Tensho David Schneider


Podcast with David 🔊

Cuke Interview with David Schneider by DC done after seminar mentioned next.

David Schneider came to Johanneshof mid July, 2016 for a two day seminar on lay and monk practice he and Richard Baker did. It was hosted by the DBU (German Buddhist Union). ---------------------  See photos here at cuke blog.

Statement of support for Cuke Archives is on the Dana 2020 page

Reed oral history interview with David Schneider (PDF)

--------cuke Reed College page


David has a new book out - Goods: Short Stories - Amazon link

Linked, fictional, short stories, set in Zen centers and Tibetan vajrayana meditation communities. What happens when Westerners—young, earnest, often amorous women and men—set out on the Buddhist spiritual path? What happens when scores of them end up living together in the same building or neighborhood for meditation? In these uncensored tales of the practice world, such seekers often have to make it up as they go, integrating classical wisdom with modern reality. This includes their own playful or unruly energies. Guided by (mostly) Asian teachers, they do what they can to faithfully live the tradition, learn about themselves, and about one another. What results is a comedy of manners.

Goods is a Cuke Press-DE book - DE stands for Germany

20-10-31 - In Close Proximity—Part Two - Excerpts from Side Effect
A Journal of Zen Life with Philip Whalen
by Tensho David Schneider

20-03-02 - The Garbageman and the Goddess

20-01-15 - Message to the Shambhala Community

                    Sending and Taking - a cautionary New Years tale

19-11-20 - No Good Dead Goes Unpublished - in Tricycle - The name of the file for this article in Tricycle is "david-schneider-gay" - that makes it perfect.

19-02-03 - Dwelling Place of Our Ancestors

On Philip Whalen

Whalen overheard dis of Suzuki Shunryu

Kobun Chino and his daughter Maya's funeral

David Schneider remembers Green Gulch

On the tenken

In memory of Ananda Claude Dalenberg

Schneider's Crooked Cucumber review in Shambhala Sun

What do you do in this Brief Time? - an Interview with Rick Levine by David Schneider

David Schneider's note to DC with a few corrections and comments on cuke interview with Philip Whalen

Books by David Schneider

Goods: Short Stories - see cover and speel on it above - Amazon link
Goods is a Cuke Press-DE book

Crowded by Beauty: the Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen
by David Schneider
University of California Press page for the book

Philip's cuke page with tons of links

-------post on cuke blog on Crowded - 8-05-15

Tricycle mag review of Crowded by Andrew Schelling - put a note in the comments of that review that Richard Baker resigned, SFZC board didn't vote him out.

-------You can download a chapter at Coyotes Journal.

-----David's spring 2016 Bay Area reading schedule of Crowded by Beauty

----------4-07-16 - BOOK REVIEW/LETTER TO REED MAGAZINE from Rick Levine on Crowded by Beauty: the Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen by David Schneider

Brian Unger's review of Crowded by Beauty on Jacket 2, the avant-garde literary magazine published by the University of Pennsylvania

Trungpa, Chogyam, The Teacup and the Skullcup: Chögyam Trungpa on Zen and Tantra, Vajradhatu Publications, 2007.

2015 edition with another subtitle: Where Zen and Tantra Meet - Amazon link

--------Introduction to The Teacup and the Skullcup

                     See letter from co-editor, David Schneider.

----------Trungpa Rinpoche and Zen

Street Zen: The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey

1993 Shambhala cover

2000 Da Capo Press cover

David is co-editor with Kazuaki Tanahashi of Essential Zen - his name is on the cover with Kaz, but wherever you see the book listed, only Kaz's name is used.

David Schneider's Shambhala bio

About David Schneider 

Born in 1951 in Louisville, Kentucky, David Schneider was the first child of Marc, a Jew and engineer and Georgia, his southern Baptist sociologist mother. David rapidly acquired three sisters, the rudiments of a standard boomer education, and a bi-religious, Southern upbringing, involving. Saturday School and Sunday School. He grew up in Pittsburgh, PA .

He began to practice Zen meditation with a local group at Reed College, in Portland, OR and attended sesshins with Joshu Sasaki Roshi in 1970 and 71. In January, 1971, he met Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, and he says, that did it. In April of the same year, he saw Suzuki Roshi and Trungpa Rinpoche together at the San Francisco Zen Center, and that really did it

David dropped out of Reed College to move into Zen Center. He took up studies under Richard Baker Roshi, and in 1977, he received ordination as unsui or "cloud-water person." He did many academic and practical jobs as part of community life there, which ran from 1972-85. The 1983 scandal at SF Zen Center led to the departure of Baker Roshi. In 1984, in the formal shuso ceremony, David was ordained as a head monk at the Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco.

In 1985 David was formally accepted by Trungpa Rinpoche as a student. He attended Vajradhatu Seminary in 1986 and staffed Seminary again in 1988.

David wrote Street Zen,  a biography of Issan Dorsey, published in 1993 by Shambhala Publications, and again in 2000 by Marlowe. Street Zen won several prizes, included "Best Buddhist Book of the Year" in 1993. In 1994 he co-edited with Kazuaki Tanahashi a collection of zen stories, titled Essential Zen.

In 1995, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche appointed David  Director of Shambhala Europe by, a position he held until 2003. David now works for Vajradhatu Publications Europe; he continues as well to pursue writing projects - currently, a biography of Beat poet and zen master Zenshin Philip Whalen - as well as calligraphy exhibitions. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche appointed David to the post of acharya in 1996. 

3-22-14 - Shambhala Center Presents Book Reading by David Schneider on Philip Whalen

Crowded by Beauty, The Poetry of Zen Monk Philip Whalen

at the Shambhala Meditation Center of San Francisco
1231 Stevenson Street

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
6:30 – 9 pm

Relevant links on Philip Whalen cuke page


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