- an archival site on the life and world of Shunryu Suzuki and those who knew
him and anything else DC feels like - originally a site for
Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki
|HOME| what was new | table of contents | Shunryu Suzuki Index | donate | | interviews | suzuki lectures bibliography | articles/excerpts | CukeSanghaNews | Death & Dying | SFZC | Suzuki Archives Projects | CurrentEvents\EngagedBuddhism | ThankYouandOK! | links | comments | Photos | and lots more if you look around like Zen Aluminati-visiting-our-friends. And then there's the Cuke Basket. Contact DC [persevere]| Dharma groups in or related to Shunryu Suzuki's lineage | a few more links at bottom | | | SFZC Bookstore| How to donate to this site and the work DC does| GOALS for 2008
SSLP - To Preserve and Deliver Supporters and Advisors - past present and future
Shunryu Suzuki Oral and Written History Project Working Papers for A preliminary report on the scope of work that’s been done and to do For the Shunryu Suzuki Legacy Project 5-28-08 Introduction
Introduction The work on the report on the state of the Shunryu Suzuki archives has been so demanding that I do not have a complete report on the Shunryu Suzuki Oral and Written History Project, but here are some working papers - looking at this work from different angles. Searching for a name – it’s oral and written history. There is so much material with so many ways to look at it and organize it and so much to do that prioritizing must be ongoing. This history is not only of Shunryu Suzuki, but of those who knew him and what was happening around them. In interviewing people I ask them not only for their memories of Suzuki but of what else stands out from those times. Also – what brought them there and what has happened since. What did they get out of it and what was lacking. But there’s more to it than interviews. I want to keep doing this work for a while longer and leave it organized so that others can work with it. Up to now - Related tasks I’ve worked on for the past fifteen years
Shunryu Suzuki lecture archiving Crooked Cucumber Internet - Goals * Continue keeping up with older students, alumni * Go through interviews, notes, outside material, and read all SS lectures and come up with new materials. + Roku – selected memories and stories a new book like ZIRH in 2 years – 125 stories and memories
provide a preview of these for 50 year event booklet + Interviews -
+ Notes – organize thousands of notes, papers, letters, emails + Disciples and closet student interview and profile project * – see appendixes Organize, develop, improve searchability, add chat function, blogware Add substantial amount of material about Shunryu Suzuki Add substantial amount of material about those who knew Suzuki * Reread all Suzuki lectures
* Write "Notes on Crooked Cucumber" from all this material – a much more extensive, thorough look at the life and Zen teaching of Shunryu Suzuki. Include index to Crooked Cucumber and Notes to Crooked Cucumber, maps, other supplemental materials. Quantification Estimates Interviews in DC archive with people who knew or met Shunryu Suzuki Interviews presently on 113 - 13 page average = 1500 pages In US 92 With Japanese 21 Number of interviews in main interview folders yet to be edited and put on – [this number was a mistake - have to go back and count - maybe 30] Taped interviews not transcribed - 6 Interviews from notes not yet entered onto disk 25 New Interviews to Do - 300 Brief memories, Suzuki stories presently on – 120 No. of Handwritten Notes to transcribe other than interviews Including from emails, letters, and othe sources - 2500 From existing materials No. of 1st Class Teaching Stories (comparable to Zen Is Right Here) 120 No. of 2nd Class anecdotes 200 No. of other stories 1000 Work Category & Description - Estimated hours - Assistant hours Organizing and sorting through Boxes, notes, physical materials - 100 - 40 Auditing, Categorizing Files - 100 - 40 Editing Existing Transcriptions - 300 - 300 Conduct New Interviews - 1000 -100 Transcribe New Interviews - 500 - 500 Other work not thought of right now - 1000 - 1000 Existing interviews need more editing - 100 - 100 Sample of notes of things to do * Shunryu Suzuki lecture archive work and plan for finding other tapes and lectures * Write Richard Baker – send donation * Write Yvonne Rand again * Write Del Carlson and Huston – update on this stuff, call Elsie, * Visit Grahame Petchey Thursday (just saw Della) * Organize materials and office more – do a little every day. * Photocopy all items that have no copies from storage. * Scan some of what needs to be scanned. * Visit Vera Dalenberg to get his papers and publications (Cloud Hidden Friends Newsletter etc) for archive. Look for other materials.Talk about what to do with Ananda’s library. * Communicate with those with Betty Warren’s materials and papers. * Work on compilation of mentions of Shunryu Suzuki in published material – books and magazine articles. * Computer and software ongoing maintenance * get outtakes from Alumni video * get transcript of Suzuki Sati conference * Sherry - Paul Disco's book and Live Edge * Call JJ Wilson for more material on Phillip * Transcribe last notes on Niels Holm * breck jones interviewed seijo tsuji who says he has photos of phillip wilson * Copy Grahame Petchey’s Eiheiji diary and photo album * Email Robert Quagliata * Carl Bielefeldt * Does John Palmer have film with Suzuki in it? * Retranslate Ogui article on Suzuki – rescan those photos * Dan Welch interview work * Deborah Madison and Pat McFarlin interview work *Interview Suzuki’s doctor – just got an email from a friend of his A Brief Look at [If you're looking at this from the internet then you could always go to the origen for these pages, the actual table of contents with links and more listings. This is just to show what was in my report. Table of Contents alphabetical folders – a glimpse at cuke – lots not covered by this outline based on subjects in folders missing lots of important subject in files (Zen) Aluminati - keeping up with each other Early Tassajara Alumni Alumni memorial page Grahame Petchey and son Mark The Monk with Dysentery see Sangha News below Archive Projects - mainly about archiving Shunryu Suzuki lectures and fundraising efforts to keep up the work to preserve his legacy - like this web site and the oral and written history of his students and more. Letters of support. Lots of old stuff. Nothing much about what's happening now. Bibliography – see page on this BPZ - Back Porch Zendo - a page for a tiny zendo in Occidental CA Comments - this was a busy section at first but not so much in recent years because it was too much work and what is used tends to show up in other places. Eric Arnow's Letters from Thailand and Burma the main thing recently. Contents - the section this page is in. See Comments on Contents. Contests - there have been three. They're fun to read about. Should do more. Crooked Cucumber - biography of Shunryu Suzuki Cucumber Project – see page on this Current Events/Engaged Buddhsim - Many sub pages and links, for instance: Dchad Misc - various ramblings of DC DC Books Some DC Writings on this site About DC -"Years of expensive Zen training gone to waste" Family and Friends - just getting started Death and Dying Santhara - fasting to death Development - GOALS for 2008 Digressions - everything not related to Zen or Suzuki in any particular way. Many links. Excerpts/Articles - by others on Buddhism and this and that - also see Other section below Fundraising - proposal of October 2005 to raise money to support the Zen Alumbrella which includes this site. Also, May 2005 how to donate to this site and work DC does. Links - to related and some not so related web sights. - dharma groups in Suzuki's lineage - web sites by alums LTWA - The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives Miscellaneous Files in New - What's new now with links to what was new before. A way to see how this site grew and developed. This is the most important page to use to keep up with what's happening with this site. Others - various contributions by others - as of 12/07 Photos - a section that should be developed. There are photos all over but no way to know where to go except for here and it's not much help. Sangha News Kobun Chino RIP Philip Whalen RIP Niels Holm RIP Suzuki Roshi birthday bash Early Tassajara Alumni Reunion see Zen Aluminati above Thank You and OK! an American Zen Failure in Japan - DC's first book. New edition published by Shambhala The Arts - new - 08 Art art - new 3-08 - Michael Wenger/Michael Sawyer/Maymi Oda/Pat McFarlin/others and more to come Film-video - new 2-08 - Shunryu Suzuki/How to Cook Your Life/DT Suzuki/Tass Alumni Reunion Music - new 2-08 - Lew Richmond/Ben Gustin/Suzuki by Tosca Writing - new 4-08 Brian Victoria - the conscience of Japanese Zen exposing a dark side. Zen is Right Here, Shambhala, fall 2007 - vignettes on Suzuki by DC Index Page - cuke dot com's home page.
From Cucumber Project - preserving the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki Interviews - lots of them - of people who knew or studied with Shunryu Suzuki or who at least were around. Includes many interviews with Japanese family and associates. Lectures - just a few Shunryu Suzuki lectures with a new one going up about once a month and the old one coming down because SFZC doesn't want to post a bunch of them on the web as yet. There are a few lectures of special interest that stay. Suzuki quotes in Crooked Cucumber with link to more. Brief Memories - of Shunryu Suzuki Mitsu - Mitsu Suzuki Sensei, Shunryu's widow Other - So far just sections on people from back then Ananda Claude Dalenberg - early Zen, Pure Land Buddhis Elsie Mitchell - a matriarch of American Buddhism Koshin Ogui - Jodo Shinshu priest, bishop Betty Warren - RIP - one of the first students Hoitsu Suzuki - Shunryu's son, dharma heir, in Japan Niels Holm - Danish builder, thinker, visionary, artist Phillip Wilson - athlete, artist, monk, much more Shunryu Info - links to brief bio, chronology of his life, excerpts from books and articles by others, more Crooked Cucumber Comes to America - Suzuki's life Shunryu Letters Shunryu on Shunryu – interviews, lectures Suzuki on his life Stories - of Suzuki mainly. See the newer Brief Memories.
From Shunryu Suzuki Index
Brief Bio of Shunryu Suzuki Chronology of Shunryu Suzuki's life Shunryu on Shunryu – see page on this Crooked Cucumber Comes to America - (almost) 3300 word story of Suzuki's life. Suzuki Stories Brief Memories of Shunryu Suzuki Core Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki Audio and video featuring Shunryu Suzuki Suzuki Lectures and Quotes, comments on a few topics, correspondence. Shunryu Suzuki on War and Peace Shunryu Suzuki in Thank You and OK! December 2006 Wikipedia Entry on Shunryu Suzuki Excerpts about or mentioning Shunryu Suzuki from other books Bibliography of this site. Also, see articles. Dharma groups in or related to Shunryu Suzuki's lineage (online or off). Interviews with those who knew Suzuki or who at least were around - in America and Japan. Suzuki Archives Projects Photograph Gallery Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche on Shunryu Suzuki Roshi Memorial 12 part series by Rev. Koshin Ogui, Bishop of Jodo-shin-shu on Shunryu Suzuki Shunryu Suzuki 100th Birthday Bash Hoitsu Suzuki - Shunryu's eldest son Zen is Right Here, Shambhala, fall 2007 - vignettes on Suzuki by DC a list of Suzuki disciples - those ordained by him as priests - starting with what practice periods at Tassajara they were shuso Buddhist groups and teachers in Shunryu Suzuki's Lineage or closely related Shunryu on Drugs and Alcohol See b&w video footage of Shunryu Suzuki. Were Shunryu or Mitsu Suzuki American citizens? From Shunryu on Shunryu * Peter Schneider's Interview one with Suzuki - Redican transcript of DC's transcription. * Shunryu Suzuki Lecture on why he became a priest and came to America * Peter Schneider's Interview two with Suzuki * Peter Schneider's Interview three with Suzuki during the regular Sunday lecture * Suzuki's Curriculum Vitae * Shunryu Suzuki on his life in Japan - composite made around 1999 from Peter's Schneider's interviews. * Shunryu Suzuki on his life in America - composite made around 1999 from Peter's Schneider's interviews. * Shunryu Suzuki & Richard Baker on Pacifica Radio about Zen Mt. Center.
From Bibliography – a long list of books that mention Suzuki or which are by those who knew him or related in some way started with a bibliography of Crooked Cucumber but now that's just a link on this page. Lots of links. Special Sections Roundabout Zen - Recollections of Zentatsu Baker Roshi Shunryu Suzuki books - by (from lectures) and about Suzuki Books by Dainin Katagiri - compilations of his lectures Ed Brown Books Lew Richmond Books Dchad books - books by creator of this web site Taigen Dan Leighton Books John Tarrant Books Norman Fischer Books Red Pine (Bill Porter) Books Shoes Outside the Door - comments and discussion Way of Eiheiji - the pamphlet that came with the Folkways Album. Way of Zazen - this whole short book. Reb Anderson’s and other people’s books are listed on the main bibliography page. These special sections are not at all complete. It’s just what I got to. Don’t think of anything on cuke as complete. There’s lots of work to do. |
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