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Richard Baker in the SFZC Wind Bells

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Almost every time he's mentioned except for a lot of repeats on him being editor of Wind Bells and a few times when it didn't add anything at all. Only searched for "baker" so might have missed some places where it was just Richard, Dick, or Zentatsu. Can't search on this page because the Wind Bell excerpts are all image files. - dc












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Pat Hurestwff. Jan Ross. Dick atd Grahame Petchey are ail Japnese this 
segnester. We have cards from In Norm Suegelmeyer in Gernany,





 repeated in many other Wind Bells



Fall 1966


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Credits for the following photos of the Mountain Center Site are: 
Pg. 4, Robert S. Boni (top), kichard Baker


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January - February 1967

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By mid-spring the number of students living at Tassajara had increased to about 
thirty. A professor of philosophy from a New York university and a Jungian analyst 
joined the regular Zen Center students. Ed Brown, a Zen student who had been the 
assistant cook at Tassajara the previous year, returned this spring in the capacity Of 
head cook. At this time Dick and Silas Hoadley, President and Treasurer res- 
pectively Of Zen Center, could only come down On weekends or for a few days each 
week because Of the immediate pressures in San Francisco to work on business mat- 
ters from that end: insurance, purchases, how to meet the payments, how to Organ- 
ize the practice period, etc. Suzuki Roshi, the Abbot (DOCh0 Roshi) Of Zen 
Mountain Center and head Of Zen Center, also had many responsibilities in San 
Francisco, both with Zen Center and with the Japanese congregation, and he was 
unable to be at Zenshinji more than every Other week or so. AS a result, much Of the 
moment by moment responsibility for finding a way to live together, to complete


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The Brochure 
The brochure describing the land was planned and written by Richard 
Baker, and designed by peter Bailey Of East Wind Printers. Its fine pho- 
tographs of the land, given by Bob Boni, Morley Baer, and Tom Buckley, 
were major contributions in eliciting support for the purchase of the 



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Richard Éak& returned January 18 from a month in the East. mostly in 
New York City. He talked with many persons about the prospective Zen 
mountain center, gave several lectures, one to a group Of scientists and 
intellectual business leaders, and he reports that the interest in Zen and 
in the Orient in general seems greatly increased over a few years ago. 
While he found this interest most apparent among the young, many older 
people seem to be open and curious. He will return to the East for 
two weeks with Suzuki Roshi around February 20, in order to meet with 
a number of people interested in finding out more about the mountain 
center. Suzuki Roshi plans also at this time to visit and lead a sesshin 
with the meditation group in Northampton, Massachusetts.


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Katagiri Sensei and four Zen students (three from the Los Altos and one 
from the Berkeley meditation centers) were subjects in a scientific study 
of alpha brain waves in November and December of the past year. The 
project is conducted by Dr. Joe Kamiya of the Langley Porter Neuropsy- 
chiatric Institute in San Francisco. He is interested in discovering how, 
and to what extent, it is possible for human beings to control their own 
alpha brain waves. 
Dr. Kamiya did some of the original research on dream sleep and 
coined the phrase that you 'sleep in order to dream,' which reverses 
Freud's statement that you dream in order to sleep. He became interested 
in meditators when he discovered that they could learn to control their 
brain waves in his experiment in about four hours instead of the usual 
forty hours. Dr. Kamiya will lecture on 'Introspection as Internal Com- 
munication' this spring in a University of California Extension conference 
Olysqgununication organized by Richard Baker, president Of Zen Center.



Fall 1967


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By mid-spring the number of students living at Tassajara had increased to about 
thirty. A professor of philosophy from a New York university and a Jungian analyst 
joined the regular Zen Center students. Ed Brown, a Zen student who had been the 
assistant cook at Tassajara the previous year, returned this spring in the capacity Of 
head cook. At this time Dick Baku and Silas Hoadley, President and Treasurer res- 
pectively Of Zen Center, could only come down on weekends or for a few days each 
week because Of the immediate pressures in San Francisco to work on business mat- 
ters from that end: insurance, purchases, how to meet the payments, how to Organ- 
ize the practice period, etc. Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, the Abbot (DOCh0 Roshi) Of Zen



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In the evening before the practice period opened, the first ordination ceremony 
at Zenshinji took place when Dick Baker had his head shaved, was given the name 
Zentatsu Myoyti, and Was appointed Shuso Or head student for the first practice 
period. The next day at one o'clock, Bishop Sumi Roshi, Suzuki Roshi, Katagiri 
Sensei. Kato Sensei. and Maezumi Sensei opened the practice period and installed the 
Buddha in the zendo. This ceremony gave the students a sense Of respect for the tra- 
dition which brought Buddhism and the teachers to them, and also an awareness that 
What is J in Zen cannot be made American all at once. If the tree that has 
been transplanted at Tassajara is stripped Of its branches and bark it Will die, but if 
it is nourished and allowed to take root the new soil of America will subtly bring 
the tree into accord with its new life,



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About 9 p.m. in the middle of evening zazen. The ' 'flying saucers" above the students on the far 
left and right are reflections on the camera lensfrom the kerosene lanterns. The bright light on 
the altar is candle. On the altar, center left and right, Roshi and Sensei; on the far left and right, 
Dick Baker and Phil Wilson.



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Soto mon"tery the Ceret—y Shiki' 
between Shuso and would take the end of practice 
but so there 
tir;ie it 
the with delay 
end of Briod until Bishop Sumi On 19 
held in the the who 
participated in the 
Suzuki Rosh' described the Shuso in this "Each practice period 
we appoint Shuso to be head of leader of For the 
the of being Sbuso. head of the and by the 
students in the Discussion marks the second in Foe 
at Myoyu was appointed 
He fiot pri"t appointed in 
Ceæmony is very old. It in still in 
r. in Japan i' is often more of formality than the 
Japan, H 
often young student the 
Zen that presupp 
maturity. young the answers 
which to 
y to original content and feeling. 
Baku. is his than his Japan. 
esc counterpart. No were out. Chino told 
which their of which probed 
of the The quetion discussed until they felt matter 
was the Something 
expected from the ShusO the tendo with skeptical 
a Student usually asked a to 
"t the 
A st"nge sti'k. a Vajra Saff, which had 
made by Chino 
t blein 
and offering incense, slowly (Abbot Suzuki) 
received Vajra Staff from He returned to his 
D'Xho pounded twice on the with his 
ready for your questions," 
student at the Shaw, leaped to hi. feet, "d 
KWA Then he slowly walked 
d the 
Th.e and the Shuso asked. "Do Wu hm anything to say


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The student . and walked back, to the "t 
Student his to the do 
of my the Shuso, "You seem 
to be there to I see the Or from S 'Why 
Suzuki Rashi 
o ? ' ' The 
to Fr 
mes can Study Zen as well in Japan. The is, 
what this 'you' that you think 
don't in 
right," "id 
Shuso, "No if." And the student. "Me asking, that a 
The "No no that 
The of its aemnity and 
. but cl"r.ged 
*ion the Shuso and to for the pulsing life that the ancient 
'he altar 
With his Staff. 
ted their Chino "In 
When all had p 
of dæp a diwiple of como 
to L': 
lations." from the students 
g the ceremony 
Bishop Sumi R"" a mwin 
with his congratulations, saying how he felt the 
Of his faith the in T


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Above left: Silas Hoadley 
right: Tim Buckley 
Left: Dick Baker in his cabin o ce. 
Ile generator is not on very o en and 
so for light two or three kerosene lan- 
terns and one coleman gasoline lantern 
are used. Through the window is the 
far bank Of the Stream.


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Althou* Tassajara was developed by the group as a whole. there are certain 
individuals whose contributions deserve mention. Richard Baker, the President 
of Zen Center and Director of Zen Mountain Center, knowing that Suzuki 
Roshi would like land for a monastery, found that land, conceived and wrote 
about it in the first brochure, led the fund-raising and was the first Shuso. Silas 
Hoadley, the Treasurer of Zen Center and Associate Director of Zen Mountain 
Center, led the fund raising with Dick Baker, organized the guest season, and was 
'ble through the confidence he generated to get large contributions from friends 
and acquire loans during difficult periods. Peter Schneider, the Assistant Director.



Richard and Virginia Baker are listed as donors toward the purchase of Tassajara on p.34


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On March 8th, Suzuki Roshi gave a public lecture entitled "The Practice of Zen" 
which was attended by about 600 persons at the Community Church (Unitarian) in 
New York City. The lecture was organized by Peter Schneider and sponsored by the 
Young Adults of the Community Church. 
The lecture was scheduled to beén at 8:00 but the audience. which was the bigest 
Suzuki Roshi had ever spoken to, was not seated until 8:30. Following the lecture 
Suzuki Roshi and Dick Bake' answered questions for another hour and a half. Several 
students who are now at Zen Mountain Center first heard about it then.


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Last W Birthday flew Eag xccompanied by Richard 
R" to "'Shin the Northampton, Zen 
Zendg news). to 
"d at the 
Cambridge Buddhist Society. They had a visit with Elsie and John Mitchell 
and the 
A Of in the Boston in New 
and to find 
about Zen Cc n t.. Rushi 
felt it 
Id a idea visit people if to Visit 
Zen in the East to find Wt more 'Soot in and erv 
courage more They visited a of people 
that Alan Watts and 
ROShi Impressed With the Zen group in led by 
phÄip Roshi meditated With them and then talked briefly the 
of having a good Richanl —d 
Cent" the practice period this at it 
revolutionary Philip'. book. of Zen, has 
cnti" Zen 
in Am.ica. a parti- 
.rudents. did no: 
from that Students had much better understanding of what a 
What of "toti in is, Zen 
they had a yea: the book and 
accurately, before Of it published. In copy 
OfT%e Of Philip mte, "On top of flagpole a COW birth 
to calf." Thi. We birth is on top Of There 
is new in and a large put of it the Of this 
Suzuki Dick Were to join the meditation Of the Studies 
Society in New This an to study Zen where there is 
visible to Zen Eido their 
visiting at time and so unfortunately 
to meet 
him. A Of Students the Zen Studies S*iety 
at Zen Center this spring and summer. 
At the Zen Institute in New York City we Mary a few men. 
of their voup. but We no: able there during They 
building, and the Zen in 
During the week in Ro.hi Mrs. Suzuki visited Mike and Trudy 
at It is the HE Ranch, working cattle and 
ranch in Saddlestring. Wycming Buffalo). of 
in west. 12,000 stretch up to granite and firs of 
the Big Mountains. The ranch With deer. antelope, well 
140 horse,' and It of


Unmentioned is that they drove out with the Bakers.


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Ten years ago Shunryu Suzuki—or Suzuki Roshi, "Roshi" meaning Zen Master— 
came to San Francisco to lead a congregation of Japanese-Americans. Soon he 
found many non-Orientals coming to learn about Zen. This led to the opening Of 
Zen Center, which promptly became SO active an assistant had to be brought from 
Japan to help out. 
Yet city distractions made it difficult for students to concentrate for long 
periods on Zen training. A quiet retreat was needed, not only for San Franciscans 
but any other Americans wanting to learn meditation, Richard Baker, a young 
Oriental Studies scholar who organizes national conferences for the University of 
California while also serving as President of the Zen Center, heard of the ideal 
place. An undeveloped section of the Tassajara Hot Springs resort deep in the 
ruFd Santa Lucia Mountains of coastal Monterey County was for sale.

From Village Voice article on Tassajara by Jack Goddard


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z.e„ Rites 
Baker, Who studying Zen for years, was raised to 
teacher in forma Zen ceremony while "s Zen 
in this valley you can of


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from San and up from Lb. The 
daily Mon reey Herald, even a reporter up the 
twisting road to covet the 
The Zen rites Dick's ._mting Of 
fM opening and mind. He answered by 
Schneider, who jumped his "id; 
the the fins". finger have the 
"Buddha the 
"What is 
lift it with ten



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By Mac Bove, San Mercury. Friday 25, 967. 
TASSAJ ARA HOT SPRINGS- clink of dish„re the only 
sound from the 
they silently under the tree. 
thi. fanner They Vere students and Zen priests 
at Cent« of the Heart Mind, 
Meditation is one of the keystones of Zen training—walking meditation and 
Sitting The Mountain Center Of 
"d physical tainins W"tcrn is 
parable, in oppm-tunity fot of Zen to 
meditate and study the philosophy. 
don't think many it," Baker. 31, of San 
a priest of the centu. said. 'We had 
hundred applications our month training period Of we 
eighty-five, We Or thO" 
interviews determine their sincerity. 
Then Came a Of meditation in a position 
to pm with bmks fcw "It 
d too 
for people it is one of the hardest thin. they have ever done," 
Baker said. Sixty of the students it 
Life is Simple hidden Efty The 
and priests simple food as and fruit. 
Lunch dinner may be soup vegetables or brown Alcohol drue 
pwhibited. at during the day is 
Men 's living and bathing quarters, except fot married 
"y Star" at a.m. With Of specially cast 
pæsented to the by a Zen monastery in days in 
sitting and "Ikins rmGtation, with mewls periods. The 
and Rhabilitating the f"iliri" used by the 
when they travellea over the roads to in the hot 
Less day is formal instruction, usually a by 
Suzuki Zen 
Rosbi—the Rashi stands for up temple Of his in 
to the United to Zen . , . Roshi 
a opportunity fM in the "You are with 
conceptions Buddhism." he "You have 
traditions one another we in Orient." 
of student. Most of return to outside life 
after the two Or of ruining mountaiM. A may so on to 
ruin the priothc-ed. 
the but, 
Biker. there is no attempt to it into


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of the students shave their and long hair on men is forbidden in 
but few cases. Like the East Indian who at gates 
to admitted twining.. 
Rules flexible, Baker, vegetarian Of the Buddhist 
killins, will eat 
t if it is at friend's "Rules 
Suzuki ' 'They when they 
The hot mineral have no place in center's training 
frequently used by both pri"ts. ' 'We to keep 
open to public," "We don't feel it —Id be close them 
to people who have been using them years in the PSI." OpentiOn of 
up-uted to bring profits. "We'll be quite happy if 
break even, he said. 
itself is per day 
begin c 
Baker. Contributions the major Zen Center in 
the students just from 
s not life, with the outside world is kept 
Twice a 
into for and the telephone, except in 
is only for one hour day. 
tries to his he 
his in his Students in sesshin, the 
days of meditation Which is for m-iccs a 
brief period, 
A q"iet i" the


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Shunryu M' , 
Toni Kwong, Can ROS'. Betty 
ZEN MOUNTAIN cE,vrER OFFICERS: Richard Baker, Silas Hoadley. Associate Schneider. 
Director; Fran


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Baku. Binkley. Tin 
b, b, Aoki. 
Why Zen 
In Ruth 
Dai i y 
63 R 's Mind 
6' Kat"üi to 
69 R ad 
n period 
Daily lectures Co 
by Dainin 
BERKELEY, 1670 Dwight Way. 854-2403 
zazen. Fri. 5:45 — 6:45 m 
Los ALTOS. 746 9485020 
Fri. 5:45 - 7:30 
5:45 — 9:00 a.m. 
rhu„day 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. 
MILL V ALLEY, Wist«ia Way & Almonte Blvd. 
thru Fri, 5:45 6:45 
5:45 — 
5:30 - 
Wan "day Lecture 7:30 — 
stoo - 
Telephoæ 346-0442 
6;45 a.m. 
6; 30 p 
9; 00 p 
Be" is 12 F, a' this 
of chi,

Back Cover



Summer 1968


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Back in 1965, the total Zen Center income was S6,612 and the officers 
were able to do all the administrative work in their spare time. Even as late as 
March, 1967, President Dick Baker and Treasurer Silas Hoadley could still 
handle everything with the help of one part-time secretary who wrote thank- 
you notes. But this year both Dick and Yvonne Rand are salaried, and Silas, 
John Steiner and Claude Dahlenberg, who have independent incomes, are




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At the end of May Dick resigned as President of Zen Center, Director 
of Zen Mountain Center, and Editor of the Wind Bell in order to prepare for 
his extended trip to Japan this October. Gary Snyder is giving Dick his house 
in Kyoto to rent and Dick plans stay there for a year to learn Japanese and 
to practice at Antaiji and Daitokuji. After that he will spend several months 
each at Eiheiji and Sojiji. the two Soto training monasteries, and then some 
time at a Rinzai Zen monastery and perhaps Shingon and Tendai temples 
before returning to the United States. As Dick will be representing Zen Center 
while in Japan, and will be returning later to Zen Center. we wish to sponsor him 
and his family. Any contributions towards their support would be welcome.



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PRIESTS: Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Zen Master; Dainin Katagiri Sensei, Instructor; Kobun Chino 
Sensei. Assistant Instructor; Richard Baker, Claude Dahlenberg, Phillip Wilson. 
ZEN CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Richard Baker, Tim Buckley. Claude 
Silas Bill Jean ROSS, Peter Schneider. 
ZEN CENTER OFFICERS; Silas Hoadley, President; Claude Dahlenberg, peter Schneider, Tilin 
Buckley, Vice Presidents; Yvonne Rand, Secretary; John Steiner. Treasurer. 
ZEN MOUMAIN CENTER OFFICERS: Schneider. Director: Silas Hoadley, Associate 
Director; Tim Buckley, Assistant Director; Kobun Chino Sensei, Zendo Director; Dan Welch, 
Assistant Zendo Director; Ed Brown, Head Cook; Paul Discoc, Work Foreman. 
WIND BELL STAFF: Peter Schneider, Senior Editor; Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and Richard Baker, 
Editorial Advisors; Tim Buckley and J J. Wilson, Editors; Ruth Discoe and Dan Gurley, Copy 
Editors; peter Bailey, Designer; Patricia Latvala, Composition; East Wind Printers, Printing; Taiji 
Kiyokawa, Art; Jack Elias, Mailing; Tim Buckley. Robert Boni and Kazuhiro Tsuruta, photos, 
The voluntary subscription price of the Wind Bell is S2 per year.

Back cover



Fall 1968


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by Richard 
On September 9th, Chester F. a benefactor Of 
A the first Of Mountain Center, died i" 
New York. following is a to Carlson by Dick Baker, 
Who the funeral with Suzuki Roghi at Mrs. request, 
Carlson must him, for exceeded 
we it for a human be. How a m" 
accomplish so and yet live on the fragile edge of what it to 
a of the beyora, the g«ater than cons.y the 
be with 
ephemeral quality of his life in way öving to 
listen to do So good in his life and world when he 
knows it to be continually passing 
away? perhaps such a 
man best be 
by a gende 
who liked ta listen: but within that there a clarity 
tlut malized possibilities for all of us. 
He did 
plish a great deal. Although he to remain 
at least some Of things he 
He solely c 
completed of the imn 
ting whole 
new field scientific 
h one 
Of the largest 
he s 
of the best patent 
ever, his being 
law he was of the 
phaanthropists Of time, viewing his 
fewtunc, only 
Since the 1940s, 
a public trust in which value of dollar 
mined by it do w o 
h help. He w ppmted— 
other h" equalla—the peace psychical 
research, Civil rights 
titutions to 
b"ic freedoms, univ 
ersities, Vedantism and Zen Buddhism. and 
individual research of such persons as Nobel Laureate Vietnamese 
attributes man felt kind. 
So this portrait Of Mr. Cason 
be personal, really did not 
know him well. He cannot. for me, be 
by details or by his 
even though it 
by the intimate 
he made on everyone. He both 
strung and Very 
not limited. To so make to 
a of 
is the of men of Buddha.

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On the day before he died Mr. Carlson a 
imaædiately released it to fly over City. He told his wife, 
it to be The day he died. him in every 
meet. all 'Wticing at Zen Mountain Center, 
which he did much to create, he is there too.


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Zen Center has dissolved its original corporation in which elected officers 
and trustees managed Zen Center for the owner members and employed the 
priests. and has reincorporated as a Corporation Sole. In this form the 
organization is founded by a single person—in the case Of Zen Center. the 
Chief Priest, Suzuki Roshi—who is usually solely responsible for the corpora- 
tion. In the Zen Center articles of incorporation, however, the founding 
Chief Priest is required upon incorporation to appoint a Board of Directors; 
thereafter the Board of Directors and the Chief Priest are mutually responsible 
for Zen Center and for appointing or changing officers and directors. If the 
Board and the Chief Priest do not agree on a particular issue. the Practicing 
Members must decide it by majority vote. The successor to the Chief Priest 
is chosen by the Chief Priest himself, but if he has not done so upon his 
retirement or death. the Board of Directors must make the choice. 
Suzuki Rashi has appointed the following Board of Directors: Richard 
Baker, Tim Buckley, Claude Dalenberg. Silas Hoadley, Bill Kwong, Jean Ross, 
Peter Schneider. There is no limit on the number of directors but there must 
be at least five. The Board meets at least every three months.


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In order to give the Of Zen Center Other friends Of the 
to them before rbey left fen Japan, surprise 
held Dick, Sally 't the East Wind Printers' 
k shop 
On the fi"t Sunday in Jeannie with the help of Yvonne 
Rand. Renée 
of Zen h wsing 
Others preparations. which empty w 
with flowers pap" Vtting up a stage the


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great of good fare—cheese cakes, Cakes. 
with caviar or 
e or black beans. 
platters of nue 
d and cider, 
coffee and tea. They also for ent"tainment the 
the morning. 
The pmy late in 
of the to three hundred 
either or of Zen there 
Mite" and lawyers drop-im md 
Over twenty students fm Mountain came 
pxty the next day. In a 
y all liltle 
The Bakeo really wo the of there. 
ne wished were time and quiet enough be with each old friend for 
a while, the big 
The with Mel Weitman Calvin Wall performing 
duets. Ken SFnker John with on 
d guit", 
a his 
a recital of Chinese music on 
Then the new 
rwk trio. played long Lights 
by Fletcher (Dr. Albright) and a slide of Tassapr. 
shown the 
ts. a pick-up band of 
of the and the Tnsajara jammed on 
into the night. 
"lay, 30. Dick. and Sally Bake. after 
At 2;OO p.m.. Wedne 
on the for Japan. 
preaing day a 
held on the by their 
friends and then the Bakeo wen 
t to their to finish




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PRIESTS: Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Zen Master; Dainin Katagiri Sensei. Instructor; Kobun Chino 
Sensei, Assistant Instructor; Richard Claude Dalenberg, Phillip Wilson 
ZEN CENTER BOARD OF DIRECEORS: Richard Baker, Tim Buckley, Claude Dalenberg, 
Silas Hoadley, Bill Kwong. Jean Ross, Peter Schneider. 
ZEN CENTER OFFICERS: Silas Hoadlcy, President; Claude Dalenberg, peter %hneider, Tim 
Buckley, Vice Presidents; Yvonne Rand, Secretary; John Steiner, Treasurer 
ZEN MOUNTAIN CENTER STAFF; Peter Schneider, Director; Silas Hoadley, Assocüte Director; 
Tim Buckley, Assistant Director: Kobun Chino Sensei, Zendo Director; Dan Welch. Assistant 
Zendo Director; Louise Welch, Jisha; Ed Brown, Head Cook; Sally Block, Head Seamstress; 
Paul Discoe, mork Foreman. 
WIND BELL STAFF: Peter Schneider, Senior Editor; Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Richard Baker and 
Silas Hoadley, Editorial Advisors; Tim Buckley and J J. Wilson, Editors; peter Bailey. Designer; 
Patricia Latvala, Composition; East Wind Printers, Printing; Taiji Kiyokawa, Art; Jonathan 
Altrnan, Mailing; Tim Buckley, Robert Boni, Clarke Mason, Ron Patterson, Rex Tasker, 
Kazuhiro Tsuruta and KQED, Photos.

Back Cover



Spring 1969


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The of the gaths( 
) appew a 
t the and 
Q/ the b 
at Center through the com 
bitwd efforts of 
Suzuki Reshi, Kob"n China SO'5ei, 
R whwd Peler Schneider. 
The is in soro o 
m opening 
text, before lectures (or second rke eathafm the 
of in Sütrd 
Four Vows recited both 
and privately. 
These gathas used Zen at Zen Mountain center, in 
Which in —


He's living in Japan now but still listed herein all three times as above - priest, board of directors, Wind Bell



Winter 1970


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To find i" 
To find in what yet be given 
how we feel 
y unmasked 
Such dead word, 
life, no line 
Only b 
Of What wc must find. 
Gertrude Horton Dixon died July 9, 1969 it age of 30 aft" 
with aa accrptance of 
WillNd Dixon (Mike) and t" children. Armie. age four, and 
Will. age two. and by many others whose lives are different because She lived. 
It's to —y mote than just—Trudy she such good 
friend md complete part of the life community and development of 
Zen Center. She 
the very close of Zen Master Suzuki 
Roshi. She 
the wife of ex 
and the mother of beautiful girl and boy, She and Mike 
of the early Zen Cent" couples; their meditation together, prKtice, 
one of the of Zen Center. 
t the spirit, and go on 
in Zen Wht mo 
St essentially Toady very 
by and Nature, and is alive 
in no Way in the wind, flowers. friends, things 
that were life for her and that she gave life You cannot 
has made its n 
rs deep spirit kn 
a Zen 
the last years 
ght us as much Zen as Anyone 
could in a lifetime. In 
ways life md continue 
het b:yond 
ingand not continuinb as it did in life. 
She took 
of things. aa did the things that she wanted to do and Were 
—y to do she died_ She saw many 
and impired 
them with a knowledge of Twe Being. Trudy o felt silence was enough 
and yet beautiful clear writing talking an intrinsic 
part of her life. The 
and the poem 
from did easily or automatically from They 
tlR of a constant and will to long gray abyss 
of the sleepless nights and "ffering of this disease and life into activity 
of Buddha beyond life and 
—By Baker


Following that are excerpts from letters Trudy wrote Richard Baker on pp. 6-8. That Winter 1970 issue of the Wind Bell is dedicated to Trudy and starts off with an account of her funeral and Shunryu Suzuki's eulogy.



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This fall Riciurd Baker ÉrMn Japan with his wife Virginia and 
daughter Sally for month visit the United States. Dick the 
founding of Zen Cent& and, next Roshi, the

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Dick Sally Baker in Kyoto. 
man most Shaped Zen it aists today. He 
left year with inten ion o 
t f his tic e a nd 
his und«stam4ing of through studying and 
language at fwst His in Japan been. essentially, an attempt 
the of traditional Buddhism today, of role 
d meditation the Japaneg 
and to draw 
m his experiences some idea of the directions in which might 
best go in 
Lmilating Buddhist practice-life, Of 
cultural heritage. 
The Bakers have been living in a house in where both Gim.y and 
Dick Studying and Sally attending 
While the practical aspects of knowing the there 
is Dick He feels that in 
to know a 
culture the initial must be done on la of as 
the language Of a their mind b"ic underlying 
Of only in 
of an on-going it offers 
either past a hypothetical

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During his Visit to America Dick led a sesshin at Esalen lnstitutc in Big Sur, 
followed by a two-day 
On the 
mmd. He 
gave at in San 
o on the 
(One Of 
the* lectures in the issue of Wind Bel J 
As a Soto Zen Dick a 
to obm Japanese life, 
and religimis. He visita many a.mples and 
Aeries, much of the feeling of traditional Buddhist P"CtiCe, He 
to his study through autumn 
the next two 
, to entN both Soto Zen mon 
"t e des 
utended periods of training. Already much come Center tFuough 
Dick's stay things like robes for American 
priests and definite 
wishing study Zen 
J apn, 
but something less and perhaps reaching 
the long run the of Zen Center the deaopment 
of W Buddhism.



Summer 1970



pp17-20 - Richard Baker lecture at Esalen Institute, October 28, 1969 - PDF



Fall Winter 1970-71


Machine generated alternative text:
In 1967 Zen Center was Strong enough to realize one Of Suzuki-roshi's 
dreams—that Of establishing a mountain monastery. That summer Zen 
Mountain Center opened at Hot Sprinp. From Sokoji Temple to 
Tassayara the students, both men and women, followed Suzuki-roshi, accepting 
three days Of tangaryo. before qualifying to Stay at the monastery. That first 
summer about 70 students trained there for periods ranging from a few days to 
three months. Ed by head student Dick (who received Dharma trans- 
from Suzuki-roshi December 8 last year). Some remained after the 
as st'üknts and directors; a few have stayed on for four yars.



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