Edward Brown

Cuke Podcasts with Edward 2020 🔊 2021 🔊 2024 🔊 In the 2024 podcast Ed talks about his banishment from doing any teaching at ZC.

Edward's Peaceful Sea Sangha
His lectures by Engage Wisdom

New Book April 2019 - The Most Important Point: Zen Teachings of Edward Espe Brown

Read Ed's stories about Tassajara and Shunryu Suzuki from Tomato Blessings and Radish Teachings: Recipes and Reflections.

Suzuki's lectures in Not Always So were edited by Edward Espe Brown.

All Edward's books on Amazon


Wikipedia page for Edward Brown

3/1/2025 Edward Brown returns to SFZC for a Livestream Dharma Talk, Online and Onsite

1984 - Letter to the SFZC with memories of Suzuki

Edward Brown on his shaking and Suzuki

Edward's Brief Memories of Shunryu Suzuki

Remembering Suzuki Roshi - A talk given by Edward Brown, Peter Schneider, and Les Kaye in honor of the 50th anniversary of Suzuki Roshi's arrival in America, on Saturday, May 23, 2009, at City Center. (from the SFZC site)

Edward Brown on Charlotte and Charles in an interview of Joyful Dharma of the Source - also here on cuke

October 2018 - Edward Brown barred from teaching at SFZC

Edward is seeking help in buying a practice center - October 2018 -UPDATED with decision not to buy.

10-09-18 - Edward Brown's No Recipe: Cooking as a Spiritual Practice - that's Edward - wingin it this way and that like a bird with a chef's hat.

“[An] illuminating guide. Brown presents cooking as a refreshing celebration of the mundane—an act he feels is at the heart of understanding the sacred and a valuable means of enlarging one’s spirituality…[NO RECIPE’s] down-to-earth wisdom, generous spirit, and exuberant encouragement simply to cook will appeal to all readers who enjoy cooking.” —Publishers Weekly

Buy it at Amazon etc. or on the webstore at Edward Brown's Peaceful Sea Sangha

More books on Amazon:

2-20-14 - By All Means by Edward Espe Brown, illustrated by Margot Koch, with a painting by John Simpkins --Missing Links Press, San Francisco (112 pages). To order go to the Peaceful Sea Sangha Shop.

Review by Catherine Gammon on SFZC.org

And the movie - How to Cook Your Life. It may be available on Kanopy.

Another Interview with Edward Brown - on How to Cook Your Life

Rules to Live By - by Edward Brown, published in Buddhadharma, Fall 2013.

Ed Brown's tribute - A testimonial to Jack Elias's hypnotherapeutic work.

Edward Brown sends a spring 2011 note

Correspondence with Edward's brother Dwite

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