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 5-06-11 - There's a fantastic new documentary out about Chogyam Trungpa, Crazy Wisdom. We got to see an early screening of it this weekend and it is really wonderful. They have a short section in there about Trungpa and Suzuki Roshi, and I was wondering if there were recordings made of Trungpa's lectures at Tassajara and City Center? Obviously, those would be really important recordings to copy and preserve! - Joe Galewsky of the Desert Mirror Zendo and Guest House in Albuquerque, NM>

Review of Crazy Wisdom [See more at What's New 5-05-11] from the Chronicles Project - The Boulder Premiere of "Crazy Wisdom"

1-26-09 - A very good film with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi footage synched with tape of lecture he was giving, recent Tassajara footage with Suzuki lecture voice over. Put together by Mel Van Dussen. Thanks for the tip to Howie Klein

3-29-08 - I see the SFZC Bookstore has got a listing for  SUZUKI ROSHI DVD One Particle of Dust - over one hour of film clips of Suzuki Roshi and of Tassajara in the early days. $20 (includes postage).

See b&w video footage of Shunryu Suzuki.

It's all the same.

Most recent and easiest to access - YouTube of Shunryu Suzuki - the same as below. Wenger at ZC asked me what I thought of this and I said I thought it was good to leave it. This is the YouTube sharing era. - 2-01-08

SFZC website -  video of Shunryu Suzuki giving a talk on the San Do Kai at Tassajara in 1970. This is a different cut from the same footage as the note below - and more easily accessible. But it may or may not be working. Isn't today for me. - dc - 2-01-08

6-10-07 - Just go to 12:25 on the video interview with DC mentioned four days ago. To see this footage go to Welcome to Present, with your host, Mel Van Dusen.  The Suzuki footage, taken at Tassajara, Zen Mountain Center, in the summer of 1970, while Suzuki was giving a lecture on the Sandokai - see yesterday's post just below this post. It was 16 millimeter, I believe, with no sound. A skilled video-savvy SFZC student named Timothy O'Conner Fraser under the sage guidance of Michael Wenger synched the audio tape with the lecture. We should get the story on that cause he did a great job. That image of Suzuki up to the left is one I took off other footage of Suzuki.

Need to do a better report on the history of this film. Like who did it. I have always thought that Jack Weller took it but I think that may be wrong.

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