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Voter Suppression
Rigged Elections part I - earlier posts on Current Events about election fraud and voter suppression. - link posted in 08
Huffington Post's Voting Problems section is excellent. - posted in 089-28-12 - PDA Launches BlogTalk Radio - One Nation Protecting the Vote 9-27-12 - Pundit Sarah Silberman on Voter Suppression - an old topic for cuke's Engaged Buddhism/Current Events section - Clean Version - failed attempt to bleep DC bright idea - Rather than fight this evil plot, how about turning it into a way to increase the vote. Have each state be required (with federal funding) to issue every person eligible to vote a card with photo, fingerprint, iris image, etc (backed up on Internet for easy access if it's lost). Other things to consider - Instant-runoff voting - which would have solved the Florida 2000 problem. Make voting mandatory like in Australia (with a None of the Above option)? 10-30-08 - Republican voter suppression guide from TPM.10-27-08 - Seven things that can go wrong on election day - a pretty good job of summarizing the American voting mess by mainstream media - Time/CNN10-25-05 - Obama or McCain? presents both sides - you decide10-17-08 - Thanks to Shunryu Suzuki disciple Ron Browning for sending the latest on Election Fraud. Block the Vote by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Greg Palast in the current issue (#1064) of Rolling Stone. The Kennedy-Palast revelations go far beyond the sum of questionably purged voters recently reported by the New York Times. "Republican operatives - the party's elite commandos of bare-knuckle politics," report Kennedy and Palast, under the cover of fighting fraudulent voting, are "systematically disenfranchising Democrats." The investigators level a deadly serious charge: "If Democrats are to win the 2008 election, they must not simply beat McCain at the polls - they must beat him by a margin that exceeds the level of GOP vote tampering." Kennedy and Palast are releasing, simultaneously with the Rolling Stone investigative report what they call, the vote-theft 'antidote': a 24-page full-color comic book, Steal Back Your Vote, which can be downloaded or obtained in print from their non-partisan website, For updates and video reports, go to,, and 10-11-08 - Why the GOP Is Nuts About ACORN Here's the CBS report on registration purging Ten ways the McCain/Palin GOP is now stealing the Ohio vote These reports filed in the Election Fraud department of the CurrentEvents\EngagedBuddhism Section. 10-10-08 -
BBC-TV: "Set up to steal it again." "A lot of Europeans wonder: Why are Americans so crazy, they keep reelecting this guy?” Well the answer is, we don’t! They keep stealing these elections! And they stole it in 2000, they stole it in 2004, and they’re all set up to steal it again!" - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on BBC Television Newsnight Read about ACORN which registers voters and the phony voter fraud case against them so their registrations can be thrown out. Here's a follow up on how the media is buying into it.
10-03-08 - Some links to articles on election fraud MI Dems Fight Back Against GOP Attempts to Challenge Voters on Foreclosure ListsMI GOP Official Sues News Website Over 'Lose Your Home Lose Your Vote' StoryVote-scam fliers target black neighborhoods - Thanks Goeff Matis10-01-08 - the conspiracy worth your time - election fraud. Tonight's CBS evening news covers this under-reported subject that most Democrats have been shying away from even though it is costing them elections, like for instance the last two presidential elections. Take a look at: New Study Details Massive Voter Roll Purges Underway in At Least 19 States Brennan Center for Justice Report on Voter Purges (released today). Look at past links in the cuke election fraud section. 9-15-08 -
Greg Palast on voter suppression
Listen to the report on the Air America Radio's Thom Hartmann 4-14-08 - Who Hijacked the Justice Department to Swing Elections?3-20-08 - Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early2-05-08 - National Popular Vote - States join forces against electoral college: A piecemeal approach may be the only way to kill the anachronistic institution - Los Angeles Times Editorial.- from last June but appropriate for this election day. Thanks to MK - dc1-13-08 - More on THE CONSPIRACY WORTH PAYING ATTENTION TO: Here's an article on Alternet on the possibility of tampering in the New Hampshire election, one of a number of concerned articles and posts I've seen recently. How about Ohio machines still flawed - NYTimes. And check out this Alternet report on what one Congressman is trying to do about this nationwide problem. These links will go in the Election Fraud section of CurrentEvents\EngagedBuddhism. I know it will upset Buddhists for Rigged Elections but I can't help that. - DC1-01-08 - Exclusive Interview with Syndicated Columnist Bob Koehler - thanks GregoryThe Next California GOP Attack on Democracy: California's Electoral College Votes - a lot has transpired since this article with it looking like it's dead again but it will be a threat again for sure. - thanks MK
from Talking Points Memo: About the above from today's Mike's blog roundup in Crooks and Liars: You're gonna need a shower after you read this sordid tale of the Republican party's ongoing anti-American dirt baggery. It's been pretty clear for weeks that vote caging is at the heart of the whole US Attorney scandal. Now read Greg Palast on Monica Googling and vote caging. And then back to C&L 5/31 - Protect voters’ rights, get fired with the link at the bottom that leads back to Joshua Marshall at TPM with more.Then there's's The Fraudulent Fraud Squad
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