Peter Coyote

Peter has been around the SFZC for decades. He has his own group now. He was ordained as a priest and received transmission from Lew Richmond. Check him out at Peter Coyote dot com - teaching, books, acting, etc

Zen in the Vernacular2024 - Zen in the Vernacular: Things As It Is - a new book by Peter Coyote. Amazon link.

Cuke Podcast with Peter 🔊
That's a link to the podcast on Cuke Podcast home, Podbean. For links to the podcast on other platforms go to the Cuke Podcast page or search for “Cuke Audio Podcast” in your favorite podcast app.

2024 on YouTube: Stumbling On the Path: A Short History of a Miscreant’s Transition to Buddhism – Peter Coyote (Ted Howell and Taiyo Lipscomb, thanks for recommending.)

Statement of support for Cuke Archives is on the Dana 2020 page

Edward Conze’s The Psychology of Mass Propaganda with an afterword by Peter Coyote.

10-16-2017 - Peter's comment on the SFZC ban on Edward Brown teachings there

6-12-17 - Sixteen minute audio of interview with Peter on his path from theater to Zen

5-06-15 - Pacific Sun Interview with Peter Coyote by Steve Helig in Marin County, California. - thanks Katrinka

5-02-15 - Peter's new book: The Rainman's Third Cure: an Irregular Education

12-14-12 - Peter Coyote on Democracy Now

8-20-11 - Congratulations to Peter Coyote who was ordained as a Soto Zen priest today by Lew Richmond, head teacher of the Vimala Sangha

Peter Coyote dot com

Peter's Facebook Page

Peter's Wikipedia page


IMDB main page

Coyote, Peter Sleeping Where I Fall, Counterpoint Press, 1999.

Go to excerpt about the Human Be-in mentioning Shunryu Suzuki

Amazon link for audio book of Peter reading Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Peter Coyote dot com page for this audio book

Peter sends a Memorial Eko for Shunryu Suzuki

Peter reads Zen Flesh, Zen Bones

A FILM Produced and Directed by James Zito
Narration by Peter Coyote

Lay Ordination report


Shambhala Sun interview with Peter Nov. 1998

A Conversation with Gary Snyder & Peter Coyote from 1999 Poetry Flash

Where the Counterculture Prevails - Peter Coyote on YouTube

Peter's blurbs for

Taigen Dan Leighton's Faces of Compassion: Classic Bodhisattva Archetypes and Their Modern Expression . Revised Edition. Formerly published as Bodhisattva Archetypes: Classic Buddhist Guides to Awakening and Their Modern Expression. - (Wisdom Publications,2003)

"Such a useful book. Mr. Leighton clarifies and explains aspects of Buddhism which are often mysterious to the uninformed. The concept of the Bodhisattva--one who postpones personal salvation to serve others--is the perfect antidote to today's spiritual materialism where "enlightened selfishness" has been enshrined as dogma for the greedy. This book is useful as a fine axe."

--Peter Coyote, actor and author of Sleeping Where I Fall

Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan

"The results of Chadwick's cultural collision with Japan are funny, insightful, revelatory and intriguing as hell. Don't let the fantastic cover fool you - this is a ripe book that goes to the core. The irreverence was also a friggin relief." -- Peter Coyote, actor and writer, in The Whole Earth Review

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