from Mel Weitsman's archives. Thanks Liz

in Lulu.com Shop here
This is the first collection of Stan White's ink drawings
to ever be published. The drawings chosen by the editor, Donnalynn
Chase, capture the essence of Soto Zen practice. Not only are his sumi-e
"cartoons" skillfully composed, they are insightful tidbits of the early
days of Zen in America. The forty-two black and white drawings by Stan
White contained in this book span from 1978 to 2008 and depict numerous
aspects of practice. Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi, White's teacher, helped
to establish the majority of the temples reflected in the drawings .
Whether or not you are a Zen student, chances are that you will enjoy
the candor and spirit of Stan White's Zen drawings.
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