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Getting Celsius and Fahrenheit straight
redone 7-09-14 - A bit writ on this

Temperature converter and some history

The chart I made for myself goes from 10 to 40 Celsius for Asia. All I have to do is remember any point and add or subtract 9 to/from Fahrenheit for every 5 Celsius and 1.8 for every degree if desired (mostly rounding to 2). Easier than the 5/9  times or 9/5 times + or -32

Centigrade       Fahrenheit

-89.2           -128.6 (lowest recorded - Vostok Station Antarctica)

-40                   -40 (meeting point)

-30                  -22

-20                    -4

-10                    14

-5                      23

0                       32

5                       41

10                     50

15                     59

20                     68

25                     77

30                     86

35                     95

40                   104

45                   113

50                   122

55                   131

56.7                134  (highest recorded - Furnace Creek, Death Valley, CA

100                 212


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