Narcissus on Shunryu Suzuki - 2012 emails to DC
Narcissus Quagliata on Shunryu Suzuki - a PDF of fall 1983 publication (source?) with image of his stained glass piece on Shunryu Suzuki
6-24-14 - Artist Narcissus Quagliata Presents Suzuki Roshi Print and Releases Recorded Presentation
10-27-14 Narcissus Robert Quagliata's talk at the SFZC City Center this October 22nd. - thanks M Katz
Narcissus Quagliata - an article from the 1983 Art Glass Quarterly
Narcissus Quagliata by Dolores Blalock - PDF (acquired long ago by DC and scanned in 2013 by Warren Lynn).
7-17-13 -Master Artist Narcissus Robert Quagliata Comes to Santa Fe (that's today) Details
Have recently posted two PDFs about this most wonderful stained glass master and Suzuki student. - Thanks M Katz for alerting me to today's event
water color of Shunryu Suzuki by Narcissus
more about it
Books by and about the work of Narcissus Quagliata
Archetypes and Visions in Light and Glass, Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt (2013) - Amazon link
Stained glass from mind to light: An inquiry into the nature of the medium, Mattole Press (1976) - Amazon link
William Morris: Glass--Artifact and Art - coauthor with Henry Geldzahler - Amazon link
Light and Time: a Masterpiece – The Dome of Narcissus Quagliata on the Last Basiclica of Michelangelo - Essays by Maurizio Calvesi Introduction by Cardinal Wiliam H. Keeler, Monsignor Renzo Giuliano, Lorenzo Zichichi Texts by Salvador Cuevas, Alessandro De Falco, Andrew Moor, Narcissus Quagliatta Publisher: Il Cigno G.G. Edizioni, Rome (2001) - Amazon link
Narcissus Quagliata, Painting with Light – by Museo Franz Mayer, Il Cigno Galileo Galilei (1995) - Amazon link
"Portrait of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi" - stained glass in the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in NYC
Narcissus has most revealing comments on Suzuki Roshi and is himself an amazing person, surely the most significant stained glass artist in the world. His first work was the hands of Suzuki and Katagiri on the swinging doors between the dining room and kitchen at the SFZC City Center. There are also two other works of his there - at the end of the entrance hall of the 300 Page Street building and in the entryway of 340 Page St. residence building. I was involved with receiving and transporting them with Bill Lane and joking with Bill about breaking them and remember placing them between carpeting which made me forget what was there so that I stepped on the carpet and broke one. I recall Richard Baker telling me that the most talked about item at a board meeting was getting me to fork up $100 to cover the cost of paying Robert to repair that broken window. I was resistant - not because I'd given not only years of my life to the ZC but what was to me lots of money - but because I thought and continued to think that it was wrong to ask a worker to pay for his mistakes. But I submitted and paid up the loot. That was 1972 I think. When Robert and I met in 1972 at the City Center he mentioned that the ZC might want to consider insuring these windows. Looking at the one in the hall he suggested for over 100k. - DC
Below are Narcissus' first stained glass pieces: the hands of Dainin Katagiri on the left and Shunryu Suzuki on the right, mounted on the swinging doors between the kitchen and dining room at the SFZC City Center. Note Katagiri's perfect form and Suzuki's more relaxed style with the fourth finger he'd damaged while working on a rock wall at his temple before coming to America.
photos of Narcissus' stained glass works by Paula Pietranera who practices at the SFZC and is documenting art there.
And coming soon below another very early work by Narcissus that is mounted at the end of the first floor hallway of the SFZC City Center above a set of cabinets and behind the kitchen altar.
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