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2013 Suzuki or Suzuki student or friend related
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12-29-13 - Interview with Bob Watkins done in 1993 - one of the first. Recent emails from Bob to follow the day after tomorrow.
12-27-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments
65-05-15 - More discussion of tape recording Suzuki's lectures. 12-24-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-04-10 - Hmm. Jean Ross was interviewed on KCBS program Viewpoint on April 9th. Wonder if that's available. Discussion about preserving Suzuki's lectures, recording them. Turns out there's a tape recorder on the premises. 12-23-13 - On yesterday's posting of the film Tassajara 68. 12-22-13 - A NEW film release - Tassajara 68 - A 4.5 minute film by Larry Cooper made in the spring of 1968 at Tassajara with Suzuki Roshi, students working, bells, han, and creek. So far just a big file: almost half a Gigabyte. More on this film tomorrow. - dc To see the film go to 12-20-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-03-06 - Lots of Suzuki comments, the last one being he wants more ads to bring people in. Shocking. 12-18-13 - Introduction to Zen Is Right Here. Working on an introduction to a Japanese translation of Zen Is Right Here and noticed that the regular old intro wasn't included here on cuke with the whole book. Will post and link to another neglected part, the Acknowledgements, tomorrow. Oh the suspense. - dc 12-16-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-02-06 - Discussion at the end Dick Baker suggests students contribute $1 a month toward the new temple. Claude Dalenberg asks what role the Zen Center would play in the new temple and Shunryu Suzuki says it might be best to have a separate building then Dick suggests they start a building fund for the ZC and the motion carried. 12-14-13 -2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-01-16 - "Also with respect to the Wind Bell, Dick suggested that we publish Reverend Suzuki's lectures contained therein as a book." This is the earliest reference I know of to creating a book. Prior to reading this, the first was Marian Derby telling Suzuki she'd like to record his lectures to make a book. The first known transcript from Los Altos recordings is July 8, 1965. 12-10-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-09-11 - Elsie Mitchell's check for Katagiri's family might be because she was grateful to him for his assistance to her in recording the Sounds of Eiheiji six years before. Discussion of advertising locally and nationally that I think never happened. 12-08-13 - Happy Buddha's Enlightenment Day When Trungpa Rinpoche met Suzuki Roshi More on CTR Chronicles from Sam Bercholz with Hazel Bercholz This link goes to the Chronicles of CTR. CTR is Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Want to get transcript of this and other Bercholz audio. - dc photo is of Suzuki in Japan at his temple, Rinsoin - looks like he's dressed as a pilgrim or takuhatsu (monk's begging). Used here cause it was on the CTR site. Guess it's with the photo archive at - dc
Center of Gravity - a Buddhist practice site - thanks Howie Klein Spent a while correcting a few misspellings of Dorothy Schalk's name from shalk and Alan and Jeri Marlowe from marlow - Alan's name came up about sixty times, a few for his sister-in-law Jeri who pointed this out to me. 12-06-13 - Last week Katrinka and I saw screening of Mark Watts' film Why Not Now? about his father, Alan. Read more. Mark Watts interviewed on People Speak Radio 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 65-10-02 - Rev. Suzuki report on trip to Mass. where Schalks (not Shalk-gotta fix this here and there) propose to build Buddhist temple. Felt that Soto school should have center there. Need to be more effective drum and bell. Bill Kwong to study kinds and prices with him. Claude Dalenberg and Dick Baker to look for real estate possibilities. Gatha by Suzuki in Middle Way report on funeral service for Hazel Paget. 12-04-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 64-09-12 - "Rev. Suzuki suggested as another way of raising money the possibility of Z.C. sponsoring a movie benefit, but he also felt that the primary concern of ZC was not to raise more money but to study more Buddhism. That was where our time and effort should go." "Notice by Reverend Suzuki of his forthcoming trip to Boston to visit Elsie Mitchell in Cambridge." 11-28-13 - Happy Thanksgiving. 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 64-05-02 - Discussion on sesshin meal prep.Comments by Shunryu Suzuki. Suggestion men be included. ------ Second page doesn't follow. 11-24-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 64-03-07 - I've no time to look at this now. Notes if any later. Two days later - Katagiri is there. Will stay with [Ira] Price, Jodo Shin Shu priest as I recall. Umada = Yamada; Susuki = Suzuki. 64-03-21 and 22 meeting notes are included. Suzuki announces Katagiri is definitely staying on as his assistant. 11-23-13 - Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan is now available as an eBook. 11-22-13 - A short Zen bio of Dale McKenzie who showed up at Sokoji in 67 and now sits with Mt. Source Sangha in San Rafael. 11-20-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Resuming this. Clare Hollander did all but two of the first thirteen years and now the rest have been scanned by Warren Lynn in Fort Worth. These will be posted one every other day or so, alternating with the early ZC biz and board notes. Here's Volume VIII - 3-4 - spring 69. This is one I'd accidentally not given to Clare. It's all Shunryu Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra edited by Tim Buckley. Here is the same material transcribed and posted previously which might be why that Wind Bell wasn't scanned earlier. 11-18-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 64-11-07 - Chick Reeder is at the meeting. In response to a query for something from Chick for cuke, he responded with this which is posted in cuke interviews. Mike Dixon does the minutes and makes mistakes in the spelling of his own name more than once. 11-17-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 64-01-11 - First mention of Dave Haselwood. Maybe should go back and do the same for others. First mention of four and nine days being days of no zazen - except Sundays. When I arrived in 66 that rule no longer applied. It comes from the Soto Zen monastic practice of having a reduced schedule on days with a four or nine in them - the 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th, and 29th. Don't know the history or extent of this practice which allowed monks time to do their laundry and so forth. We have more of an idea of personal space etc here so to us it is a day off but it wasn't billed as that by our Japanese teachers. At Tassajara we'd have one zazen instead of two in the mornings and evenings and no work period. We could go on hikes and miss lunch. Also noted that George Hagiwara threw a party for Grahame Petchey when he returned from doing a practice period at Eiheiji in Japan. I saw George as the most prestigious member of the Japanese congregation and the zazen group's best friend. Until the Japanese internment in the early 40s, his family home was in the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, his father the founding gardener sent over by Emperor Meiji. 11-15-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-09-07 - Letter of support for Vietnamese Buddhists sent to US government. Grahame Petchey leaving on Pan American for Japan and Eiheiji Sept. 14 at 10am to return Dec. 15th. 11-14-13 - Invisible Idylls by Philip Whalen released a few months ago by Big Bridge Press - thanks Howie Klein A great page for Philip on the Big Bridge Press site which also published Philip's collected poems. Cuke main page for Philip Whalen 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-08-03 - Discussion of Soto Zen meeting stressing zazen for all, support for Vietnamese Buddhists, MacDonough's Middlebar Monastery. Trudy still spelling Suzuki as Susuki. 11-12-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-05-04 - Ah - we see that sometime between the last meeting and this, the ZC got listings in the phone book under Zen Center, Soto Zen Mission, and Reverend Suzuki. This clears up the conflicting reports of it was and wasn't in the phone book. 11-11-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-03-07 - Shunryu Suzuki soon going to Japan for three months. He names four students to give zazen instruction; Betty Warren, Bill Kwong, Grahame Petchey, and Richard Baker. Dr Wako Kato (Kazemitsu Kato) will give lectures in his absence. Dr. Douglass Burns and his Neo Dharma Group are mentioned again and into the nineties on web Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology by Dr. Douglass Burns Burns in Religion in America Directory and mentioned in this article on Eric Fromm 11-10-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-01-05 - I love reading these minutes. I remember how when I interviewed students from back in these days, they tended to miss these simple intimate times. Suzuki Roshi expressed a bit of that himself at times saying "Zen Center is getting to big," or something like that. The Dr. Burns mentioned is Douglass Burns who spoke there a number of times. I see he's mentioned in three Suzuki lectures. - on Theravadan Buddhism as I recall. More on him later. 11-09-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-12-07 - The new temple they're talking about is for the Japanese congregation which moved there around the corner in 1972. Here it is. Here's their Facebook page. Here's the Wikipedia page for Sokoji. Here's the cuke page for Sokoji. I've got a folder on Sokoji, the building, with materials copied from the San Francisco Library which should get on cuke at some point. The Dr. Kato who was mentioned is the priest who was in charge of Sokoji when Shunryu Suzuki arrived. He's still involved with Zenshuji in LA. Here's his cuke interview. Bishop Umada should be Bishop Yamada. 11-08-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-11-02 - It says Archbishop Takashina didn't visit Middlebar but Middlebar publications say he did and I don't think he had more than one trip to the US. Note the Susuki typo. Typical. The Shishogi is the Shushogi and it's not one of Dogen's chants. It was published in 1890. "The Shushogi is mainly comprised of extracts taken directly from the Shobogenzo." - That from Global Soto Zen dot net which has more on it at that link. Here's one of the translations on the Internet: Shushogi translation on Stanford site. 11-07-13 - Made a page for influential master calligrapher Reed College prof Lloyd Reynolds with a mp3 of a talk he gave at the City Center in the 70s - with an intro by Rick Levine. 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 63-10-05 - These are called business meetings. Anyway, they were with the board notes. I guess there was a board in 63. Might not have had much to meet about or do. As can be seen by these notes, there weren't many big decisions being made. Interesting the peace purpose for the visit of Archbishop Takashina, the head of the Soto Zen sect in Japan. If I remember correctly, he died in American on that trip. Also the mentions of Rev. MacDonough (not MacDonald) of Middlebar Monastery in Stockton. He was Dan Welch's first teacher. Dan met Suzuki when MacDonough asked Dan to visit Sokoji and pay his respects back in 62 or so. Takashina did go to Middlebar on that trip I think and if I recall right MacDonough said he got transmission from him then. I remember driving Suzuki Roshi to a meeting of Japanese Soto priests at Rev. Ueno's temple in Monterrey and meeting MacDonough there, the only Caucasian. He had priest's robes on. I don't think he spoke any Japanese. More on this later maybe if I get around to it. Write his name in the cuke search box and read more about him in what comes up. 11-06-13 - Emma Bragdon on Shunryu Suzuki and more. Made additions and changes to Emma Bragdon cuke page. Impressive. - dc 11-05-13 - Yesterday posted a note to Silas from Marge Bragdon. Her daughter Emma was a student of Shunryu Suzuki. Here now is Emma Bragdon cuke page to learn what she's been up to since then from spiritual Emergency to Spiritual Healing. 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments 62-11-03 - scrapbook album being kept. Surprised to see "Roshi Suzuki." 11-04-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G 1969 Letter to ZC prez Silas Hoadley about funding sabbatical for Abbot Suzuki C 1969 anti-war Letter from Marge Bragdon to Silas Hoadley 11-03-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G 1990 article co-authored by Rick Levine and Steven Lane on caring for HIV homeless Early copy of photo from Rinsoin scrapbook with Shunryu Suzuki containing notes by Bill Shurtleff - think there are better scans of this like with a whole bunch of Bill's notes. In Japanese section added a scroll from Silas (Silas Hoadley interview), this poorly scanned (by DC) collection of we think memorial envelopes, and this official looking calligraphed document. Cuke Archives report: Today am picking up decades of letters from Marian (Derby Mountain) Wisberg from Frances Thompson (memories from her to come), tapes to digitize (returning others), a few Wind Bells to scan, and with the help of Sassy, getting back to work in the archive room organizing and identifying what material remains to be scanned so it can be shipped off to Warren in Fort Worth so we can have even more such posts here on cuke and mainly so this material will be available to work with wherever I am and I am leaving with Katrinka one month from today for six in Asia thus focusing now on work that can only be done here. - DC 11-02-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G 11-01-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Dr. Albert (Mickey) Stunkard on DT Suzuki, the war, and more. (Stunkard interview on cuke with other links) After the War - 2nd time this posted with a handwritten note October 10-31-13 - Cuke Retraction: The note on the 29th: Workshop at the Chaple Hill Zen Center: Suzuki Roshi's Commentary on Dogen Zenji's Receiving the Marrow by Bowing - was true - but all that stuff about Shunryu Suzuki's thesis being translated was not true, a misunderstanding. Oh - remember now - Gil Fronsdal has been raising money to get that translated. Wonder if it's done. He mentioned to me about how much the Sati Center had spent on it four years ago or so. A copy is here in our archives. Our apologies here at cuke industries. - dc 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Lew Welch on Dan Welch - Lew Welch on Wiki - Dan on cuke - no one link for Dan - write his name in quotes in the site search box on the What's New and Home pages and see what comes up. That's how we get to things on our own site. - dc 10-30-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Sati Center for Buddhist Studies and Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies brochure for 1998 conference on the Life, Times, and Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki. Now there's a Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Sanford 1995 letter to DC from Janwillem Van der Wetering 10-29-13 - Richard Jaffe and his grad student, Michael Yoshiharu Quick, have translated Suzuki Roshi's thesis. [not true - retracted Oct. 31st] Workshop at the Chaple Hill Zen Center: Suzuki Roshi's Commentary on Dogen Zenji's Receiving the Marrow by Bowing
On Sunday 17 November at 11:00, Michael Quick will lead a discussion on Suzuki Shunryu Roshi’s unpublished 1930 thesis, written while he was a young student at Komazawa University. The thesis attempts an interpretation of Dogen Zenji that situates him within both Soto tradition and then-current research on the concept of religion, with a focus on the Raihai Tokuzui (Receiving the Marrow by Bowing) fascicle of the Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye). This workshop will go from 11:00-2:00 and will include lunch. Suggested donation is $20. Michael is a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Religion at Duke University. Chaple Hill Zen Center website events page 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Shunryu Suzuki datebook for 1959 - the one he arrived with. May 1st was a Friday but even if the book was for another year we know from his entries made on the flight over. There is a complete scan of this book including the cover and blank pages. I like this one because the first thing we see is the name of Sam Lewis, Sufi Sam, whom I didn't know he'd ever met. - dc 10-28-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Original of story called "Crooked Brim" written about Shunryu Suzuki by David Barrow - 1927 - 30 - Harry Rose letter on this story with transcription. 10-27-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Kanji for basic names - faxes between DC and Otohiro Suzuki DC notebook for 1994 trip to Japan to do research for Crooked Cucumber Rene Pittet letter - one of many - Rene (RIP) cuke page Kato Taro letter in Japanese Group - He's the guy who at the age of 12 or so accompanied Suzuki to Manchuria in 1945. 10-26-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Dharma West by David Wise - a 1971 paper for UCB Dept. of Sociology, a study of the SFZC Note from John King to interview tea teacher Ueda Sensei, one of many missed opportunities. 10-25-19 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G Note on possible location of missing Los Altos tapes that led to ZMBM Del Carlson - DC notes 10-24-19 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - introducing Group G Aiko Uchiyama memorial program - Shunryu Suzuki's little sister Marilyn Riley article on vision quest with Betty Warren - Betty Warren cuke page Betty Warren vision quest letters 10-22-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F 1962 - SFZC (just ZC back then) financial statement, meeting minutes, proposed constitution 10-21-13 - The Shunryu Suzuki page on Wikipedia has a pretty thorough lineage list. Wonder if it's complete. 10-19-13 - Reading draft of a chapter of David Schneider's upcoming book on Philip Whalen, Crowded by Beauty; A Biography of Poet and Zen Teacher Philip Whalen, forthcoming from University of California Press - did a couple of hours of work on the Philip Whalen cuke page which has mucho amount on Philip. Also wrote more on him at the bottom of his page. 10-14-13 - Paul Reps cuke page. 10-05-13 - RIP Arthur Deikman Interview with Arthur and Etta Deikman with many links 10-04-13 - Seems to be true but memories morph and myths are made. SR and CTR both said:
Just do it Don't go on any trips First thought best thought
SR = Suzuki Roshi, CTR = Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Source: Howie Klein and DC (As in What? That's what SR said. Really?) 10-03-13 - Alan Watts and Chogyam Trungpa as told by Sam Bercholz - from the Chronicles Project. [audio] Sam Bercholz is the founder of Shambhala Publications (publisher of two of my books). I remember buying books from him in the sixties at his little hole-in-the-wall store on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. Sam and I were talking about mysterious events surrounding the death of Alan Watts and he told me that Trungpa was with Alan earlier that evening. He said that Trungpa loved Alan Watts' books and thought he must be enlightened - until he met him - though that didn't diminish Trungpa's respect for Watts and his work. Sam said he went to Sokoji and heard Shunryu Suzuki speak, liked Suzuki but didn't go back. He went on to become a close disciple of Chogyam Trungpa. - dc Here's an interview also from the Chronicles Project with Sam and Henry Schaeffer posted earlier on cuke. Made a cuke page for Henry cause he's in cuke here and there and fixed a number of misspellings of his name. Stole this mini bio of Trungpa from the home page of the Chronicles Project. Alan Watts dot org - the excellent archival site run by Alan Watts' son Mark. 9-29-13 - We have replaced the following incomplete audio on with complete audio 9-09-00 B - "Stand Up by the Ground/ We have been talking about-- discuss-- discussing about reality, actually, and ..." 69-09-00 C - Sesshin, Third Night Lecture - "We are talking about our practice. What is the practice, and what is enlightenment..." 69-09-14 - get rid of modified audio because it was not of the whole lecture. Pure Silk, Sharp Iron - "Sunday school-- a Sunday-school girl saw me in sitting, and she said..." 70-07-13 - Ekō Lecture 5 - "Morning Service Patriarch Hall Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe us and may ...…" 69-09-16 - had the wrong audio. Got the right one on there: Why I became a priest - "I have not much chance to think about why I came to America or why I became a ...…" Lecture titles and quotes from the Title/First Line column of the Compact Media List 9-26-13 - New Abbot Selected for the SFZC City Center: Rinso Edward Sattizahn. Congratulations Ed. SFZC page for Ed Ed in Suzuki Stories Refuge - a Buddhist Film. Watched this 2006 film for the first time last night and found that I was in it a number of times. I remember wondering why John Halpern chose to interview me and then later chastising myself for doing it thinking I don't know anything. I'll have to fake it. I remember him setting up lights and having a crew to film in my backyard in Sebastopol and instead of saying I don't know trying to give answers to please him while he cheered me on indicating with gestures when I was on a track he liked. Anyway, finally saw it and it wasn't so bad and it was great seeing my dear departed Boxer Lola. Everyone else in it is pretty prestigious. Good grief.. - dc - - posted in dc misc 9-24-13 - Minding the Earth, Walking by Katharine Cook 9-13-13 - Reed College and the SFZC page 9-10-13 - Dr. Edward Conze audio sent by his student Rick Levine. Posting this on Rick's cuke page. 9-07-13 - Tara Treasurefield, formerly Pat Lang, with memories of Shunryu Suzuki 9-05-13 - Rick levine with Charles Leong - audio on Rick's cuke page. Once Leong starts talking about fishing he doesn't change the subject till the end. In the last few seconds his voice speeds up humorously beyond comprehension due to battery death at time of recording. 9-01-13 - The whole Crooked Cucumber now uploaded onto the Notes on Crooked Cucumber section which will gather notes, links, photos, whatever gradually or such is the plan. Here's the new SF Art Institute page on cuke which lists people who studied there and sat at the SFZC. Those we know of are almost entirely from the Suzuki era.
8-31-13 - Thanks
Richard Baker for forwarding this message to him from
Brother David
Steindl-Rast: Cuke interview with Margot Wilkie - with the NY Times obit, links, comments, and a portrait made not long ago 8-27-13 - Prajna Paramita root ball statue created by Elizabeth Sawyer and Barton Stone over the last six years. The ceremony to celebrate the completion was on August 25th at the Back Porch Zendo near Occidental. [more on this soon. Got more photos and info.] 8-24-13 - On the site, Goodreads, under Shunryu Suzuki Quotes, there are some questionable entries. Take a look. I'll try to get up some comments on them tomorrow - pointing out which ones I think are candidates for the Dubious page. - dc 8-23-13 - Fake Buddha quotes from Tricycle - Wow - Synchronicity. I started listing dubious Suzuki quotes just earlier this month. This has inspired me to make a page for it: Dubious 8-09-13 - The Cambridge Buddhist Society (CBA) is defunct - an informative email 8-02-13 - Bruce Fortin brief memory of Shunryu Suzuki - Bruce is the founding teacher of the Occidental Laguna Sangha in Sebsatopol, CA. 7-25-13 - Fund to help Dianne Di Prima, diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 7-21-13 - Narcissus Robert Quagliata on Shunryu Suzuki - 2012 emails to DC - Narcissus cuke page 7-20-13 - Tassajara Facebook page Reminder: Shunryu Suzuki Facebook page called Suzuki Roshi. 7-16-13 - Suzuki Roshi and the Modern Soto Denomination Sati Conference May 30, 1998 by Prof. Richard Jaffe 7-15-13 - Interview notes Richard Jaffee notes on Shunryu Suzuki influences - has to be rescanned or replaced Carl Bielefeldt talk on Suzuki - some bad spots in scanning 7-14-13 - My friendship with Marian Derby Wisberg by Fran Thompson
7-13-13 - Shunryu Suzuki notes for his eulogy for Trudy Dixon 7-12-13 - Shunryu Suzuki (?) writing-jp - says from appointment book but that may be wrong - to In Japanese Scans Shunryu Suzuki CV in his hand with notes (by Peter Schneider?) starting with Sokoji abbots list Shunryu Suzuki CV typed 7-10-13 - Letter to Grahame Petchey about Nona Ransom from English Quaker Sandokai study by DC worked on while Suzuki gave lectures 7-09-13 - Note from Edward Brown on the source Suzuki lectures in Not Always So - these lectures are so indicated in where one can bring up a list of these lectures in the New Search Form or see them marked in the Compact List. Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki Shohaku Okumura 1999 letter to Grahame Petchey with a Crooked Cucumber mention 7-06-13 - 1961 Letter to Jean Ross from Kyoto - maybe from Bill McNeil 7-05-13 - Rick Levine's 1999 letter on Crooked Cucumber with some errata suggestions. 7-04-13 - Herb Caen's column the day Shunryu Suzuki arrived One of Huston Smith's letters of support for the Crooked Cucumber Archives. 7-02-13 - Notes on meaning of Suzuki's notes in notebook he was using on way to US 0m 1959 DC Eko Study Book made in 1970 while Shunryu Suzuki lectured on these merit dedicating chants recited at end of sutra. Right now there's a note from a SFZC librarian as the first page. Kanji by Yoshimura. 7-01-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Calvin Steimetz about a BCA (Buddhist Churches of America) annual seminar of Buddhist groups and teachers. Trudy Dixon - sent to Shunryu in Japan October 1966. 6-30-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Two letters in the early sixties from Sally Unger A letter from Saul Warkov - 9/29/62 - with a great story from Jewish lore about being away from one's master. A resume, maybe to go with the CVs or maybe submitted for his own reasons by Ralph Lester Wire, a name not noticed before, - with character references. Suzuki Roshi I doubt would have asked for that. - dc 6-29-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Marlene Caspari (10-02-62), Phillip Wilson - 1964 on the way to Japan, Peter Schneider - early sixties from Kalamazoo, Michigan 6-28-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Three letters from Marian Derby (Mountain) later to be Wisberg 6-27-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - from Li Gotami Govinda from Joe Phelan, student of Soyu Matsuoka in Chicago from Julia Laurin in Japan with Grahame and Pauline Petchey and Phil Wilson 6-26-13 - Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - from Richard Baker - 1965 6-25-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere} Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Dorothy Schalk 1 Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Dorothy Schalk 2 6-24-13 - Richard Baker lecture on day Shunryu Suzuki died - 71-12-04 6-23-13 - Papers in Japanese from Shunryu Suzuki's room - including some of what his wife was throwing out when she left - retrieved from trash by Vicki Austin. Not sure where file names came from. - dc Zen Is Right Here Romanian cover. 6-22-13 - Shunryu Suzuki photo archive now has had a great deal of info entered under the photos thanks to Peter Ford who also created this excellent photo display. Lots of info still to ad and surely some corrections to make, but this is a big step. We've got this collection digitized due to the efforts some years ago, maybe ten, of Shinshu Roberts, who took the photos to Seattle or somewhere up there where a friend had a quality scanner. I'd added info to a small number of photos with the intention of getting back to that task before the end of time. In the current scanning of a backlog of materials, came upon a chart of the photos with explanations. Shinshu might have done this but I bet it was Bill Redican. Peter ran the PDF of that list through a OCR (optical character recognition) program and entered the data into the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive on Shunryu Suzuki dot com. It took some scattered villagers. Many more photos should be scanned in the SFZC catacombs and in scattered shoeboxes.. - dc 6-21-13 - An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki: Front Matter including Kobun Chino and Katrin Otogawa's jointly calligraphed character for shine, hikari, on one of the opening pages of the book. Early sixties SFZC students' CVs, something that was never done again as far as I know. - dc 6-20-13 - An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki: 2nd Shunryu Suzuki English caligraph: Do not say too late. From Anecdote 123 - words. Interview with Masaji Yamada by Kyoko Furuhashi Masaji Yamada four statements - JP 6-19-13 - Images in Zen Is Right Here (scanned from the original version, To Shine One Corner of the World - Kobun Chino and Katrin Otogawa's jointly calligraphed character for shine, hikari, and two Shunryu Suzuki brushed English phrases JPEG images Back cover for the hardback Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki (Thanks to Gregory Wonderwheel for scanning the back cover of the book back in 2000 and sending it in to replace the poorly done one that was here before. I was embarrassed to tell you I lost your scan. Just got around to replacing it. - DC) An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki: 1st Shunryu Suzuki English caligraph: I hope you are enjoying the wisdom of the Buddha. From Anecdote 66 - hope 6-18-13 - Trungpa and Zen by David Schneider who writes "This article, I think from Tricycle, largely builds on material from the introduction to The Teacup and the Skullcup. However, starting with the second paragraph, there's a story about one of the times VCTR (Trungpa Rinpoche) visited Zen Center, and Suzuki Roshi was there. It goes for a while, and then the rest of the article is inserted, and then it picks back up at the end." Wind Bell 62 first page with Shinsanshiki poem. All the old Windbells will be here soon. 6-17-13 - Sugizaki - JP - sent by Kirk Rhoads in the nineties from Yaizu. Must check to see if have translation. 6-16-13 - SR (Suzuki Roshi) letter to Yamada at Eiheiji - jp Tassajara Stupa for SR explanation (DC notes from early 72) Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki End Matter (glossary, further reading, acknowledgments) 6-15-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki the 123rd anecdote - words - added answer, the words Suzuki wrote. Will include image soon. That's the last anecdote. 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere} # 14 - Intro to the Guide to Shunryu Suzuki photo archive # 15 - Guide to Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - incomplete Who's Who. This info to be added soon below the images Andrew Main sends a comment on the note and inscription the Dalai Lama wrote in Steve Frost's Kalachakra book Meanwhile, Steve has added the translation of the inscription "to Rationale V If you want to see, scroll down to where the pictures start there a link to the inscription as well the translation in the blog." Missed the iPhone 5 workshop this morning. Got the time wrong. [more in DC misc] 6-14-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki the 123rd anecdote - words 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere} # 12 - Alan Watts book (bio or autobio) SR - notes # 13 - SR - obit - eng & jp Clear View Project - featuring the new film Zen and War and doing other good work. 6-13-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki the 122nd anecdote - talk 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere} # 11 - Bill Shurtleff notes for Rinsoin scrap book a New book by Brad WarnerTHERE IS NO GOD AND HE IS ALWAYS WITH YOU: A Search for God in Odd PlacesA Talk with Brad Warner about this bookrelated videos with Brad - this one and this one and this one Brad Warner is elsewhere on cuke. Do a site search for him using the search box above or a web wide search to learn even more. 6-12-13 - New Clappers for Mindfulness Practice Group of Annapolis Ray Watkins made these beautiful kaishaku, clappers as used in Zen temples and I'm sure other temples and I guess secular uses in Japan and likely in China going back long way. Someone want to send a list of what they're used for at the SFZC? - Contact DC Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki the 121st anecdote - grieve 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere} # 8 - Ohaka Zounin - jp # 9 - Shoganji (temple where Shunryu was born) - jp # 10 - Silas' scroll - jp When in Fort Worth, sit eves Monday at TCU and Thursday at a Catholic girls' school with the sangha of the Fort Worth Zendo, associated with the Dallas Maria Kannon.Zen Center. 6-11-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki the 120th anecdote - do New Canaan material - Deneal Amos' group in New Hampshire - would love to get any info on Deneal. - Contact DC Letter from Robert Pirsig on Crooked Cucumber with a reference to Thank You and OK (the war between the Nazis and the Gypsies) - too light - redo 6-10-13 - Mitsu Suzuki farewell talk - in her Japanese hand 6-09-13 - notes - questions for Kenji card from Natalie Goldberg about CC and TY 6-08-13 - Burton Watson letter to DC on Thank You and OK! - Master translator of Buddhist and other Japanese - more on Watson. Some of the DC bio and CV material done in Japan for immigration. Note the phoney UC Berkley phony diploma made cause you have to have a college degree to teach English in Japan. But the immigration officer (who I wrote about in Thank You and OK! had seen so much by then he waved it aside saying, "Don't need - you've already shown PhD level." - dc 6-06-13 - Philip Whalen overheard dis of Suzuki Shunryu - from Tensho David Schneider There were so many contributions from Schneider on cuke that we created a cuke page for David Schneider - check it out. 6-05-13 - Three documents from Marian Derby Wisberg sent us seven years ago. * a letter on
the Los Altos Suzuki lecture tapes 6-04-13 - Here's another photo [the top one] with Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who recently passed on - but you can't see her face. She's second from the left. Found it in Betty Warren photo and memorabilia collection which wasn't linked to the photo section and which was forgotten. Lots of stuff like that on cuke. Didn't get it at first because I'd spelled Marian's name as "Marion." Spent a half hour fixing other places where I'd done that. Now even more mentions of Marian will come up if one does a site search - though it may take a few days for the search engines to have those corrections. - dc Anagarika Govinda review of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind 6-03-13 - Here's the only photo I've found so far of Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who recently passed on. It's from the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com. She's the third from the right on the 2nd row. Could have missed some others with her. Will look further. Will find more. Much work to do on photos and naming. - dc Here's another photo with Marian in it but you can't see her face. She's second from the left. Found it in Betty Warren photo and memorabilia collection Yvonne Rand on SR - SFZC 986-02-13 - Haven't gotten around to looking for photos of Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain). Why don't you take a look in the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com and if you don't know, make a guess and send the photo number - Contact DC. 6-01-13 - Robby Pellet, dharma heir of Hoitsu Suzuki (Shunryu's son and dharma heir) sits at One Pine Hall in Seattle. There's a new newsletter out which one can access by going to the One Pine Hall website and clicking on the left arrow. Robby writes:
After uploading today's posts, will look through the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com for some with Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who passed away at 90 on May 15t, Marian's cuke page. Also - when the current projects are done - going through mother's home and other biz in Fort Worth, scanning a mountainous backlog from the Crooked Cucumber Archives - plan to go through the photo archive and identify who's who. It's set up for others to help on this as well. - dc May 5-31-13 - We just learned that Marian Derby (Mountain) Wisberg died on May 15th. - Thanks to Blanche Hartman for calling me yesterday and passing on this news she'd received from Fran Thompson. Read Fran Thompson's message on Marian's passing We knew her as Marian Derby. She was the spirited, energetic, trailblazing student of Shunryu Suzuki who founded the Haiku Zendo in Los Altos and first recorded Suzuki's lectures - for a book that became Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. In the early seventies she married Jack Wisberg in Big Sur where they first lived - and took his name. She is known to many as Marian Mountain the pen name she used for her book, The Zen Environment: the Impact of Zen Meditation. More on Marian at her cuke page - and more will be added later today and tomorrow. 5-22-13 - A reminder - while going through things here in Fort Worth and getting the home ready to sell, scanning a ton of material from Crooked Cucumber Archives backlog and backing it up redundantly - to work with and process into shinning form on later. That next step will take time and can be done wherever there's electricity nearby. Thanks Warren Lynn for focused, intelligent, diligent work. A CCA gold star is awarded. - This note posted in What We're Doing. 5-20-13 - Opps. Forgot Al Tribe's birthday two days ago. He was born on Shunryu Suzuki's birthday (5-18-1904) which I also forgot - so post-posted it there. Just like posted Mitsu's birthday a day late (4-23-1914).
Cuke Heart Sutra Page started as a hub for posts of the last few days and whatever else comes up on the subject. 5-17-13 - Can't get today's post ready till later. Below is the material gathered so far to work with. The subject is the Heart SutraCommentary by Shunryu Suzuki RoshiIN THE PRAJNA PARAMITA SUTRA the most important point, of course, is the idea of emptiness. Before we understand the idea of emptiness, everything seems to exist substantially. But after we realize the emptiness of things, everything becomes real—not substantial. When we realize that everything we see is a part of emptiness, we can have no attachment to any existence; we realize that everything is just a tentative form and color. Thus we realize the true meaning of each tentative existence. When we first hear that everything is a tentative existence, most of us are disappointed; but this disappointment comes from a wrong view of man and nature. It is because our way of observing things is deeply rooted in our self-centered ideas that we are disappointed when we find everything has only a tentative existence. But when we actually realize this truth, we will have no suffering. -,3 Earlier post on Shunryu Suzuki's "translation" of the Heart Sutra. Two links to the version Allen Ginsberg chanted: The version the Shambhala (Trungpa) sangha uses. (thanks Howie) Forgot what the link below is. Later - DC 5-15-12 - Shunryu Suzuki “Translations” of the Heart Sutra. The basic English meaning printed beneath the Sino-Japanese on Sokoji chant cards. #2 - This one for the two sided chant card that was in use when I arrived at Sokoji in the late summer of 1966. - DC. Variations in English between the 1962 four-sided card and the later two-sided card. - thanks Chris Modec-Halverson for carefully getting this all on disc 5-15-12 - Shunryu Suzuki “Translations” of the Heart Sutra. The basic English meaning printed beneath the Sino-Japanese on Sokoji chant cards. #1 - This one for the four sided chant card for the May 20, 1962 installation of Suzuki as abbot of Sokoji. - thanks Chris Modec-Halverson 5-12-13 - Florales Ludi: Festival of Flowers with Games by Katherine Cook.Happy Mother's Day Kathy 5-11-13 - Reminder: Original Mind: The Craft of Zen Practice in the West by Zentatsu Richard Baker, sole American dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. The first chapters are now after many years of writing and rewriting finally available on the Dharma Sangha site.5-04-13 - How to Live on the Planet Earth: A Celebration of Nanao Sakaki
Fri May 10 2013 7:00
PM Here's a page for the late Nanao's new poetry collection on the Poems from the Gulf of Maine blog. 5-01-13 - Today the missing text from the last page of Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-01-12 which became the Mind Waves chapter of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - with a link to the original transcript and the draft edited with Trudy Dixon's (I think) handwritten notes which had the missing page. - posted n the Shunryu Suzuki Lecture Work in Progress section. April 4-30-13 - Transcribing the missing brief end to a Shunryu Suzuki lecture located yesterday while going through archive material at the SFZC City Center. Been wanting to get to this for a few years. It's one of the lectures from what I call the Los Altos Box, the group of lectures Marian (Mountain) Derby Wisberg and Trudy Dixon and Richard Baker worked with to make Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Will have it up here in a while - with more exciting historical detail. - dc (9:20am San Rafael, CA) 4-27-13 - Danny Parker on the Summer of 1974 at the SFZC with memories of Philip Whalen 4-24-13 - Posting yesterday's Happy Birthday to Mitsu Suzuki one day late. See - it's down there now as if it were posted yesterday. However, personal congrats were sent to her via Rinsoin. More, including her response I just noticed that on the SFZC site it says "This April in Japan, she will be turning 99 and in our way of counting, 100" but that's not right. Unless I'm making a senior mistake, it's the opposite: this April she will turn 99 in our way of counting and in Japan's 100. Born 1914 - same as my recently late mother, Ahdel. In Japan you're one at birth cause their one means 1st year.
4-19-13 - Original Mind: The Craft of Zen Practice in the West by Zentatsu Richard Baker, sole American dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. The first chapters are now after many years of writing and rewriting finally available on the Dharma Sangha site.4-17-13 - David Silva Art Exhibit: A Sacred Landscape: Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal, at the SFZC City Center 5/1 - 5/31/13
David Silva's cuke page for more 4-15-13 - 2013 Scan # 2 - Notes by Barbara Wenger on Interview with Betty Warren and Della GoertzDanny Parker relates a Philip Whalen Story. 4-13-13 - Going through archive backlog scanning material to post, work with, and present in other form on cuke. #1 is Dianne Di Prima on Zen. (no source yet) Listing on the 2013 Scan page. Thanks to Warren Lynn for helping with this. He just arrived so that's all for today on cuke. 3-29-13 - Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - Chapter Twelve - Sangha - 1961–1962. Getting the whole book on cuke chapter by chapter. 3-25-13 - Memories of Shunryu Suzuki by Rene Pittet. Rene died on March 6th. More later. 3-20-13 - Cucumber Archives budget note 3-19-13 - Cucumber Archive work continues. 3-17-13 - Lew Richmond on Huff post on emptiness "Emptiness" is also the term that my own teacher Shunryu Suzuki used, though he usually added context. Once, speaking of emptiness he said, "I do not mean voidness. There is something, but that something is something which is always prepared for taking some particular form." Another time, speaking of the feeling tone of emptiness, he said, "Emptiness is like being at your mother's bosom and she will take care of you." 3-08-13 - An excerpt from Crooked Cucumber on Transmission and Enlightenment in answer to a query, also included, which led to getting another chapter loaded in the Notes on Crooked Cucumber section which had been on a back hot plate and has no notes yet or maybe one or two - just slowly preparing. This isn't the chapter that excerpt came from either - that was 17 and will be here later, how much later only space will tell. Bowing - Chapter 11 of Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki 2-19-13 -
Four Questions from Thomas Moore Evaded Dale Smith Reading Philip Whalen - thanks David Silva 2-16-13 - New transcript of Shunryu Suzuki lecture (fragment) from 70-04-25 problem audio for the Work in Progress section. - thanks Judy Gilbert. 2-12-13 - Shunryu Suzuki memories from SFZC Alumni retreat of April 2012 Dear Friends, 1-30-13 - DC Memories of MItsu Suzuki 1-29-13 - Mitsu Suzuki - Shunryu's wife in America - as found in Crooked Cucumber. Did this as part of a response to a request for stories about her for something that's being published (details later). Also put together some of my own memories (will post tomorrow) and suggested doing a cuke search from What's New or Index page for Mitsu, Okusan, Mrs. Suzuki, and Suzuki Sensei. Collecting all from that search would be rather time consuming. Would be a nice project though. Note that I called her Suzuki’s wife in America. As far as I know, they didn’t live together in Japan, married five months before he came. - dc posted in Excerpts from Crooked Cucumber Mitsu is the same age as DC mother Ahdel. 1-24-13 - Must do year end accounting for Crooked Cucumber Archives today. 1-22-13 - Interview with Jim Morton 1-16-13 - Zen Mt. Center - - - transcript - a 16 mm film made for KQED, San Francisco. Cuke Suzuki Film page. 1-11-13 - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind chart with links to original transcripts of lectures, Marian Derby's minimally edited first draft, first lines from original. 1-10-13 - Working this morning with on which has two ways to present the Suzuki Roshi lectures - the New Search Form and the Compact List. Both will be developed further this year if all goes well. Comments and suggestions welcome. I want to thank the volunteers and contributors for making all this possible. It's slowly coming along. 1-09-13 - Got an email from an old ZC buddy (whose interview I have yet to transcribe and get on cuke darnit sorry Ron will get to it this year) with a subject line that read "At Zen Center in the 60's you were ahead of your time :-)" and a link to the Squatty Pott site. Good video and a good practice. I'm going to go back to squatting which I did for years. Thanks Ron. - dc - posted in dchad misc. 1-05-13 - Off to the Houston Zen Center in a while for the Saturday morning practice. Nice place. Good people.