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11-10-11 - Rinso-in's 500th Anniversary last month On Wednesday, October 19, Sojun Roshi flew off to join the three-day celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of Rinso-in Temple in Yaizu, Japan. It is the home temple of Suzuki Roshi, and now Hoitsu Roshi. Sojun is bringing a photo book called Endless Beginnings as a present from BZC. Sections of the book include: "Face to Face," "Early Days," "Berkeley Zen Center," "Sojun’s Mountain Seat Ceremony," "To Rinso-in," "Friends," "Outside Look at Berkeley Zen Center," "In Zendo," "Inside Look at BZC," "40th Anniversary," "Mountains and Rivers Sesshin," "Zaike Tokudo," Couples," "Marriage of Max and Kana," and "Zaike Shukke." A scanned version of the book is in the BZC Photo Library and here on Shutterfly. Click the "Endless Beginnings" tab if it’s not already open. Then you can see the book as photos of the front and back covers and pages, and as a photeo (video from photos). A revised and expanded version is planned for the BZC library and for sale at BZC soon. As you look at version one, if any suggestions occur for captions, more photos, layout, or other aspects of the book, please share them with Ko Blix 11-09-11 - Four friends from over here went to the 500th Anniversary of Rinsoin, Shunryu Suzuki's temple in Japan. Check it out on the SFZC's Sangha News. Here we have Blanche, Mel, and Chuck at breakfast in the Rinsoin family area. More photos later.
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