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12-18-08 - Holliday Gifts and Food for Wounded Knee - Beverly (Horowitz) Morris Armstrong send this message about helping out the Indians Some new people are working with this this year, both in Colorado and Wounded Knee, so i'd like to help them out. Post whatever of this you think is appropriate. This particular effort is a communty-wide winter drive for Lakota families at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, an 8-hour drive from Boulder but a 3rd world country within U.S. borders. The shocking statistic--beyond even 94% unemployment--is that life expectancy for men--on all the northern and western reservations, and there are many--is 48, slightly higher for women. On Dec. 21, we'll load up trucks with new gifts for children, coats and other winter gear, special teen and elder gifts, and food for a community dinner at Wounded Knee; these are given by the Boulder Shambhala Meditation Center, Unity Church, 2 schools, and just the good people of Boulder, as well as local businesses. I'm attaching our flyer and food needs list. Am particularly worried this year because everyone is feeling the economics of the moment, but the reality is, if we are hurting, people who are poor are hurting more. If anyone would like to offer anything, please email me ('m blatantly asking for money or pledges at this late hour. Any extra money goes into a propane and winter emergency fund at Wounded Knee, particularly for elders and families with young children. love, beverly (morris (horowitz) armstrong) May all beings be peaceful. TIYOSPAYE (tee-OH-shpah) means “extended family of brothers and sisters” in Lakota. Tiyospaye volunteers collect gifts, winter gear & food for a community dinner to honor and help our brothers and sisters at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge Reservation. WHAT IS NEEDED: ★ NEW ITEMS for GIFTS, for infants through elders. If you wrap (which helps us), please label SECURELY with age/gender/size/description of contents. Games, toys, books, art & craft supplies, sports equipment, clothing, personal, household items. Teens: clothes, jewelry, basketballs, electronics. Elders: blankets, lotion, socks. ★ COATS, BLANKETS, BOOTS, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, and other warm winter gear (lightly used & cleaned ok). ★ FOOD for a COMMUNITY DINNER at Wounded Knee: turkeys, stuffing, cranberries, etc. (see reverse for full list). Call us to pledge perishable food. ★ We also need and gratefully receive money donations, for gas, truck rental, wrapping paper, undonated food and gifts. DROP-OFF LOCATIONS (through Dec. 21): ★ UNITY CHURCH, Folsom & Valmont, Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Please bag or box donations and label WOUNDED KNEE. ★ GRANDRABBITS TOY SHOPPE, 2525 Arapahoe, in the Village Shopping Ctr. ★ BOULDER SHAMBHALA MEDITATION CENTER. Please bring a wrapped gift to the Solstice Celebration, Sun., Dec. 21. A personal gift card, esp. from a child or teen, is always an uplifting touch. New this year!--we have a drop box near the reception desk at the center, now through the Solstice, if you canʼt be at the celebration or just have a lot more to give! For other drop-off sites, questions, to donate large items, perishable food, or to offer time, money, or transportation, please contact David: 303-926-0503,, or Beverly, FOOD NEEDS FOR WOUNDED KNEE COMMUNITY DINNER FOR THE “CANDY BAGS,” given to each child and elder; each contains candy, dried fruit, nuts, peanuts, as well as an apple, an orange, and a small token gift: Christmas candy 25 lbs. Raisins, dried fruits 25 lbs Peanuts, in shell 50 lbs Other nuts 25 lbs Paper lunch bags 400 FOR THE DINNER: Turkeys 15 Stuffing 20 bags/boxes Cranberries 20 bags Eggs 12 dozen Cake mixes 20 boxes, assorted Frosting 20 cans, assorted Mayonnaise 6 qts Pickles 6 qts. Flour 100 lbs. Sugar 20 lbs. Shortening 15 lbs. Baking powder 5 cans Pie filling 12 cans/jars Jello 20 boxes, assorted Canned fruit 20 cans, assorted Coffee 5 lbs., ground Apple juice 15 gals. Paper plates 400 Paper cups 300 Paper hot cups 100 Plastic forks and spoons 400 each Aluminum roasting pans 15 Aluminum pie pans 15 Napkins 400 trash bags 2 boxes We also bring up cases or oranges, apples, potatoes, and other veggies—given by a generous produce company in Denver |
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