Table of Some Contents
Guide -- Suggested
This is a mainly alphabetical list of some folders, subfolders, and files that was originally created years ago to aid the perplexed cuke visitor. It is no longer as useful as the menu and dropdowns but gives another way to look at what's on cuke - with a link to the main page in that folder and/or the main sections and files in it. But it's not at all complete as there are hundreds of folders and thousands of files.
Ahimsa - doing as little harm as possible - undeveloped section
(Zen) Aluminati - keeping up with each other
Early Tassajara Alumni
Alumni memorial page
Grahame Petchey and son Mark
The Monk with Dysentery
Archive Projects - mainly about archiving Shunryu Suzuki lectures and fundraising efforts to keep up the work to preserve his legacy - like this web site and the oral and written history of his students and more. Letters of support.
Audio - audio files on cuke - not many. Filed named AV but little or no video on this site. It's all at
Bibliography - started with a bibliography of Crooked Cucumber but now that's just a link on this page. Lots of links.
Roundabout Zen - Recollections of Zentatsu Baker Roshi
Shunryu Suzuki books - by (from lectures) and about Suzuki
Dchad books - books by creator of this web site
Red Pine (Bill Porter) Books
Shoes Outside the Door - comments and discussion
Publications (including some listed here) Way of Eiheiji - the pamphlet that came with the Folkways Album.
Way of Zazen - this whole short book.
Wind Bells, publication of the SFZC (all102), 1961-2012 - Every page of every Wind Bell plus the Tassajara 25 year anniversary book
Wind Bell excerpts - extensive (new 2017)
Ananda Claude Dalenberg's Newsletters 1982-91 - Universal Life Friends
Zen Freethinker, Cloud Hidden Friends (in 2013 scans)
Chronicles of Haiku Zendo Including Memories of Shunryu Suzuki Rosh i
Comments - this was a busy section at first but not so much in recent years. What would have been here now shows up in other places.
Contents - the section this page is in. Also see Guide, Suggested, and Cuke Archives Overview
Contests - there were three in the early years.
Crooked Cucumber - biography of Shunryu Suzuki,
the original focus of this site back in 1999
Notes on Crooked Cucumber - the whole book
chapter by chapter with notes and links - in progress 2017 (like a lot on cuke)
Errata - mistakes,
changes, and comments on them.
- not so useful now that the who book is here.
- from 1999
Jacket notes
- from the hardback
Author notes (hardly anything)
Events (long past), Older Events (way long past)
Bibliography from book.
Photographs in the book
Cucumber Project - preserving the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki,
the heart of the site though a lot of what should go in here is elsewhere.
Interviews -
with people who knew or studied with Shunryu Suzuki or who at least were around. Interviews with Japanese family
and associates.
Lectures -
some posted here before they all went on
Suzuki quotes in Crooked Cucumber with link to
many many more.
Bio - links to
short and longer pieces
Brief Memories - of Shunryu Suzuki
Graphics - and portraits
Mitsu - Mitsu Suzuki Sensei, Shunryu's widow
Richard Baker
Sokoji section
Stanford Sati Conference on Suzuki
History - SFZC, City Center,
Tassajara history - Esselen Indians
Reflections on Shunryu Suzuki - comments, writings, poems, music
Shunryu Info
excerpts from books and articles by others, more
Lineage - ancestors, teachers, heirs
Shunryu Letters and some calligraphy and doodles
Shunryu on Shunryu - interviews with, lectures by Shunryu Suzuki on his life
Stories - of Shunryu Suzuki mainly. A lo of it like the newer Brief Memories.
SR Audio - a few audio from SR lectures that went up before where all the audio is
SR Video - no video - it's all at - transcripts from the films.
Paul Discoe on the Han, the sounding board that calls to zazen etc
Current Events/Engaged Buddhism - Many sub pages and links, for instance:
Taigen's Peace and Justice Page
Harm Reduction
Species Threats - nuclear war, meteor collusion, global warming
Climate Change - the main page in this section since 2012 - not adding much now
Dchad index - DC material
DC writing Index
Fred Kimball, Psychic Friend
Freedom Songs - awakening to social justice - 1963-4
GFP - To Find the Girl from Perth, a novel w/songs,illustrations
India Trip Notes - 2011 writing from Tamil Nadu
Japan Stories
Mexico-SA - 1965-6
Misc - various ramblings of DC - many
Short - various pieces written through the years
Family and Friends - incomplete
Ahdel - DC mother
Dchad Writ - writings since some time in 2013
Saunters - 2013-14 notes
on life in Indonesia and some Japan and Thailand. From 2015 on Blog
dc misc 4 - for various other with links to dc misc 1,2,3
Death and Dying
Santhara - fasting to death with dignity
Donate to the Crooked Cucumber Archives
Excerpts/Articles - by others on Buddhism and this and that
also see Other section below
Links - to related and some not so related web sights. - Stopped adding here much years ago cause there are links everywhere.
dharma groups in Suzuki's lineage - not updated recently (never complete)
web sites by Tassajara alums - not updated recently (never complete)
Miscellaneous - with a lot of old stuff and links to old misc material.
What's New - for daily posts except Sunday. Starting in 2015 goes to the cuke blog which links with
What Was New - A page of links to past years' What's New pages going back to 1999.
Others - various contributions by others - as of 12/07
PDF-2013 - Cuke archives material scanned and presented in a number of folders, most of which are gradually being linked to from various other appropriate places on cuke.
People - list of most people with interviews, comments, etc on this site - in progress.
Photos - There are photos all over and many here and linked to from here.
Sangha News - Occasional posts in the past, since 2015 posts on cuke blog (What's New) instead with rare posting here.
Suzuki Roshi birthday bash
Early Tassajara Alumni
Thank You and OK! an American Zen Failure in Japan - DC's first book. Includes the whole book chapter by chapter
The Arts - new - 08
Art art
ZC Stories - Stories from Tassajara, the City Center and earlier Sokoji, and Green Gulch Farm
Zen is Right Here - vignettes on Suzuki by DC (includes the whole book)
ZMBM - lot on Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, the first book of Shunryu Suzuki's lectures