Alan Senauke- engaged folk music dharma bro Buddhist

Alan Senauke   Alan Senauke

Cuke Podcasts with Alan  July 2023 🔊 | Encore: May 2023 🔊

Hozan Alan Senauke's GoFundMe page toward essential home care.

In December 2023, Alan had a heart attack and went into a coma. He eventually came out of the coma but still has serious mobility and health issues. He's back at the Berkeley Zen Center teaching, giving lectures, attending meetings from bed or wheelchair. Check out the Caring Bridge and Go Fund Me sites for more details and what you can do to help.

Turning Words - 2023 with a forward by Susan Moon
including a cameo by DC. Amazon link

Alan's Clear View Project - Buddhist-Based Resources for Relief and Social Change

Berkeley Zen Center - Alan is the vice abbot. He's all over their site including dharma talks.

Alan Senauke dharma talks on Audio Dharma

Wikipedia page for Alan Senauke

Alan's FaceBook page

Read about Alan's new book (April 2014) Heirs To Ambedkar: The Rebirth of Engaged Buddhism in India

Alan was executive director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship from 1991 to 2001.

FaceBook page for Alan's latest music album: Everything is Broken: songs about things as they are ------ Get Everything is Broken on CD Baby

Interview on EcoBuddhism - You Don't Wake Up Alone

YouTube video with Alan

Do a web search for Alan Senauke and much will be revealed

Do a site search for Alan on cuke's Home or What's New page. There are pages of links to pages with his name.

Laurie Schley Senauke

3-13-14 - We're in Kuala Lumpur now staying at CLIC (Cooperative Learning Initiative Community) that's in a residential area. It's also a school run by Wai. Her husband is Vidya. I met them through Alan Senauke.   - more in Saunters - Wanted to link to something for Alan but there's so much here on cuke decided to make a cuke link page for him. - dc

Alan's support statement for Cuke Archives 2020 Presentation

Over the last twenty years has evolved as a priceless archival resource for Zen practitioners around the world. Beyond offering the extensive teachings of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi in a variety of audio, textual, and edited formats, has been a crossroads for teachers and students who continue to sustain Suzuki Roshi’s legacy. I cannot count the occasions when I have turned to the site to find a particular teaching, commentary, or photograph to illuminate my own work. involves the labor of many people, but it’s driving force has been the vision and work of David Chadwick. David has another lifetime of Suzuki Roshi projects in the works, but he needs our support to move ahead. He certainly has all of my support.

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