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Erratamania Sept. '99!
Errata and changes as submitted to Broadway Books as of
Sept. 8, 1999 for Crooked Cucumber by DC.
Text to be omitted is in {braces} and text to be added in <less, greater than signs>. 

[P.= page, #= paragraph (includes quotes), L.= line]


P.47, #2: Zen is the teaching of accepting "things-as-it-is" and of raising things as they go. [Suzuki often used {a singular verb with a plural subject} on purpose.] 

Change to: Zen is the teaching of accepting "things-as-it-is" and of raising things as they go. [Suzuki often used <the phrase "things-as-it-is"> on purpose.] 


P.51, #2: After {his} many years of study...

Change to: After <Shunryu's> many years of study...


P.121, #5-bottom: {New Life after the War Movement}

Change to: <New-Life-after-the-War Movement>


P.161, #7: Yasuko and her husband{,} Hoitsu{;} Otohiro; Mitsu…

Change to: Yasuko and her husband<;> Hoitsu <and> Otohiro; Mitsu…


P.165, end of #2: ...why he came to America {as} his age.

Change to: ...why he came to America <at> his age.


P.166, #2, L.2: in everything {he} saw - 

Change to: in everything <Suzuki> saw -


P.180, #2, L.5: {His} stick was...

Change to: <Suzuki's> stick was... 


P.180, #2, L.7 ...period {Suzuki} would walk around...

Change to: ...period <he> would walk around...


P.180, #3, L.2: He would adjust {their} posture,

Change to: He would adjust <people's> posture,


P.194, #4, L.3: {Five-year-old Kazumi Kato...}

Change to: <Kato's five-year-old daughter, Kazumi,>


P.196, end of #4: ...then backed away and {went} home.

Change to: ...then <had> backed away and <gone> home.


Next to last page of photographs, top (Shunryu Suzuki holding glasses): <Photograph by Katherine Thanas.> 


P.214, #2, L.8: {Honami}

Change to: <Honnami>


P.220, #6, L.5-end: Richard shrugged "Those...

Change to: Richard shrugged<.> "Those...


P.221, #1: {The honorific title "roshi" came from Richard's friend, Don Allen, one of the foremost editors of the Beat poets,  who had become the chairman of the new Zen Center board. He'd been to Japan and said that was what they called Zen masters there.}

Change to: <Richard at times used the honorific title "roshi" for Suzuki. He'd read it, heard Suzuki use it when referring to priests he revered, and according to some people who'd studied Zen in Japan, it was the proper way to address Zen Masters there.>

[Don Allen sent me a thoughtful note about Crooked Cucumber (accompanied by a classic Edward Conze book on the Prajna Paramita he'd once published) in which he had very nice things to say about Crooked Cucumber, but pointed out that I'd goofed as far as mention of him was concerned - that he didn't know about the title "roshi" when he was in Japan, made no suggestions of it, and that he had never been asked if he wanted to be chairman of the board back in '61; that his name was just used, and would I take that stuff out. I responded immediately, apologizing for having neglected to check with him (I checked with just about every American mentioned in the book, but he'd just slipped through the cracks (About checking up on people in Japan, I just kept a running dialogue going with Hoitsu Suzuki). So this paragraph had to be rewritten. The number of characters and spaces used in each is almost identical to make it easier on the folks who have to make the changes - so that the prior and following pages would not be effected..--DC]


P.228, #2: It had been almost four years{since he'd gone to America. Back in Japan his}children could immediately tell that a change had come over their father. He was{much}more relaxed and amiable. They liked the effect that America had had on him. Hoitsu came{to Visit}from Eiheiji, where he'd been for a couple of years.

Change to: It had been almost four years< he'd been gone. His>children could immediately tell that a change had come over their father. He was more relaxed and amiable. They liked the effect that America had had on him. Hoitsu came from Eiheiji, where he'd been for a couple of years < - to do a dharma transmission ceremony with his father>.


 P. 230, #3, L.2: Her teacher at Eiheiji, Tatsugami-roshi,... 

Change to:  Her teacher at Eiheiji, <Sotan> Tatsugami-roshi,..


P.242, L.3rd to last: ...some people {only} came to lectures... 

Change to: ...some people came <only> to lectures...


P.266, 2nd to last line: Paul {Weinpaul}

Change to: Paul <Wienpahl>


P.270, #3, L.8: ...he could {only} sit... 

Change to: ...he could sit <only>...

---------who --------

P.275, #2, L.1: It amazed Philip that Eiheiji wasn't difficult for Hoitsu{;} and Hoitsu didn't even like zazen.

Change to: It amazed Philip that Eiheiji wasn't difficult for Hoitsu< -> and Hoitsu didn't even like zazen.


P.278, #2, L.4: {Helm's}

Change to: <Helms's>


P.284, #3, L.last: ...and said he didn't want make promises...

Change to: ...and said he didn't want <to> make promises...


P.298, #2, L.6: ...and when there was a dish Suzuki couldn't eat Ed would serve him...

Change to: ...and when there was a dish Suzuki couldn't eat<,> Ed would serve him...


P.311, #last, L.1: {Eric} Fromm

Change to: <Erich> Fromm


P.314, #4, L.5: ...and {-}women...

Change to: ...and women...


P.320, #3, L.2: see {who} Marian had...

Change to: see <whom> Marian had...


P.323, #3, L.near end: After five difficult days of recovery Mike brought...

Change to: After <she had undergone> five difficult days of recovery<,> Mike brought...


P.324, #6, L.1: At {her} funeral...

Change to: At <Trudy's> funeral...


P. 324, #4, L.4: ...later she came back to Tassajara and practiced (prone} zazen in the zendo...

Change to: later she came back to Tassajara and practiced zazen <lying on her back> in the zendo


P. 328, #5, L.2: They all walked the {twelve} blocks together.

Change to: They all walked the <fifteen> blocks together.


P.341, #1, L.2: There had been less fish and meat served each summer, and {now} the fare was totally vegetarian, due to Tatsugami's insistence...

Change to: There had been less fish and meat served each summer, and <by the following year> the <guest> fare was totally vegetarian, due to Tatsugami's insistence... 


P.341, #1, L.2,3: {Tatsug-ami}

Change to: <Tatsu-gami>


P.371, #5, L.6: ...but her husband was {forceably} sedated...

Change to: ...but her husband was <forcibly> sedated...


P.374, #3, L.3: outrageous {alcoholic}.

Change to: ... an outrageous <heavy drinker>.


P. 390, #2, L.1: Entering Suzuki's bedroom, Stunkard saw that Suzuki was scratching. A chill went down Stunkard's spine. He knew there were two types of jaundice - one infectious (hepatitis), the other obstructive. An obstruction to the outflow of bile causes itching. {The most common obstruction is} cancer. He felt terrible but didn't say anything at the time. He just asked if he could confer with Suzuki's doctor.

Change to: Entering Suzuki's bedroom, Stunkard saw that Suzuki was scratching. A chill went down Stunkard's spine. He knew there were two types of jaundice - one infectious (hepatitis), the other obstructive. An obstruction to the outflow of bile causes itching. <The obstruction couldn't be gallstones because Suzuki's gall bladder had been removed. Stunkard> felt terrible but didn't say anything at the time. He just asked if he could confer with Suzuki's doctor.


P. 394, #1, L.4s: Zen Studies {Center} 

Change to: Zen Studies <Society>


P. 402, #2, L.6: The rumble of the deep buddha drum echoed {through} the halls {and the} high {"ching-chung"} of {the} handheld bells a half {note off from each other provided the tune} of the moving rite.

Change to: The rumble of the deep buddha drum echoed in the halls< - the> high <chin-chun!> of handheld bells a half <tone apart and the kachin! of wooden clackers, the music> of the moving rite.


P.403, #2, L.1: People were just catching their breath when Richard Baker {entered}.

Change to: People were just catching their breath when Richard Baker <stepped forward>.


P.403, #3, L.4: Change {1963} to <1962>.


P.406, #2, L.5: If there were sharp {difference},

Change to: If there were sharp <differences>,


P.416: [Add to the top of "Notes to the Text and Pronunciation,"][and see Author's Notes for more]

For years I inquired about the Japanese term for "crooked cucumber," imagining the full-sized fruit, as suggested in the Introduction (P.xiii), and finding only the literal magatta kyuri. After the book came out, Hoitsu Suzuki said he remembered that in his youth he had heard old people (though not his father) use another term: hebo kyuri, signifying the tiny, runty, useless, weird, bent cucumber at the coiling tip of the vine (the vine as is represented in the typographical ornament used in this book). That may well be it.


P.416, #2, L.1: {Marcrons}...

Change to: <Macrons>...


P.416, #3, L.1: For notes on the text and {more} material, see {}...

Change to: For notes on the text<, interviews, list of characters, maps, and other material, see <<>>...

[That means to put the web site name  in <more than, less than brackets>.]


[in Acknowledgements]

P.418, #3, L.3: Change {Gwen Catterton} to <Gwynn O'Gara>.


P.418, #5, L.2: Rick Fields<(RIP), Richard Jaffe>...["RIP" in small caps]


P.419, #4, L.2: ...{Spirit} Copy Center...

Change to: ...<Sprint> Copy Center... 


P.419, at the bottom add: <For finding errata: Donald Allen, Bernd Bender, Ahdel Chadwick (lots of it), Bob Halpern, Richard Jaffe, Rick Levine (lots), Andrew Main, Britton Pyland, Bill Redican, Liz Tuomi, and others.


[in Sources]

P.421: Change {Anapurna} Broffman to <Annapurna> Broffman. 


P.421: Change {Don deAngelo} to <Donn DeAngelo>.


P.422: Change {Bob Mipham} Halpern to <Robert> Halpern.


P.422: Change Molly Jones {MacGregor} to Molly Jones.


[in Glossary]

P.429: Add <Kannon See Avalokiteshvara.>


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