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Table of Contents                                                                                               Notes 

The Way of Zazen
by Rindo Fujimoto Roshi                 Main Page

Japanese, Chinese and Sanskrit words in the text
which had diacritic marks omitted

macrons, long marks, over syllables are indicated on this list by
a "u" after "o" and "u" ---- for an "o" or "u" with a macron over them
another "a" after "a" ---- for an "a" with a macron it
the tilde (~) is properly written over the "n"
an accent ( ' ) is properly written over the "s"


Asoka - As'oka
Chan - Ch'an
daienkyochi - daienkyouchi
dhyana - dhyaana
gashu - gashuu
gassho - gashou
Gautama Shakyamuni - Gautama S'akyamuni
genjo - genjou
honsho - honshou
honsho myoshu - honshou myoushuu
hosshu - hosshuu
inzo - inzou
joko - jouko
Joyo Daishi - Jouyou Daishi
jushoku - juushoku
klesa - kles'a
koan - kouan
kyosaku - kyousaku
Mahayana - Mahaayaana
maya - maayaa
muso-jo - musou-jou
Nirvana - Nirvaana
Obaku - Oubaku
Rindo Fujimoto - Rindou Fujimoto
roshi - roushi
samadhi - samaadhi
Samsara - Samsaara
shonen sozoku - shounen souzoku
Shorinji - Shourinji
sodo - soudou
Sojiji - Soujiji
Soto - Soutou
sutra - suutra
Tang - T'ang
Tanto - Tantou
Vijnanavada - Vijn~anavaada


The Way of Zazen - Main Page