Edward Brown barred from Teaching at SFZC
Edward Brown page
and Edward's Peaceful Sea Sangha
page created October 5, 2018
Podcast 🔊 In this 2024 podcast Ed talks about his banishment from doing any teaching at ZC.
3/1/2025 Edward Brown returns to SFZC for a Livestream Dharma Talk, Online and Onsite

Lichen Browns open letter to the abbots and abbesses of the SFZC - on Google Docs
The letter of complaint: Troubling Experience at Green Gulch - PDFLetter from SFZC abbesses and abbot to Edward (below)
Ed Brown's response to letter from SFZC abbesses and abbot (below)
10-11-18 - Leadership Statement Regarding Edward Brown
sent out by ZC on Sangha News and shared on Facebook
Comments from Others on this situation
Green Gulch Farm July 18, 2018 Edward Brown one day
sitting audio
do not include notation of Ed's frequent laughs while speaking)
audio 1
- two poems after the first period of sitting (3:31)
Transcription (Transcriptions PDF with OCR)
audio 2
- orientation after first sitting and kinhin (14:35)
audio 3
- (informal) outside in the former pool area (26:32)
audio 4
- Dharma talk (48:13) -
Excerpts from the Audio
Troubling excerpt 1 from Audio 2 -
(1:55) (from about 8:30 minutes in)
Troubling excerpt 2 from Audio 3 -
Zendo Attire
(2:00) (follows Jack Elias excerpt below) (from 32:57)
transcript of the troubling excerpts
(see Letter of Complaint for what troubled the writer about these two stories)
2 bonus excerpts not complained
Schedule comment (:27)
and On Working
with Jack Elias (7:57)
Listen to Edwards lectures at his
Peaceful Sea
Sangha Website
Edward sent this piece of his published in Buddhadharma fall 2013: Rules to Live By
DC offering: Any talk of this decision being permanent is meaningless. Nothing is permanent in Zen Center and I don't mean that in a cosmic way. Any decision can be changed at any time. And this is all obviously in process. I can think of several times when I was permanently banned from this or that at Zen Center and nothing came of any of it. When Kelly was a kid, Baker Roshi got mad at him and told him he could never come back. Kelly didn't cry. They made up the next day.
You Woke? (BBC video) which has been shared with me multiple times on Facebook. ZC is woke!
Letter from SFZC abbesses and abbot to Edward
September 26, 2018
Dear Ed,
We have received your emails in response to our
request to meet to discuss with you the situation that had arisen due to a
complaint that we had received from a person who attended your recent Saturday
Sitting at Green Gulch. We are sorry that it has taken several days to
respond to you.
Linda Ruth Cutts
Ed Sattizahn
Fu Schroeder
Tenshin Anderson
Sojun Weitsman
Linda Galijan
Steve Weintraub
Ed Brown's response to letter from SFZC abbesses and abbot
Dear Friends,
I was shocked and hurt by your letter, because it
struck me that you were assuming that I was being irresponsible and causing harm
with careless speech--without first checking with
We are living in a different era. I have no problem
I offer teaching and talks where and when I am
invited and welcomed to do so. As caretakers of Zen Center it is certainly your
prerogative to decide who teaches there and who doesn't. So in that regard I
place myself in your hands,
I may have missed my chance to speak with you. Should
you reconsider in the near or long-term future having a meeting with me, I would
welcome such an
We have not seen each other face to face very often,
and it would be a shame to have our view
There is a lot we can all learn in these changing
times about how to relate with one another with
Again, again we come and go,
changed, changing. Hands
join, unjoin in love and fear,
grief and joy. The circles turn,
each giving in to each, into all.