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2013 F
Going through archive backlog scanning material to post, work with, and present in other form on cuke later from anywhere.
Scans of Shunryu Suzuki lecture notes or transcripts will be posted elsewhere.
Ann Kyle Brown poem - Ann hosts Kumeido, a zendo in Mendocino in the lineage of Gengo Akiba Buddh ism in the West- by Graham Petchey in the early sixties Berkeley ZC list of Shunryu Suzuki lectures they've published - but it's an old list notes on Shunryu Suzuki lecture 65c notes - translation of US consul letter to Suzuki DC poem to aunt Elli on her 80th (at 2005 family reunion) Edward Brown poem quoting Shunryu Suzuki Rick Fields in New Age Journal Matsuoka sermon in tribute to slain civil rights worker Rev. James Reeb - 1965 - I think there was a service at Sokoji for Rev. Reeb. - dc Shunryu Suzuki on Kinhin (walking meditation) from 1965 Wind Bell Shunryu and son Otohiro (in army) air fare receipt Shunryu Suzuki four misc letter copies (which don't seem to have been written by him or at least he seems to have had help writing and typing out) Letter to Bishop Yamada in LA proposing creation of Zen Center - August, 1961 (not from Suzuki) Letter draft to Bishop Yamada in LA proposing creation of Zen Center - June, 1961 (not from Suzuki) What do you do in this Brief Time? - an Interview with Rick Levine by David Schneider Alan Marlowe memories of Shunryu Suzuki Willard McCarty memory of Shunryu Suzuki SR photo archive guide - to all photos in photo archive at where all the info has been entered under each photo SR photo archive guide - intro Shunryu Suzuki on practice from a Wind Bell - contains more than what was transcribed previously for complete record as posted on - need to find that and transcribe missing part from this PDF. Notes on Reb Anderson's seminar on Shunryu Suzuki Paul Reps poem on Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind mentioning Pilgrim's Way Bookstore "Carmel's last and only bookstore." [in CA] - text of above poem previously posted herein with DC comments on Reps and Reps and ZC. Sankon Zazen Setsu - Zazen for three general types (Guess this was something for students to read in early sixties ZC) Shinsanshiki (Mt. Seat Ceremony) installing Shunryu Suzuki as abbot at Sokoji 1962 Shinsanshiki installing Richard Baker as abbot 1971 Note found with Shunryu Suzuki lectures from Los Altos in City Center library closet. They were not in digital archive at the time. Stayed up all night making copies. I only see 14 listed on as coming from the Los Altos Box but there were more like sixty as I recall. Anyway, they're now all entered into digital archive at and will possibly note which ones they are later. Letter from Mickey Stunkard about his book - Stunkard cuke interview [The manuscript for this book is on the scan docket). Added some links to Stunkard's interview page. 1962 - SFZC (not yet called that) financial statement, meeting minutes, propsed constitution
Going through archive
backlog scanning material to post, work with, and present in other form on cuke
later from anywhere. |
Thanks to Warren Lynn for scanning