese in doing Crooked Cucumber and since. - dc
Enjoy the spring! - dc
3-20-11 -
selection of songs by DC for Elizabeth Tuomi written between 1976 and
1985 with introduction and a note on the meaning of the songs.
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page.
Dr. Leslie Kawamura 1935
- 2011 - There's info on the
home page of U. of Calgary, Dept. of Religious Studies now. Received
several emails about his passing, one calling him the leading Buddhist
scholar of Canada.

Back in Tiru - in India Trip notes
3-19-11 -
Message that went
out from SFZC abbot Steve Stucky to the SFZC mailing list on the Japan
disasters and how one might help.
Liz Tuomi singing Everything Happens to
Me by Tom Adair and Matt Dennis now included in
Songs with and
for Liz - also, the basic tracks of her playing piano and singing the Finish folk
song Little Bird - linked to as well from the
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page.
Here's a note forwarded from Liz's daughter Jane:
Filmed this tsunami impacting on the Bolinas lagoon at 10:55 AM. It
starts out slow but keep watching. Kind of creepy. Have the volume turned
up for the full effect of the strength of this event. I have never seen
the lagoon fill from a low out going tide to a "high tide" in a little
over two minutes. Typically it takes several hours to do that.
Richard Jaffe is doing fine. Take a look. He's been back
to doing historical work on the big Suzuki, DT. He says that the doctors
at Duke took good care of him as they had done with John Tarrant. He
writes he's "back at work at Duke, writing, teaching, and traveling again.
I am involved in a big D.T. Suzuki publication project, which I hope to
complete during the next year, part of which I will spend in Japan. Elaine
also is well, busy at UNC Press editing a lot of interesting books, both
academic and regional trade.:

Psychedelic icon, LSD maker, former
Grateful Dead manager Owsley Stanley died in a car crash in Australia
today (March 12, 2011). Bummer. -
A bit late with this but received several notes such as this one
(forgot to note from whom) from old Zennies who remember this icon of the
60s and whose paths he crossed in ways both new and ancient. Owsley was a
friend of the owner of the Panama Hotel and Restaurant in San Rafael, CA,
where my mate Katrinka hosts and used to stay there when he was visiting
the US.
Here's an article on Owsley's passing.
From Bro Lor:
for those of us who
remember "white lightning", "blue cheer" among others....
3-18-11 - An interview with
Deborah Madison
and Pat
McFarlin from 1963 at their home in Santa Fe, separated into two pages
and files.
Funeral service for Liz Tuomi - Jane Okamura
The funeral service for Mom will be on March 26, 2011 at 3pm at
Green Gulch Farm in Muir Beach. Following the ceremony there will be a
gathering at Mom's and Ethan & Catherine's at 369 Ocean Parkway from
5-9pm. Bring a dish. Love Jane
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page
messages to Lou Hartman from India read at his funeral

3-17-11 -
Interview with Rick
Morton whose wife Caroline's interview was put on cuke 3-13. Today we
include their wedding photo - married at Tassajara by Suzuki Roshi July
14, 1970 (Bastille Day).
Buddhism and Wealth: Defining 'Right Livelihood'
Lew Richmond's Huff Post blog featured on
their front page today. My web news habit is to quickly on all - check the
BBC RSS feed first, then Huff Post,
Talking Points Memo, and
Crooks and Liars. So I was most
pleased to see Lew's article featured so prominently on Huff today.
Lew's cuke
interview where there are more links.
3-16-11 -
At the Naranya Gurukula
- in India Trip Notes - with some great photos of this ashram above the
hill station, Ooty.
3-15-11 - Shungo Suzuki, grandson of Shunryu and acting
abbot of Rinsoin in Yaizu which was Suzuki's temple in Japan, said they
felt the buildings shake a little from the earthquake way up north and
have no problem at all. He said Eiheiji has no problem either and also
said to thank us for thinking of them. Yaizu is maybe a hundred miles
south of Tokyo and Eiheiji is way far away.
Thanks to
Akiyama for making the call and to Marie Louise Baker for asking the
3-14-11 -
Interview with Don Deangelo (Crockin)
3-13-11 -
Interview with
Caroline Morton - Only 69 files to go in the folder of interviews,
notes, and transcripts this interview came from. Then there are 26 audio
files of notes I'd read aloud and recorded before leaving. After that I
can cull through the folders and files in my digital labyrinth seeking
other undigested matter to share in cyberspace until the last bit
the inner Circle in India Trip Notes
Photos of our walk by Peter Moras
click on thumbnail to
3-12-11 - Lou Hartman, Shu-un Mitsuzen
(June 2, 1915 - January 20, 2011)
Funeral Service: Sunday, March 13 at 2:00pm.
Location: City Center
click on thumbnail to enlarge
I know Lou's service will be streaming but I lost the note
but the SFZC's live stream site
is here.
Interview with Craig
Boyan (the beloved), student of Shunryu Suzuki, devotee of Meher Baba.
For the Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page,
songs from Boat of Dreams, one sung by Liz and one sung for her. And
more photos sent by Phil Henderson, some by him and some by him of older
Check out the great photo of Daya Goldschlag and Darlene
Cohen near the top of
Daya's interview
3-11-11 - Liz's youngest, Ethan Okamura, offers this
song, Full
Circle, in memory of his mother. I know she loved this song. See
more of Ethan's music at This Old
More photos on
memorial page thanks to Phil Henderson for archiving and sending them.
3-10-11 -
Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page.

Dan Leighton lay ordained her Sosho Tenkai/Ancestral
Smile Heavenly Service. I think she was previously lay ordained by
either Suzuki or Baker.
The family will attend a cremation ceremony for Liz on
Friday. There will be a public service in April with Mel Weitsman
officiating. - dc
Starting a section on my music site called
Songs by with
and for Liz. Here's #1 - a Finish folk song introduced, played, and
sung by Liz with some silly drums and toy piano as well.
3-09-11 - Elizabeth Tuomi, mother of Beth, Jonathan,
Jane, and Ethan Okamura, my partner for nine years in Bolinas, Suzuki
student, pianist, teacher, dearest friend for forty years, a wise and
wonderful woman, died at Marin General hospital on the evening of March
7th after reporting she wasn't feeling well earlier in the day and finally
collapsing. She was 76. Liz has been weak for several years since
successful yet harmful radiation treatment for throat cancer. I visited
with her at her home above Agate Beach in late January right before coming
to India and whereas she was discouraged about some of her physical
problems she was reading as much as ever and looking forward to resuming
the weekly music date (after a holiday respite) with a few fellow
musicians including Zen friends Mel Weitsman (flute or recorder) and Sadja Greenwood (also
her doctor). Earlier on the 7th I'd thought of her and posted
her memories of
Shunryu Suzuki here on, gathered fifteen or so years ago and
stored on various drives and discs only to be posted hours before she
passed away.

Taigen Dan Leighton with Liz Tuomi (L), Bolinas Practice Leader, and
Dale McCarthy, San Rafael Meditation Hall Leader from
Mt. Source Sangha website.
Arthur Okamura, Liz's husband of twenty plus years and father of their
four children, remained close with Liz. He died July 10, 2009.
Arthur's memorial page
Liz at Arthur Okamura's ashes ceremony. That's DC behind her to the
right, officiating.
Words for Wendy Matlow at a
service for her
3-08-11 -
In honor of
International Woman's Day, we remember
Vimala Thaker
who taught self inquiry and social action.
I just listened to a talk of hers here at the Krishnamurti Foundation
India in their
Visante Vihar Study Center in Chennai with a man in a nearby room, an
older Indian man named Venkataraman...[more
in India Trip Notes]
A brief
interview with
the late great Rick Fields who wrote How the Swans Came to the Lake
about Buddhism coming to the West - with other links. Also some
about the early Hindu influence and Theosophy as per the above post.
3-07-11 - Some
Brief Memories of Shunryu Suzuki from the
cuke archive backlog which is what I'm working on these days here in Tamil
Nadu. - dc
Pat Phelan -
the early wake
up bell story, one of the most told.
Kobun Chino -
a few comments
Ken Schnell -
How do I
express my gratitude?
Elizabeth Tuomi -
his eyes
3-06-11 -
A testimonial to
Jack Elias's hypnotherapeutic work -
Finding True
Magic - as told to DC by Edward Brown.

A typical early
morning here in Tiru - in India Trip notes.
Clay's grandpa Rusty's
op ed in NYT from Planetary Defense Blogspot and an article on the New
Vermin of the Sky, featuring his concern over preparedness for NEOs,
near earth objects. This to add to prior articles and links in the
Space section of the Species Threats department of Current
Events/Engaged Buddhism theater of The point being that it will
be harder to meditate if the planet gets destroyed in a way we could have
easily avoided.
3-05-11 - Les Kaye, abbot of the Los Altos Zendo and
disciple of Shunryu Suzuki sends
a question which DC
Les Kaye on cuke and
A couple of
emails from Eric Arnow in India from January just getting up here
along with four photos from Bodhgaya, two of splendor and two of less than
Did you ever hear of Unreformed Buddhist Church of
America? It's mentioned a couple of times by Irene Horowitz in
her long cuke interview
in connection with Neville Warwick, Dr. Ajari who's mentioned now and then
by old-timers on cuke.
Philip Deslippe of wrote and asked:
I am trying to do research on the Unreformed Buddhist
Church of America, and I noticed a mention you made of it on the Crooked
Cucumber site in an interview with Irene Horowitz. I was wondering if you
might be able to suggest people who would remember this group, or other
sources of information about it.
3-04-11 - At Wendy Matlow's Service:
from Elizabeth Sawyer
Wendy had a wicked sense of humor and a fierce sense of
style and even though she did not think she was cool, she was cool, in
every sense of the word. She seemed like a quiet person but what most
people did not know is that she had a real gift for gab. Through immense
physical challenges, she faced her life and her death with courage. Wendy,
I hope you found mercy at the end of your life and I pray that you have
finally found peace. I am going to miss you.
Tim Buckley read John's Bailes' poem
Wendy Matlow and I go to the movies or
Is this really the Heart Sutra?
Sitting here in Bloc 11 sipping coffee, listening to a
remake of "…tin soldiers and Nixon coming…" – much cooler rendition –
while reading Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, I think of Wendy Matlow,
my forearms then and now, her younger sister, tuna fish – a whole apple or
was it an orange in a vagina (some photo in some magazine), Snickers and
that magazine… What was it called? Interview… Elvis Costello – before the
Pogues – later we had cigarettes and coffee – not long after I was gone
with Marimekko bags and some gay designer’s – Perry Ellis – lavender
Now I sit here and hear and feel and shape the sounds of
Cormac’s words: entire, interdependent, cutting, dry dust, blood, stink,
fetid wolves, darkness of morning, all run together and at once so
precise, so distinct, each one, each pore or hair follicle flaking,
falling – like in a dream. Like the present peeling – paint drying? No:
watching the present peel, being the present peeling – being skin flaking
and swelling, rising over the horizon bold but for lifetimes; red, purple,
blue, yellow: all one stroke from before this Dot, that man or woman whose
gender remains indeterminate, dakinis, dancer à falling, I love, dissolve
and am no more, not even an outtake on some cutting room floor,
groundless, eternal: No.
3-03-11 - Wendy Matlow died Thursday night at
her home in Sonoma County. Of breast cancer. Her husband, Michael Wynn
died a few years ago. - just learned from E. Sawyer
Asked her what her philosophy was regarding her own
death, she said, "Turn and face it".
Added some notes to the Interviews with Hoitsu Suzuki, Shunryu's son.
Also added this link to Hoitsu Suzuki at City Center
from Natural Wisdom blog
and a
bio from
Sweeping Zen
and this
SFZC brief bit on Hoitsu.
And a good
photo of Hoitsu on Flickr
Valleys and Mts. - download a lecture by Hoitsu
And there's more on the web.
Check him out at
Hoitsu main page
added more info to Lewis Richmond entry below
3-02-11 -
Remembering a Man of Wisdom
by Lewis Richmond, an article about Shunryu Suzuki published in 1996 in
Interbeing Magazine.
Lew's website,
Living and Aging as a Spiritual Practice
For more on Lew
Richmond, go to his cuke interview
Lew is now blogging on the Huffington Post. He'll be
posting there every couple of weeks. To see my first post, take a look
Huffington Post blog: worry less, care more
He is also present on facebook at
Facebook Page and twittering at @lewrichmond
3-01-11 - Some
brief memories of
Shunryu Suzuki from Barbara Young
Grahame H. Petchey sent
following excerpt from a letter he wrote. Tacking it on to his cuke
2-28-11 -
Interview with Judyth Weaver
website - Judyth O. Weaver, PhD

How I Came to
Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai - in India Trip notes
2-27-11 -
Interview with John Steiner, indefatigable peace worker both
outer and inner, key actor in the best remembered incident of Suzuki era
oral history, and for that event, the
Explosive Answer page.
- Darlene - Dear friend for forty years, so witty and
strong - a long distance runner who's broken the ribbon and taken the
prize. We stand and cheer! All my love dear. David
[DC statement for Darlene Cohen's funeral which was
yesterday. Darlene asked that I be in the procession but I couldn't so I
sent this from India.]
Darlene was a student of and at times assistant to urasenke cha no yu, tea
ceremony, teacher Nakamura Sensei who lived for years in the tea house at
Green Gulch. Nakamura was elderly and traditional, always wearing Japanese
kimono and maintaining an air of decorum and dignity. She was fierce, and
strict, sometimes seeming to me to be mean in the way she related to
students, verging on abusive - but they loved and respected her. Sometimes
Darlene would take Nakamura shopping or out to lunch and on one of these
days she must have been quite fed up with Nakamura's recent treatment of
her. On the way back to Green Gulch she went through a car wash. As the
car approached the rinsing stage, Darlene pressed a control to roll down
the window next to Nakamura. When they exited the car wash, Nakamura, who
was then drenched with the spray, bowed, saying, "Darlene San," in acceptance of her
student's spontaneous expression of - maybe of the spirit of tea.
- told to DC by Howie Klein.
main page for
Darlene Cohen
2-25-11 - Darlene Cohen, Su Rei Ken Po
(October 31, 1942 - January 12, 2011)
Funeral Service: Friday, February 25 at 3:00pm. Location:
Green Gulch Farm
Created a
Nona Ransom
Main Page - she was Shunryu Suzuki's English teacher during his
college years.
Dealing with the Details of this Archive
Looking for more references to Nona Ransom, I remembered
that Brian Power (RIP) had told me over the phone from England in the mid
nineties that she was a teacher of his in Tientsin in China in the 30s or
so. As I recall he said she was rather strict. He had a photo of her I
think in his book on the last emperor of China, Puyi. In looking for that
book in the bibliography on this site I couldn't find it so I went to a
file of Crooked Cucumber itself and it was in the bibliography
there along with another book that had somehow slipped out of the
bibliography when it was included here. So now they're both here on cuke
in the main and
original bibliographies. Only
took twelve years to correct that error.
Power, Brian. The Puppet Emperor. Universe Books, 1988.
Uchiyama, Kosho.
The Zen Teaching of "Homeless" Kodo, Kyoto Soto Zen Center, 1990.
[I'm considering scanning this book to put in here because
it's often so hard to get].
Read more on this
plus pithy reflections in dchad misc
2-24-2011 -
Harry Ransom-Rose on Nona
Ransom, Shunryu Suzuki's English teacher in his college years.
This is newly entered on cuke, adding to:
Nona Ransom in Crooked Cucumber
Shunryu Suzuki on Nona Ransom
See The Twelve
Days of England - written in 2000 after I met Harry Rose
2-23-11 - From
Palmer's 2011 note to DC after reading his interview posted here three
days ago - now appended to the interview with the following put in
his Brief Memories of Suzuki:
Also, I didn't talk about the deep impression that
Suzuki Roshi made on me by his authentic presence: sincerity and
integrity. He was a package of beauty, truth, and goodness: Buddha,
Dharma, Sangha. His speech, movements, and decorum were magnetizing:
lightness-of-being. The ordinary as extraordinary. I "turned Japanese"
after being around him---from the outside in. Remember the haramaki [waist
sweater] and devotion to the zori? We're the luckiest people in the world
to have met SR and the wabi/sabi aesthetics of Nippon: enjoyed practicing
Cha-no-Yu for 10 years while in Boulder. Life is good!
2-22-11 -
Shunryu Suzuki had a radiation belt.
Mt. Arunachala - in India Trip Notes
2-21-11 -
Barbara Bash with
a brief memory of Shunryu Suzuki. Check out Barbara's
website and visual blog.
Hokum was happy just
before he was murdered - and gave Doug an interesting instruction
DC songs done with Hokum Jeebs on Piano in '78
2-20-11 -
Interview with Loring
Palmer - Suzuki, Trungpa, Andrew student, and cuke contributor
from 1994. Took me a while to get to it. That's one thing I'm working on
now here in Tamil Nadu, getting more interviews and notes up on cuke,
going through the considerable backlog. - dc
Palmer on Suzuki and did he take LSD?
Brief memories of Suzuki from Loring's interview
2-19-11 - Zen
and Chinese medicine and Shunryu Suzuki - no I don't know anything
about it but came up with an interesting memory via Loring Palmer and a
suggestion for the questioner. Read on in Brief Memories of Shunryu
A humorous and informative
correction from AM in Santa Fe.
2-18-11 - Two
more memories of Jerome by Erik Storlie and Barrie Mason
See note on seasons in Japan at bottom of
yesterday's Happy New Year card entry.
This site was created in December of 1998 as a supplement to the
book, Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu
Suzuki. There was a lot of the info as presented still in the
Cucumber section, and some photos. Now and then I'd make a change or
add something such as in the schedule of events or errata pages. In May of
1999 I started adding to it on a more regular basis and started this
What's New page which grew to a What's New section. Every year I have to
create a page for the prior year and add links for it to the What's New
pages for each year going back to 1999. Just did that. Got a problem with
the margins not holding so need to find what's causing that. Always busy
work like this and I can only spend so much time on maintenance. But it's
interesting when I open the old files to look back at what was posted in
these years. - DC

- Here's a New Year's card sent from Mitsu Suzuki, Mrs. Suzuki, Okusan,
Shunryu Suzuki's widow, to
Daya Goldschlag.
Tozen Akiyama Roshi kindly translated it as
"I wish you Happy New Year," literally, "I respectfully say the
joy/delight of the beginning spring."
Hatsuharu no
Gantan Mitsu Gassho
This was sent before the conventional Western New Year. In Japan they
use the new calendar and the old calendar for different purposes. They
have a way of not erasing the old when they add the new. The traditional
New Year in Japan, China, and all Asia I guess, is early February, the
beginning of spring, the traditional seasons beginning about six weeks
earlier than in the West, when there's a hint of the season. Sort of like
Groundhog Day being the hint of spring. - dc
2-17-11 - An India Trip note - meeting again with
old friend, Rick Shaw.
Dated 2-11.
Just received word that old friend Hokum Jeebs was stabbed
to death in his home in Seattle. Hokum was the one man band street artist
in San Francisco who, among other things, arranged occasional tuba
More at
West Seattle Blog and
Lots more on the Internet about Hokum. Farewell to another
dear friend. -
Hokum once made a recording of my song, Away with Me. I'd
love to get a copy of that record which was a small 45 or maybe 33 with
two songs on each side. Check out several versions of this song, none of them
attaining excellence, at on the
complete song
archive page. It's number 446.
For more go to
Hokum page
2-16-11 - Lani just called to tell me
Michael Gilmore passed Jan.30th at 10:30 PM. By all accounts a very good
passing. Svaha! - an email from Jack Elias.
Michael has been having serious liver
trouble for years. Clay and I visited him and Lani in March, staying in
their Palm Desert condo, and we talked
till late. I'd received word he was dying and had a phone conversation
with him before leaving for India in which he said he was fine, maybe a
week before he died. I should have known because it was hard to get
through to him. Farewell Michael - I'll miss our long conversations and
your Tarot readings. Must get some of his art up on cuke.
Michael Gilmore's
cuke interview. It's quite interesting. - dc
2-15-11 - Patrick Woodworth sends
brief memories of Shunryu Suzuki.
2-14-11 - Suzuki and Katagiri student Eric Storlie
on dharma transmission in an article entitled
Lineage Delusions in Sweeping Zen dot com.
Eric Storlie link page
Brad Warner
on Genpo disrobing in Elephant Journal.
More on this on
Gempo's Big Mind dot org - at least for now as this is only a link to the
home page.
Brother Lor, who sent all this, also suggested the
This also impacts the Integral Community because of Ken's
[Wilber] work with Genpo: In this current issue, you'll see an article by Jun
Po Kelly Roshi [on far right side of the site] titled, In Defense of
Promiscuity: "Should spiritual teachers sleep with their students?" Also,
Justin Lehman has a blog examining "How
to Respond To Genpo" situation."
2-12-11 -
Two messages about Jerome
Peterson - from Elizabeth Sawyer and Jim Bay. [more added
here later]
2-11-11 - Thanks to a tip from
Alan Senauke,
the last three days in Pune were largely spent at the
Manuski Center for Dalit
(untouchable) Buddhists. Also check out their
Jambudvipa site which explains
that's the ancient Buddhist name for the Indian sub-continent. Alan says
"This is a wonderful place, an offshoot of FWBO activities in
India. An active center for study, practice, and social organizing." FWBO
is Friends of the Western Buddhist
Order. More on this to come. Left Clay with them
yesterday. Great people. A story worth looking into. - dc
2-10-11 - People ask what I do here In India and I say I'm
a writer and when they ask what I write about I might say, "Links." In
that spirit, here are a few links I'd like to share. - dc
At the Baajaa Gaajaa festival (see cuke 2-07) I enjoyed a
talk by Hindustani music expert Hiroshi Nakagawa of Kobe on the nature of
Asian music. He should make educational videos. I might be able to get
from him the gist of what he said which was about scales (he'd counted 581
in the Indian ragas) and rhythm and beats (the elastic nature of Japanese
Here's his website.
this LSD documentary short from the fifties which is an add for
Don Lattin's book, The Harvard Psychedelic
Club. Check em both out if you're of a mind. And may we stop the cruel
and religious-persecutorial war on drugs (read people).
Maureen Dowd on app religion, not apt.
Here's a dated but still relevant
video from True Majority.
(for the CurrentEvents\EngagedBuddhism
2-09-11 - Early Sokoji chant card
Got an email from John Eberly that, among other comments,
stated :
In Crooked Cucumber, you wrote how Allen Ginsberg asked
SS for permission to use his translation of the Heart Sutra. Can you point
me to a link for this version online or somewhere?
The way I find things on my own site is often just to use Google. So I
wrote " heart sutra" in Google and come up with
this link on
top. Note that there are two versions of the old Sokoji chant card,
the early four page or two sides of two pages and the later two sides of
one page. Enjoy. - dc
India Trip Notes, a new section
It's Feb 9th here now but in the USA it's the ninth only
on the East. At 1:45 this afternoon here it will be 2:15am in Fort Worth,
Texas, where I was born at that time 66 years ago. It's been a good 66.
Shirt size XXL.
Yesterday Clay and I left our too expensive place in this
expensive part of Pune (was Puna) and, as usual, got some chai on the
street, little cups of milk tea...
on this and Osho Meditation Resort and Dolano - see
Friends of Dolano.
2-08-11 - Staying near the
Osho Meditation Resort in Puna but can't fork out the loot to go there
- read more. - In
India Trip Notes
2-07-11 - How great the
Baajaa Gaajaa festival of Indian music was from various classical
concerts to fusion unlike any I've heard, workshops, lectures that were
actually interesting, lots of drums, great food.
Read full
Excerpts, links, from this report.
Met an American classical Indian bamboo flute player
named Steve Gorn who gave a spellbinding performance yesterday.
Check out his site. and listen to
his music.
Mumbiram & Party -
Esoteric Sanskrit Classics, Contemporary Art. He's also got
Distant Drummer dot org and
Anantha R. Krishnan (Mister Mridangam),
Here's his MySpace site.
poems being sung beautifully by
Pushkar Lele - accompanied by tabla and tambura.
fest honoring recently deceased devotional vocalist
Bhimsen Joshi,
Our first night in India we went to the final concert of
the Saraang music festival at
the Chennai campus of the Indian Inst. of Technology (IIT) ...The second band was Nerverek. Here's
Nerverek's MySpace page and
there's more interesting
stuff on them on Wikipedia.
India Trip Notes
2-06-11 - Sorry about the absence. Connection has been
slow. But not today, got ethernet in a snazzy place thanks to the kindness
of others. Clay and I are in Puna (Pune), India, getting ready to join the
third and last day of the wonderful
Baajaa Gaajaa music and culture festival.
Our hostess is dear friend Linda Hess who's presentation
on the mystical poet Kabir conveyed his depth and her enthusiasm.
Linda has two books with her translations of Kabir, the
most recent being
Emptiness: Kumar Gardharva performs the poetry of Kabir
Bijak of Kabir is her earlier book on Kabir
Kabir Project
Yesterday was a screening of Rajula Shaw's
Sabad Nirantar: Word within Word, a most lovely and
inspiring film about farmers who sing Kabir and I guess other emptiness
more to come - dc
India Trip Notes
January 2011
1-23-11 -
For the first time an American has the position we have always called
Bishop of Soto Zen in North America - Daigaku Rummé, and he not being of
Japanese decent also shows how very much the times have changed. Daigaku
is a calligrapher as well. To me he has a characteristic Shunryu Suzuki
called constancy and has earned the respect this position requires. I
don't think I'm misrepresenting him when I say that he thinks we have a
long way to go before Zen is truly established in this part of the world.
Congratulations Daigaku and thanks for helping to bring Dogen's way this
way. - DC
Here's an announcement DC requested:
On April 1st 2010, Rev. Daigaku Rummé
was appointed as Director of the Soto
Zen Buddhism North America Office. He
succeeds Rev. Gengo Akiba who held
this position for some thirteen years.
The Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office is the liaison
office between the Japanese Sotoshu and the Association of
Soto Zen Buddhists, a group of 55 Soto priests actively
teaching in North America.
Since the North America Office was originally founded in 1939,
the head priest of Zenshuji (a Soto temple primarily serving
the Japanese-American community in the Los Angeles area)
has served as the director of this office and this is true
for Rev. Rummé as well.
Prior to taking this position as Director, Rev. Rummé worked
for seven years at the Soto Zen Buddhism International Center
located at Sokoji temple in San Francisco. Before that, he
trained for 27 years at Hosshinji Monastery, a Soto training
monastery located in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, under his
master, Rev. Sekkei Harada who's the abbot of Hoshinji in
Obama, Japan.
1-21-11 -
Lou Harman
died yesterday.
Joan Amarol wrote on 1-20 -
lou died at
3:42 this afternoon. blanche was right there with him. he was surrounded
by his family, with sangha members sitting close by. at his request we
immediately performed a precept renewal ceremony. his body will remain at
zen hospice until sunday. sitting times are 9am-9pm. you can also check
the zen center facebook page for updates.
at 7:30
tonight we'll hold a ceremony in the buddha hall at city center with sojun
mel weitsman officiating. we'll recite the heart sutra and daihi shin
dharani to help lou on his way. tomorrow morning's service will also be
dedicated to lou.
1-20-11 - Joan Amaral on
people sitting with Lou Hartman
(added to note of 1-19)
Darlene Cohen's brother David
on his sister's passing
1-19-11 - Lou Hartman
does not appear to have long to go.
Interview with
Lou and Blanche
1-18-11 -
Danny Parker's
Caring Bridge site. We're with you, Danny. - dc
1-17-11 - Martin Luther King was as much an anti-war
activist as one for civil rights.
Here's one article on that.,
1-16-11 - A few notes concerning Darlene Cohen's passing.
See Darlene main page
Dear Family, Students and Friends of Darlene,
Thank you for your many many expressions of love and support to Tony
and the family now that our Great Spirit has passed from this form world
into the great mystery. Below are e-mails that Tony, or the author, has
asked me to share with you.
Lisa Hoffman
From Matthew Patchell:
Please extend the appreciation that Ethan, I, the rest of the extended
family and indeed the extended community have for the care and support
that the Sanhgah has provided my dad and Darlene to all of you that have
contributed so much. I know the list is long.
In gassho,
Matthew Patchell
Elizabeth Sawyer -
My visit with Darlene and
Tony on Friday Jan 7, 2011
Shambhala Sun -
Remembering Darlene Cohen
See Darlene main page
thumbnail to enlarge]
1-15-11 - Darlene Cohen in 1973 with son Ethan with hubby Tony in
background at Green Gulch Farm. Sent to cuke by Darlene's
brother, David who says that he thinks Ethan was born on May 27th, the
birthday of Daya
Goldschlag's (Darlene's close friend and colleague and DC's first wife).
- People will continue to sit with Darlene Cohen's body until noon today,
Jan. 13.
Friday: 8:45 AM -- Cremation and cremation ceremony
Hill Memorial Park and Mortuary 1700 Pleasant Hill Road
Sebastopol, CA
Obit for Darlene on Sweeping Zen site by Adam Tebbe
December 2009 Sweeping Zen interview with Darlene
December 2010
article on Darlene on SFZC site by Laura Burges
Petersen's Funeral - Life Celebration: Saturday, February 5, 3 pm
- Darlene Cohen, Su Rei Ken Po, Great Spirit Manifesting Dharma, died at
1:15 AM this morning.
She was with Tony, Ethan and Matthew. Tony says that one moment she was
breathing and the next moment she wasn't. The family had been with her for
many hours.
Lisa Hoffman reports that Darlene is dressed in her priest robes with
her lavender rakusu on a red cloth on the bed in the main room upstairs at
Russian River Zendo and that she looks peaceful, like she is about to
smile. She has been washed and bathed with yerba santa tea collected from
Lisa wrote soon after Darlene's death, "We will begin chanting in the
Dai Shin Dharani upstairs shortly, and then move down to the Zendo with
her for the Taiyo ceremony which will be at 7 AM. All are welcome to be
part of the ceremony, which is attached so that people further away can
have a feel for what we will be doing.
"We will be sitting with Darlene for the next day and a half at RRZ --
all are welcome, and she will be cremated shortly after that."
Farewell dear friend of forty years, great spirit, great attitude, a
real inspiration. - dc.
Prior messages on Darlene's condition
Interviews with Darlene plus more links
Darlene's website
Her meditation
1-11-11 - Great video on YouTube of
a raging Tassajara Creek on January 2nd, 2011. - Thanks
Jane Okamura
And make a wish - it's 11111.
1-07-11 - See note on 1-03-11.
On the Night Buddy Holly Died - a song based on a true story as
told to me by "broadcast legend" Scott Beach who also joins in on a
recording of it made thirty years ago. - dc
1-4-11 - The Occidental Laguna
Sangha headed by Bruce Fortin meets in Sebastopol, CA, on Sunday mornings.
Go to their site
for details.
1-3-11 - A librarian sends this: I became interested in
Buddhism after I was assigned a research project in the field. In the
course of doing my research I came across
this great article [in the Guide to Online Schools] that covers
the history, Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana and thought you might
enjoy it as well. - thanks Lauren -
I've removed the link
because it seems this was a mild sort of scam to get a link for the Guide
to Online Schools that I fell for and received a warning email about,
saying that Google is aware of this organization using deceptive emails to
get links.
Nothing too bad - it just linked to a bunch of articles on Buddhism with
info you could find without my help. Sorry cukesters. I've written to
"Lauren" and asked what library she's associated with. No
answer. She claims to be
with the Pacific Northwest Librarians but that seems to be a shell site
with no links to anything. I've also written to an actual NW librarians
group to ask what they think - no answer. But really, I have no time for this. It was
just sort of interesting. - dc
1-2-11 - Eric Arnow sends
a note about leaving
Southern India. Hadn't heard from him in a while. I wrote him right
back that I'm going to Southern India later this month for a four month
stay. More on this
including request for suggestions of what to do while there. Thanks. -
1-1-11 - Happy New Year to all from the staff at
What does this year have in store for us? Who knows. But the climate, the
weather, may capture our attention with ever-increasing force. Check out
the following from EcoBuddhism: