Loring Palmer
RIP Loring Palmer -
November 19, 1936 - November 11, 2020
Photos below
Cuke Podcast with Loring 🔊 - 2020
excerpts from his cuke interview in Brief Memories
Loring Palmer on the Fourth Turning (of the Wheel of the Dharma)
Loring Palmer on Suzuki and LSD in Brief Memories
Loring Palmer remembers a doctor who treated Suzuki - in Comments
7-2-12 - Loring Palmer on The Conquest of Peru - his recent inspiring trip and trips there
from Loring's 2011 note to DC after reading all this on cuke.com
RISHIKESH: Holy City by the Holy Ganga
NHNE's "Big Mind" Resource Page and a Candice link from Bro Lor
Got almost all the photos below off Loring's Facebook page. His mate Lainie put most of them there Nov. 12, 2020. Just cropped some of them. More cropping to go.
Will also try to get the names and dates.
from Ken Spiker
Photo by Sally Chapman
Loring's altar photo by Sally Chapman
Loring and friends saying goodbye
Gone beyone - with a hint of a smile