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Sangha News See Gene's 3/09 notes and photos
The weather has finally begun to hit Tassajara (Mostly in the mountains) After a setback with a burned out Maple stump (removed by Antoine) Bill's crew made great progress on the stone wall between the Pool and the Yurts. The footprint of the Bath House was widened to accomodate wheelchairs. The foundation piers are all set at the Birdhouse and several of the grade beams have been placed. Every single piece of material must be lugged up to the tiny perch and placed perfectly and firmy on the precipice. David and Gene finalized the flooring and exterior wainscotting materials. My drive out of Tassajara on Thursday was spectacular......the enormous area of the burn was blanketed with a beautiful white icing........the power of nature is amazing. " EVERY STEP IS A THOUGHT Later Gene sent this: Here's some additional snow shots from Tassajara The spector of black charred trees and bushes covered with white snow was wonderful and awe inspiring......that stark silence on the mountain is always with me ! See the photos posted today. 02/07/09 - NOTES and photos FROM TASSAJARA from GENE DESMIDT WE ARE AGAIN LIVING WITH THE MONKS AT TASSAJARA DURING WINTER PRACTICE PERIOD. MY CREW AND I ARE RE-BUILDING THE BIRD HOUSE AND POOL SIDE BATH HOUSE THAT WERE DESTROYED IN THE FIRE LAST SUMMER. AFTER DRAGGING BAGS OF CONCRETE AND BEAMS UP THE 85 STEPS TO THE BIRD HOUSE SITE JUNE AND GRETCHIN HAVE LAYED OUT AND HAND POURED HALF OF THE PIERS FOR THE CANTILEVERED DECK AND CABIN FOUNDATION. BILL STEELE AND CREW (CHRIS - NICK - SEAN) ARE BUILDING A STONE WALL AT THE BASE OF THE HILL BETWEEN THE YURTS AND THE POOL. THE NEW BATH HOUSE FOUNDATION WILL BE FORMED AND POURED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THIS WALL. STEVE Stucky (THE ABBOT) AND DAVID ZIMMERMAN (THE DIRECTOR) HAVE BEEN ACTING AS ON SITE DESIGN REVIEWERS AND INSPECTORS. THE WEATHER WAS WET THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AND THE ROAD WAS A SEA OF SLOP.... TO BE CONTINUED..... AS THE MORNING SUN Click thumbnails to enlarge 2-18-09 Tassajara Photos (date posted)
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