Good People

podcast links go to Cuke Podcast host, Podbean. For other platforms see Cuke Podcast page
(cp) with someone's name means to make a cuke page for them


Ann OvertonAnn Overton (cp) practiced with Shunryu Suzuki and Richard Baker and with Sekkei Harada in Japan at Hoshinji. - cuke podcast 🔊 - On the death of Connie Lueck - Other cuke pages Ann's name is on.


Doris WolterDoris Wolter has been active in European, especially German Buddhism for decades. She is a student of Khentse Norbu and arranged for Crooked Cucumber to be republished in German by Manjughosha asKrumme Gurke –Leben und Lehre des Zen-Meisters Shunryu Suzuki. Twelve years or so ago I attended a seminar led by Richard Baker and David Schneider that Doris hosted for the German Buddhist Union. Recently she was in Bali for a solo retreat and Katrinka and I were fortunate to meet with her a number of times.- dc
cuke podcast 🔊 - Kyentse Foundation page for Doris
Losing the Clouds, Gaining the Sky: Buddhism and the Natural Mind - Amazon link


Charlie Korin Pokorny is now a teacher at the Brooklyn Zen Center. He and his wife Sarah were head teachers at Stone Creek Zen in Sebastopol, CA, for 8 years. He was at the SFZC, mainly Tassajara and Green Gulch farm, for 12 years during which time he and Timothy O'Conner Fraser got Shunryu Suzuki lecture audio and transcripts up on the SFZC website. He teaches at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley—and he's done a lot more but you can get at least some of that from his Cuke Podcast 🔊.

Other cuke pages Charlie's name is on


Michael Papas came to the San Francisco Zen Center in 1980 at the age of 25 ready to kill himself if Zen didn't work. Thus begins his way-seeking mind story. - Hear about it at his Cuke Podcast 🔊.

Michael has sent notes to cuke and we've had some contact in the past but in 2023 we had a lot of contact after he sent DC a Messenger message with photos of the first fundraising brochure for Zen Mt. Center. We didn't have it. He was traveling then but months later returned to Portland and sent some good photos of it which are now at the page for the early fundraising posters and brochures that helped the SFZC buy Tassajara.

Other cuke pages with Michael Papas name


Danny Parker is a Zen Priest in Florida who studied at the SFZC when he was 21 then got involved with Zen again years later, becoming a student and dharma heir of Ed Brown. He recently edited a book of Ed's lectures called The Most Important Point. He's done and is doing a lot more. - his Cuke Podcast 🔊

Congratulations on receiving transmission from Ed Brown

Other cuke pages with Danny Parker's name


Rico Provasoli came to the SF Zen Center in 1971 to visit his brother Paul Provasoli who'd been there already a year or two. Rico got a taste of Tassajara and set out on a long path that took him to many teachers and places. He's written two books: Please Don't Tell My Guru and Golf Between the Ears. His website is For the last couple of decades he's been a student of Cheri Huber. Rico's Essay page11-23-26 with "The Great Return" the latest one.

Cuke Podcast with Rico 🔊

Hiding Out with the Enemy: a Zen Carpenter's Tale - Blog post on this book.

Other cuke pages with Rico Provasoli's name

Other poepole with podcasts but no cuke page

Gloria Simoneaux
Howard Klein
John Bailes
David Sunseri
Len Brackett
Jon Joseph
Charles Hoy
Gaetano Kazuo Maida
Mystie Brackett
Natalie Goldberg
Eugene Bush
John Palmer
Michael Phillips
Nicole Baden
Charles Hoy
Joan Amaral
Warren Lynn
Jerry Ray
Danny Parker
Fred Harriman

Queue -
Tom Ninkovich

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