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50th Anniversary
Starting this section 4-17-12
Zen Center 50 - SFZC's website for this year's events
4-17-12 -
On the SFZC's 50th anniversary,
DC reflects on why the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki is thriving.
(Posting this in Brief Memories) Got some ideas for this section like presenting a complete listing of groups and teachers in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage. Mainly will be linking to outside sources - dc From past posts 3-14-12 - Huffington Post has an article on the SFZC 50th. Guee I've got to start a cuke page on this. - dc - thanks Howie 3-13-12 - Two articles on the SFZC's 50th anniversary this year and a bit on a visit with Grahame Petchey who took care of the business necessary to make the SFZC an entity.
SFZC's 50 Years of Opening Hearts, Minds, Fifty years of the
San Francisco Zen Center A Visit with Grahame Petchey and a Suzuki Roshi calligraphy. Zen Center 50 - SFZC's website for this year's events starting with