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'Ananda's Wondrous Two-footed Capability' -Case XII of the Slippery Rock Collection - sent by Brit Pyland (2-20-08)Pointer: If you can connect right here, there is no need to walk anywhere The Case: Some years ago at a meeting of the Buddhist Council of Northern California held at Green Gulch Farm, there was a discussion among the gathered representatives about how to further communication between Sanghas of the various traditions. Ananda Dalenberg said, "Humans have a wondrous two-footed capability." He then arose from his seat and energetically strode across the room to shake hands with Reverend Laverne Sasaki. The Great Assembly rejoiced and took this teaching to heart. Commentary: Some time earlier, Ananda gave a Saturday morning dharma talk at SF Zen Center. He simply taught the students to recite the Three Refuges in Pali:
Buddham saranam gacchami I go to the Buddha for refuge. Dhammam saranam gacchami I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Sangham saranam gacchami I go to the Sangha for refuge.
Dutiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Dutiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Sangha for refuge.
Tatiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. Tatiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Tatiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Sangha for refuge
The Assembly was amazed.
Brit's letter then included Parting with Claude Dalenberg by Gary Snyder |
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