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12-11-08 - An invitation from Tensho David Schneider to join with him and others who knew Philip Whalen to spend an evening sharing memories of Philip. Philip Whalen on cuke In one month, we'll be holding a little gathering at the home of Wendy Johnson and Peter Rudnick, to talk about Philip Whalen the zen student. The specifics are: Sunday, January 11, 2009. I've had a chance to interview some of you individually, and look forward to doing more of same in the future. The idea here was that a group gathering could spark memories and perspectives that might not otherwise arise. It also just might be fun to be together for this reason. This is ultimately part of my research for Philip's biography, to be published by University of California Press. So I'll be there with my trusty iPod, hoping you won't mind my recording your good Philip stories. Some of you are far from Muir Beach, but still, I wanted to let you know. I'm very aware that I'm only sending this notice to a fraction of the group who have good stories about practicing together with Philip. Therefore, I encourage you most heartily to spread the word to others who should be invited. Please, please, let anyone know that if they have something to tell about practicing with Philip, I'm totally interested. They would be most welcome to attend. Failing that, I'm reachable at the coordinates at the bottom of this mail. Wendy says she'll make a big black-bean chili. I will bring some liquid refreshment, but it might be good for us all to bring a *little* Something, no? I SO hope to see you there. Tensho David Schneider *Wendy says: "Parking is tight in Muir Beach so please suggest that friends park on the Muir Woods road and walk over to our place, and if anyone needs directions they can give me a call at 415-383-3709."
David Schneider |
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