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Sangha News Zen Aluminati Death&Dying
Interview with Lou and Blanche
Lou Hartman, Shuun Mitsuzen click on thumbnail to enlarge Funeral Service: Sunday, March 13 at 2:00pm. Visit The Great Leap, San Francisco Zen Center’s Sangha Memorial website, to see and post remembrances, reflections, and photographs. 1-21-11 - Lou Harman died yesterday. Joan Amarol wrote on 1-20 - lou died at 3:42 this afternoon. blanche was right there with him. he was surrounded by his family, with sangha members sitting close by. at his request we immediately performed a precept renewal ceremony. his body will remain at zen hospice until sunday. sitting times are 9am-9pm. you can also check the zen center facebook page for 7:30 tonight we'll hold a ceremony in the buddha hall at city center with sojun mel weitsman officiating. we'll recite the heart sutra and daihi shin dharani to help lou on his way. tomorrow morning's service will also be dedicated to lou. 1-21-11 - Joan Amaral on people sitting with Lou Hartman blanche is inviting us to sit with lou from this moment
until he goes, which appears to be approaching today, tonight or possibly
tomorrow. there are zafus and chairs in his room, and if we start to
overflow, some of us can sit downstairs in the big room. 1-19-11 - Joan Amaral sends word on Lou Hartman's condition blanche and lou's
children, grandchildren, and their beautiful great-granddaughter were here
over the weekend. now lou is going inward. blanche is with him constantly
and she feels it's now a time for them to be alone. Two messages to Lou Hartman from India read at his funeral - from Shindo Gita Gayatri and DC Dear Lou, Like a fawn Thank you for Aum! Shindo Gayatri *** Lou - You were a humble and sincere man on the path. All of us will miss you - including the dishes . Thanks for staying around so long. Bon voyage. - David Chadwick |
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