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What's New  2013
Our other two Zen sites: - all the transcripts, audio, film - A new look and a great new photo archive ----- and - a site for Zen Mind, Beginner's Mindent

What Was New from 1999 to this year index         What's New Now


12-31-13 - Farewell Steve Stucky who died at home this morning at 4:03. A life well lived. A man who will be missed. Love and condolences to Lane.

Subtle Eye - the Great  Leap

Facebook Page for Steve.

Cuke page for Steve

12-31-13 - Happy New Year or in Indonesian, Salemat Tahun Baru which I remember by thinking of Town Bar. Selamat is congratulations, tahun year, baru new.  - posted in Saunters

September - October 2013 Correspondence between Bob Watkins an DC

12-30-13 - Andy Ferguson on Climate Change and What He's Doing About It


Andy Ferguson cuke page


2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


65-06-05 - Suzuki wants to send $50 to Eiheiji to take a departed person's ashes. Name misspellings continue: Silas Hoads = Silas Hoadley, Pat Harreschoff = Herreshoff, Chick Reed = Reeder

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - part one, JAPAN 1904–1959 - Chapter Four--Great Root Monasteries - 1930-1932

Signed up for another month here at Made's in Sanur. Made a great deal that cut the rate by more than half. Looking at a nice map at the beach figure out where our place was. It was in the Red Zone. That's nice I thought till I noticed it was a tsunami evacuation map and the first rule was to get out of the Red Zone. Next - get upstairs in a building in the Yellow Zone across the bypass, the busy street outside.  - posted in Saunters

12-29-13 - Interview with Bob Watkins done in 1993 - one of the first. Recent emails from Bob to follow the day after tomorrow.


And then there's overpopulation - at the root. - thanks Michael Katz - posted in Climate Change species threat


Python kills security guard near here. Just getting ready to walk down that way. - thanks Jeffrey Trotter for the heads up.  - dc - posted in Saunters


12-28-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XXI-2 - fall, 1987 (Misnumbered XXXII on the front but not the back.)


Naomi Klein: How science is telling us all to revolt
 - posted in
Climate Change

Most the tourists here in Bali are Indonesian - two for every foreigner. The scene at the beach is more one of locals on the sand and hanging out in small shack warungs, places to eat that line a strip not far from our homestay.  - more in Saunters

12-27-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


65-05-15 - More discussion of tape recording Suzuki's lectures.

Found out the name of the old woman here - another Wayan - Wayan Lipur. She's Yani's mother-in-law. Papa Wayan came by and, since I had a cold and was resting, gave me a super strong massage. - more in Saunters

12-26-13 - Arnie Kotler Editing Services is open for business.  

Services include

•  Editing

•  Ghostwriting and Coauthoring

•  Packaging

•  Author Tours and Publicity

•  Self-Publishing Guidance

•  Help Getting Published

MORE on Arnie Kotler Editing Services


Koa Books - Arnie's publishing company in Hawaii


Arnie Kotler interview on cuke


2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XXI-1 - spring, 1987


Katrinka had an achy cold and cough for a few days and now me. Don't feel bad. Reading. Sleeping. Now Yani, wife of of one of the Wayans who live here (she's a Wayan too) is going to give me a massage. She's good. Learned from Papa Wayan who's like a guru masseur. And remember - Wayan is a given name of the first born here. Yani's husband Wayan is Papa Wayan's brother. Both brothers first born? - half brothers.  More in Saunters - dc

12-25-13 - Merry Christmas.

Give everyone in the world a Christmas present. Join 350 dot org. - dc

It's six in the morning in Bali and I hear gamelan bells and roosters. Later, Christmas lunch with our landlord and family and the Darwin folks. A forester from Nebraska who lives in Papua will join us. posting in Saunters - dc

12-24-13 - Sacramento Buddhists Seeking a Home - an appeal from the Sacramento Dharma Center

Put all the prior cuke posts on Climate Change on its own page in the Species Threat Section of Engaged Buddhism/Current Events. There one can scroll down all the relevant past comments and links on this subject and there exciting new pertinent posts will go. Ten years ago I didn't think climate change was a species threat. Now I think it's moved from threat to likelihood and not in the distant future. At lunch with a couple of friends in Stinson Beach last month, asked what I thought about climate change, my response was geared not to spoil the meal. The most positive comment I can come up with, I said, is that everything I believe always turns out to be wrong. - dc

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-04-10 - Hmm. Jean Ross was interviewed on KCBS program Viewpoint on April 9th. Wonder if that's available. Discussion about preserving Suzuki's lectures, recording them. Turns out there's a tape recorder on the premises.

Raining a lot.

Fixed the link to the The Indonesian killings of 1965–1966 mentioned on 12-22 - thanks Kat

12-23-13 - The Coming ‘Instant Planetary Emergency’ - from the Nation which got it from Tom's Dispatch which comes with an intro by Tom. Sorta puts everything else in an interesting perspective. - DC - Thanks Kelly. - posted in  - Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Elizabeth Sawyer on Haridas Baba

On yesterday's posting of the film Tassajara 68.

Directions to our place

12-22-13 - A NEW film release -

Tassajara 68 - A 4.5 minute film by Larry Cooper made in the spring of 1968 at Tassajara with Suzuki Roshi, students working, bells, han, and creek. So far just a big file: almost half a Gigabyte. More on this film tomorrow. - dc

To see the film go to

Katharine Cook Resume [withdrawn]

Where are the Chinese? More

12-21-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XX-2 - fall, 1986.

Who's to Blame for Climate Change?

Another comment on the life after death thing.   - posted in dc misc 4

Gaps in the sidewalks. More

12-20-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-03-06 - Lots of Suzuki comments, the last one being he wants more ads to bring people in. Shocking.

More on the near death and life after death thoughts from yesterday.  - posted in dc misc 4

We could go to a cremation on Monday. More in Saunters today's date

12-19-13 - SFZC Central Abbot Steve Stucky steps down

Received this link with the Subject: Materialists Not Giving Up. - thanks Andrew Main - It sometimes seems to me that most people's views on stuff like this are fixed, maybe from birth - or early childhood. The article has typical narrow assumptions about what life after death means, like that it includes the concept of soul which Buddhism doesn't. But lots of Buddhists don't believe in life after death - like, when I last checked, Stephen Batchelor and Richard Baker. I told Baker I couldn't conceive of not believing in reincarnation - my mother was into it. He said, "Oh, that's the best reason." - posted in dc misc 4

Acknowledgements for Zen Is Right Here.

A sprayed behind is a clean behind. - posted on the Saunters page

12-18-13 - Cuke Archives is gonna send a few bucks to Titus. Maybe you too?:


I've created a Fundly campaign to raise money to help establish Soto Zen practice in my new home of Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the request of my teacher, Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton, PhD. The long-term hope is to create the possibility of a group affiliated with his temple in Chicago, Ancient Dragon Zen Gate.

I hope you can take a moment to look at the link, and consider making a small donation to help. If even a few dozen people donated a few dollars, we'd be well on our way to achieving our goal. I already have some substantial contributions, but I have a ways to go and not much time to meet my deadline.

I know you all have many demands for your resources in these challenging times, and I appreciate your considering this request at the year's end. Please feel free to forward to anyone else you think might be able to help.

Many bows of thanks! 

Titus O'Brien

(Keizan Hoshiki)

Introduction to Zen Is Right Here. Working on an introduction to a Japanese translation of Zen Is Right Here and noticed that the regular old intro wasn't included here on cuke with the whole book. Will post and link to another neglected part, the Acknowledgements, tomorrow. Oh the suspense. - dc

A guy who sells tours to tourists from a stand on the street in Kuta. Name something like Herman, pronounced hair-mahn. From the isle of Flores on the other side of Lombock. He'd been a ranger on Komodo with the dragons. Said he carried a forked stick to poke them in their sensitive nose if they attacked. Also said they run straight so you can zig-zag and they won't get you. Check em out on your own. I'm too scared to Google them. - posted on the Saunters page

12-17-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XX-1 - spring, 1986.

Excellent tooth picks here. They stay hard much longer. Maybe they're teak. - posted on the Saunters page

12-16-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-02-06 - Discussion at the end Dick Baker suggests students contribute $1 a month toward the new temple. Claude Dalenberg asks what role the Zen Center would play in the new temple and Shunryu Suzuki says it might be best to have a separate building then Dick suggests they start a building fund for the ZC and the motion carried.

The Zen Buddhist Forum is up and running again.

There are four basic given names in Bali and they don't use family names as far as I can tell. - Saunters page

12-15-13 - Joanie and Yehudah (Alan Winter) are back in Uganda. Check out their Fundraising for Compassionate Listening Trainings in Rwanda and Uganda!

Their travel blog

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XIX-2 - fall, 1985.

Today we were driven to Ubud, the culture and art capitol of Bali. - Saunters page - BAD URL fixed. Thanks Kelly.

12-14-13 - True Nature Zendo in Nevada City, CA

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-01-16 - "Also with respect to the Wind Bell, Dick suggested that we publish Reverend Suzuki's lectures contained therein as a book." This is the earliest reference I know of to creating a book. Prior to reading this, the first was Marian Derby telling Suzuki she'd like to record his lectures to make a book. The first known transcript from Los Altos recordings is July 8, 1965.

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - part one, JAPAN 1904–1959 - Chapter Three--Higher Education - 1924-1930

The purpose of going to far off lands of course is to wake up. Details to follow.

12-13-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XIX-1 - summer, 1985.

Earliest Buddhist shrine discovery claim looks shaky. From Tricycle - thanks Andrew Main

Looking forward to a month from today when I can write 13-13-13. - dc

12-12-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-11-20 - I was wrong. Advertising did happen. $20 a month to Prof. Masunaga for Shobogenzo translation. Also Prof. Masunaga will send a lecture each month. Wonder where they are.

Opps. Just noticed that these meeting notes aren't in exact chronological order due to a zero not being inserted in front of single digits in the file names (like 65-9-11 instead of 65-09-11). Will start with next one going back to early 1965 and paying attention.

Electrical adaptors these days make life easier for the plugged-in.

12-11-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XVIII-2 - fall, 1984

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - part one, JAPAN 1904–1959 - Chapter Two--Master and Disciple--1916-1923

New Bali airport wow.

12-10-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-09-11 - Elsie Mitchell's check for Katagiri's family might be because she was grateful to him for his assistance to her in recording the Sounds of Eiheiji six years before. Discussion of advertising locally and nationally that I think never happened.

Last day in Singapore.

 12-09-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XVIII-1 - spring, 1984

Rev. Steve Frost of the Nepsis site writes about the Son of God and sauntering.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust - posted on the New Saunters page

12-08-13 - Happy Buddha's Enlightenment Day

When Trungpa Rinpoche met Suzuki Roshi  More on CTR Chronicles from Sam Bercholz with Hazel Bercholz

12-07-13 - Teaching Stories: In this seven minute audio clip, Sam Bercholz describes the events surrounding Suzuki Roshi's funeral, including Rinpoche's comments about appointing a dharma heir, and the coming of the future buddha, Maitreya.

This link goes to the Chronicles of CTR. CTR is Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Sam Bercholz cuke page

Chogyam Trungpa cuke page

Want to get transcript of this and other Bercholz audio. - dc

photo is of Suzuki in Japan at his temple, Rinsoin - looks like he's dressed as a pilgrim or takuhatsu (monk's begging). Used here cause it was on the CTR site. Guess it's with the photo archive at - dc



Center of Gravity - a Buddhist practice site - thanks Howie Klein

Spent a while correcting a few misspellings of Dorothy Schalk's name from shalk and Alan and Jeri Marlowe from marlow - Alan's name came up about sixty times, a few for his sister-in-law Jeri who pointed this out to me.

Keep up with us in Asia by friending Katrinka on Facebook. She takes photos. Yesterday we spent hours walking around the splendid Singapore Botanical Gardens. - dc

Changed my mind about starting a Those Who Were Around section because that's what the People section is with a few exceptions. So the Alan Watts page was moved there. I still have in mind to do a book that focuses on some of the people who were around - with Suzuki Roshi being in the background - the hub around which we all spun in and out and around. So maybe I'll keep that section now for messing around with this idea. One thing for sure is I have no intention of spending the amount of time on this book that I did on Crooked Cucumber (five years) and the earlier Thank You and OK (four years). I guess I can do it. I'm so addicted to just throwing stuff up on cuke in an undisciplined mess. Can't do that with a book or shouldn't anyway. - dc

12-06-13 - Last week Katrinka and I saw screening of Mark Watts' film Why Not Now? about his father, Alan. Read more.

Alan Watts dot org

Mark Watts YouTube page

Mark Watts interviewed on People Speak Radio

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-10-02 - Rev. Suzuki report on trip to Mass. where Schalks (not Shalk-gotta fix this here and there) propose to build Buddhist temple. Felt that Soto school should have center there. Need to be more effective drum and bell. Bill Kwong to study kinds and prices with him. Claude Dalenberg and Dick Baker to look for real estate possibilities. Gatha by Suzuki in Middle Way report on funeral service for Hazel Paget.

12-05-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XVII-2 - winter, 1983

It's all too vast for firmly held opinions. - Kabumpkan

12-04-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-09-12 - "Rev. Suzuki suggested as another way of raising money the possibility of Z.C. sponsoring a movie benefit, but he also felt that the primary concern of ZC was not to raise more money but to study more Buddhism. That was where our time and effort should go."

"Notice by Reverend Suzuki of his forthcoming trip to Boston to visit Elsie Mitchell in Cambridge."

Arrived with Katrinka in Singapore past 1am time here. Got any suggestions what to do or where to stay before we depart which will be in five or so days? Brought lots of work to do in my Zenbook, in a couple of HDs, in the sky. Plan to spend no more in Asia than in Marin, hope less. Will be posting. -dc

12-03-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XVII-1 - summer, 1983

Soon in the air. - dc

12-02-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-08-01 - As for the number of Buddhists at the time, I tend to agree with the article in the paper which said there were 4000 in San Francisco. This was doubted by some at the meeting but think of all the Asians and non-affiliated. I'd guess more than 4k.

Thailand: Uprooting Wall Street's Proxy Regime - Eric Arnow sends this which he says is more accurate than what's coming out of US news media.

12-01-13 - All People Are Chosen; All Lands Are Holy: Interfaith Dialog for Peace & Sustainability — Hozan Alan Senauke [This talk featured now on Alan's Clear View Project site where Alan's new CD Everything Is Broken, his book The Bodhisattva's Embrace: Dispatches from Engaged Buddhism's Front Lines, and news of his engaged Buddhist work are all available.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XVI-1 - winter, 1978-79

Moving out of our San Rafael apartment today. Have loved it here. Great walking town. Katrinka walked to work (8 minutes) at the Panama Hotel and Restaurant. I'd walk to bookstores, coffee shops, library to work. We could be up in the woods in ten minutes. Probably won't come back. Expensive. Time to move on.


11-30-13 - In case you missed it: Steve Stucky's Thanksgiving Day Message.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


11-29-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XV-1 - summer, 1976

Voices from Solitary Confinement - thanks to NRCAT the National Religious Campaign Against Torture - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

An Antaiji Style Rohatsu Sesshin at Jikoji

“Burning incense, reverent bowing before Buddha, 
reciting sutras…are unnecessary. It is enough just to do zazen.” 

Dogen: Eihei Koroku, vol.6 

11-28-13 - Happy Thanksgiving.

Not sure what this historian is getting at other than debunking the debunkers of the origins of that holiday. Anyway, whatever happened in the past, we can make today whatever we wish. So thanks with no subject and no object.

In that spirit, here's a song for today: Thank You

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-05-02 - Discussion on sesshin meal prep.Comments by Shunryu Suzuki. Suggestion men be included. ------ Second page doesn't follow.

11-27-13 - Another bit of interesting Buddhist trivia that doesn't really make any difference one way or another: Discovery at Lumbini possibly sets back date of Siddhārtha Gautama's birth. - thanks Jackee Cox

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XIV-1 - 1975 - with a photo of Steve Stucky on the cover when he, who had worked horses as a boy, was in charge of the horses at Green Gulch farm.

11-26-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-04-11 - East Wind Printers to do Wind Bells from then on. The SFZC had a long relationship with East Wind.

11-25-13 - Baba Haridas health update

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume XIII-1-2  -  1974

Eight days till take off. Stuff to storage. Archive madness. Remain calm. - dc

11-24-13 - My experience around Kennedy's assassination - from my almost finished recollections of that year and the next. - thanks MK

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-03-07 - I've no time to look at this now. Notes if any later. Two days later - Katagiri is there. Will stay with [Ira] Price, Jodo Shin Shu priest as I recall. Umada = Yamada; Susuki = Suzuki. 64-03-21 and 22 meeting notes are included. Suzuki announces Katagiri is definitely staying on as his assistant.

11-23-13 - Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan is now available as an eBook.

Shambhala link

Thank You and OK! cuke page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - - - Volume X - summer,1971 - Dainin Katagiri only.

As for yesterday -

Chomsky Weighs in on Kennedy Assassination Anniversary
Chomsky on the assassination
Chomsky on the assassination - You Tube

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick a have a much more positive take on Kennedy as portrayed in Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

 - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

11-22-13 - A short Zen bio of Dale McKenzie who showed up at Sokoji in 67 and now sits with Mt. Source Sangha in San Rafael.

Buddhist Extremist Cell Vows To Unleash Tranquility On West - thanks Seth Eppes

11-21-13 - A message from Steve Stucky on deciding to quit chemotherapy and enter into hospice care.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


11-20-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Resuming this. Clare Hollander did all but two of the first thirteen years and now the rest have been scanned by Warren Lynn in Fort Worth. These will be posted one every other day or so, alternating with the early ZC biz and board notes. Here's Volume VIII - 3-4 - spring 69. This is one I'd accidentally not given to Clare. It's all Shunryu Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra edited by Tim Buckley.

Here is the same material transcribed and posted previously which might be why that Wind Bell wasn't scanned earlier.

Ten days till we leave our apartment. Thirteen till we fly off. Things to do. - dc

11-19-13 - Congratulations to Elizabeth Sawyer on receiving Lay Entrustment from Steve Stucky.

Read about it and see photos here.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - part one, JAPAN 1904–1959 - Chapter One--Childhood--1904–1916.

11-18-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-11-07 - Chick Reeder is at the meeting. In response to a query for something from Chick for cuke, he responded with this which is posted in cuke interviews. Mike Dixon does the minutes and makes mistakes in the spelling of his own name more than once.

Tom Silk points out a bit of errata in Chadwick and Roehl's magnificent poetry anthology about fungi, Decomposition which I gave to him and Marion Weber to share yesterday after a charming lunch in Stinson Beach. Here's a link to the page for that book - go to the bottom left of that page to read Tom's offering. (Didn't load that link till the evening. Forgot.)

Tom is one of my inspirations. Read an interview with Thomas Silk by Huey Johnson on Forces of Nature: Environmental Elders Speak.

And here's an interview with Marion Weber

11-17-13 - The Zen Predator of the Upper East Side on Eido Shimano by NYTimes religion writer Mark Oppenheimer - thanks Lor

Review of this book: The Shocking Scandal at the Heart of American Zen - By Jay Michaelson in the Daily Beast - with some good qualifying comments

cuke interview with Eido Tai Shimano - with a number of links at the bottom of that page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

64-01-11 - First mention of Dave Haselwood. Maybe should go back and do the same for others.

First mention of four and nine days being days of no zazen - except Sundays. When I arrived in 66 that rule no longer applied. It comes from the Soto Zen monastic practice of having a reduced schedule on days with a four or nine in them - the 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th, and 29th. Don't know the history or extent of this practice which allowed monks time to do their laundry and so forth. We have more of an idea of personal space etc here so to us it is a day off but it wasn't billed as that by our Japanese teachers. At Tassajara we'd have one zazen instead of two in the mornings and evenings and no work period. We could go on hikes and miss lunch.

Also noted that George Hagiwara threw a party for Grahame Petchey when he returned from doing a practice period at Eiheiji in Japan. I saw George as the most prestigious member of the Japanese congregation and the zazen group's best friend. Until the Japanese internment in the early 40s, his family home was in the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, his father the founding gardener sent over by Emperor Meiji.

balloons Happy Birthday Katrinka on this full moon day my love!

Here's a song for you (and MLK on his day).

And this --- and this --- plus fifty

another from Sir Paul and from BB

and this punk one - another punker and another and another and another and another

plus a rap happy birthday and another

These songs for you and more coming.....

Katrinka on the right with her most cool son Seth

11-16-13 - Erik Storlie’s new memoir: Go Deep & Take Plenty of Root:  A Prairie-Norwegian Father, Rebellion in Minneapolis, Basement Zen, Growing Up, Growing Tender - Amazon link

about this book on beginner zen dot com and on Eric Storlie's cuke page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments


11-15-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-09-07 - Letter of support for Vietnamese Buddhists sent to US government. Grahame Petchey leaving on Pan American for Japan and Eiheiji Sept. 14 at 10am to return Dec. 15th.

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - Introduction

Sex, God, Rock and Roll - click on the Spirituality and Religion link on the right. Stuart's got it down. - thanks Lor

11-14-13 - Invisible Idylls by Philip Whalen released a few months ago by Big Bridge Press - thanks Howie Klein

A great page for Philip on the Big Bridge Press site which also published Philip's collected poems.

Cuke main page for Philip Whalen

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-08-03 - Discussion of Soto Zen meeting stressing zazen for all, support for Vietnamese Buddhists, MacDonough's Middlebar Monastery. Trudy still spelling Suzuki as Susuki.

Emissions of CO2 driving rapid oceans 'acid trip' -  - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

11-13-13 - Opps. Forgot the deep significance of yesterday's date of 11-12-13 thus missing out on the magical potential therein. - thanks MK

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-07-06 - Not much to say about this meeting.

To make up for that, how about this:

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - Front Matter (that's what goes on at the front of a book). This is a section of cuke to put in notes on the book, something that's been planned for years. So far hardly any notes in this section though the whole website is like one big note. But I still plan to do lots here - if not in this lifetime then in the previous. - dc

11-12-13 - Citizens Reach Out - accounts of the human cost of war on innocent civilian populations. Thanks Ruth Friend, President and Founder - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-05-04 - Ah - we see that sometime between the last meeting and this, the ZC got listings in the phone book under Zen Center, Soto Zen Mission, and Reverend Suzuki. This clears up the conflicting reports of it was and wasn't in the phone book.

11-11-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-03-07 - Shunryu Suzuki soon going to Japan for three months. He names four students to give zazen instruction; Betty Warren, Bill Kwong, Grahame Petchey, and Richard Baker. Dr Wako Kato (Kazemitsu Kato) will give lectures in his absence.

Dr. Douglass Burns and his Neo Dharma Group are mentioned again and into the nineties on web

Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology by Dr. Douglass Burns

Burns in Religion in America Directory and mentioned in this article on Eric Fromm

Bro Lor suggests this Red, Hot, and Holy album promo video from Sera Beak

11-10-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-01-05 - I love reading these minutes. I remember how when I interviewed students from back in these days, they tended to miss these simple intimate times. Suzuki Roshi expressed a bit of that himself at times saying "Zen Center is getting to big," or something like that. The Dr. Burns mentioned is Douglass Burns who spoke there a number of times. I see he's mentioned in three Suzuki lectures.  - on Theravadan Buddhism as I recall. More on him later.

Twenty days till we vacate our apartment. Twenty three till we fly off. Going through archive boxes looking for more material to scan so I can work with it and share it from anywhere, organize, recycle. Organizing and backing up files on hard discs and in the cloud. Mainly cuke archives but songs too and some other personal stuff. Doing work with Shunryu Suzuki audio tapes on the side. Katrinka returns from Mexico Tuesday eve. Trying to get as much done as can before then. Meanwhile a voice whispers to me go on and do what you think you must but all will disappear before long and none of this matters more than the clouds passing by. - dc

11-09-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-12-07 - The new temple they're talking about is for the Japanese congregation which moved there around the corner in 1972. Here it is. Here's their Facebook page. Here's the Wikipedia page for Sokoji. Here's the cuke page for Sokoji. I've got a folder on Sokoji, the building, with materials copied from the San Francisco Library which should get on cuke at some point. The Dr. Kato who was mentioned is the priest who was in charge of Sokoji when Shunryu Suzuki arrived. He's still involved with Zenshuji in LA. Here's his cuke interview. Bishop Umada should be Bishop Yamada.

11-08-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-11-02 - It says Archbishop Takashina didn't visit Middlebar but Middlebar publications say he did and I don't think he had more than one trip to the US. Note the Susuki typo. Typical. The Shishogi is the Shushogi and it's not one of Dogen's chants. It was published in 1890. "The Shushogi is mainly comprised of extracts taken directly from the Shobogenzo." - That from Global Soto Zen dot net which has more on it at that link. Here's one of the translations on the Internet: Shushogi translation on Stanford site.

Katrinka and I are moving out of our apartment here in wonderful San Rafael at the end of this month then we leave for Asia in three days. Work on cuke dot com, shunryu suzuki dot com, zmbm dot net and on the Crooked Cucumber Archives will continue on that side of the world (and a bit of cuke-annex dot com stuff sometimes). The rest of this month I plan to add a ZC board note daily and postpone as much as possible till later. Thanks for all the work that Peter Ford and Warren Lynn are doing and to all the others who donate time and money to keep the cuke machines oiled and running. - DC - posted in What We're Doing

11-07-13 - Made a page for influential master calligrapher Reed College prof Lloyd Reynolds with a mp3 of a talk he gave at the City Center in the 70s - with an intro by Rick Levine.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

63-10-05 - These are called business meetings. Anyway, they were with the board notes. I guess there was a board in 63. Might not have had much to meet about or do. As can be seen by these notes, there weren't many big decisions being made. Interesting the peace purpose for the visit of Archbishop Takashina, the head of the Soto Zen sect in Japan. If I remember correctly, he died in American on that trip. Also the mentions of Rev. MacDonough (not MacDonald) of Middlebar Monastery in Stockton. He was Dan Welch's first teacher. Dan met Suzuki when MacDonough asked Dan to visit Sokoji and pay his respects back in 62 or so. Takashina did go to Middlebar on that trip I think and if I recall right MacDonough said he got transmission from him then. I remember driving Suzuki Roshi to a meeting of Japanese Soto priests at Rev. Ueno's temple in Monterrey and meeting MacDonough there, the only Caucasian. He had priest's robes on. I don't think he spoke any Japanese. More on this later maybe if I get around to it. Write his name in the cuke search box and read more about him in what comes up.

11-06-13 - Emma Bragdon on Shunryu Suzuki and more. Made additions and changes to Emma Bragdon cuke page. Impressive. - dc

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

62-12-08 - Interesting type: Sogoki for Sokoji. Love the budget figures.

11-05-13 - Yesterday posted a note to Silas from Marge Bragdon. Her daughter Emma was a student of Shunryu Suzuki. Here now is Emma Bragdon cuke page to learn what she's been up to since then from spiritual Emergency to Spiritual Healing.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

62-11-03 - scrapbook album being kept. Surprised to see "Roshi Suzuki."

Net Neutrality in danger

Parents provide our first opportunity to express gratitude and also to learn to forgive. - Kabumpkan

11-04-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

1969 Letter to ZC prez Silas Hoadley about funding sabbatical for Abbot Suzuki

C 1969 anti-war Letter from Marge Bragdon to Silas Hoadley

Doctors aided US torture at military prisons, report says - BBC

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds - from the Guardian

Wonder what NRCAT has to say about that.

Torture Doctors of Grenada - a DC song from the 80s

posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

11-03-13 - Fall back - in the USA except HI and AZ.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

1990 article co-authored by Rick Levine and Steven Lane on caring for HIV homeless

Rick Levine cuke page

Early copy of photo from Rinsoin scrapbook with Shunryu Suzuki containing notes by Bill Shurtleff - think there are better scans of this like with a whole bunch of Bill's notes.

In Japanese section added a scroll from Silas (Silas Hoadley interview), this poorly scanned (by DC) collection of we think memorial envelopes, and this official looking calligraphed document.

Climate Change Report Sees Violent, Sicker, Poorer Future - Are we including possible scenarios of climate change in our long term planning? Are we preparing for various eventualities? Or are we marching along with the governments, corporations, masses, ignoring the warnings? That's what we here at cukeville do. What, us worry? - Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Cuke Archives report: Today am picking up decades of letters from Marian (Derby Mountain) Wisberg from Frances Thompson (memories from her to come), tapes to digitize (returning others), a few Wind Bells to scan, and with the help of Sassy, getting back to work in the archive room organizing and identifying what material remains to be scanned so it can be shipped off to Warren in Fort Worth so we can have even more such posts here on cuke and mainly so this material will be available to work with wherever I am and I am leaving with Katrinka one month from today for six in Asia thus focusing now on work that can only be done here. - DC

11-02-13 - Tozen Akiyama interview on Sweeping Zen

More from Tozen on cuke

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Niels Holm various

Niels Holm cuke page

11-01-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Dr. Albert (Mickey) Stunkard on DT Suzuki, the war, and more.

(Stunkard interview on cuke with other links)

Letter to DC

After the War - 2nd time this posted with a handwritten note

DT Suzuki

Here's the fascinating talk Malcolm Margolin gave at the New School at Commonweal a few weeks ago. From post on 10-08 - Malcolm Margolin of Heyday Books (30 years specializing in California history and culture) will join with host Michael Lerner of Commonweal and Steve Hellig of the Bolinas Hearsay News. - thanks Ken Adams and HK

A reminder: Daughters of Fire - Hawaii novel - deep rifts in paradise - published by Arnie Kotler's Koa Books. Look up author Tom Peek's book signings like November 1 - 12 in Northern CA.


10-31-13 - Cuke Retraction:

The note on the 29th: Workshop at the Chaple Hill Zen Center: Suzuki Roshi's Commentary on Dogen Zenji's Receiving the Marrow by Bowing -  was true - but all that stuff about Shunryu Suzuki's thesis being translated was not true, a misunderstanding.  Oh - remember now - Gil Fronsdal has been raising money to get that translated. Wonder if it's done. He mentioned to me about how much the Sati Center had spent on it four years ago or so. A copy is here in our archives. Our apologies here at cuke industries. - dc

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Lew Welch on Dan Welch - Lew Welch on Wiki - Dan on cuke - no one link for Dan - write his name in quotes in the site search box on the What's New and Home pages and see what comes up. That's how we get to things on our own site. - dc

10-30-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Sati Center for Buddhist Studies and Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies brochure for 1998 conference on the Life, Times, and Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki. Now there's a Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Sanford

1995 letter to DC from Janwillem Van der Wetering

Check out Yafiya Susan Deikman's site for her songs (Delving into the mystery of sound). She sang one at her father Arthur's memorial recently which alluded to the Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Soloman, ascribing to it the highest praise and arousing my interest. - dc

10-29-13 - Richard Jaffe and his grad student, Michael Yoshiharu Quick, have translated Suzuki Roshi's thesis. [not true - retracted Oct. 31st]

Workshop at the Chaple Hill Zen Center: Suzuki Roshi's Commentary on Dogen Zenji's Receiving the Marrow by Bowing


On Sunday 17 November at 11:00, Michael Quick will lead a discussion on Suzuki Shunryu Roshi’s unpublished 1930 thesis, written while he was a young student at Komazawa University. The thesis attempts an interpretation of Dogen Zenji that situates him within both Soto tradition and then-current research on the concept of religion, with a focus on the Raihai Tokuzui (Receiving the Marrow by Bowing) fascicle of the Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye). This workshop will go from 11:00-2:00 and will include lunch. Suggested donation is $20. Michael is a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Religion at Duke University.

 Chaple Hill Zen Center website events page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Shunryu Suzuki datebook for 1959 - the one he arrived with. May 1st was a Friday but even if the book was for another year we know from his entries made on the flight over. There is a complete scan of this book including the cover and blank pages. I like this one because the first thing we see is the name of Sam Lewis, Sufi Sam, whom I didn't know he'd ever met. - dc

10-28-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Original of story called "Crooked Brim" written about Shunryu Suzuki by David Barrow - 1927 - 30 - Harry Rose letter on this story with transcription.

Even if the world were to end today, we'd all continue - you can't make Samsara go away. - Kabumpkan

10-27-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Kanji for basic names - faxes between DC and Otohiro Suzuki

DC notebook for 1994 trip to Japan to do research for Crooked Cucumber

Rene Pittet letter - one of many - Rene (RIP) cuke page

Kato Taro letter in Japanese Group - He's the guy who at the age of 12 or so accompanied Suzuki to Manchuria in 1945.

National Religious Campaign Against Torture is promoting Human Rights Day on Dec. 10

10-26-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Dharma West by David Wise - a 1971 paper for UCB Dept. of Sociology, a study of the SFZC

Note from John King to interview tea teacher Ueda Sensei, one of many missed opportunities.

Scribbles by DC 15 years ago or so motivated by Kelly's comment on emptiness

Howie Klein's photo of Katrinka and me DC walking in the Petaluma Corn Maze yesterday with profound comments.  -  - posted in dc misc

10-25-19 - The Passing of Shibata Sensei

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group G

Note on possible location of missing Los Altos tapes that led to ZMBM

DC notes on dope history

Del Carlson - DC notes

Arctic Temperatures Reach Highest Levels In 44,000 Years, Study Finds - This is placed last as item 3 in today's posts because my brain is ill equipped to deal with such a slow moving threat, especially one that doesn't focus on a smaller group and demands so many changes in the money flow and in our habits. By smaller group how about our tribe or my child or my teacher as a subject that could grab my attention. But a threat to the species, to higher forms of life, to the biosphere as we know it? And some ice melting far away? All too vague. Too bad. - dc  - posted in Species Threats

10-24-19 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - introducing Group G

Aiko Uchiyama memorial program - Shunryu Suzuki's little sister

Marilyn Riley article on vision quest with Betty Warren - Betty Warren cuke page

Betty Warren vision quest letters

Betty Warren anti-war letter

Honest beer ad - on the Cracked site which is a nice complement to the Onion for your web humor viewing pleasure

10-23-13 - Jikoji Newsletter

A cuke suggestion: revisit Persimmon

10-22-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

1962 - SFZC (just ZC back then) financial statement, meeting minutes, proposed constitution

Fil Lewitt's Killer Picture Postcards - now Kindle as well as paperback

Fil Lewitt cuke page

10-21-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Note found with Shunryu Suzuki lectures from Los Altos in City Center library closet. They were not in digital archive at the time. Stayed up all night making copies. I only see 14 listed on as coming from the Los Altos Box but there were more like sixty as I recall. Anyway, they're now all entered into digital archive at and will possibly note which ones they are later.

Letter from Mickey Stunkard about his book - Stunkard cuke interview [The manuscript for this book is on the scan docket). Added some links to Stunkard's interview page.

Letter, part of letter, draft of part of letter to Suzuzki from Takashina Rosen at Soto Zen headquarters. I think posted in Shunryu Suzuki letters

The Shunryu Suzuki page on Wikipedia has a pretty thorough lineage list. Wonder if it's complete.

10-20-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Shunryu Suzuki letters and other writing (which there's not a lot of) - Adding some letters and drafts in his hand or someone's to be figured out later.

Shunryu Suzuki maybe various writing in Japanese on Sokoji stationary in Japanese scan group

Added a couple of photos of Steve Stucky to his cuke page thanks to M Katz and E Sawyer

Pseudo Dionysius Mystical Theology - from Pseudo Dionysius: The Complete Works (Classics of Western Spirituality). This is the 1988 translation which I prefer over the one found on the Internet though I have no criticism of, nor am qualified to criticize, the latter which I have posted a link to a few times over the years. Jim Wilson of Many Rivers Books and Tea in Sebastopol CA turned me on to Pseudo Dionysius, calling his Mystical Theology the Heart Sutra of Christianity. The pseudo in his name means that the Dionysius was a pseudonym, a common practice for monks. - DC

10-19-13 - Reading draft of a chapter of David Schneider's upcoming book on Philip Whalen, Crowded by Beauty; A Biography of Poet and Zen Teacher Philip Whalen, forthcoming from University of California Press - did a couple of hours of work on the Philip Whalen cuke page which has mucho amount on Philip. Also wrote more on him at the bottom of his page.

With Joanna Macy help the Buddhist Peace Fellowship reach their goal. - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

10-18-13 - Cuke page for SFZC abbot Steve Stucky with links to pages with news on his condition and more.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Shinsanshiki (Mt. Seat Ceremony) installing Shunryu Suzuki as abbot at Sokoji 1962

Shinsanshiki installing Richard Baker as abbot 1971

Wealth Inequality in America - thanks Christina Eppes

Almost anything I see these days about the state of life on this earth is dwarfed in my mind by what I see as looming disaster from climate change. The disparity of wealth shown in this video is still disconcerting and it seems that maybe the forces that are ever concentrating wealth have led to what appears to me to be our mutual demise on planet earth. Maybe I'm wrong though. I've noticed everything I believe eventually turns out to be seen as mistaken. I hope so. - dc - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

10-17-13 - Steve Stucky talk given at Green Gulch Farm on Wednesday October 2.

Architect carves niche in 'spiritual design' - SF Chron Oct. 5 article on architect Helen Degenhardt's for the SFZC.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Sankon Zazen Setsu - Zazen for three general types (Guess this was something for students to read in early sixties ZC)

Yesterday made six months of doing Bikram Yoga every other day or so - sometimes more, sometimes less. One of the founding teachers led a sesshin the other day and said the purpose of doing yoga wasn't to be in shape but to be able to stand in line without getting impatient. - dc

10-16-13 - Facebook page for SFZC abbot Steve Stucky

Sweeping Zen's Alan Tebbe's kickstarter fundraising for a film Zen in America

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Reviews of Crooked Cucumber and other CC related scans

Group F - Brian Power brief bio

10-15-13 - Update page (on for SFZC Abbot Steve Stucky who is now in the hospital. All our prayers for Steve's well being and for Lane in this most difficult and challenging time.



 Messages can be sent to Steve through that page and private messages should be sent to Steve's assistant: Mary Stares<centralabbotassist[at]> - dc





Two articles from local paper report what we already know and were always told

You can always eat more fruits and veggies

Eating fruits and vegetables tied to longer life

10-14-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Paul Reps poem on Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind mentioning Pilgrim's Way Bookstore "Carmel's last and only bookstore." [in CA]

text of above poem previously posted herein with DC comments on Reps and Reps and ZC. This will be the Paul Reps cuke page.

Paul Reps dot com

Paul Reps on Aha Poetry

Paul Reps on Wikipedia

in Tricycle by William Segal

Lots of neat images of Paul Reps

A Bridge Between Western Science and Eastern Faith - NY Times article on joint study of science and Buddhism involving Dalai Lama, Tibetan monks, and Emory U. - thanks JR

10-13-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Shunryu Suzuki on practice from a Wind Bell - contains more than what was transcribed previously for complete record as posted on - need to find that and transcribe missing part from this PDF.

Notes on Reb Anderson's seminar on Shunryu Suzuki

Review of Crooked Cucumber from Auntie's Notes (in CC group)

Daughters of Fire - Hawaii novel - deep rifts in paradise - published by Arnie Kotler's Koa Books. Look up author Tom Peek's book signings like November 1 - 12 in Northern CA.

10-12-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Willard McCarty memory of Shunryu Suzuki

Mitsu Suzuki card to DC to Japanese Group

SR photo archive guide - to all photos in photo archive at where all the info has been entered under each photo

SR photo archive guide - intro

Petition for a world takeover of dealing with the horrendous problem at Fukushima

balloonsHappy birthday Kelly Chadwick (father not son)



10-11-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

What do you do in this Brief Time? - a 1989 Interview with Rick Levine by David Schneider

Alan Marlowe memories of Shunryu Suzuki

Union of Concerned Scientists on Global Warming Solutions - those who still have hope

It's too late #1

It's too late #2

Almost too late

10-10-13 - It is with great sadness that we pass on this news from the SFZC website.

SFZC Abbot Steve Stücky Diagnosed with Terminal Cancer - Letters from President Susan O’Connell and Steve

 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Letter to Bishop Yamada in LA proposing creation of Zen Center - August, 1961 (not from Suzuki)

Letter draft to Bishop Yamada in LA proposing creation of Zen Center - June, 1961 (not from Suzuki)

10-09-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Shunryu Suzuki on Kinhin (walking meditation) from 1965 Wind Bell

Shunryu and son Otohiro (in army) air fare receipt

Shunryu Suzuki four misc letter copies (which don't seem to have been written by him or at least he seems to have had help writing and typing out)

Guy McPhearson on near term extincion and seeing all of us as in a global hospice

His site: Nature Bats Last - posted in Species Threats - thanks Brigid Meier

10-08-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group F

Edward Brown poem quoting Shunryu Suzuki

Rick Fields in New Age Journal

Matsuoka sermon in tribute to slain civil rights worker Rev. James Reeb - 1965 - I think there was a service at Sokoji for Rev. Reeb. - dc

Yesterday's PDFs didn't load and today's might not either till we get out of Bolinas. Nope - they all did load finally. - dc

Malcolm Margolin of Heyday Books (30 years specializing in California history and culture going way back) in Berkeley will join with host Michael Lerner of Commonweal and Steve Hellig of the Bolinas Hearsay News (Everyone is a reporter.) at 3-5pm today at Commonweal.

10-07-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - 2nd day Group F

notes on Shunryu Suzuki lecture 65c

Shunryu Suzuki quote from Crooked Cucumber in Denver pub (CC Group)

notes - translation of US consul letter to Suzuki

DC poem to aunt Elli on her 80th (at 2005 family reunion)

We're Addicted to Economic Growth and It Will Be the Death of Us - thanks Gregory - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

10-06-13 - Sim Van der Ryn has a new book: Culture, Architecture and Nature: An Ecological Design Retrospective - Herb Kutchins review in Point Reyes Light

Sim Van der Ryn website

Met Sim when he was a guest at Tassajara. He was then a prof at UC Berkeley. Remember him and his students had a publication called Outlaw Builder's News. He designed the courtyard cabins at Tassajara, the main lodge at Crestone Mt. ZC, was state architect in Jerry Brown's first term as governor. Sim got us into compost privies. Many times I've heard him tell how when he went to Tassajara we met in the baths at night and that he and his friends were shocked when a monk turned them on to wine and pot. Hey - it wasn't mine. I never kept pot or booze there. That all came from outsiders and I could smell it on guests. I just got them to share with you. We've had many good times together and Sim's been an inspiring voice for sanity in building, waste disposal, and living lightly on the earth.

Books by Sim Van der Ryn

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Starting Group F

Ann Kyle Brown poem - Ann hosts Kumeido, a zendo in Mendocino in the lineage of Gengo Akiba

Buddh ism in the West- by Graham Petchey in the early sixties

Berkeley ZC list of Shunryu Suzuki lectures they've published - but it's an old list

There will be a service for Arthur Deikman (see below) on Sunday, October 13th, at 1pm
Muir Woods Park Community Asso. Clubhouse
40 Ridge Ave. Mill Valley

A Shunryu Suzuki memory from Arthur in Zen Is Right Here

10-05-13 - RIP Arthur Deikman

Interview with Arthur and Etta Deikman with many links

ONLINE ZENDO is a cyber practice place out of Aut Sit: Improvising a meditation retreat for people on the autism spectrum

It's founded by Gregory Yates who says: All people of any denomination or experience are welcome in the zendo. We sit with our microphones muted so the zendo is silent. gives information about our mountain sittings for adults on the autism spectrum. - posted in Links

Wendell Berry on his hopes for humanity - with Bill Moyers - thanks Brit Pyland - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

10-04-13 - Seems to be true but memories morph and myths are made.

SR and CTR both said:


Just do it

Don't go on any trips

First thought best thought


SR = Suzuki Roshi, CTR = Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

CTR cuke page

Source: Howie Klein and DC (As in What? That's what SR said. Really?)

balloonsHappy birthday  Kelly Chadwick! 40!




Thanks to Isshin Havens in Brazil for pointing out that DC Genjo Koan study book and DC Eko Study Book PDF links in Group C

Off to Bolinas for memorial weekend for Brian Epps.

10-03-13 - Alan Watts and Chogyam Trungpa as told by Sam Bercholz - from the Chronicles Project. [audio]

Sam Bercholz is the founder of Shambhala Publications (publisher of two of my books). I remember buying books from him in the sixties at his little hole-in-the-wall store on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. Sam and I were talking about mysterious events surrounding the death of Alan Watts and he told me that Trungpa was with Alan earlier that evening. He said that Trungpa loved Alan Watts' books and thought he must be enlightened - until he met him - though that didn't diminish Trungpa's respect for Watts and his work. Sam said he went to Sokoji and heard Shunryu Suzuki speak, liked Suzuki but didn't go back. He went on to become a close disciple of Chogyam Trungpa. - dc

Here's an interview also from the Chronicles Project with Sam and Henry Schaeffer posted earlier on cuke. Made a cuke page for Henry cause he's in cuke here and there and fixed a number of misspellings of his name.

Stole this mini bio of Trungpa from the home page of the Chronicles Project.

Chogyam Trungpa cuke page

Alan Watts dot org - the excellent archival site run by Alan Watts' son Mark.

Two years ago during a practice period at Tassajara, Soto Zen priest Shodo Cedar Spring began to envision a pilgrimage--a walk along the proposed route of the Keystone XL Pipeline through the heart of North America to express her deep concern for the environment. With encouragement from San Francisco Zen Center Central Abbot Myogen Steve Stücky (then at Tassajara), she spent the next two years preparing for the journey called the Compassionate Earth Walk, which began this July and is slated to end this month. Abbot Steve Stücky even joined her and her group for a few days last month. Her courageous vision, which she refers to as a spiritual walk rather than a protest, may also happen to reflect ideas about pilgrimage held by Suzuki Roshi more than 50 years ago.

Excerpt from A Long and Compassionate Walk for the Earth: Zen Priest's Pilgrimage Nears Completion an article by Myoki Stewart in the SFZC's Sangha News Weekly

Photos of the Compassionate Earth Walk on Flickr

posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

10-02-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

SFZC board meeting notes from February, 1970 - statements by visiting teacher Tatsugami and Shunryu Suzuki.

All the board notes from Suzuki's lifetime are being scanned. They are a forgotten collection of statements by Suzuki in a particular setting.

10-01-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Phillip Wilson card to Jeannie Stearns

Daphne Woodall letter about Nona Ransom

List of languages ZMBM is in (incomplete)

Fukishima disaster reaches epic proportions - from Taigen Dan Leighton. Put this on Taigen's Peace and Justice page which we haven't kept up. We'd need a special bureau to keep up with Taigen's activities and devotion to all beings.


9-30-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

A letter from Syd Walter with an anecdote about Shunryu Suzuki. Good story used in Zen Is Right Here  (#81). Posting this link to the PDF of the whole letter in Brief Memories.

On 9-26 posted "New Abbot Selected for the SFZC City Center: Rinso Edward Sattizahn." Was asked what's up with that. There's nothing about it on the SFZC site. They'll get around to some explanation there. Here's what we know.

Kiku Christina Lehnherr (City Center Abiding Abbess) is resigning due to a health issue. A while ago, Christina had a fall in which she hit her head. She has not fully recovered. She has given talks since then which one can access via the above link to her SFZC page - but she feels she cannot properly fulfill her duties as abbot so she is stepping down and Ed Sattizahn is stepping up. Praying for Christina's well being. - dc

One example of the US and the USSR coming very close to nuclear war - and not the only time - from the BBC - posted in Species Threats #1 - accidental nuclear war.

9-29-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Tom Cabarga list of lectures he edited

Stan White letter

We have replaced the following incomplete audio on with complete audio

9-09-00 B - "Stand Up by the Ground/ We have been talking about-- discuss-- discussing about reality, actually, and ..."

69-09-00 C - Sesshin, Third Night Lecture - "We are talking about our practice. What is the practice, and what is enlightenment..."

69-09-14  - get rid of modified audio because it was not of the whole lecture. Pure Silk, Sharp Iron - "Sunday school-- a Sunday-school girl saw me in sitting, and she said..."

70-07-13 - Ekō Lecture 5 -  "Morning Service Patriarch Hall Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe us and may ...…"

69-09-16 - had the wrong audio. Got the right one on there: Why I became a priest - "I have not much chance to think about why I came to America or why I became a ...…"

Lecture titles and quotes from the Title/First Line column of the Compact Media List

9-28-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Bill Shurtleff Tassajara diary

Stephen Gaskin Suzuki story from Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin

portrait of Shunryu Suzuki by DeRaymond

Dejan Banovic has a yoga blog in Serbia and wants Buddhist books he can't get there if anyone would like to help just Contact DC. I'm going to send him a Zen Is Right Here at his request. Incidentally, that book has to be bought by me just like anyone else. - dc

9-27-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume XII - 1973 - that's all that we've got scanned now. More to come.

Two Poems by Nonin Chowaney - from the Mt. Root Sangha Larkspur Morning Service Readings

9-26-13 - New Abbot Selected for the SFZC City Center: Rinso Edward Sattizahn. Congratulations Ed.

SFZC page for Ed         Ed in Suzuki Stories

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Sue Roberts note and article

Refuge - a Buddhist Film. Watched this 2006 film for the first time last night and found that I was in it a number of times. I remember wondering why John Halpern chose to interview me and then later chastising myself for doing it thinking I don't know anything. I'll have to fake it. I remember him setting up lights and having a crew to film in my backyard in Sebastopol and instead of saying I don't know trying to give answers to please him while he cheered me on indicating with gestures when I was on a track he liked. Anyway, finally saw it and it wasn't so bad and it was great seeing my dear departed Boxer Lola. Everyone else in it is pretty prestigious. Good grief.. - dc -  - posted in dc misc

9-25-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume XI - 1972 - This is the first Wind Bell to come out after Shunryu Suzuki died on Dec. 4, 1971.

EDF - the Environmental Defense Fund - on global warming

According to our spies, the steering committee of those planning a global military coup to force the human race to deal with climate change, plan on immediately shutting down all coal plants world wide. More reports on this soon. - dc


9-24-13 - Minding the Earth, Walking by Katharine Cook

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Card about Crooked Cucumber from Natalie Goldberg (in CC group)

Poems by Rene Pittet (rip)

Letter from Jean Ross' lawyer and notes

Note from Kirk Rhodes in Yaizu

9-23-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IX-3-4, fall, winter, 1970-71

The nice lady from Burma who cut my hair gave me this link: Theravada Buddhist Society of America - Half Moon Bay, CA

Correction: Tr. McC.'s Zen memories - He sits with the North Olympic Sangha, not the Olympia Zen Center and it was Koda Brothers brown rice not White Rose that he picked up and took with him to Tassajara.

9-22-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Marian Wisberg (Derby, Mountain) letter to DC - 97-05-09 - Marian's cuke page

Mitsu Suzuki letter to DC - JP -

Mitsu to DC - translation with JP - Mitsu cuke page

Zen in America documentary by Adam Kō Shin Tebbe fundraising drive

Adam is founder of Sweeping Zen

Photos by Leon Kunstenaar from yesterdays KXL and anti-fracking demo in San Anselmos (part of coordinated national protest) - see DC in top right photo on 2nd page.  As you can see, our actions will certainly turn the tide and global warming will be reversed. - dc

Welcome to the first day of autumn.

9-21-13 - Tracy McCallum's Zen memories from Sokoji in the sixties to the Olympia Zen Center in Port Angeles, WA - with an emphasis on his long friendship with Tim Buckley.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IX-2 - summer, 1970

Two events nearby in CA's Marin County today:

Climate Action: Draw the Line on the Keystone XL Pipeline in San Anselmo, Saturday, September 21st,1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.


A joyous celebration of the extraordinary life of John Chase Lewis will be held at 2:00 PM this coming Saturday, September 21, at the Gallery located at the east most corner or the Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross, CA 94957. John's family and his spiritual team will speak briefly beginning at 3 pm.  Light Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be served. Please wear something colorful, and be ready to celebrate Johns life with your favorite John stories to share with other guests.

Farewell to a cool jazz pianist who sat with Edward Brown. Glad I got to hear him play. - dc

9-20-13 - I was brought to Zen Buddhism by the teaching of Shunryu Suzuki. I invite you and hope you'll invite others to join my new forum dedicated to Zen Buddhism. Thanks! Jeremy Lee

Zen Buddhism Forum

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Harry Rose letter-96-01-03

Phil Wilson card to Jeanie Stearns - redo as jpg

Ken Berman stories note

Peter Matthiessen blurb for Crooked Cucumber (in CC group)

Met a man collecting cans to sell. He used to be in banking. He said he'd been thinking about climate change - read on to hear his shocking comments in Species Threats: climate change.

The staff at apologizes for the recent brief posting of the home page for DC's music site, Defuser Music,  in place of's home page. Both home pages are named "index" and a lowly intern on the 2nd floor is responsible. See photo of that intern here.

9-19-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IX - 1 - winter, 1970.

Chasing Ice - Posting in Species Threats, climate change.

9-18-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

1995 Letter from Gary Snyder about Shunryu Suzuki - a better scan than one posted in May - Gary Snyder cuke page

Note from Harry Rose from nineties on Nona Ransom and Suzuki, answering a few questions

SFZC, Shunryu Suzuki, and Tassajara mentions in a Heart Blown Open, a book about Junpo Dennis Kelly. - dc comments later.

Got this strange message: Read your Jr Hi article.  Try pickleball.  You'd b a natural.  Good conditioner, low stress & sociable sport.  You can play anywhere in country.  Great low impact exercise for old(and young) monks and Zen priests.  Check out in your area.  "Have paddle, will travel". Searched and found this: Pickleball is a highly contagious, progressive and incurable disease. How could I resist with a come-on like that?

Brett writes his band Everest Cale wrote a song about Nuclear War titled 'Fossils'.  It is their newest single. You can stream 'Fossils' on Soundcloud. Here's their Facebook page and here's more on these folks. Posting this on the What's New and Species Threats sections

We can play Pickleball as we wait to see which threat gets us first. Good luck human race. - dc

9-17-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume VII-1-2 - fall, 1969.


9-16-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Interview notes with Dennis Samson

SF Examiner article about ZC and Shunryu Suzuki

Letter to Grahame Petchey about Nona Ransom

Bill Maher on US obsession with bombing other countries

The Universe according to Ra - love it

9-15-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume VII-3-4 - fall, 1968.

Tara Treasurefield, formerly Pat Lang, adds to her Suzuki Roshi memories with what originally brought her to sit at Sokoji in 1965.

Was wondering yesterday what a sensible Christian response would be to the oft heard statement that God wrote the Bible.

9-14-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Della Goertz's notebook - Finally, one that works. Sorry for the five year delay. - dc

Della's cuke page

Shambhala Times with The Boulder Flood: Notes from High Ground - thanks Loring

9-13-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume VII-1-2 - summer, 1968.

Reed College and the SFZC page

Lots of folks from Reed College got into Zen, Buddhism, Eastern stuff. Recently we posted Rick Levine's tape conversation with Charles Leong on Rick's cuke page and notified David Schneider, It all centered around Reed College and the San Francisco Zen Center and people associated with these two institutions or who were important influences on SFZC folks. Having just started a page for the SF Art Institute and SFZC connections, we now do one for Reed and the SFZC. - DC

9-12-13 - David Cohn with a brief memory of Shunryu Suzuki and Alan Watts at Tassajara

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

A few rather cryptic notes for Suzuki stories which I think can be filled out, maybe with some help. The LR is Lew Richmond.

Jr. Hi school publication article on DC and JR tennis (and Richard Knight to the left was also a doubles partner with whom we were state ranked). But the reason I had this scanned was the one sentence that reads, "He is a definite believer in integration." In writing about my brief experience with the civil rights movement I'd wondered where my point of view came from, how far back did it go, what was on my mind? In going through things in my mother's house after she died, my sister and me throwing stuff out after glancing at it, I read this and was surprised to find I'd had such thoughts that early and equally surprised that it had been printed in the Fort Worth school paper in 1960.

Encourage Jerry Brown to release more elderly, infirm, non violent, minor drug charge prisoners into rehab etc instead of spending a half billion a year to keep them locked up in awful conditions.

balloonsHappy birthday Susan, my big sis. - dc



9-11-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume VI-2-4 - fall, 1967

Katy Butler's The Ultimate End-of-Life Plan excerpt Adapted from Ms. Butler's book, "Knocking on Heaven's Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death," to be published Sept. 10 by Scribner.

For more go to Katy Butler dot com and check the Events link there to see where she's doing book signings - starting with Book Passage in Corte Madera this evening at 7.

Posted in the Death and Dying section - compare with DC's mother Ahdel recent passing.

9-10-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Group E

Charlotte Selver interview notes

Shunryu Suzuki Chronology draft

Ross Blum cuke contest entry ------- (Contest #1: What's SR doing in this photo on the cover of Crooked Cucumber?) - posted on the contest page 14 years after he sent it. (in CC Group)

Dr. Edward Conze audio sent by his student Rick Levine. Posting this on Rick's cuke page.

Conze on Wikipedia

Edward Conze was an eminent Buddhist scholar who focused on Prajna Paramita scholarship and translation. We were most fortunate to have his occasional presence at the City Center and to be able to audit his courses at UC Berkeley. At the first practice period of Tassjara we studied Dr. Conze's translation of the Heart and Diamond sutras. Deep apologies to him and his publisher for having made photocopies to hand out to all 80 students. - dc

Allowing for Space by Tsoknyi Rinpoche - from the Mt. Root Sangha Larkspur Morning Service Readings

9-09-13 - Margot Wilkie obit from (Martha's) Vinyard Gazatte with great photo and link to her cuke interview. - thanks Yvonne Rand

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume VI-1 - January-February, 1967

9-08-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Starting Group E

Harry Rose letter about Barrow's account of meeting Shunryu Suzuki in the 30s

Impressions of Tassajara Landscape by Sterling Bunnell

Crooked Cucumber back cover of hardback (in CC Group)

DC high school in the news for something a bunch of guys did in my senior year there - 1963. I managed not to get arrested. - thanks to Fort Worth neighbor Tom Laker for sending this

9-07-13 - Tara Treasurefield, formerly Pat Lang, with memories of Shunryu Suzuki

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume V #4 - fall, 1966

The Truth about Exercise - that link no good now. Here it is.

9-06-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Datebook Shunryu Suzuki brought to the US when he first came in May of 1959 - with entries on that trip and in his first months here - the whole thing including front and back cover and blank pages.

On the SFZC and SF Art Inst page, Ward Flemming of Pinscreen fame mentioned here two days ago, sent a relevant note.

9-05-13 - Rick levine with Charles Leong - audio on Rick's cuke page. Once Leong starts talking about fishing he doesn't change the subject till the end. In the last few seconds his voice speeds up humorously beyond comprehension due to battery death at time of recording.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume V #3 - summer, 1966

With the Dharmata folks again, met Vickie Hitchcock who made When the Iron Bird Flies about Tibetan Buddhism coming to the West. Chariot Videos Iron Bird official home page

Here's the Facebook page for When the Iron Bird Flies

IMBD page

Another study showing LSD etc not harmful, even helpful. Not that I've had any since February of 1967, my point always being to stop the cruel and pointless persecution of those who use and distribute it.

Molly deaths may be caused by other drugs - again, I don't do anything but tea with caffeine, but if MDMA were legal, people would know what they were getting. - dc

9-04-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Steve Tipton letter to Wenger at SFZC about freedom of religious inquiry - building the case to open up the Suzuki archive for all.

Tom Cabarga letter that accompanied his transcriptions of Suzuki lectures

DC notes on Japanese verses, gathas - before bath, sleep, etc (from 1970 I think - dc)

Started a post Suzuki era list of SFZC and SF Art Inst. students with Ward Flemming of Pinscreen fame.

Bodhidharma on precepts - from the Lazy Yogi

9-03-13 - Fri, Sept 6:  A Vision of an Enlightened Society, Public Talk with Kazuaki Tanahashi - 7 to 9 PM at the Santa Rosa, CA Shambhala Meditation Center

An evening with Kazuaki Tanahashi, renowned calligrapher, author, translator, Zen teacher, and peace activist.  This evening's lecture is not to be missed by anyone interested in art, peace and enlightened living.  Net proceeds go to A World Without Armies (AWWA), a peace organization founded by Tanahashi Sensei to work on global demilitarization.  Learn more at  Suggested donation: $20 ($15 members).  To add to the pleasure of the evening, we have just learned that Kaz will be bringing a collection of his calligraphy.

Click on this thumbnail and you'll see the flier for this event with details.


Kazuaki Tanahashi on cuke

Our Center is on the second floor of an old school building at 709 Davis Street, reachable only via 8th Street. 

More names for the list of Suzuki students who studied at the San Francisco Art Institute on SF Art Institute page on cuke. Thanks Brigid Meier.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume V #2 - March-April, 1966

9-02-13 - Starting list of Suzuki students who studied at the San Francisco Art Institute on SF Art Institute page on cuke.

Also added to that page: Mentions of Norman Stiegelmeyer on cuke and that reminded me of:

Dealing with Rowdy Guys at Tassajara

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Butter in cereal note for Tass stories

Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon the absolute truth." This quote was at the top of a list of 11 untranslatable words from other languages. Of course such words are legion but this is a neat list. - thanks Gregory

9-01-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume V #1 - January-February 1966

The whole Crooked Cucumber now uploaded onto the Notes on Crooked Cucumber section which will gather notes, links, photos, whatever gradually or such is the plan.

Genine Lentine is teaching a course on Zen at the SF Art Institute. She wrote me an email saying she didn't have her copy of Crooked Cucumber and wanted to see if there were any Suzuki Roshi students who sat there. I wrote back that this here is a far greater resource than Crooked Cucumber (the all of which it now contains) and to just write "art inst" in the site search box on the Home page or What's New page and many links will come up to mentions of the SF Art Institute. I think it would be near for someone like her class to collect info on this subject and organize it for presentation here on cuke and on the SF Art Institute's site. I'll start a page for it and the first person I'll mention will be the dear late Norman Stiegelmeyer who was a teacher there and an early and close student of Shunryu Suzuki. I see five mentions of Norman on cuke and find art of his on the Internet.

Norman on Ask Art

Norman on Surreal Sight dot com

There's more plus lots of art if you search the net. Norman should have his own page. He was a sweet and eccentric guy. - dc

Here's the new SF Art Institute page on cuke


8-31-13 - Thanks Zentatsu Richard Baker for forwarding this message to him from Brother David Steindl-Rast:
I just received this news:
Margot Loines Morrow Wilkie, passed away at the age of 101 on the full-moon Mandala Day of August 21.Thought you might want to know. Margot was a great lady; wasn't she?

Cuke interview with Margot Wilkie - with the NY Times obit, links, comments, and a portrait made not long ago

Reading about Jerry Brown's desire to keep as many people in prison as possible. See this article. Reminded me of a song I wrote for him back in 1980. Please Don't Build No More Prisons Governor Brown

8-30-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Suzuki and the radiation belt

See The Radiation Belt in Suzuki Stories

8-29-13 - From Bay Tree Burl to Buddhamama by Elizabeth Sawyer - with more photos by Howie Klein of the opening ceremony (see 8-27 below).

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #7 - November-December 1965

8-28-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Shunryu Suzuki letters and cards to Elsie Mitchell

New website for the Institute for Historical Study - and, as was pointed out on 8-17 below, it's one of my two fiscal sponsors, the other being the Pacific Zen Inst.

A note on what we're doing here at the Crooked Cucumber Archives.

8-27-13 - Prajna Paramita root ball statue created by Elizabeth Sawyer and Barton Stone over the last six years. The ceremony to celebrate the completion was on August 25th at the Back Porch Zendo near Occidental. [more on this soon. Got more photos and info.]

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #6 - August 1965

8-26-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D - thought we'd start uploading Wind Bells every other day to add a little variety. Most time now spent on work on film/video and audio work that will be posted here later. - dc

Notes on the stupa for Shunryu Suzuki at Tassajara

8-25-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #5 - August 1965

At Kat Tanahashi and Linda Hess' gathering yesterday, Wes Nisker said, "I used to believe in reincarnation, but that was in a previous life." - dc

8-24-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #4 - July 1965

On the site, Goodreads, under Shunryu Suzuki Quotes, there are some questionable entries. Take a look. I'll try to get up some comments on them tomorrow - pointing out which ones I think are candidates for the Dubious page. - dc

8-23-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #3- April 1965 - that's weird (but there are wrong dates and volume and issue # later on

Fake Buddha quotes from Tricycle - Wow - Synchronicity. I started listing dubious Suzuki quotes just earlier this month. This has inspired me to make a page for it: Dubious

8-22-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volumun IV #2 - April 1965

Rip Sunshine who followed her master Ahdel, to the next bardo. [More]

click on thumbnail to enlarge


8-21-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume IV #1 - February 1965

Lew Richmond on PBS Lew on Religion and Ethics show 

Religion and Ethics extended interview

Paul Shippee, one of two friends into Tibetan Buddhism who told me to go hear Anam Thubten in Point Richmond (see 8-19), interviewed:

Crestone Energy Fair will present a Nonviolent Communication Forum at
1:30 pm on Saturday under the tent...see you there.
Meantime, here's a 4-min preview video by Scott Murrish

Thanks Gregory for sending this quote from Howard Zinn.

8-20-13 - Bill Schwob's fine art site is now up as a partner to his photography site.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume III - February through December 1964

Thinking of Tiny homes - the Baba Yaga Hut

8-19-13 - Joined the folks at Dharmata across the bridge to Point Richmond for the Sunday morning program with Anam Thubten Rinpoche guiding meditation then giving a talk where he said that we're all in the great university of life from which we never graduate, just die. Then he met with anyone who wished for a brief chat and blessing. He's got a couple of books one can find on the Dharmata site. One of them I recall has a neat title: No Self, No Problem. Lots of people. Met Cynthia whose website is Good Morning Poetry - a site of poetry and more for Chogyam Trungpa.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - Volume II - January through December 1963

8-18-13 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells - starting with Volume I - December 1961 - December 1962

Added the following to the post on Engaged Buddhism/Current Events about Sarah Weintraub and Tiny Homes.

Very cool. Sarah does it again. In spring of 2007 there were posts on the project she was involved with in Columbia and in March of 2009 cuke posted her writing about the Dar Papaya Project of youth for peace in the US and Columbia where she lived in a village, her presence protecting them from atrocities. For a while she was director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.

Are Buddhist statues cursed? Read on - something stumbled upon

8-17-13 - A History of Green Gulch Farm by Mick Sopko (2002)

Katrinka and I arrived Wednesday at 4pm at Green Gulch and took a walk to see the work being done on Muir Beach which is mainly closed for restoration - see SF Chron article. Boy was it in good shape, tons of young people in the garden and farm apprenticeship programs and guest students and residents. Bunch of old friends there. Zendo and work meeting packed. We were there to walk around with 17 fellow members of the Institute for Historical Studies, one of my two fiscal sponsors, the other being the Pacific Zen Inst. Arlene Lueck started the tour off at the office then zendo and then we all wandered down to the garden and fields. After lunch in the small dining room I answered some questions and gave a bit of history. Katrinka filled in more history details from Mick's history linked above. It was a good sunny day. Never seen GG in better shape. - DC

 8-16-13 - Seeds with Wings - Sarah Weintraub is bloging about her tiny house and tiny houses in general. She also blogs for the tiny house people at Tumbleweed. - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - on Group D

Letter of invitation from Shunryu Suzuki for Buddha's Enlightenment celebration at Sokoji. Looks to be early sixties letter to be sent out to English speaking mailing list. - posting in Shunryu Suzuki correspondence of which very little survives.

Suzuki quote on receipt at Palo Alto noodle bar

Smith College publication article March 9,1967 on Suzuki talk

8-15-13 - Dizzy Sushi by Melissa White, an old friend from Santa Fe tells her story of living in Japan

Buy Dizzy Sushi here


click thumbnail to enlarge


2013 Scans for Group D

Card for Shunryu Suzuki 100th birthday bash - Suzuki 100th birthday bash on cuke

New Years card Suzuki sent to Elsie Mitchell - also on the index page of letters and cards he sent to her

Notes on Suzuki talk at Amherst Feb. 27, 1967

balloons8-14-13 - Happy birthday John Tarrant




2013 Scans for Group D

DC notes of three important yet undone tasks - darncelebration on cuke

Note to self - nothing needs to be recorded

DC priest ordination ceremony prep pages fall of 1971 - what to call this - pages I was given to read to explain ceremony and prepare me for it. That word "faith" hasn't been used much in translating that part. I'd like to see other translations. - dc

For Ahdel's birthday yesterday, her granddaughter and my niece, Camille, put this video up of Ahdel singing and reading her poem Me or my Barbeque at a family get-together last year. Ahdel's voice is uncharacteristically hoarse, not sure why. - posted on Ahdel's page. We come from Fort Worth and whenever mother went to Rochester NY or Akron Ohio to visit sisters' families, they'd ask her to bring some barbeque with her.

balloons8-13-13 - Happy birthday Ahdel who would have been 99 today.



2013 Scans for Group D

Japanese newspaper review of Crooked Cucumber - in JP - hmm - wonder what paper

Notes of Niels and Steve Tipton

No Beginning, No End - card to announce this book by Bill Kwong

Northhampton ZC papers including note from Ruth Fuller Sasaki

8-12-13 - A day with no work is a day with no food. According to the story as I recall it, Baizhang_Huaihai [Hyakujō Ekai) (720–814)]  stopped eating when his disciples took his gardening tools away. Then they begged him to teach them and he said  - OK, for one more year. He did that, then since he was too old to work, he stopped eating and died. I think I've got that right. Would appreciate link to or copy of that story to add it to the Santhara section of cuke. Go there and see why. Check down to the page for the Scott Nearing story, a modern version of this natural and traditional death with dignity method - stopping eating and drinking. - dc

Easy Battery Test can do anywhere. - thanks Jim McIver

8-11-13 - 2013 Scans for Group D

Yamada Masaji letter about Shunryu Suzuki in Japanese

Meal chant study

Nenju study (a ceremony we used to do at Tassajara on 3 and 8 days - maybe it's still done at times)

8-10-13 -  A note Bob Bellah wrote to a mutual friend mourning his father's death. - sent by Steve Tipton

8-09-13 - Robert Bellah died unexpectedly last Tuesday night, July 30, a day after coming through heart surgery.  More on Bellah and his passing

The Cambridge Buddhist Association (CBA) is defunct - an informative email

Remember Nagasaki

8-08-13 - Richard Baker dharma talks now on Crestone's Dharma Sangha website - thanks to MK for pointing this out

8-07-13 - 2013 Scans for Group D

Koshin Ogui on Suzuki (Bishop of Jodo Shin Buddhism) from Stanford meeting [cuke interview]

LA Times 3-69 article on Tassajara

Thanks to John Waggoner for this generous offer relating to the post of 8-05-13: I never met Shunryu Suzuki, so if you need someone to come up with spurious stories about him to archive on Cuke just let me know.

Thanks to Al Tribe for alerting cuke to another faux Suzuki quote: Enlightenment is an accident; Practice makes us accident prone. This was printed in the publication of an American Zen group. It had been found so attributed on the Internet I learned. I wrote the publication that I thought it was either Kornfield or Aitken. While in Santa Fe, visited with ZC alum and cuke contributor Andrew Main who was relaying his long history with Robert Aitken whom he'd met while in high school. Aitken then got a job with the school - teacher or principal - and Andrew and he had a relationship that lasted until Aitken's death in 2010. Andrew happened to mention that enlightenment statement of Aitken's and when I told him that it had recently been attributed to Suzuki he said that no, it was definitely Aitken. The next evening I had dinner with Joan Halifax at Upaya and told her I'd nailed the source of that quote down to my satisfaction and she was pleased to see this matter be resolved. - dc

8-06-13  - Remember Hiroshima

 No time for something new today. Read something in  interviews, brief memories, Suzuki Stories. - dc

8-05-13 - Met a guy in Crestone, CO, at Elephant Cloud the former great tea shop turned produce outlet which will revert to a great tea shop when Benjamin and his mate forget her name get the new place ready. The guy I met had said that he'd finally found people in the government who would listen to him - the NSA. See - they're not all bad. He said it's nothing new, that he'd dated a girl when he was young in the sixties whose father was an FBI agent and he'd gotten this guys dossier and it was thick and thorough. I wondered about mine. That would be fun to get - and maybe a CIA one too. Said I want to make a cap that says NSA Observer on it with a magnifying glass. He found out I was visiting the two Zen places in Crestone - CMZC and Dragon Mt. Temple - both out of the Shunryu Suzuki lineage. He said he used to hang out with Suzuki in San Francisco, that he went by the temple once and met Suzuki who offered him whiskey which they sat up and drank. After that, he said every time he went to that temple, he and Suzuki would sit up drinking whiskey. Made me doubt that he'd dated the daughter of an FBI agent. I made a mental note to start a section on cuke for dubious quotes and stories attributed to Shunryu Suzuki who was no drinker, didn't like whiskey, would fall asleep with the first tiny cup of sake. But I didn't tell the fellow in Crestone any of this, just asked for him to submit his stories about Suzuki to cuke. He said he liked to keep a low profile. - filed in Dubious as of 8-23-13. Was in DC on SR

2013 Scans for Group D

Notes on the okesa chant

JR notes


Japanese letter to DC - too hard for me to read now - to JP

8-04-13 - Remember standing with Kobun Chino in 68 at Tassajara during the great visit - looking at the visitors. He pointed to Shunryu Suzuki and said that here's an example of a great Soto teacher. He indicated Hakuun Yasutani and said that there's an example of a great Rinzai teacher He was really Soto but had that fierce Rinzati style and taught with koans. He didn't say "great" either. He used a word or phrase to mean matured, well cultivated. Can't quite get it. Anyway, then he pointed to Nakagawa Soen and said, "And there - ahhh - too much personality." More on this later. - dc Posting in DC on SR etc

2013 Scans

Starting Group D


A few notes on trip to Germany 2000 for Richard Baker and Marie Louis von Baden's wedding - much more elsewhere.


Hoitsu Suzuki letter of 97 - JP and Eng


Notes - JJ Wilson [JJ interview]

8-03-13 - Meetings with Joshu Sasaki - by DC with a link at the bottom to the 1969 interview done by Bob Halpern and me and comments on that including that my memory had erased Bob's role in this interview - until I read it again recently. Posting in DC on SR etc

2013 Scans - three more for the Japanese Group

Fred Harriman (translator extraordinaire) translates three letters from DC to Japanese contacts.

letter one

letter two

letter three

When I wrote letters in Japanese they were more like on a 2nd grade level. Thanks Fred. - dc

8-02-13 - Bruce Fortin brief memory of Shunryu Suzuki - Bruce is the founding teacher of the Occidental Laguna Sangha in Sebsatopol, CA.

2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later) In the meantime am working on the Shunryu Suzuki lectures, Notes on Crooked Cucumber, and a project involving all this with the interviews, brief memories, Suzuki Stories, and similar material scattered around cuke. And other stuff the fruits of which will fall eventually.

Starting Group D but moving all these scanned documents into the Japanese Group - "JP" indicates that the material is in Japanese


Genichi Amano was like Shunryu Suzuki's godfather at Rinsoin, head of danka, congregation. He visited with Suzuki shortly before Suzuki's death.


Amano notes on Shunryu Suzuki - JP


Amano's notes for his talk at Suzuki's Taisanshiki (retirement from Rinsoin?) - JP


Amano further notes - JP


Excerpt concerning Shunryu Suzuki from Yuki Ishimatsu book - JP


DC note to Hideko Oga and Shoganji material in Japanese - JP and English

8-01-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later) In the meantime am working on the Shunryu Suzuki lectures, Notes on Crooked Cucumber, and a project involving all this with the interviews, brief memories, Suzuki Stories, and similar material scattered around cuke. And other stuff the fruits of which will fall eventually.

Starting Group D


Yasumara Amada Lists - Amada was a student living at Rinsoin during the war


Yasumara Amada Notes - JP

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 81st anecdote -disaster



7-31-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)


Starting Group D


Four Bodhisattva Vows - DC notes


Chronology notes


Break time photos - Los Altos?


Couple ordained - article on Ron and Joyce Browning, ordained as priests by Shunryu Suzuki before they went to Japan to enter monasteries

I'm unclear on the right to die cases reported on BBC today. Can't they just stop intake? stop eating and drinking or being nourished intravenously? Is there an assumption here that they want to be given a lethal shot or is the British government prohibiting them from turning off their support? Posting this in the Santhara section of the Death and Dying department. - dc



7-30-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)


More from  Bob Watkins Folder


Tassajara fundraising brochure - 1967? - written by Richard Baker


Zen in America fundraising brochure - 1968? - written by Richard Baker


While we made PDFs from the thousands of pages scanned in Fort Worth in the last few months, we also made JPEGs. Here's one of a flyer for a Tassajara fundraising reading by Gary Snyder in March of 1967. Thanks Gary. - dc


click on thumbnail to enlarge






And that's it for Bob Watkins' folder. Thanks Bob. - dc

7-29-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)


More from  Bob Watkins Folder


San Jose Mercury News article on Tassajara (assume it's 1967)

Frank Anderton writes: Illegal Surveillance!

Told the guy at the counter of the gas station that had that sign posted on 7-27 that I'd put it here on cuke and he asked if I'd noticed the banner over the door. I went out and looked at it, came back and said what about it? He said to look again. Check it out.


click on thumbnail to enlarge

7-28-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)


More from  Bob Watkins Folder


Berkeley Barb article on Tassajara (67 as I recall. I remember how the reporter who hated the Zen macrobiotic diet said he tried to get something negative out of Suzuki about it but couldn't. Wonder if we can locate the Berkeley Barb presentation of the Heart Sutra with a naked woman superimposed over the words. I used to enjoy reading the personals in back which were shockingly uncensored for that time. The only one I remember, "You name it - I'll do it." - dc)


Adding Tassajara work assignments to the list from yesterday

7-27-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)


A week ago passed through Taos, dropped by Bob Watkins'  trailer to say hi with Brigid Meier (old timers my remember her as Barbara). Bob was the work leader of the first practice period at Tassajara in 1967. He's turning 80 next month, had been at the flea market all day. More on him later. A few years ago, when Clay and I were passing through, he gave me a packet of materials. Here are a bunch of them - schedules and stuff from back then. They'll go in the Bob Watkins Folder.- dc


August schedule


sesshin schedule-1


sesshin schedule-2


another schedule - daily


yet another schedule


zc-zmc-card-monk - not sure where this is from, maybe a Wind Bell.


student work assign


Zenshinji (Tass) opening ceremony program

Group C all reloaded and aok.

Must share this sign at the gas station next door to the motel I'm staying at in Reno. - dc


click on thumbnail to enlarge



7-26-13 - Nature Bats Last - Guy McPherson sees near term extinction. - thanks Brigid Meier

In Ely NV. Remembering where I've been this meandering home. Dinner with my fine Santa Fe hostess Melissa Savage and old Suzuki student friend Jonathan Altman. And when Daya then Dianne and I were at Glenwood Hot Springs where I was yesterday and their largest hot pool in the world. She and I were hidden in the steam rising into the cold January, 1973 air. I have always said that our son Kelly was conceived at Jonathan's Taos home. But maybe it was in the large pool at Glenwood Hot Springs. - dc

2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Accidentally lost Group C this morning. Wireless in Ely, NV, too weak to reload the larger PDFs. Will get it back maybe later today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We'll see. Anyway, here are the new ones for today. [fixed the next day]

Vern Olson scrollett on Shunryu's last message

Weather report for time and place of Shunryu's birth (Thus, the opening sentence of Crooked Cucumber)

7-25-13 - Fund to help Dianne Di Prima, diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease - Cuke Archives made a small donation.

Diane Di Prima cuke page

2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Tassajara 25 year anniversary book - 1967-1992 [now 5-21-14 in Wind Bell group]

Early morning light in Grand Junction, Colorado. Sounds of cars. From Aspen to Basalt the HOV diamond lane was on the right side for carpools and exiting. Never saw that before. Remembering fox playing with deer at Crestone Mt. ZC, looking at me and not running off, nibbling on leaves. Reminded of fox at Tassajara during break of first sesshin there in summer of 1967. I'd walked out to Grasshopper Flats, was standing under tree looking up at mountains and clouds. Then that fox came by, curled up at my feet and went to sleep. I continued to stand motionless. After a few minutes the fox got up and sauntered off. - posted in dc misc

7-24-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Tassajara Springs brochure - pre ZC (early sixties)

Silas Hoadley 1970 April list of students accepted for summer

Alden Truesdell Christmas message (a Fort Worth mystical Christian teacher who died a few decades ago)

Leaving Crestone Mt. ZC today. Ryaku Fusatsu last night - the Japanese Soto Zen version of Wesak. Back home in Marin Saturday eve. On the way, Bikram in Basalt, hot sulfur water in Glenwood Springs giant pool, Grand Junction, Ely, Spencer Hot Springs off the road before Austin, NV, Bikram in Reno, Nevada City. That's an average of 5.5 hours of driving a day. Here we go. - dc

7-23-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Stunkard errata for Crooked Cucumber pertaining to Suzuki's cancer - bad spots on scan on fax too

Interesting brief article on climate change figuring, the future and future people discounted by economists, most of whom depend on corporate support. An article by Eric Zuesse who also recently published They're Not Even Close comparing Republican and Democratic economies from 1910 on and this book on the birth of Christianity. - posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Created a page for Ahdel's music starting with the sheet music for her song Metropolitan Melody which is to be performed by an ensemble in Fort Worth, Texas.

7-22-13 - Fire near Tassajara contained. Tassajara Facebook page


In response to Narcissus quoting Suzuki Roshi saying his robes were his prison , an alert reader (MK) sent this quote:

"Yesterday I-I talked about something about freedom. Real freedom is, you know, to feel freedom wearing robe-this kind of, you know, troublesome robe. Instead of, you know, [being] bothered by this busy life, we should wear this, you know, civilization without, you know, being bothered by it, without ignoring it, without being caught by it. So without going somewhere, without escaping it, we should-we should have composure, you know, in this busy life." [That's from the Not Always So lecture]

I'm at Crestone Mt. ZC for a few days meandering home. Great being here. Want to tell about the visits before here and will get to that soon. - dc

Ahdel Chadwick Estate sale in Fort Worth Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 26-28- check it out. This is where I lived from the age of 12 to 18 and where I've visited and where I've just left for good. Signing it over to new owner on Monday next. - dc

7-21-13 - Narcissus Robert Quagliata on Shunryu Suzuki - 2012 emails to DC


Narcissus cuke page

The above post is a good example of how poorly presented material is on cuke. There's no indication of what treasures are revealed at those links. Narcissus has most revealing comments on Suzuki Roshi and is himself an amazing person, surely the most significant stained glass artist in the world. [more].

WSJ - Rise of the Warrior Cop

7-20-13 - Firefighting continues near Tassajara. Check up on it at the Tassajara Facebook page


cuke page on the history of fire at Tassajara

Reminder: Shunryu Suzuki Facebook page called Suzuki Roshi.

7-19-13 - As for the Tassajara fire, MK reports: 15% contained after cold humid night, 350 people working it today, road closed except for fire vehicles. Nobody worried.  And he sent this link to the Tassajara Facebook page.

7-18-13 - Forrest fire near Tassajara


Where is Tassjara's Facebook page? Can someone send me a link to it? When I write Tassajara in FB I get this. - DC


David Zimmerman Tassajara's Facebook page:


Post #1: 6:00pm


A fire of approximately 200 acres is currently burning in the vicinity of Tassajara, several miles away. Four air tankers , five helicopters and over 150 fire personnel are working on the blaze that broke out about 1pm this afternoon. They are dumping lots of flame retardant and water, and beginning to engage the fire by hand, and it seems to be settling down. There are also plenty of fire personnel at Tassajara, although Tassajara is on voluntary evacuation alert. Guests and students who felt inclined have left. Greg Fain, Head of Practice, says that he feels “very safe” and not too concerned.


Interesting timing, as the July 10 was the 5th anniversary of the 2008 Basin Complex fire that passed through Tassajara five years ago.


Post #2: 8:30pm


Update on the Tassajara Fire -- Tassajara director, Linda Galijan, just met with Pete Harris, Fire Incident Commander. They dropped 8 firefighters near the fire by helicopter earlier this afternoon, they worked for awhile, and walked out. Pete says that the fire is generally laying down well, however, the terrain and access are making it difficult to fight the fire, which is located around the confluence of Church and Tassajara Creeks. The area burned in 2008, so there are lots of dead trees, and they are falling and making passage up the creek difficult. Helicopters just stopped flying for the night.


Early tomorrow morning, 8 fire crews (20 persons each) will be dropped in by helicopter (they made landing pads near the fire for the purpose today). Pete expects fire crews will be working through tomorrow, and maybe the next day. They are not currently expecting crews to encamp at Tassajara. We don’t yet know what any of this means for Tassajara Rd., and whether anyone would be able to come in tomorrow, or by what time. We should know more in the morning.


--- thanks Michael K

7-17-13 - Master Artist Narcissus Robert Quagliata Comes to Santa Fe (that's today) Details

Have recently posted two PDFs about this most wonderful stained glass master and Suzuki student.

Narcissus Quagliata on Shunryu Suzuki just four days ago

Narcissus Quagliata - an article from the 1983 Art Glass Quarterly - his web site (nine days ago)

Am also in possession of lengthy piece Narcissus wrote on Shunryu Suzuki that he wanted to go over before it's posted. Will remind him of that tonight.

Thanks M Katz for alerting me to today's event

Meandering back to the Bay Area. In the last few days have met with Zen folks in Norman, OK, and Albuquerque, NM, and done yoga in Amarillo on the way and now am in Santa Fe for a few days and have a bunch of old friends and one new one to see before Saturday morning meet with Zennies in Taos. Then to Crestone. Will provide details and links as time permits. Love, dc

7-16-13 - Suzuki Roshi and the Modern  Soto Denomination

Sati Conference  May 30, 1998

by Prof. Richard Jaffee

This talk was also in an issue of the SFZC Wind Bell. (Yesterday's PDF post of Richard's notes had some blank spots so I emailed him for the article. Haven't checked yet to see if it's got the missing data but it's great to have this talk from him. Thanks Richard. - DC

[from TruthDig] Sea Levels ‘Are Set for Continuing Rise’ - Predictions of possible global temperature rise by the end of this century suggest that sea levels could rise by more than two meters, much further than scientists had thought. (DC's italics. Something I keep pointing out - climate change news frequently has this sort of comment with it - either much further than thought before or much faster or much worse or some new factor that makes it worse or faster.) - posing in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

7-15-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Interview notes

Richard Jaffee notes on Shunryu Suzuki influences - has to be rescanned or replaced

Carl Bielefeldt talk on Suzuki - some bad spots in scanning

7-14-13 - My friendship with Marian Derby Wisberg by Fran Thompson


7-13-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Shunryu Suzuki notes for his eulogy for Trudy Dixon

7-13-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Narcissus Quagliata on Shunryu Suzuki

7-12-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Shunryu Suzuki (?) writing-jp - says from appointment book but that may be wrong - to In Japanese Scans

Shunryu Suzuki CV in his hand with notes (by Peter Schneider?) starting with Sokoji abbots list

Shunryu Suzuki CV typed

Off to Oklahoma at noon

7-11-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

1969 interview with Joshu Sasaki by Bob Halpern and DC at the Cimarron Zen Center in LA. Present also were Susan Chadwick, and two translators.

Bodhgaya Mahabodhi temple bombed - Lor

7-10-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Letter to Grahame Petchey about Nona Ransom from English Quaker

Sandokai study by DC worked on while Suzuki gave lectures with kanji by Yoshimura

The Art of Khalila Friedman - a Facebook page

7-09-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Note from Edward Brown on the source Suzuki lectures in Not Always So - these lectures are so indicated in where one can bring up a list of these lectures in the New Search Form or see them marked in the Compact List. Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki

Shohaku Okumura 1999 letter to Grahame Petchey with a Crooked Cucumber mention

Philip Whalen poem Hymnus in his own hand

I once contacted an outsourcing agency in India about transcribing and just received a reminder email from my contact there and am considering using them to help with cuke. Told him to remind me in a month. But I wonder if Warren (see below) would be better in the long run. - dc

Warren Lynn wrote a poem for an orchid named for Ahdel.

7-08-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Narcissus Quagliata - an article from the 1983 Art Glass Quarterly - his web site

Thanks to Warren Lynn for over 5000 pages scanned in the last few months - for family, Ahdel's and my music, and a massive amount of Crooked Cucumber archives. And thanks for accepting the scanner, my old Netbook, and a box of more paper, to continue that noble work. - dc

Goodbye dear Fort Worth home and good neighbors. [more]

7-07-13 - It's ten thirty in the morning. Three hours before we're outa here. Then off to yoga and to Houston for a few days. Then back to the Bay Area, dropping Katrinka off at DFW on the way, then Norman, OK City, Santa Fe, Taos, Crestone, and west. - dc

7-06-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

1961 Letter to Jean Ross from Kyoto - maybe from Bill McNeil

Note from Peter Matthiessen on Crooked Cucumber for blurb

7-05-13 - David Schneider reports on Kobun Chino's Stupa Opening

2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Rick Levine's 1999 letter on Crooked Cucumber with some errata suggestions.

DC letter on LA Smith, HS English teacher exceptional - sent to dear departed friend Amrita Shlacter for an article she was writing on Smith for the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

balloons7-04-13 - Happy birthday USA. Thinking of FDR's Four Freedoms for all.



2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

Herb Caen's column the day Shunryu Suzuki arrived

Herb Arnold - beyond function

One of Huston Smith's letters of support for the Crooked Cucumber Archives.

7-03-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Now on Group C

DC Genjo Koan study book - Did this when I was director at Tassajara - summer of 1974 through summer of 75.

Grant application recommendation for Peter Schneider - 1962

7-02-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Beginning Group C

Notes on meaning of Suzuki's notes in notebook he was using on way to US 0m 1959

DC Eko Study Book made in 1970 while Shunryu Suzuki lectured on these merit dedicating chants recited at end of sutra. Right now there's a note from a SFZC librarian as the first page. Kanji by Yoshimura.

7-01-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Calvin Steimetz about a BCA (Buddhist Churches of America) annual seminar of Buddhist groups and teachers.      Trudy Dixon - sent to Shunryu in Japan October 1966.


6-30-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Two letters in the early sixties from Sally Unger

                                                      A letter from Saul Warkov - 9/29/62 - with a great story from Jewish lore about being away from one's master.

A resume, maybe to go with the CVs or maybe submitted for his own reasons by Ralph Lester Wire, a name not noticed before, -  with character references. Suzuki Roshi I doubt would have asked for that. - dc

6-29-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Marlene Caspari (10-02-62), Phillip Wilson - 1964 on the way to Japan, Peter Schneider - early sixties from Kalamazoo, Michigan

Finished scanning all the documents brought to Fort Worth yesterday - Cucumber Project and personal stuff - except for a few set aside for expert scanner Warren Lynn to do later (like SFZC board notes during Shunryu's life). Leaving him the scanner and my old Netbook so he can continue this noble work. Nine days to go. Must concentrate on what's to be done before we leave town. - dc

6-28-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Three letters from Marian Derby (Mountain) later to be Wisberg

6-27-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - from Li Gotami Govinda

                     from Joe Phelan, student of Soyu Matsuoka in Chicago

                    from Julia Laurin in Japan with Grahame and Pauline Petchey and Phil Wilson

Adding photo of Brian Eppes and son Seth with Katrinka to Brian Eppes memorial page.

6-26-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - from Richard Baker - 1965

Farewell Brian Eppes and condolences to his son with my mate Katrinka, Seth. Brian was one of the early light show wizards in the San Francisco sixties scene. Check him out at these links:

Universolightforms with the Brotherhood of Light timeline

Wikpedia - Liquid Light Shows

Pooterland on Brotherhood of Light

Nostos Algo blog

Watch Brotherhood of Light Video

All praise to Katrinka for watching over Brian in his final struggle with Muscular Distrophy, helping him move from his condo in Marin to a convalescent home and into hospice, dealing with his stuff and comfort, visiting him regularly, keeping in touch with family. Good ex wife. - dc

posted in Brian Eppes memorial page

6-25-13 - 2013 Scans (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Dorothy Schalk 1

       Letters to Shunryu Suzuki - Dorothy Schalk 2

Actually, counting today it's 13 days to go. [more in dc misc]

6-24-13 - 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 26 - Richard Baker lecture on day Shunryu Suzuki died - 71-12-04

13 days to go in the Fort Worth home [more in dc misc]

6-23-13 - 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 25 - Papers in Japanese from Shunryu Suzuki's room - including some of what his wife was throwing out when she left - retrieved from trash by Vicki Austin. Not sure where file names came from. - dc

Zen Is Right Here Romanian cover.

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.
     – Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 2007

posted in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events - thanks A Main in SFe

6-22-13 - Shunryu Suzuki photo archive now has had a great deal of info entered under the photos thanks to Peter Ford who also created this excellent photo display. Lots of info still to ad and surely some corrections to make, but this is a big step. We've got this collection digitized due to the efforts some years ago, maybe  ten, of Shinshu Roberts, who took the photos to Seattle or somewhere up there where a friend had a quality scanner. I'd added info to a small number of photos with the intention of getting back to that task before the end of time. In the current scanning of a backlog of materials, came upon a chart of the photos with explanations. Shinshu might have done this but I bet it was Bill Redican. Peter ran the PDF of that list through a OCR (optical character recognition) program and entered the data into the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive on Shunryu Suzuki dot com. It took some scattered villagers. Many more photos should be scanned in the SFZC catacombs and in scattered shoeboxes.. - dc

Sea of yogis in Times Square mark the summer solstice.

6-21-13 - An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki:

Front Matter including Kobun Chino and Katrin Otogawa's jointly calligraphed character for shine, hikari, on one of the opening pages of the book.

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 24 - Early sixties SFZC students' CVs, something that was never done again as far as I know. - dc

16 days to go in Fort Worth home. Work continues going through things, leaving almost all for estate sale, scanning some material, calling the local historical society about turning over some of it - photos, letters, memorabilia going back 150 years. Will take some of course. Working with friend Warren also on scanning mothers' music and poems etc, backlog of Crooked Cucumber archive material (which is being posted little by little), and scanning my notebooks and loose sheets of songs written through the years (See Defuser Music dot Com). Extending the life of all this material a little bit longer - till it dissolves with all other phenomenal detritus. - dc

6-20-13 - An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki:

2nd Shunryu Suzuki English caligraph: Do not say too late. From Anecdote 123 - words.

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 22 - Interview with Masaji Yamada by Kyoko Furuhashi

        # 23 - Masaji Yamada four statements - JP

6-19-13 - 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 21 - Images in Zen Is Right Here (scanned from the original version, To Shine One Corner of the World - Kobun Chino and Katrin Otogawa's jointly calligraphed character for shine, hikari, and two Shunryu Suzuki brushed English phrases

JPEG images

Back cover for the hardback Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki (Thanks to Gregory Wonderwheel for scanning the back cover of the book back in 2000 and sending it in to replace the poorly done one that was here before. I was embarrassed to tell you I lost your scan. Just got around to replacing it. - DC)

An Image in Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki:

1st Shunryu Suzuki English caligraph: I hope you are enjoying the wisdom of the Buddha. From Anecdote 66 - hope

6-18-13 - Trungpa and Zen by David Schneider who writes "This article, I think from Tricycle, largely builds on material from the introduction to The Teacup and the Skullcup. However, starting with the second paragraph, there's a story about one of the times VCTR (Trungpa Rinpoche) visited Zen Center, and Suzuki Roshi was there. It goes for a while, and then the rest of the article is inserted, and then it picks back up at the end."

David Schneider cuke page

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

        # 19 -  Wind Bell 62 first page with Shinsanshiki poem. All the old Windbells will be here soon.

        # 20 -  June 1989 Article (in Jp) and photo with Elin Chadwick in Okayama, Japan, protest of what's called the Tiananmin Square massacre.

I say "what's called the Tiananmin Square massacre" because I read a long article in the Nation back then called something like "There Was no Massacre at Tiananmin Square" and if you do an Internet search on that you'll see more on this. But even these articles report that there were deaths outside of the square. Not something I want to get into further. - dc

6-17-13 - 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 18 -  Sugizaki - JP - sent by Kirk Rhoads in the nineties from Yaizu. Must check to see if have translation.

 Leland SmithsonSpinoffs & Spin Backs in ZC Stories

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning -  Here’s what to look for. - of all the false impressions that movies and TV give, the worst must be in the area of public safety. Although I just saw the excellent Sci Fi flick Gattaca and its two drowning scenes didn't have the usual misrepresentations. - dc

6-16-13 - 2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 16 -  SR (Suzuki Roshi) letter to Yamada at Eiheiji - jp

# 17 -  Tassajara Stupa for SR explanation (DC notes from early 72)

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

End Matter  (glossary, further reading, acknowledgments)

Alan Senauke writes Burma Unbound? on the Clear View Blog of the Clear View Project.

Thanks again Andrew M for correcting my careless errors, this time of writing Cannon for Canaan: All corrections gratefully received:

"#7 - New Cannon material"
I think you mean "New Canaan material", i.e. ancient (Biblical) name for the Levant -- not a big gun.

6-15-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 123rd anecdote - words - added answer, the words Suzuki wrote. Will include image soon.

That's the last anecdote.

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

#14 and 15 moved to group F (photo guide and intro)

Andrew Main sends a comment on the note and inscription the Dalai Lama wrote in Steve Frost's Kalachakra book

Meanwhile, Steve has added the translation of the inscription "to Rationale V If you want to see, scroll down to where the pictures start there a link to the inscription as well the translation in the blog."

Missed the iPhone 5 workshop this morning. Got the time wrong. [more in DC misc]

6-14-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 123rd anecdote - words

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 12 -  Alan Watts book (bio or autobio)  SR - notes

# 13 -  SR - obit - eng & jp

Clear View Project - featuring the new film Zen and War and doing other good work.

6-13-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 122nd anecdote - talk

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 11 -  Bill Shurtleff notes for Rinsoin scrap book

a New book by Brad Warner


A Talk with Brad Warner about this book

related videos with Brad - this one and this one and this one

Brad Warner is elsewhere on cuke. Do a site search for him using the search box above or a web wide search to learn even more.

6-12-13 - New Clappers for Mindfulness Practice Group of Annapolis

Ray Watkins made these beautiful kaishaku, clappers as used in Zen temples and I'm sure other temples and I guess secular uses in Japan and likely in China going back long way. Someone want to send a list of what they're used for at the SFZC? - Contact DC

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 121st anecdote - grieve

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 8 -  Ohaka Zounin - jp

# 9 -  Shoganji (temple where Shunryu was born) - jp

# 10 - Silas' scroll - jp

When in Fort Worth, sit eves Monday at TCU and Thursday at a Catholic girls' school with the sangha of the Fort Worth Zendo, associated with the Dallas Maria Kannon.Zen Center.

6-11-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 120th anecdote - do

Keep forgetting to date these posts right. - dc

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 7 - New Canaan material - Deneal Amos' group in New Hampshire - would love to get any info on Deneal. - Contact DC

# 8 - Letter from Robert Pirsig on Crooked Cucumber with a reference to Thank You and OK (the war between the Nazis and the Gypsies) - too light - redo

Response to query of last August on meaning of The Dalai Lama's inscription in a book of Steve Frosts.'

The prior weekend's 50th HS reunion was fun and touching. But where did all the old folks come from? Here's a link page for it.

6-10-13 - Dogen's Explorations of Reality, a three session telecourse with Taigen Dan Leighton.

Taigen's cuke page

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 119th anecdote - future

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 5 - Kaz poem

# 6 - Mitsu Suzuki farewell talk - in her Japanese hand

Sunshine lost in Fort Worth (nice flyer niece Camille) - but I saw her on the back of the patio last night. She ran off when I called her. She was always an indoor cat that I'd started letting out for a few minutes a day till one day she wouldn't return. Susan sister said a vet told her all cats should be indoors. I agreed. Read this. And that doesn't even include this.

6-09-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 118th anecdote - extraordinary

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

# 3 - notes - questions for Kenji

# 4 - card from Natalie Goldberg about CC and TY

29 days to go in Fort Worth.

6-08-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 117th anecdote - cancer

2013 Scan B (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere}

Finished posting the first batch done in April. Today we begin posting PDFs of scans done starting in May.

# 1 - Burton Watson letter to DC on Thank You and OK! - Master translator of Buddhist and other Japanese - more on Watson.

# 2 - Some of the DC bio and CV material done in Japan for immigration. Note the phoney UC Berkley phony diploma made cause you have to have a college degree to teach English in Japan. But the immigration officer (who I wrote about in Thank You and OK! had seen so much by then he waved it aside saying, "Don't need - you've already shown PhD level." - dc

Saw that the Stolen Valor law was signed by Obama. You can now get a year in jail for lying about your war record. To me this is one of many many crimes that we will lock people in cages for doing when they are not dangerous. How unimaginative, cruel, and harmful. Why can't they do some sort of public penance, community service. I think I'll make this a cuke cause - take on the prison industry. Incarceration only for the dangerous. More on it later. - dc

6-07-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 116th anecdote - rock

One month to go in Fort Worth if all goes according to plan. Must concentrate on being ready to leave the house behind then and on finishing the mountain of Crooked Cucumber material there is to scan. Thus, only simple posts that aren't time consuming to prepare like yesterday's Schneider cuke page and the cilantro thoughts and even this. And there's other boring personal stuff...

6-06-13 - Philip Whalen overheard dis of Suzuki Shunryu - from Tensho David Schneider

Philip Whalen cuke page

There were so many contributions from Schneider on cuke that we created a cuke page for David Schneider - check it out.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 115th anecdote - broom

Study shows Cilantro aversion linked to genes and this made me remember... [more in dc misc]

6-05-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 114th anecdote - thesis

Three documents from Marian Derby Wisberg sent us seven years ago.

* a letter on the Los Altos Suzuki lecture tapes
* an article titled Beginner's Mind
* an article titled A Report on the Peninsula Branch of the San Francisco Zen Center.

Marian's cuke page

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere

These are all personal

Group A # 87 - Metropolitan Melody - song written by Ahdel and sung at her memorial

# 88 - Poems for Great Uncle Hugo's memorial

# 89 - The Chilly Chili of Chile - DC song c. 1955

# 90 - I Don't Want to Draw - DC 1962 (from HS art class)

6-04-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 113th anecdote - tree

Here's another photo [the top one] with Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who recently passed on - but you can't see her face. She's second from the left.

Found it in Betty Warren photo and memorabilia collection which wasn't linked to the photo section and which was forgotten. Lots of stuff like that on cuke.

Didn't get it at first because I'd spelled Marian's name as "Marion." Spent a half hour fixing other places where I'd done that. Now even more mentions of Marian will come up if one does a site search - though it may take a few days for the search engines to have those corrections. - dc

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 84 - Anagarika Govinda review of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

# 85 - notes from student

# 86 - IF - a poem by DC (at age 8) - finding things going through house here in Ft. Worth. The original must have been illegible because this is my mother's handwriting.

6-03-13 - Here's the only photo I've found so far of Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who recently passed on. It's from the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com. She's the third from the right on the 2nd row. Could have missed some others with her. Will look further. Will find more. Much work to do on photos and naming. - dc

Here's another photo with Marian in it but you can't see her face. She's second from the left.

Found it in Betty Warren photo and memorabilia collection

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 112th anecdote - son

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 82 - Notes - Tim Buckley

# 83 - Yvonne Rand on SR - SFZC 98

Old Data Reveals Warming Oceans - just another article on climate change. An early sentence in the article is characteristic of reporting on this topic, not just now but way back - it's worse, happening faster than scientists previously thought, or some new factor that accelerates it.

A main finding is that the impact of global warming on the oceans might have been significantly underestimated: the oceans are absorbing far more heat than previously realized.

Assange on Google

6-02-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 111th anecdote - intoxicants

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 81 - Stunkard on Obesity ----cuke interview with Dr. Albert Mickey Stunkard

Bill Maher makes a strong pitch for finally legalizing pot.

Haven't gotten around to looking for photos of Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain). Why don't you take a look in the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com and if you don't know, make a guess and send the photo number to Contact DC.

6-01-13 - Robby Pellet, dharma heir of Hoitsu Suzuki (Shunryu's son and dharma heir) sits at One Pine Hall in Seattle.

There's a new newsletter out which one can access by going to the One Pine Hall website and clicking on the left arrow.

Robby writes:

I was able to go to Japan this spring to see Hojo-sama.  He and Chitose seem to love being grandparents. Hojo sama gave a dharma talk every day during morning Zazen.  It brought tears to my eyes to hear his Dharma.

After uploading today's posts, will look through the archive of photos in Shunryu Suzuki dot com for some with Marian Derby Wisberg (Mountain) who passed away at 90 on May 15t, Marian's cuke page.

Also - when the current projects are done - going through mother's home and other biz in Fort Worth, scanning a mountainous backlog from the Crooked Cucumber Archives - plan to go through the photo archive and identify who's who. It's set up for others to help on this as well. - dc

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 110th anecdote - goodnight

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 79 - Eric Storlie letter-1

# 80 - Awakening the Mindstone from Nothing on My Mind: Berkeley, LSD, Two Zen Masters, and Life on the Dharma Trail. Shambhala, 1997. [A good picture of the sixties Zen Center, Suzuki, Katagiri, and students.] Eric Storlie link page


5-31-13 - We just learned that Marian Derby (Mountain) Wisberg died on May 15th. - Thanks to Blanche Hartman for calling me yesterday and passing on this news she'd received from Fran Thompson.

Read Fran Thompson's message on Marian's passing

We knew her as Marian Derby. She was the spirited, energetic, trailblazing student of Shunryu Suzuki who founded the Haiku Zendo in Los Altos and first recorded Suzuki's lectures - for a book that became Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. In the early seventies she married Jack Wisberg in Big Sur where they first lived - and took his name. She is known to many as Marian Mountain the pen name she used for her book, The Zen Environment: the Impact of Zen Meditation.

More on Marian at her cuke page - and more will be added later today and tomorrow.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 109th anecdote - stranger

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 77 - Notes from Stan White - '93

# 78 - Notes from Sue Roberts

5-30-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 108th anecdote - understand

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 74 - S. Hanna-Rhyne SR memory

# 75 - SR college thesis contents - thanks Gil Fronsdal

# 76 - SR letters to Tokujun (Grahame Petchey)

fixed numbering on these

Today is the 100th anniversary of the T-shirt. Check out cuke T-shirts and other consumer items at the Cuke Basket on Cafe Press.

5-29-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 107th anecdote - LSD

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 73 - SR lecture notes summer of 65

5-28-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 106th anecdote - birds

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 72 - Rumi Kawashiri 1969 paper on Sokoji and Zen Center

Oldest veteran story - 107 - wow - look at how he planned to spend the day yesterday and to what he attributes his healthy old age. Reminds me of the Okinawa woman a while back who, as I recall, was Guinness oldest person at 117 who drank shochu and smoked strong Peace cigarettes. Look at this list of oldest ever and some of their habits. Oh well. It's too late for me. I'm addicted to not doing those things and can't quit. - dc

5-27-13 - Happy Memorial Day - On this day when we honor those who died while serving in the armed forces. We go to war easily, full of enthusiasm, sparing no expense. We glorify the dead. We tend not to honestly question the wisdom of sending them, the wisdom of decisions made during their engagement. We don't ask how many died because of our negligence. We don't do so well with those who lived. We get cheap, express our gratitude in patriotic symbolism, neglect the people.

Which link to hit on homeless veterans?

Neglected Veterans  - Just one link. Find others.

Much profit is made through war. Should more of it go to neglected veterans? - dc

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 105th anecdote - shave

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 69 - SFZC lineage

# 70 - Henry Schaeffer notes

# 71 - Stuart Lachs on SR and the war

5-26-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 104th anecdote - back

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 66 - Bill Redican note

# 67 - Rick Levine SR memory

# 68 - Rebecca Mayeno (RIP) notes

Revised the story of how Music for a Comic Book Video came about.

5-25-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 103rd anecdote - read

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 65 - Remembering the Dragon - a short book on Shunryu Suzuki created by Gil Fronsdal for the 100th anniversary of Shunryu Suzuki's birth. Text only. $10 paper. order only from  SFZC Bookstore

A Message mainly to Californians from the National Religious Campaign Against Torture

This holiday weekend, we urge you to take a moment for California's youth. One final hurdle remains for passage of Senate Bill 61, a bill to limit the harmful practice of placing young people in solitary confinement in California. Thanks to your support, S.B. 61 passed through the Senate Appropriations Committee this past week, and the bill goes to the Senate floor on Tuesday for a vote.

Your support is needed in this final push for passage! Please take a moment this holiday weekend to express your support for S.B. 61 to your local Senator using the sample email we have prepared.

Fire Ants and a Dime - in DC Misc

5-24-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 102nd anecdote - notion

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to preserve and work with later anywhere)

Group A # 61 - Paul Lee letter

# 62 - Narcissus

# 63 - Narcissus on Shunryu Suzuki

# 64 - Suzuki excerpt from New Gods in America

say hi in DC Misc

5-23-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 101st anecdote - loaves

2013 Scan (getting the archive backlog on cuke to work with later anywhere)

Group A # 57 - Paul - awareness

# 58 - Pauline - dream

# 59 - Paul Lee letter - to Tokujun

# 60 - Phillip Wilson note

Esoteric local DC biz in the "too much info for most" category - lots

5-22-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 100th anecdote - self

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 53 - Ned Hoke letter

# 54 -  Niels Holm notes-1

# 55 - Niels Holm notes-2

# 56 - Notes-x

A reminder - while going through things here in Fort Worth and getting the home ready to sell, scanning a ton of material from Crooked Cucumber Archives backlog and backing it up redundantly - to work with and process into shinning form on later. That next step will take time and can be done wherever there's electricity nearby. Thanks Warren Lynn for focused, intelligent, diligent work. A CCA gold star is awarded. - This note posted in What We're Doing.

Wrote a brief piece On the making of Music for a Comic Book Video for Santa Fe DJ/sampler/not-sure who got a box of these LPs to pass around to colleagues. Is that spelled right?

5-21-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 99th anecdote - tired

2013 Scan

Group A # 50 - Mel Weitsman notes - sideways

 # 51 - Matsu Zaki's intro on Suzuki in the earliest translation of Zen Mind Beginner's Mind.

 # 52 - Natalie Goldberg on Shunryu Suzuki in Writing Down the Bones.

Cruel and Usual Tax Collection including a link to a song by DC on the subject

The Guitar and the New World: A Fugitive History

reviewed by Taigen Dan Leighton

balloons5-20-13 - Opps. Forgot Al Tribe's birthday two days ago. He was born on Shunryu Suzuki's birthday (5-18-1904)  which I also forgot - so post-posted it there. Just like posted Mitsu's birthday a day late (4-23-1914).


Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 98th anecdote - use

2013 Scan  --  Group A # 47 - Dainin Katagiri on Suzuki

# 48 - Laura Kwong notes

# 49 - Loring Palmer on Suzuki and LSD

Jack Van Allen sent this 6th century Heart Sutra a while back. Linked to from the Heart Sutra page

Market Watch - College Grads Scammed

Photos of our Steinway which is now for sale.

5-19-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 97th anecdote - glasses

2013 Scan  --  Group A # 44 - Kaz Tanahashi - notes on war and teachings

# 45 - K. Kato book excerpt about Suzuki & Taro during the war

# 46 - Kobun Chino letter to Tokujun Grahame Petchey - 1-14-67

DC MIsc 3 launches with yoga update

balloons5-18-13 - Happy Birthday Al Tribe, born on Shunryu Suzuki's birthday.



Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 96th anecdote - overlooked

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 41 - on Jean Ross

 # 42 - JJ Wilson notes - redo - too light (we're doing almost scanning every day now in Fort Worth. Will get back to the light ones. - DC)

 # 43 - On Maggie Kress' death

Cuke Heart Sutra Page started as a hub for posts of the last few days and whatever else comes up on the subject.

Here's a better presentation of the last link put up yesterday. Take Action Today to End Solitary Confinement in Immigration Detention - an appeal from NRCAT - the National Religious Campaign Against Torture.

5-17-13 - Can't get today's post ready till later. Below is the material gathered so far to work with. The subject is the Heart Sutra

Commentary by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

IN THE PRAJNA PARAMITA SUTRA the most important point, of course, is the idea of emptiness. Before we understand the idea of emptiness, everything seems to exist substantially. But after we realize the emptiness of things, everything becomes real—not substantial. When we realize that everything we see is a part of emptiness, we can have no attachment to any existence; we realize that everything is just a tentative form and color. Thus we realize the true meaning of each tentative existence. When we first hear that everything is a tentative existence, most of us are disappointed; but this disappointment comes from a wrong view of man and nature. It is because our way of observing things is deeply rooted in our self-centered ideas that we are disappointed when we find everything has only a tentative existence. But when we actually realize this truth, we will have no suffering. -,3

Earlier post on Shunryu Suzuki's "translation" of the Heart Sutra.

Two links to the version Allen Ginsberg chanted:

The version the Shambhala (Trungpa) sangha uses. (thanks Howie)

Forgot what the link below is.

Later - DC

5-15-12 - Shunryu Suzuki “Translations” of the Heart Sutra. The basic English meaning printed beneath the Sino-Japanese on Sokoji chant cards. #2 - This one for the two sided chant card that was in use when I arrived at Sokoji in the late summer of 1966. - DC.

Variations in English between the 1962 four-sided card and the later two-sided card.

- thanks Chris Modec-Halverson for carefully getting this all on disc

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 38 - Hoitsu Suzuki - 1971 talk given at SFZC City Center

# 39 - Ned Hoke letter about Shunryu Suzuki

# 40 - Notes from Irene Horowitz

DC Fort Worth Report - tornados and memorabilia

5-15-12 - Shunryu Suzuki “Translations” of the Heart Sutra. The basic English meaning printed beneath the Sino-Japanese on Sokoji chant cards. #1 - This one for the four sided chant card for the May 20, 1962 installation of Suzuki as abbot of Sokoji. - thanks Chris Modec-Halverson

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 95th anecdote - napkin

This morning I woke up thinking how Meister Eckhart and Bodhidharma both said we can do no better than just being idle. I've got lots to do today so I asked Kabumpkan what he thought. "Engage the relative, put the other in neutral." I asked him what he meant by that. "Can't figure it out," he said. - dc

New salt study big in the news today but this is nothing new. I remember years ago reading about a study of salt studies that concluded there was a direct correlation between salt intake and longevity.

5-14-12 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 94th anecdote - driver

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 35 - Grahame Petchey note

# 36 - Grace McLeod etc notes

# 37 - Harriet Chino notes about rape. More on this later. There's a little on cuke about it - just write "rape" in the search box on the Index or this page.

5-13-12 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 93rd anecdote - scold

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 29 through # 34 all are letters from Fran Thompson

5-12-13 - Florales Ludi: Festival of Flowers with Games by Katharine Cook.

Happy Mother's Day Kathy

And Happy Mothers' Day (as in the New Yorker cover) to mate Katrinka, past wife experiences Elin and Daya, sister Susan. Writing about how to evoke the universal ethic compassion, the Dali Lama, suggests those who view things in terms of rebirth see all beings as having been their mother in a past life. In this vision, each being has been the mother of each  other being. The number of possible combinations would therefore be, if B stands for a being, B! as in 5! = 5x4x3x2x1. However, that formula only covers one instance of each being having been the mother of each other being. To cover repeats we could then make it B!? unless we say that each being has been the mother of each other being as many times as there are grains of sand in the Ganges. In that case we could write the formula B!G. So, again, happy Mothers' Day to all beings past present and future including those specific beings mentioned at the onset of this paragraph, late mate Liz and late mom Ahdel as well. B!G! - dc

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 92nd anecdote - approve

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 27 - Notes from discussion with Gil Fronsdal

# 28 - Letter from Lama Govinda to Richard Baker

5-11-13 - Reminder: Original Mind: The Craft of Zen Practice in the West by Zentatsu Richard Baker, sole American dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. The first chapters are now after many years of writing and rewriting finally available on the Dharma Sangha site.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 91st anecdote - blossoms

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 25 - Mary Farkas of the First Zen Inst. on Shunryu Suzuki

 # 26 - Translator Fred Harriman notes concerning interviews in Japanese - very light - rescan

Congratulations to the human race for reaching the 400 parts per million for the first time in four million years or so. The World Suicide Club salutes you! Also see Species Threats - climate change.

5-10-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 90th anecdote - garden

Going to start posting more scans per day to keep up with work on the backlog. Also adding relevant links.

2013 Scan   --  Group A  # 22 - Interview notes with Dennis Samson - Dennis in brief memories

# 23 - Diamond Sangha Newsletter 1970 review of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

ZMBM cuke page -

# 24 - Arthur Deikman Curriculum Vitae - cuke interview with Deikman

Two photos - family and friends gather in our back yard after Ahdels' memorial

5-09-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 89th anecdote - feelings

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 20 - Letter from Shunryu Suzuki student from the war days, S. Asaoka

# 21 - Interview notes - Craig & Lew

Enjoy the annular eclipse today - if you're in Australia.

5-08-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 88th anecdote - tide

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 18 - Letter from Eric Storlie - too weak - redo

# 19 - Letter from Gary Snyder

Back in Fort Worth to keep going through stuff in Ahdel's home. Her older sister, my aunt Bruni (Brunhilda), who was upset that mother was dying and died before her, soon got word her cancer had spread, went into hospice, and passed on a few days ago two months after Ahdel did. She would have been 100 next month.  - More - dc

5-07-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 87th anecdote - chicken

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 17 - Diana Hart (Cheryl Hughs) interview notes

Yesterday mentioned all the PDF scans that are being made and posted. This is all part of the ongoing for years task of processing the backlog of material in the Crooked Cucumber archives so that it's available to whomever wishes to see it. There is also ongling progress in improving the digital archive of Shunryu Suzuki lecture audio, film, and photos as found on One bird at a time as Annie Lamott says.. - posting this and yesterday's note in What We're Doing

Old buddhy Doug McKechnie and friends have a movie on something they've done and done again since the mid seventies - play the Golden Gate Bridge as a musical instrument. Here's a trailer for the movie: A Day in the Life of the Golden Gate Bridge. Go to Monumental Sounds and you can play it too. Doug writes about it on his blog.

5-06-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 86th anecdote - wonderful

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 17 - Shunryu Suzuki in Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chogyam Trungpa by Diana Mukpo and Carolyn Ross Gimian. - Shambhala link - Amazon link

There are so many PDF scans this year of notes, interviews, photos, relevant material to go onto cuke already that we might have to increase the volume that go up daily or it will take years. Thinking about posting a bunch and then just introducing them little by little on What's New. And then there's integrating them into the site. Off to Fort Worth tomorrow with so much more to scan that it's being checked in as baggage. In the past one had to go to an archive to look for material but now it can all go on the Internet. In time I think artificial intelligence will organize it better. Planning for that would free me up to do more creative things - like finger painting and humming with the moon. - dc

One way diagnostics, medical costs will come down - thanks Gregory

5-05-13 - RIP dear friend Peter Warshall who helped to save Bolinas, friend to chimpanzees and all living creatures, watershed savant, septic tank guru, Whole Earth editor, brother to Suzuki student Jackie, sweet guy farewell, . Just learned from Rick Levine. - DC

Peter on Wikipedia

Great tribute to Peter from his niece Yoginrose

Tributes to Peter on funeral home site

Ecologist Peter Warshall: Enchanted by the Sun - video - or on


Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 85th anecdote - meat

Cheap Canadian electric car - thanks McIver

5-04-13 - How to Live on the Planet Earth: A Celebration of Nanao Sakaki

Fri May 10 2013   7:00 PM 
McRoskey Mattress Company  1687 Market St., San Francisco - thanks Howie Klein

Here's a page for the late Nanao's new poetry collection on the Poems from the Gulf of Maine blog.

Nanao Sakaki cuke page

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 84th anecdote -question

Get well soon Michael Wenger of Dragon's Leap Zendo - thanks MK

5-03-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 16 -  Brother David Steindl-Rast interview notes from 1997

Brother David's Gratefulness web page

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 83rd anecdote -discouraged

See Dennis McNally featured in today's Marin Independent Journal: Grateful Dead historian's tales from the road. [at the Sweetwater in Mill Valley May 8th at 8pm] 'In 1981, after reading "Desolate Angel," McNally's biography of Jack Kerouac, the Grateful Dead paterfamilias himself, Jerry Garcia, hired McNally to write the band's history. It resulted in McNally's 2002 book "A Long, Strange Trip," the definitive account told from his insider's perspective as the Grateful Dead's publicist, a post he held for more than a decade.' - Sorry I'll miss the Sweetwater show Dennis. Back to Fort Worth on the 7th. - DC

Thanks cuke hero Mark Bittner for alerting us to problem with yesterday. We'd just changed hosting methods having gone over the five gigabyte limit and our host,, screwed up the DNS for taking the web surfer to a "This is the future home of" page and all pages when www was hit but not if it the www wasn't included so I didn't notice. Called Sonic and it should be all fixed now. Let me know if there's still a problem or any other problem. Thanks. - DC

5-02-13 - Buddhism is, maybe, rather difficult to understand - PDF of transcript of Shunryu Suzuki lecture dated 66-01-13 from the Los Altos Box, this one the original and apparently verbatim version, one of the lectures from that group not included in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. The PDF reveals the blank spaces in this original transcript which seem to indicate gaps in the tape. This transcript duplicated the look of the original. The audio tape is missing along with all but two from the Los Altos. Would love to find them. - DC

Lectures from the Los Altos Box not included in ZMBM

Lectures in Zen Mind Beginner's Mind chart - Los Altos box lectures are in the Original Transcript column (except 66-00-00 AE and BE which are from the book as no other versions are available)

posting this on the Suzuki lecture work in progress page

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 82nd anecdote -arts

Join Karen Hamilton May 3, 4, and 5 for the 20th anniversary of Marin Open Studios. I will be showing paintings at Studio 333 in Sausalito. (333 Caledonia St.)

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, May 3rd, 6pm - 9pm

OPEN STUDIOS: Sat., May 4 and Sun. May 5, 11am - 5pm

5-01-13 - Today the missing text from the last page of Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-01-12 which became the Mind Waves chapter of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - with a link to the original transcript and the draft edited with Trudy Dixon's (I think) handwritten notes which had the missing page. - posted n the Shunryu Suzuki Lecture Work in Progress section.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 81st anecdote -disaster


4-30-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 80th anecdote -enlightenment

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 15 -  Bob Halpern interview notes

Transcribing the missing brief end to a Shunryu Suzuki lecture located yesterday while going through archive material at the SFZC City Center. Been wanting to get to this for a few years. It's one of the lectures from what I call the Los Altos Box, the group of lectures Marian (Mountain) Derby Wisberg and Trudy Dixon and Richard Baker worked with to make Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Will have it up here in a while - with more exciting historical detail. - dc (9:20am San Rafael, CA)

4-29-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 79th anecdote -difference

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 14 - Bob Shuman interview notes

Shunryu Suzuki lecture partial transcription from one of the problem audio - 65-07-31-C. - 3rd installment

Truthdigger of the Week: Jeremy Scahill

4-28-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 78th anecdote -important

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 13 - Chogyam Trungpa on the three kayas - and Shunryu Suzuki quoted from Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. - from Warrior-King of Shambhala: Remembering Chogyam Trungpa

Leland Smithson Zen Moirés in the new ZC Stories section. [send your ZC stories here] Must look through cuke for prior posts that could go here. This section would be for stories that don't involve Shunryu Suzuki.

4-27-13 - Danny Parker on the Summer of 1974 at the SFZC with memories of Philip Whalen

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 77th anecdote -eat

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 12 - Marian Derby Report on Peninsula Branch of SFZC - undated - circa 1970

Devil's Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step by Cecile Pineda

Read about it on the page for Fukushima

Amazon link for this book --- Huff Post review

4-26-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 11 - Marian Derby letter to friends & DC Xmas 2010

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 76th anecdote -bugs

Happy Chernobyl Day - April 26, 1986

Starting a page for Fukushima today [a subpage of Engaged Buddhism/Current Events] featuring links and comments from Taigen Dan Leighton and John Steiner - the situation is much worse than it gets credit for being.

4-25-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 10 - Marian Derby letter to DC on location of ZMBM tapes - Zen Mind Beginner's Mind lecture tapes all but 2 still missing

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 75th anecdote -sex

Southern Poverty Law Center - a noble organization

4-24-13 - Posting yesterday's Happy Birthday to Mitsu Suzuki one day late. See - it's down there now as if it were posted yesterday. However, personal congrats were sent to her via Rinsoin. More, including her response

I just noticed that on the SFZC site it says  "This April in Japan, she will be turning 99 and in our way of counting, 100" but that's not right. Unless I'm making a senior mistake, it's the opposite: this April she will turn 99 in our way of counting and in Japan's 100. Born 1914 - same as my recently late mother, Ahdel. In Japan you're one at birth cause their one means 1st year.

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 9 - Chogyam Trungpa on Shunryu Suzuki and American Karma - source? Talk at SFZC?

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 74th anecdote -advice

balloons4-23-13 - Happy Birthday Mitsu Suzuki!




Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 73rd anecdote - twenty

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 8 - Chogyam Trungpa on Shunryu Suzuki from Garuda magazine

Oh darn - Obama's Terror Campaign  - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

4-22-13 - Happy Earth Day

Poll Finds Americans Less Concerned About The Environment Now Than When Earth Day Began

  - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

2013 Scan   --  Group A # 7 - Chogyam Trungpa Shunryu Suzuki memorial

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 72nd anecdote - grateful

Dealing with a high school classmate who's putting together a slide show for our upcoming 50th reunion, an old memory popped up and asked him if he was the one who told me about NOSMO. Here's his answer (in dchad misc)

4-21-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 6 - Zentatsu Richard Baker's talk on Shunryu Suzuki given a week after Suzuki's death.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 71st anecdote - life

Brad Warner compares Shobogenzos

4-20-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 5 - Zentatsu Richard Baker's talk at Shunryu Suzuki's funeral

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 70th anecdote - okesa

Thanks Clay for reminding me that yesterday was your birthday. I'd left the date as 4-18-13 on accident - maybe if I'd seen it I'd have remembered. However, since you'd lost your phone at the beach you'd have been unreachable anyway. - dc dad

4-19-13 -  Original Mind: The Craft of Zen Practice in the West by Zentatsu Richard Baker, sole American dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki. The first chapters are now after many years of writing and rewriting finally available on the Dharma Sangha site.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 69th anecdote - mind

balloonsHappy 22nd birthday Clayton Chadwick




4-18-13 -  Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 68th anecdote - soup

 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 4 - Marian Derby (Mountain) on Beginner's Mind

Tried out Bikram Yoga yesterday. -  dc

4-17-13 - David Silva Art Exhibit: A Sacred Landscape: Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal, at the SFZC City Center 5/1 - 5/31/13


David Silva's cuke page for more

 Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 67th anecdote - power

4-16-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 66th anecdote - hope

 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 3 - Bill Lane notes

Back to the Bay Area today after four months and four days in Fort Worth. Back in May. Lots to do. As it says in the book of Tao, "Affairs are endless." And that was coming from a hermit who lived up in the mountains. - dc

4-15-13 - 2013 Scan   --  Group A # 2 - Notes by Barbara Wenger on Interview with Betty Warren and Della Goertz

Danny Parker relates a Philip Whalen Story.

4-14-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 65th anecdote - lose

Just out - A Straight Road with 99 Curves: Coming of Age on the Path of Zen by Gregory Shepherd

RIP Jonathan Winters, an inspiration to many young boys such as I in our formative years, helping us to cultivate idiotic expressions and goofy voices. I wax sentimental now recalling his inspiring two roles in The Loved One.

4-13-13 - Going through archive backlog scanning material to post, work with, and present in other form on cuke.   --  Group A #1 is Dianne Di Prima on Zen. (no source yet) Listing on the 2013 Scan page. Thanks to Warren Lynn for helping with this. He just arrived so that's all for today on cuke.

4-12-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 64th anecdote - teacups

A Message From a Dying Veteran

Iraq Veterans Against the War

  - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

4-11-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 63rd anecdote - difference

QUESTION: Should have paid ads? Received this yesterday:

4-10-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 62ndt anecdote - boulder

In Texas now for another week. Going through stuff in mother's house (Ahdel) but still working daily on cuke stuff. Itching to post more new material but Crooked Cucumber Archives work includes lots of maintenance and busy work. Got a sort of virus that must deal with. It's not crippling, just a nuisance. Got it from downloading new version of Audacity (program to deal with audio). Mistake made was to download it from an unknown source. Must be careful when downloading and also even then, don't just hit Next to hurry the download - make sure not to leave a check oking a search engine or other program not wanted. - posted in What We're Doing

4-09-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 61st anecdote - lost

4-08-13 - Happy Buddha's birthday ( put here a day late) - thanks Andrew.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 60th anecdote - lost

4-07-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 59th anecdote - rejected

Thanks so much to Gordon Henry for creating this page, In Honor of Ahdel - with wonderful photos of the memorial.

Was a great day. Will post memorial video soon - I hope. Busy now with family, friends.

4-06-13 - Paying attention to local details today. Two hours till the memorial for Ahdel. Got Katrinka and Aunt Ellie and cousin Amy last night and are with 1st cousin once removed Rye and wife Jill at the Courtyard. but son Kelly and his mate Rene stuck in Salt Lake City - Connecting Delta flight last night was too late then Delta forgot to put their names on the manifest today. Now they're scheduled to make the tail end of the reception. Clay made it back from a party last night. Cousin Karl is here. Ward is getting ice out of the fridge. Open house to come. - dc

4-05-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 58th anecdote - arrogance

Oldest friend Ward and younger son Clay were talking yesterday and it came up that Ward had been cut off at an AA meeting here in Fort Worth for suggesting they were being too Christian, citing that AA is supposed to be non sectarian. Clay said he didn't like the part about having to submit to a higher power. Ward said that when he started going to meetings 24 years ago he took the group as his higher power and that satisfied Clay. I don't have trouble with higher power stuff. Call it god, call it sod, call it group, call it soup. Call it self, call it other, call it father, call it mother, call it sister, call it brother, call it I am that I am or bim bam thank you ma'am, mankind, big mind, we find in the unwind? I don't know. I'm a no show.

4-04-12 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 57th anecdote - ladder

Finding some neat stuff going through things here - lots of writings of Ahdel - poems, letters, spoofs, songs - and have filled two giant recycle containers and same with trash. And there's cleaning and straightening and people arriving soon. Stayed up with Clay till 3am looking at old photos (after live rock at Lola's and Ol' South Pancake House on way home from hairport. Onward. - dc

4-03-12 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 56th anecdote - secret

Ahdel Memorial prep, cat home search, going through stuff, family history flashing, recyclin, throwin stuff out, setting aside for keeps, sell, cuke biz can't avoid, what can be thrown out there? recycled, kept, sold? friends drop by, strangers send notes, covered in fruit from the pasts, breathe in the world, breathe out the unworld. It's all good - lyrics - listen to a cover. - dc

4-02-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 55th anecdote - pain

Posted on Facebook in several places including two of my HS class groups:

Gentle, affectionate 12-year old cat would love to live with you. Sunshine is an indoor cat who has lived all her life with my mother Ahdel who recently died. If you are interested, please contact me. And, I hardly ever ask this but please help inform others in Fort Worth, Texas, about Sunshine. Thanks. David Chadwick

click on thumbnail to enlarge

4-01-13 - I've figured out the secret to everything, the unified field of matter and spirit, the ultimate statement, understanding, enlightenment. Now click here and I share this epiphany with you dear reader.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 54th anecdote - encourage

Forgot to link to Dotty Woodson's page the day before yesterday praising her for her tireless work to educate Texas communities and individuals on sound water management and conservation.  - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events


3-31-13 - Happy Easter, day of the possibility of rebirth for all beings.

REV. STEPHEN W. FROST Ph.D. Easter Message 2013

his Nepsis site

3-30-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 53rd anecdote - validity

Japan Journalist: Situation at Fukushima Daiichi “way worse than officially announced”

Petition urging California senators Boxer and Feinstein to investigate and do something about the threat to California from further Fukushima disasters. - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Congratulations to long time Fort Worth friend, Berry Woodson, for receiving the prestigious Herbert Hager Phalaenopsis Award for "lifelong dedication to the advancement" of this orchid "through pioneering hybridizing and superior culture." More than once, Martha Stewart has dropped by to see Berry and Dotty's numerous, fascinating, and beautiful orchids and son Clay stepped on some Lilly pads to descend into a pool on a cold winter day almost two decades ago. Kudos also to Dotty Woodson for her tireless work to educate Texas communities and individuals on sound water management and conservation. And thanks for dinner too. - dc

3-29-13 - Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - Chapter Twelve - Sangha - 1961–1962. Getting the whole book on cuke chapter by chapter.

This border checkpoint story was of interest to me because of the police state type experience Katrinka and I had recently coming up from Big Bend. Want to write more on that and more on the Bill Maher Catholic league thing from yesterday but I'm off to Ahdel's cremation. Later. - dc

3-28-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 52nd anecdote - verse

Catholic League wants to censor Bill Maher

DC comment on this - working on this now, will post within an hour. Nope - it looks like rain now and I've got a mile walk to get home. Better put my laptop in my pack, get a plastic bag in case, and post comments tomorrow. Fort Worth does need rain.

Southwest Texas trip brief report on the last day

3-27-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 51st anecdote - wedding

Off to take Katrinka to the airport. Alone again in Fort Worth. - dc

3-26-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 50th anecdote - absorbed

Katrinka and I joined the Morning Glory Sangha last night in Alpine, TX, for their regular Monday eve zazen at 6pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 1308 N 5th St. Before the meeting I gave Jean O'Quilinn who leads it a copy of Zen Is Right Here. She glanced at it and after zazen and some chanting read a selection that she'd opened to. It is the one that happened to be up next to post here on cuke, the one above. If you're interested in sitting with them Jean's email is jean [at] bigbend [dot] net. More on Jean and her lineage in yesterday's Southwest Texas trip report. On our way back to Fort Worth home today. - dc

3-25-13 - Memories of Shunryu Suzuki by Rene Pittet. Rene died on March 6th. More later.

Southwest Texas trip report

3-24-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 49th anecdote - precepts

Immigrants Held in Solitary Cells, Often for Weeks

Solitary - Torture in Your Backyard

Hot spring by the Rio Grand river, soaking, swimming, waving to Mexican cowboys on the other side. Out of Big Bend on the way to Marathon car searched by Border Patrol officers with dog - and we'd never left the US. This is government spending that could be cut. Reflected on the strong arm of government seeking to crush the harmless while ignoring and creating major harm.  US Border Patrol and Immigration for instance. - dc -  - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

3-23-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 48th anecdote - counting

Interview: Annie Somerville of Greens - from Inside Scoop - thanks sister Susan

2nd day in Big Bend. Going to a hot spring gotta walk in some. Tonight - McDonald Observatory which is the home of Stardate. This is one of the lowest areas in light pollution in the US.

3-22-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 47th anecdote - desire

Authorities On Alert As Hundreds Of Crazed Sociopaths Enter Congressional Chambers - thanks O'Neil Louchard - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

At Chisos Mt. Lodge in Big Bend National Park. Beautiful.

3-21-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 46th anecdote - here

National Religious Campaign Against Torture announces their April hour long webinar: Solitary Confinement in an Age of Mass Incarceration. -  filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

In Fort Davis, Texas. No time now to tell about yesterday or the day before. Will try to report from Big Bend National Park where we'll end up later today - some cool stuff on the way. - dc

3-20-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 45th anecdote - scrubbing

In Carlsbad, New Mexico. Soon to the caverns.

Cucumber Archives budget note

3-19-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 44th anecdote - paradoxical

Off for Carlsbad Caverns today, then back to Southwest Texas, a week break to see a part of my home state I've always wanted to.

Cucumber Archive work continues.

3-18-13 - Didn't have time to open this contraption.

3-17-13 - Lew Richmond on Huff post on emptiness

"Emptiness" is also the term that my own teacher Shunryu Suzuki used, though he usually added context. Once, speaking of emptiness he said, "I do not mean voidness. There is something, but that something is something which is always prepared for taking some particular form." Another time, speaking of the feeling tone of emptiness, he said, "Emptiness is like being at your mother's bosom and she will take care of you."

Lew's cuke link page

A trailer for a documentary named Midway about birds and plastic 2000 miles from a continent. Disturbing. We haven't had plastic very long. Must learn to deal with it in a less harmful way. We are capable of doing better, adjusting. Good luck to us and the birds. - dc - thanks Edgar Arnold -  filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Obituary for Ahdel in the Fort Worth Star Telegram (same as the one posted here but there are other options like to write something but please don't send flowers).

3-16-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 43rd anecdote - false

Thannal, hand sculpted homes, from friend Biju Bhaskar in Tiruvannamalai, India. Help them to help nature.

3-15-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 42nd anecdote - pinch

Poems for Ahdel - from Susan Motheral - by John Updike and Jane Hirshfield

3-14-13 - An Appeal from Serbia for books on Zen

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 41st anecdote - corner

Gordon Henry Remembers Ahdel

3-13-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 40th anecdote - fish

Evolutionaries: Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science's Greatest Idea by Carter Phipps - thanks Lor for sending me this book. I've enjoyed evolving with you - and everyone and thing else. - dc

Two minute history of earth and some of us selection - a bit of the evolving - thanks Gregory

Obituary for Ahdel Chadwick

3-12-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 39th anecdote - amazing - fixed 3-13

Ahdel's memorial date set.

3-11-13 - Didn't get to it.

3-10-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 38th anecdote - bridge

Typical ride on a NYC subway car - love stuff like this.

Spring ahead. - dc

Going to keep posting to Ahdel page for a while. - dc

3-09-13 - Ahdel passed away last night. - dc

3-08-13 - An excerpt from Crooked Cucumber on Transmission and Enlightenment in answer to a query, also included, which led to getting another chapter loaded in the Notes on Crooked Cucumber section which had been on a back hot plate and has no notes yet or maybe one or two - just slowly preparing. This isn't the chapter that excerpt came from either - that was 17 and will be here later, how much later only space will tell.

Bowing - Chapter 11 of Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki

In the Twilight Zone here in Texas.

3-07-13 - Frank 'n' Earnest get it right

More details on the sesshin drink by a SFZC alum who says it was not quite amazake.

3-06-13 -  Jake Fishman on Rene Pittet's passing.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 37th anecdote - nutshell

It's the Sugar, Folks - New York Times (blog)-by Mark Bittman- Feb 27, 2013 - thanks Ron Browning.

Ahdel continues to breathe faintly.

3-05-13 - Memories of Shunryu Suzuki by Rene Pittet. Rene died yesterday in San Francisco Veterans Hospital.

Santhara - this is a page about death with dignity by ceasing eating and drinking started on this website a few years ago.

Ahdel glides on.

Thanks to BC Computer Services in Fort Worth, TX (817920-0909) (erin.bienert[at] for quickly and cheaply finding and fixing the problem with my Asus X202E Touch Notebook - cracked screen made touchpad useless and touch function go haywire so they disengaged that which isn't necessary anyway.

3-04-13 - Rene Pittet died this morning in San Francisco Veterans Hospital. More on Rene later.

Can't get into my computer; thanks to Peter Ford in Tennessee for making this entry.

3-03-13 - Having a problem with computer. Took time to get it to start. Might need to get it fixed.

Sitting with Ahdel. Surely not long to go.

3-02-13 -  Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 36th anecdote - cold

Keep me fully glad - a poem by Rabindranath Tagore

Ahdel defies predictions

3-01-13 -  Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 35th anecdote - lost

Ahdel seems to be in her final hours. Great photo of her with Kelly and me.


2-28-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 34th anecdote - joy

The mind business by David Gelles - Yoga, meditation, ‘mindfulness’ – why some of the west’s biggest companies are embracing eastern spirituality - the author of this article in the Financial Times got hold of me recently about another article. I found this most interesting. - dc

2-27-13 - Photos and more on Jeremiah Nathan's memorial service. - thanks Lane Olson

Ecological Buddhism - a Response to Global Warming . - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Van Cliburn died today. My mother Ahdel knew him and was involved for years in the Van Clibern international piano competition. I met him a few times, the last one being in 2003 with mother at his favorite restaurant here in Fort Worth. We talked about Japanese pianist Minoru Nojima whom mother was close to and VC had lost touch with. I was to be in Japan in six months so I said I'd try to look Minoru up. Didn't find him then, later through his agent. thanks Camille - dc

2-26-13 - Jeremiah Nathan's Sunday memorial service at Green Gulch Farm (PDF). - thanks Hideko Oga.

Received a link to an Amazake page on Wikipedia in answer to yesterday's question about the SFZC sesshin drink. - thanks Rhonda. O boy. Rhonda sent another link: Making Amazake from scratch...with DONABE. Rhonda writes: "I looked around to see if I could find my recipe for Amazake but all my cookbooks seem to be at our country house.  I found this link which looks good. Yum, amazake, it is nice to be reminded of that deliciousness." Posted here with other comments.

Ahdel's hospice page with update, photos, and a letter.

2-25-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 33rd anecdote - move

April Bodman writes with a question: "I've been trying to find a recipe for the hot ginger drink they serve before bed during Zen Center sesshins. I've searched all of the ZC cookbooks and tried Googling it every possible way I can think of....nothing. Do you happen to know how they make that? Also I'd be interested to know the history....Is it a traditional japanese concoction or just something one of the inspired cooks at Tassajara dreamed up? Hope you can enlighten me." If you've got a lead on this please send it here. Thanks. - dc Posted here with other comments.

Haven't checked on Project Censored in a while. Look at their list of 2013 underreported stories. - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

2-24-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 32nd anecdote - vegetables

Higgs Boson explained in a minute.

2-23-13 - Hoshyar Foundation to promote the education of women in Asia. - filed in Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

Think I'll start a section on Empowering Women - for the benefit of the biosphere and to sweeten things at home. - dc

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 31st anecdote - mouth (repeating because the link was wrong)

A really excellent job of hacking was done recently - humorous, creative, and a service to the stations that their system is not properly protected - Emergency alert: zombies are rising up in Montana

2-22-13 - There will be a memorial ceremony for Jeremiah (G) Nathan at Green Gulch Farm in Muir Beach, CA, on Sunday, February 24th at 2:00 pm. Nathan's mother, Mayumi Oda, asks that each person bring one flower to be offered after the service to the ocean which took Jeremiah's life  Read about G's disappearance below at 2-05-13. Farewell Ji, sorry I can't be at Green Gulch that day. PDF of invite.

I'm here in Fort Worth with Ahdel.

Remembering Kobun is a book about Kobun Chino Otogawa that became available last year on a limited basis. I didn't mention it then I guess because I was trying to figure out how to get it and also there was immediate talk of doing another edition with some additions and corrections.

Here's a page for it on the Jikoji site that lists some of the sources. A number of really good links here too. There's mention on that page of sending at least $20 for the book to help compensate Vanja Palmers for it's production but there's nothing about how to get it. It's not listed on Amazon. Here's the Jikoji home page so you can get hold of them to get the book.

When I search for "Remembering Kobun" the Gratefully Remembering Kobun Sama site comes up with German and English sections and links to other memories that are also found on that page or at this site's extensive Kobun section.

I plan to edit my contribution to Remembering Kobun today, get it to Vanja for the next printing, and post it soon. - dc

Following up on yesterday's note from Taigen, Shudo Spring sends a link to

Compassionate Earth Walk

2-21-13 - A note from Taigen Dan Leighton on the importance of stopping the Keystone XL pipeline with a link to a talk he gave on this. He just returned from demonstrating in front of the White House with 50,000 others. - filed on Taigen's Peace and Justice Page.

2-20-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 30th anecdote - buddhas

Debunking the Boston Tea Party Myth - at history net dot com - filed in current events - thanks JR

Ahdel's uneventful shutdown - plus later addenda

2-19-13 - Four Questions from Thomas Moore Evaded by DC

NY Times article on Joshu Sasaki's sexual improprieties. From a week ago - just got around to reading it. I remember hearing about this years ago, that senior students had asked him to stop. - dc

2-18-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 29th anecdote - problems

Dale Smith Reading Philip Whalen - thanks David Silva

Philip Whalen page

Ahdel applauds

2-17-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 28th anecdote - training

Ahdel daily report and photos from today

2-16-13 - New transcript of Shunryu Suzuki lecture (fragment) from 70-04-25 problem audio for the Work in Progress section. - thanks Judy Gilbert.

Twisted Sifter - fantastic art - thanks Gregory

Ahdel passes the one month mark.

2-15-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 27th anecdote - monkey

Meteorite falls in Russian Urals - 1000 injured

A Russian official said we don't have the technology to shoot these down. That's a common idea and it's ignorant. The science on this is is to change the orbits of meteoroids approaching earth. Everything out there has an orbit and there are various ideas about how to nudge them into a harmless path. People working on this issue are seeking a relatively modest amount of money to develop these methods and to thoroughly scan the skies to identify such threats well in advance, decades. There is no excuse for the global community not to be prepared. So far we'd rather fight and prepare to fight each other. Check the cuke's Species Threats #2-space for past comments and links and search the Web for other info on this. There's plenty. - dc

2-14-13 - Just heard from Steve Tipton that Walter Novick died last week.  He wrote, "There’s a bright, clear, short obit in the local paper, the Ellsworth American [Didn't find that - here's an article emphasizing his opera - Singing for Peace], and longer Zen stories you can Google. He called Niels to say good-bye just before we (Steve and Niels) last talked." I never met Walter, have heard lots of interesting stories about him. Maybe I'll get them down later. RIP. - dc

Happy Valentine's Day Katrinka. I miss you. Next, happy Valentine's day to everyone else. Just wished happy Valentine's day to Ahdel too.

2-13-13 - Seeking donations for Asa Horvitz's Koans and Performance Project born out of the work of John Tarrant and Pacific Zen Institute. Groundbreaking multi-disciplinary performance based on Zen Koans, created by theater artists and musicians from Denmark, Poland, and the US.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 26th anecdote - thinking

2-12-13 - Shunryu Suzuki memories from SFZC Alumni retreat of April 2012

Norman Fisher interviewed on the practice of lojong (compassion) - thanks Jackie Cox

Everyday Zen

Norman's two new books are out! A dharma book called Training in Compassion: Zen Teaching on the Practice of Lojong, and a new poetry collection called The Strugglers.

Ahdel sleeps and wakes

2-11-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 25th anecdote - hell

Dear Friends,
    Zen Center will be hosting a very special event to honor Mitzu Suzuki Sensei, the wife of Suzuki Roshi and teacher of Japanese tea ceremony for many of us.  She will be turning 99 this April 23rd.
    We will be gathering in the Buddha Hall at the SF Zen Center at 3:00 pm on Sunday, April 7th to have a simple tea together.  There will be time for sending our memories and regards to Suzuki Sensei by video.  Perhaps we will be able to Skype with Suzuki Sensei.
    For those who can stay, we will be having a Bento Box dinner at Zen Center following our tea and appreciations.
    Please come.  This event is open to anyone who knew Suzuki Sensei or would like to know more about this incredible woman.  And do feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested.
    Please let me know as soon as you can if you will be able to attend and if you will be staying for dinner.  More details to follow.
Mary Watson [If you need help contacting Mary, please email DC]

Daily updating Ahdel's page.

2-10-13 - Niece Camille sent three photos today. This one with son Clay and me eight years ago or so, don't know where, and two more from New Year's Eve posted on Ahdel's page.

Clay's in Tucson at the Gem Fair so I'm emailing him contact info for friends there. I forgot that Fil Lewitt spent time there away from Thailand. Here's Fil's cuke page with links to his many books and a memory of Suzuki Roshi.

2-09-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 24th anecdote - editing


Michael Gilman has been teaching Tai Chi for decades in Port Townsend where I look forward to visiting him the next time I get there. Here's a recent interview with Michael. - DC - thanks Gregory

balloonsAhdel, in hospice care, told me she'd like to give me $100 for my 68th birthday today but she can't get to her checkbook. I told her, That's okay, I can, and I am a signatory on your account. You are? Yes. Thanks mom. Read more on Ahdel page.- dc

2-08-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 23rd anecdote - different

Non Duality dot com - thanks Andrew Main

2-07-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 22nd anecdote - boss

Ahdel still holding court.

2-06-13 - Reading Nisargadatta to Ahdel in hospice care, much of which is quite similar to the view of life, death, mind, and matter I was raised on which was New Thought Christianity in the lineage of Emerson and Thoreau. I like this Nisargadatta quote generator - just refresh the page and a new quote arises. - Here's a page with some quotes and photos of him, one standing in front of a picture of Ramana Maharshi - and we'll read some from him too - just a bit now and then. Thanks to Andrew in Santa Fe for reminding me of this great sage. - dc

Ahdel's page

2-05-13 - Jeremiah Nathan, Mayumi Oda's and John Nathan's son, dear friend to many of us, missing for four days after going scuba diving.

On Big Island Now dot com   --  More Hawaii News

KidKrush - Jeremiah's art blog

2-04-13 - More on Ahdel in hospice care including adding a few phoftos and links to some prior material.

Drove instead of walked to the nursing home today as must drive to airport to get Kelly and Clay not long before midnight. Can get plenty of walking in anyway. While filling the tank, remembered sanzen with Joshu Sasaki Roshi in LA early 67. He looked at me, shook his head muttering, "Very poor," a couple of times, then told me he would give me a koan: "Who am I when I'm driving my car?" Drove on. Yes, who? -  dc - posted  in dchad misc

2-03-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 21st anecdote - scrubbing

More on Ahdel in hospice care including a poem sent by her devoted son-in-law.

Two interesting points to me about this story of a new record for highest wave surfed. - in dchad misc.

2-02-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 20th anecdote - picture

More on Ahdel in hospice care including a neat photo from the late seventies. Thanks to Billy Stone for that. This isn't his photo but he's a photographer with a website that has three images - attn mycologists.

2-01-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 19th anecdote - remedy

More on my mother Ahdel in hospice care.

Anyone know how to get hold of Nelda Foeste? She was an eary Tassajara student and later studied acupuncture. Let me know here. Thanks. DC

I'm trying to find an old friend of my mom's from the 60s.  Her name is Nelda Foeste and she's mentioned in a letter of Eric Arnow.  I keep hitting dead ends.  I know Nelda studied acupuncture and frequented the Tassajara Zen Center


1-31-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 18th anecdote - leaf

More on my mother Ahdel in hospice care.

1-30-13 - DC Memories of MItsu Suzuki

Starting a page for mother Ahdel now in hospice care. Read a few things she had to say recently.

1-29-13 - Mitsu Suzuki - Shunryu's wife in America - as found in Crooked Cucumber. Did this as part of a response to a request for stories about her for something that's being published (details later). Also put together some of my own memories (will post tomorrow) and suggested doing a cuke search from What's New or Index page for Mitsu, Okusan, Mrs. Suzuki, and Suzuki Sensei. Collecting all from that search would be rather time consuming. Would be a nice project though.

Note that I called her Suzuki’s wife in America. As far as I know, they didn’t live together in Japan, married five months before he came. - dc

posted in Excerpts from Crooked Cucumber

Mitsu Suzuki cuke page

Mitsu is the same age as DC mother Ahdel.

1-28-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 17th anecdote - meaning

Pretty occupied these days and have some deadlines so the plan is to continue posting anecdotes from Zen Is Right Here and not much more for a while. - dc

Ahdel, now in hospice care, talked to her younger sister who said she sounded better. Ahdel said If I sound better then I should be in the hospital all the time. (She's in a nursing home now and usually isn't sure where she is.) She just talked to both sisters on the phone. Daughter Susan who arrived last night has been sitting by her. Ahdel looked at me and said, "David, when there's time, I'd like to go back to bed and go to sleep. I've been having trouble sleeping. " I told her she was in bed and that she'd go right to sleep soon. - dc

1-27-13 - First saw this in today's Fort Worth paper from Carolyn Lochhead, the San Francisco Chronicle's Washington correspondent.: Climate change may be irreversible, scientists say

Googled "global warming" and got a string of more encouraging links such as

Norway Data Shows Earth’s Global Warming Less Severe Than Feared

Checked science sites and got more dire results.

Experts Agree Global Warming Is Melting the World Rapidly

Have not noticed Buddhist groups including this subject in their projections and plans. Like the government. Like almost every institution and everyone. Individual and local actions are good I think but only massive global action it seems will help. All I do is mention it, link to it, watch and wait. Good luck to us all. - dc

Odyssey Hospice will arrive at noon to access Ahdel's situation. An hour ago she said she felt fine. Refused all but a little coffee and water. - dc

1-26-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 16th anecdote - forty

Mother Ahdel back in nursing home. Still not eating much of anything but alert, comfortable if not being moved, and in good humor. This morning occupational therapist took her back to room in wheel chair and said to her, "Now I'll help you lay down."
Ahdel said, "Where's your English teacher?"
OC: Pardon me?
Me (DC): She means it should be "lie down."
OC: Oh, are you an English teacher?
Ahdel: No, I'm an Engish student.

posted on Ahdel page

Three January deadlines loom. CCA accounting, #1, almost done. - dc

1-25-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 15th anecdote - notZen

Back to the nursing home and rehabilitation. Hospital good. Nursing home good. So much skilled and kind help. Nice places to work too. Lots of good women. Men too. - dc

CCA accounting continues.

1-24-13 - Must do year end accounting for Crooked Cucumber Archives today.

Ahdel doing better but hardly eating. Wonderful care in Harris Hospital. Nice place to work too. - dc

1-23-13 - The Spiritual Message of Evolution - Steve McIntosh - thanks Lor

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 14th anecdote - hard

1-22-13 - Interview with Jim Morton

1-21-13 - Remembering the Real Martin Luther King

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 13th anecdote - deeper

Ahdel is still getting better. Could hold a glass by herself to drink. Was helped into chair for inaugural and recognized Obama and Clinton. Asked where Hoover was. Drifted off. Likes calls and visits.

1-20-13 - Day off.  Back in Shakyamuni's day it was Uposatha.


In the hospital room - Ahdel is better. 49ers game. We haven't been in this building together since I was born. - dc

1-19-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the 12th anecdote -  time

Ahdel update

1-18-13 - Colleen Morton Busch will be talking to Sedge Thomson about FIRE MONKS on this Saturday's West Coast Live! The show is at Yoshi's Oakland 10a.m. to noon. Don't know when her segment will be, but the show is fire-themed and should be entertaining.

West Coast Live website
You can listen in on KALW 91.7, or hear it streaming for a week after the show on the web:
You can also be in the audience at Yoshi's.

cuke's Tassajara fire page with more on the book, Fire Monks

Remembering Vivekananda - from the BBC

I'll put up an update on my mother Ahdel's condition here later today or tomorrow. - dc

1-17-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the eleventh anecdote -  Suffering

1-16-13 - Zen Mt. Center - - - transcript - a 16 mm film made for KQED, San Francisco. Cuke Suzuki Film page.

1-15-13 - Took mother, 98, to Harris Hospital in Fort Worth this morning because she had been disoriented and unable to take care of herself. - more

1-14-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the tenth anecdote -  Beans (with a note)

So 2012 was the hottest year on record in the US with a one degree spike that was unprecedented, usually it's one tenth this way or that. I recall Dennis Miller on some talk show a few years ago saying he could live with a world that was one degree warmer and I'm sure that's what a lot of people think. But it seems to me ... go to Engaged Buddhism/Current Events for more.

This was posted accidentally in unfinished form yesterday in the prior day's space.

1-13-13 - Huong Dao in Fort Worth, Texas (4717 E. Rosedale St), is a Vietnamese Theravada temple. Big colorful temple, large main hall with stunning 9 foot white Burmese marble Buddha statue with blue lit dome over his head extending up from the 20 or so foot ceiling. Thursday went to check it out, sat in the hall alone, talked to the gentle abbot, Ratana, Thay Buuduc. He's 55 but looks more like 40. Friday eve at 7pm there's a half hour service with melodious chanting followed by meditation and a dharma talk in Vietnamese. Friend Jackie Cox and I got a simultaneous translation from a bilingual member - 8 fold path, place mind in body, avoid desire. There's a Sunday 3pm service too. Think I'll go to the service and meditation on Fridays when in town. - dc

August 18, 2012 Fort Worth Star Telegram article on the temple

Photo essay of Oct 7, 2011 grand opening of new main building.

More photos.

1-12-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the ninth anecdote -  Dying

1-11-13 - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind chart with links to original transcripts of lectures, Marian Derby's minimally edited first draft, first lines from original.

zmbm dot net

zmbm cuke page

1-10-13 - Working this morning with on which has two ways to present the Suzuki Roshi lectures - the New Search Form and the Compact List. Both will be developed further this year if all goes well. Comments and suggestions welcome. I want to thank the volunteers and contributors for making all this possible. It's slowly coming along.

1-09-13 - Got an email from an old ZC buddy (whose interview I have yet to transcribe and get on cuke darnit sorry Ron will get to it this year) with a subject line that read "At Zen Center in the 60's you were ahead of your time :-)" and a link to the Squatty Pott site. Good video and a good practice. I'm going to go back to squatting which I did for years. Thanks Ron. - dc - posted in dchad misc.

1-08-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the eighth anecdote -  Exist

Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman’s ‘Dude and the Zen Master’ By MARK OPPENHEIMER in the NY Times.

1-07-13 - Jon Katz is a criminal defense attorney in Maryland and has this bit on Buddhism and Shunryu Suzuki's Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind.

posted on cuke's zmbm page

1-06-13 - Holidays not quite over. Enjoy the day. - dc

1-05-13 - Look at what James Maas has to say about sleep.

Sleep for Success

Wikipedia on James Maas

DC comment on Maas' work and Zen practice.

Off to the Houston Zen Center in a while for the Saturday morning practice. Nice place. Good people.

1-04-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the seventh anecdote -  Enough

1-04-13 - 1-03-13 - Off by bus to Houston this morning for three days to see from childhood friend Ward and sit with the folks at the Houston Zen Center.

1-02-13 - Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki

the sixth anecdote - mistake

Sister Susan's old friends Nancy and Jim Maas dropped by Mother's Fort Worth home yesterday. We all talked for a long while and drank mint ryobus tea. Most interesting. Tomorrow we'll check into Jim's specialty. Today, take a look at Nancy's art site.

1-01-2013 - Happy New Year to you singular and plural. More to come. - dc