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3-14-08 - A message from Brother Lor Planet in crisis, Truth eclipsed, justice in jeopardy, earthlings in despair---time for the Bodhisattvas! And -will miracles never cease- they're here, doing their thing. Celebrity Oprah Winfrey, is featuring a 10 week course on the new shift in consciousness with spiritual master, Eckhart Tolle, using his book as the text, A NEW EARTH: "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose." This revolution is being televised/["a webisar"] using cutting edge Skype technology to produce a world-wide, INTERACTIVE event. Dharma transmission is being given freely to the several millions in Oprah's audience---if they're ready, willing, and able. Calls are coming in from all over the world: Germany, India, Qatar, besides Borders Bookstore in Chicago. This is BIG. Like the appearance of Suzuki Roshi or Trungpa Rinpoche in the '60's. A big, green field is opening to provide the platform for a leap into the next tier of consciousness, and the evolution revolution. OPRAH.COM, Mondays, 8pm central time. You can go to the website and watch the previous shows. Enjoy! Yours in the revolution, Lor ________________________ |
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