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All the Wind Bells  ---  Wind Bell Excerpts

Jean Ross

Jean Ross cuke page

WB 62-04 March


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•Sayoaa.r• us Jean Ross be held at ønd KVongas 
h•iday, March 16th at P.M. On her trip to Japan, sb represent our 
Zen in a to the Teaple, S. Ided DO?en Zerd±, and 
rounded by Keizan Zeréi. Eer tentative plan to study the Japanese 
language and eultur•e• before visitine a mnastery for a period of



WB 62-06 May


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put IPS I've up 3 •etu•11y • 
halls "Ith bells until 3:30, but to 
or Vash room etc. We ædåt.ate 
odd effects you t.he —cord •re und the thie there two hour' or ehanUr*, 
and steps from building to "Jothcr. 
7,00 A.H. 
These priests from the eountry are EN not saint'. exp*'" 
a deme of Individualism tempered by nueh discipline. have no 
doubt have or Indulge in the normal appetite 
and a Fleet be exprienced in order hold up drror so 
eon gee ourselveø.n



WB 62-11 October


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h. l.ft in F*ui is Ot 
will sesshin I md l.rinø 



WB 62-13 December




WB 63-5 July-August




WB 64-1 February




WB 64-02 March


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The following is aeerpt from a letter from Jan Ross when she was Japan in tkcember • 
i962. Jean was in Japan for about a year. mrlng most or that time she stayed at monasteries 
but she also had .ortunities to see of the This letter was written about the Sesshin 
(an or Strong pracuce m«iitation) she •ttended at Eiheijt. the oldest and urgen Soto 
Zen Monastery Japan, Eiheiji primarily to training •quite 
c Old durbw * inter Eiheljl the mountain 'novsvhtch'iurround 
I the Nov. 
. It was cold and clear, and some of the trees still retained 
their many buildings were braced by timber 6 Inches in diameter. in 
preparation for heavy conscious of being very fearful - fearful that I wouldn•r be able to 
survive the intense meditation that lay ahead. 
mring the five days prior to. also during sesshin. I wore three or lour sweaters. black stocEings 
that from my waist to my feet with an extra pair of heavy socks. and a sturdy wool skirt. The 
men Eiheiji. Of the Temple. Wore only their feet were bare in the getas 
In spite Of my shame that so rn1Eh comfort. I asked if I could buy an electrical 
futon (quilt) warrner. I also Rev. Totsugaml if I could use two pillows during sesshin. hoping the 
second one would ease the pain of feet and ankle. He drew himself up with a trace of scorn and said. "lie 
(No-o)ll" This • •lie' • set my pace-a did not use any electrical appliance. nor did t have the additional 
pillow. However. one thingwas favorable: sesshln meditation would begin at 4:15 a.m. instead ot 2:15 a.m„ 
would last only 40 minute' with malltation in between. 
the mor•ning Of Chc. 1st. I that Sodo (malltatlon hall) was heated by two large and 
that I Was to directly opposite one. When we start«l to melitace. Rev. Totstorni announced in 
page 2


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a clear strong voice that Sesshln begul. ne first Of zazen lasted one hour and forty minutes 
Instead Of the forty minutes. This made me so angry that I forgot all my fears. My posture 
was very bad. I was continually being pok•al in the back--the signal to straighten up. 
During tea (serv«f twice a day) meals. •e were to maintain Our posture. i sure 
I would be sick with shLft«1 rationalizing to myself that tea and meals should be 
Ot relaxation. t felt Very selfish because I had (breaå butter. fruit. and in 
my room. Did any of the Others have the same? 
The secotxi day I forgotdecorum. Whenl was Correctai during lunch. I took it as a joke and tried to make 
Others Afterwards scolded myself because wasnotseriousenough. Did my ego require an 
amus«d resporue from others? 
de third day It WAS bit-tee. I myself Of With details. Was a prtmttiVe animal 
seeking cornfort and the next break one session of meditation 
because was so disturb«l. 
tie fourth day. my small was powerless to handle the situation. I began to repeat 
the names Of all the Zen Priests hoping one of them would help me. There was no reSVk)nSe, 
Finally I decided to on B.ddha. thinking my Nature would stir a little. For the tune 
could concentrate. as tat. as wire that is but 
Of m alitation. 
the fifth day. someone changed my pillow (trying to be helpful suppose). This Was disturbing 
because had battered the old one into a firm support. The new one was small With What seern«:' to be foam 
WAS determ say the w d 
w Ith myself-noc the pillow. 
There were When I became For example. during 
else turn«f ajrowuf facing 01Rward away the I was not aware of their turning. 
the afternoon the my mind that there •re no answers to the vital questions 
of When One asks a It means the death or the the to arise 
in the place. 
6th fowid me first to be bone It was a case of a in a shaking body. My small 
couldn't manage things: calling on or thinking about longer helped: what 
Surprisngly enQh I began to aware of three Zen Priests rnalltating with me. The to 
have tremetdots strength on which t could lean. The me ard to be saying. 
yourselft•• The third I Was completely detached. 
my awareness the shaking or my body and I Wag I felt mentally clear 
awake. At One pericxt I became Consci0LZ or of a carpenter hammering, felt dwt 
Nature WAS thrcngh the bird a thro. the carpenter's 
ard emerging as the of the hammer. 
the seventh day We mailtat«l trom 4:15 until I the mornirc Of Dec. 8th. this tinier 
again there were per-lexis when I Was at ease. scarcely conscious of physical discomfort. I remember 
thinking about emptiness. In the I Would have an ego (or small sell) that was inactlve. 
with Nature in a throe me. Neither of them Would be • permanerg stationary 
at tn On 8th me faint. The floor to rising to meet 
. Hovever. theZenPrlests. ugreywith fatigue was. had eoo'%h control to acr normally. This gave 
me strergth. 
late when I got up. felt that my Small Seu Was so primitive and inadNuate. 
There ud go«xt momalts during Sesshin. btr had not to them. uøt.ii 
the 10:30 a.m. service in Hatto that a sage proportion returnixW. 
There be a



WB 64-04 May


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It has tEen said that mcxlern man tends to regard nature as somethi1V exterior to himself. Sup• 
posedly he is so intent upon analyzing it scientifically, to prevent disasters ur to modify its 
forces to meet his own ends. that a sense or separation develops, Perhaps there is some truth in this. 
However. there are many people today who wish to emphasize not separation but our oneness with 
mtue, Zen Buddhism is a help in this respect. twcause it has always taught that there is a tusic 
unity man and all Other forms Of animate inanimate life. 
Most ot my lite has spent in a city and prior to my trip to Japan I was an apartment dweller in 
San Francisco. Here the Weather is Of uniform pleasantness One hardly notices a change An sea- 
sons. while living in the Soto Zen Temples. I rediscovered facts new to me old 
Sitting and On the floor, separated from the outdoors only by Shoji screens and 
I not only observed the changes four seasons can tring also felt them 
Life at ELheiji had a fixed schedule from the time of arisirg at 3:30 a.m. until bed time 
It Was a well schedule tilt sometimes hard for a westerner. Larvuage difficulty, 
introspection. and adaptation to a different culture can create great messure. sought to 
So neat my room kept some serviceable shoes rubt*r During a free 
would quietly slip down the hall, down the numerous stairs. through Sammon Gate. out toward 
e this 
(tnriat ground of the Eiheiji Patriarchs). Was I lonesome, frustrated, or tearful? If so the um sperg 
by a stream watching the foaming water surge over the rocks cleansed me. Or standing 
silence of deep snow, my spirit would feel renewed. 
Jakkoen was always quiet with its crumbling moss covered stones. An aura seem" 
place. There was a small shrine at the rear and if I sat to one side of it I fellhidden and at peace, 
Often I would turn my head to see if someone was ner. It was as though 
the vicinity. During the summer when walked teck to the temple, IY6uld so 
the adventure of passing through a field that with white butterflies, or I 
an ebJny colored scorpion with red legs and red antenna. 
The Zen Priests apBOVed oi this interest ot mine and they there was a 
commotion in the hall. I was calk! out of my room to find that some of 
had caught 
a hcrned owl that had swooped in through an open wimiow. 1 vas to 
gaze at c lose range irgo his yellow eyes. On another wcasion large f 
my With delight him as he flew v like a 
lost in the crevice txtween tatami mats. 
This to nature often made me uncomfortaNe too. In. the co 
my hitzchi, I constantly sniffl«i, and 1 was tndly by an earthqua 
times duri1V one day a night. I had visions ot it starting an avalanche of s 
until a 
In the summer it was humid and h«. Even at 4 or S a.m. the EErspiration wou 
tnck. Since there were no screens or aertirw, the insects could a nuisance. It was 
cult to maiitate in the evenirg with mosquitos nearby. al*i many a night lay awake irritated 
their hum and waiting tor a new bite. 
Oxe durirg July a group of from Nagoya axl myself, plus Several of the Eiheiji Priests. 
a small temple some distance away. We Wece to Stay a week puposes 01 study and 
ration. Most Of the daytime was taken up by lectures every night we Zara until 9 p.m. 
One evening I was quite I was having trouHe with my my chest hurt. The 
Of hard shelled insects themselves against tie Shoji screens tkgan to unnerve me. 
Then we got up for Kirüiin. The was somewhat slower than I was used to. insects struck 
against my face arg' t fourd myself them away from me. and t was close to panic. At 
last it was over and hurried to the room Which I shared With three Other women. Two priests were 
Close me, i no Sooner sat down the tatami When with race. 
He said, have a gift for you". argi he plac«l a Large helmet t*etie at my feet. it •liver ' I 
at their Encks. All four of us women watch«l the insect with horror. when 
he to move his legs and the pincer like apperxiages on his head, I trcame strangely quiet inside. 
He vas just a beetle EE•ing a I took a piece of tiss'æ. him took him matdoors 
wbae I him on the grourxi. The was gone. 
Soto Zen Priests react to the changes of ætue Justas they do to the in man. They identify 
themselves with Ex»th in an even now of 
As for me I stood on the EiheiJi earth, for the first time felt in earth. I I—an to 
requize BJ'Eiha nature not only in man in ali forms of life. Such exFAneion the pressure


WB 64-06 September October


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In a Zen monastery such as Eiheiji. all of a trainee's tk2havi0r and reactions ace undec close 
ot»ervation. One acts reacts in an intimate group situation that reveals patterns of 
Each Zen Eriest seems to hold up a mirror, I found that too was oiberving tx:eause could 
turn aside from the views or myself reflected there. Silve I could not speak ur ucujerstand Japanese 
tor the simplest wc-gds seMences. there were emotional flare-ups. Often there was cun- 
fusion at»ut tik ot services, any auf all directions.


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One day in the dtring tieaklast, a ßiest came over to my I was 
sinc«e in not urxierstandirw what I had done wrorv. showed my confuaion in a way that demand«l 
explanation, J was amazed that the results Of the explanation were unsatisfactory. At lunch 
time as we Were waiting to served. an Older stepped the Zer•io. During the entire 
meal. the monk next to me was subject to blows reprimands. Each blow. each 
pass«i from him to me utril I silently screamed Let us alone' However. it was a 
lesson not only on to accept Eiheiji discipline, the monk remained quietly pois«l 
throughout, hit it had a deeper significance also. In the Life had disciplined me in a manner 
I could not tEcause my applied teasoning logic had explaine«i some the 
that I considered uaxieserv«l afflictions. Perhaps. I had dernardc:u too strict an account- 
of the Karmic law 01 cause effect, I had regarded myself as a separate imlividual. 
Now as someone else took punishment due me, I Was ashamed. If L Was part Of 
humanity as a whole. could I ever again draw such clear lines of demarcation about What deservei 
what I did not deserve? 
On one occasion, actal as a stimulus. This lurticuiar mcrning, was asked G 
1 wished to take a walk in the moumains. i readily agreed. althM1gt1 1 was suqvised that 
ent1A•asiB was on my trousers. At B a.m. two ul us set out to meet the rest of the 
troup. The route was unfamiliar aui the narrow ruth treacherous as it along a stream. When 
We aniv«i at the starting point. was There wete atmut twenty young 'Xiestsalteadythere 
with kachiels aroutxi their heads, machete—like knives strapped to their waists, •wavy ix»ots 
their feet. They told me-•fthis is the mountain"--whiie pointing to a sheer perpeuiiculac ascent or 
tangled dense txush. My first impiuse, from stunned that this was expected me 
was to refuse a•xi leave. Then I had plac«i in such a Situation. 
I determined to try. At least they did not ask me to clear the trush as they were going to 
So Iat»riously started to climb. The only way 1 canld manage was to test tranch ai a 
time to see if it my weight, and then pull myself up. slowly haml overhami. I coaren- 
rated solely on this maneuver. to rest occasionally when found g big 
against. It was quiet with the sky ot»cured by foliage. Swn I had moved oti a 
from the workers Was them When I arrived at a small clearing, 
an Old trunk, tusking in sun. in It was warm and peace(ui. of insects 
the Of birds to cheer me. 
I could hear the noise occasional voices Ot the others me, but i Let 
wonder where I am, i told myself. a while they txgan to cull my name. ignored 
surnrn•ms for a consideraNe time. t finally at*' replied. t Was to join them. 
reluctantly I left my tree trunk slid down ou my tanny as the only A" it was. 
slid under a hugh pile or trush they had tren cuttiIV, and it took quite a bit of to extricate me. 
Rather impatiently they put me on top ot the pile told me to Stay there could 
an eye me, 
At we made way down to the washed happily in the 
The group aprroved of my that day I did too. A flash of anger the 
energy for me to accept a challenge. Acceptance Ot that challenge. without complaint. gave 
me a dignity which lasted even as was the txusb. 
SotoZen at Eiheijiot elsewhere are deeply concerned their students disciples . 
they Can never relax their Strh discipline operB the minds 01 the 
strengthens , eventually sets them free.



WB 64-7 Nov-Dec




WB 64-08 December



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The is another in a senes ot 
articles by Jean Ross about her stay 
at the Soto Zen morustery. Eiheiji. 
JVKAJ bg Ross 
Durirv month Ot in 
the week •IA sevlce ot Jukai is held 
at Eiheiji SOJOJi 
During this period. commencing Aßit 
23rd through April 29th. 
lay petgons r»rticipate in the 
giving and receiving or the Soto 
Zen Fecepts, It takes a great deal Of 


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effort axl to the many visitiq Biests tiRy to 
lay who 
was at at this time. With the monks I futOn• 
quilts) pillows to different parts Of the tempte compoutxf. HOW awkward was, trying to 
matuge two futons over my head shoulders' The young monks could Carry five liter 
•My run the them, lay people to at steep in where 
beld , Wh the epr•te quart«s. When was in r 
there was last unty a tew honored 
at. The Dogen 
remains high up on the altar in Joy•xien mau.Oleum) had to be transported to HattO. 
The afternoon evening ot April 23rd saw 
y or people upon gjheiji. 
The We meditated ag usual at a. . aryl joined ere Others in Hatto. There 
were three teacher. ia c*ztge of Jukal: UF*jjhA , Preceptor: 2) Anusasacariya. 
insuucu»; 3) Kammacariya. guide foruimen, The c«enwaies Florrn«l nut 
amt afternoon Were each day. 
t) Raitntgu Tantx.tsu, which honored ail all the in 
directions. plus the patriarchs. 
2) Kaidantugln, the chanting of ttE • , Ma.nBs'ri. ani 
-keagu. patriarch 
3) the 
4) Eitaishldosegaki the Mokaifugirklwhleb memorial . eating. 
5) Preaching 0t the Precepta by of 
in c haw. which ualty 
the att«mon. 
6) Dan)ocai • Otrself 
Since I had not assigned any spe* early would have meant 
my BIShing through the lay petbons Who 'Space to stayed through 
the services. The latter lasted tour or five bouMberote a 
psirioo ot Sitting on one's ret) roe me, 
I 0t the the With 
the Sixteen precems on the side. 
On the evening ot 27th a most tmpceagive c 
• sesshin ot (a 
translate. also 
It was 
Ony Ca 
'the Of and repentance. Each Of us WC«ea v 
or we were up in rows Hatto attar. To the ut etunrir«'.Äiif 
one dowa a dark hallway at the of wtucb sat the 
We the words a sup Of had given u") M 
. • Then we 
the to the did the Gassb0 del" 'ted. We had confes that bad 
i" a State Ot darkness. that we had committai without number. When at 
this ritual Were again in Hatto. huge uougbt in. the slips turned , 
Th« the Blest* the It a 0t that 
gated atl rhqht. a.' ancient ot g«at Thus w". sins 
we in our &JddhLst faith. 
On the next evening. the eve of the anniversary ot death. those ot us 
preeegs wae ag'nn lined up in Hatto. A tow at a time we stood up circled the altar. 
chat* ta•MLatoi has this inevitably 01 through the 
Of u.ddha•s prec.., It has i*en sxoven that he Can his 
nature within his mini. that he is truly a of poaterity. we receiv«i 
the Sixteen Precept.. 
The morning ot the 29th included services honoring Dogen. and his image r«uned 
to Joycx:en. The many piestu visitrx. soon seem«i quiet 
or the 
me My imagination tan riot on an tile ceasonswhy could not 
With Buddha. t had established deep affection the Ot EiheijL, I held &Jddha 
from man. Thi" was forgettirw a most important lesson. B"idha himself would never forsake his 
rote as a human He claimed man Gat. 
himself hi' foliowes. path to dittic:ult enwgh 
man feetiÆ he must divine to accomplish 
There was anoth« after Jukai. TWO priests occasions had 
remarked: is everything. " This had long me. as I was by 
many problems. Then t asked questions atM1t it. the answers satisfied. 
zazen tett an that satisfaction, Zen at some 
•s fuses the , Of the is


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neither maseutine not teminine Siru:e it permutes all animate inanimate. The 
result of the fusion is man's recognition the True Self. Once this recognition occurs. one is 
always conscious of &jddha Nature. However, the small self can temporarily dull our conscious- 
ness. We are that within each seco,m'. each mimate. each bout. there 
tuuity for Buddha Nature to renew itself in ati Its trightrwsu.



WB 65-1 Feb



From secretary's report



Wb 65-02 March


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The serious Student Soto Zen must display considerable ecmmitn•eni his Zen 
Master. to Zazen to &KMhist mactiees. Tue degvee of commitment may the 
Can Create 
evil. 'me '8 sits:ere. ooe has a desire to picose am' an eagerness to gxove 
devotion. Thin may lead to self-consciousneHS aruj anxiety. A must learn to accept 
the pc.*ress he makes and satisfied with it. This is passivity. it is 
results. after c'nuinuously trying one's It is B:rforming small ut devotion atxl 
pleasei with ooe• tus accomplish'*j. 
can rememi••• *hen first came to Sokoji. what pleasure it waø to movements Ot 
Reverend Suzuki Roshi-sama. With what ease he pelioenjed his scuvice 'n Zeodo, 
With what care made us a or tea. At Japan i the Zen P' iests 
same quality fluid movement from one tusk to The s•mplest act


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in the spirit 0t This word e•qvesses the 
tenderness, It love goes it trcauy•,' It Dogen. •he 
founder of the Soto sect 01 Zen, said it wao une of the "e learned during 
study in 
have Mitten talked the many difficulties a Zen 
&xldhism in The discipline seem. 
0t it causes emotioaut physical apsecs. M"'tets I He. T hey 
the in types ot situations. until he learns 
to resolve problems. The laws du not change to 
the Zen Mastec, However, he does display anu he dues show 
imBKtance Of each task as a Of 
For sevetal months at I was tu study Sumi 
Rostii-sama. who was considered a very great Zen painter, Watching make 
felt that his was but an extension of hand and His "(t 
reel is from some ot the modem instead it welled up. Ot creative 
depths in his This 'he result 01 years to the 0/ art. but 
Zen wen. Although I tud a I 
special attention. Reverend Akotx•ri would demonstrate each 
ot approval a Only twice did Such a mark, when j did ail 
other students rejoiced with me. 
One day Reverend Tatsugami, at Eiheiii, invited eight us 
digging party. His temple in the midst grove. gluw• 
Is a small gavden. When saw 
or was pineapples. t.•cause they look like pineapple tops puking out •be ground. The abilivy to 
successfully lay in scooping a pit around the sprout and then lifting i! o." unbroken one 
blow the spade. We wo.ked most of the sunny afternoon digging ea«yjng "'gouts 
truck Which had trought os to the temple. Along O. m _ we 
rectangular to rurtake 0' a most delicious meal Sume Of 
the fresh The Eno•Roshi is a must stern now 
a congenial He an ernt»diment the Sayings u - When one one 
ritual, When one works, one when one eats, unc every he performed 
a complete tuaman tkting. 
of 1962 me to Visit sama, 
temple Osaka Kyoto. a mght•s "de i the 
Inoue. a follower Revetend Fujimoto, met my lie was a serious 
pleasant young to Whom responded immediately. We went to 
Fujimotu•s temple. Reveretul Fujimoto turned out to stein-laced man 
exßexsiua, So thought, with a child-like simplicity. I 
talked freely sev«ai that first afternoon. next day the ttu•n• ut 
into the mountains to Reverend Inoue's temple. It was oestlvd in the and was 
by a lovely White wall. had my own overlooking 
time and I awoke each morning to a • We 
ten days the was uu the ume I realize 
With Revere•rxl I 
At times could determine whether it was he whu was breathing me. was 
With him. peri•Å.tS followed (he Zazen, iuvind myself it 
a point Where I couldn't converse normally even ask 
Reverend did comment 00 his he did nut 
anything strange at»ut it. me greatly. days 
that should write a Cuper on the state my Zazen that should have it 
Reverend Fujimoto's (he following Although I by task, 
After the two Priests read it we lung talk. said j must 
an Self. My num' heiRvturth 
anything AWve an I that the the at any given 
moment. is everywhere. 
visited Fujimoto on two Other last to me 
showing me your Nature." Even after two yea'S 
•depute reply to this Sutu Zen gre%test Zen 
so let each or us slowly. satisfied with each 
It Win a dubious compliment it someone iouks at une "s says he is 
the true compliment wili nut have be .pokc•n, in the presence us 
feels an emanation nyutunHiiin realizes he has made Contact an 
through Which enlightenment can now.


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Above. lett to rigM: 
Reverend Fujimoto. 
Reveremi Tats.mi. 
R evetetn.l Iouue. 
Eih Momstzy. 
Revet&j Suzuki. 



WB 65-5 Aug




WB 66-2 April




WB 67-1 Jan-Feb




WB 67-2 Fall


Jean Ross listed as contributor toward the purchase of Tassajara in the $50 to 500 range.




WB 68-3-4 Fall




WB 69-1-2 Fall




WB 70-71 Fall Winter




 WB 72




WB 86-2 Fall





From Della Goertz memories of Suzuki Roshi


Jean has a number of entries In the Early History of Zen Center article



WB 92-2 Fall



From Della Goertz - Learning and Staying Young by Barbara Lubanski Wenger



 WB 97-2 Summer


  - PDF (thanks for scanning this Clare Hollander - it was missing from the PDF of this issue so she scanned it and emailed the scan)


. Here is an unedited and reccomended version of this piece on Jean. - dc