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Philip Whalen Main Page
Celebrating the release of The
Collected Poems of Philip Whalen
Reed College, Eliot Chapel, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd., Portland, OR Saturday, March 29th, 7:30PM Free and open to the public. A reception will follow the event. For more information call 503-777-7755 or e-mail Participants will include Pancho Savery, Michael Rothenberg, David Meltzer, David Abel, Terri Carrion, Hammond Guthrie, Rodney Koeneke, Moshe Lenske, Kaia Sand, Lindsay Hill, and Gay Walker. ------------------------------------------------------- The mountain is THERE (between two lakes) I brought back a piece of its rock Heavy dark-honey color With a seam of crystal, some of the quartz Stained by its matrix Practically indestructible A shift from opacity to brilliance (The Zenbos say, "Lightning-flash & flint-spark") Like the mountains where it was made What we see of the world is the mind's Invention and the mind Though stained by it, becoming Rivers, sun, mule-dung, flies— Can shift instantly A dirty bird in a square time Gone Gone REALLY gone Into the cool O MAMA! Like they say, "Four times up, Three times down." I'm still on the mountain. —from Sourdough Mountain Lookout - thanks, Howie Klein for sending this
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