cuke bibliography books by DC

Cuke Press
Click on book titles to go to their page
These books are distributed by Ingram Books
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Goods page
Linked, fictional, short stories, set in Zen centers and Tibetan vajrayana meditation communities. What happens when Westerners—young, earnest, often amorous women and men—set out on the Buddhist spiritual path? What happens when scores of them end up living together in the same building or neighborhood for meditation? In these uncensored tales of the practice world, such seekers often have to make it up as they go, integrating classical wisdom with modern reality. This includes their own playful or unruly energies. Guided by (mostly) Asian teachers, they do what they can to faithfully live the tradition, learn about themselves, and about one another. What results is a comedy of manners.
Goods is a Cuke Press-DE book - DE stands for Germany
The Moneyya Chronicles:
Selected Poems and Musings
by Bhikkhu Moneyya
with original color artwork from Bali
Amazon link
Published July 2019
Page for this book
by Marilyn McDonald with a foreword and afterword by David Chadwick
Amazon link
Press page with basic description of book.
Date of publication November 19, 2018
Three books from DC available from Cuke Press in August, 2019
These three were originally published by Speir
Publications which is no more.
Paul Speir got them ready to be Cuke Press books.
an illustrated novel - with songs - set in Western Australia
first published in 2008 by Speir Publications
by DC
Color Dreams for To Find the Girl from Perth
with full page color illustrations
by Andrew Atkeison
aside quotes from the novel by DC
first published in 2008 by Speir Publications
Amazon link

The, the Book
by DC
first published in 2011 by Speir Publications as The by Chavid Dadwick
Amazon link
Hit them links and check 'em out.
Cuke Press (LLC) was founded by DC with Lawrence Burns, son of Marilyn McDonald in order to publish A Brief History of Tassajara which was compiled from her scrapbook. DC is the Poobah and Lawrence Burns is the treasurer.