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Kelly Chadwick
Spirit Pruners ------------ DC family
That's a link to the podcast on Cuke Podcast home, Podbean. For links to the podcast on other platforms go to the Cuke Podcast page or search for “Cuke Audio Podcast” in your favorite podcast app.
4-07-16 - Leaf, Root, Fungi, Fruit - Edibles. Kelly's brief articles for Out There Monthly dot com on edible plants and mushrooms in the forest. He lives in Spokane, Washington.
5-11-14 - Congratulations to Kelly Chadwick on becoming an ISA certified, a Certified Arborist, an international certification. When in Spokane, get your tree work done by Spirit Pruners. 3-15-14 - Kelly Chadwick left the wine biz last year to pursue his passion of working with trees. Check out Spirit Pruners.
Here’s I am pruning an English Walnut at a fabulous farm by the border with Canada last Spring. Headed back there and two other neighboring farms next week. The area is beautiful and filled with wildlife that travels around me while working. Last year, along with many other creatures, a Sharp Shinned Hawk landed next to me with a bird in it’s talons and spent a couple minutes subduing it’s prey before flying off.
Decomposition: Fungi Inspired Poems - a collection of poetry Kelly and Renee put together. Kelly Lives! by his mother Daya and me. A couple of cool photos of Kelly and Kelly and Renee on this page
Kelly Chadwick with his partner of twenty years or so - Renee Roehl Kelly and Renee are no longer a couple but remain good friends as of sometime before mid 2015.
Kelly's nervy letter to clients and wine biz associates on why they should vote for Obama in 2008.
Kelly and I had just driven in with baby Clay from Santa Fe where we'd
shaved our heads at a party of young people Kelly's age (19). July 1993. -
photo by Raymond Rimmer This page started 3-15-14 |