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Crooked Cucumber -- Magatta Kyuri -- Hoitsu Suzuki
Hoitsu Suzuki’s
Introduction to Magatta Kyuri translated by Fred Harriman
There are books on the history of the World, and
there are national histories written about countries. And tales of temples and
of their origins have also been left to us. It is natural to want to know about
the considerable number of people who have had an impact on our world — their
character and their humanity. At first, when Crooked Cucumber was
completed and a copy was sent to me, I was unfortunately unable to comprehend
its contents because it was written in English. Some years after its
publication, a few members of the Takakusayama gathering came to visit me at
Rinsoin. Among them was Mr. Sadayoshi Asaoka, who upon seeing the newly issued
book immediately sat down to read a few pages and then said with a sparkle in
his eye: “I really want to translate this — it’s so interesting.” I responded:
“Oh please do! I would love it if you were to do that for us.” A few months
later Mr. Asaoka’s translation of the book arrived. I read it while revising
according to the standard kanji characters and terminology used in Buddhism, and
was able for the first time to relate to the book’s contents. Stanford University Professor Carl Bielefeldt in the
United States was the first to attempt to depict a personal history and
biography of Shunryu Suzuki, but his work seems to have been premature in
various aspects, and it did not reach completion.* Yet David Chadwick would step
up, and having understood the manifold wishes and hopes of Americans, he took on
this project, and overcoming many difficulties he began work on what would
become Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki in its
original English Edition and later on in this edition translated into Japanese.
I am certain that in that path to publication he faced problems that were not to
be expected. In particular, I refer to Shunryu’s itinerant days in Japan and his
complicated personal relationships. In order to research these comprehensively
David traveled to Japan repeatedly, and he probably had to make repeated
inquiries in this process. I must take this opportunity to express my respect
for his efforts and his persistence. David’s research described a profile of Shunryu
Suzuki that even I as his son and his student did not know about. It was an
unexpected surprise. Shunryu rarely attempted to talk to his children about his
own past. I cannot say why, but probably, if he were to talk to us about the
likely complicated life when he was younger… maybe he thought that the right
timing was needed for us to understand things… or maybe he just didn’t know what
subject to start with. In any event, Shunryu, my father and my master, was not
known to me in any great detail. While I read the translation, the effect of the
book was to bring my father Shunryu before my very eyes as he hustled about here
and there. I was able to meet Shunryu as a young monk, energetically attending
to his projects. In 1958, two years before my father left for the
United States, we took a train on the Tokaido Line to go to Tokyo for my
entrance exam to enter Komazawa University. On the way, somewhere as we passed
through Hiratsuka, he suddenly murmured: “I was born on the other side of that
mountain.” I think I just mumbled something like “Oh…” He didn’t say anything
more than that, and I didn’t make any effort to ask about it either. I simply
wondered what my father’s childhood days were like, and thought that he was
probably musing about all of the ups and downs of that time in his life. And
even after he left for America, he spoke little of any sort of difficulties or
problems he may have been facing at the time – much less about any successes
that he may have been having. He would say simply: “Americans understand and
practice Zen well, even better than Japanese do.” And now, as his student, I am happy to be able to
learn more about my father thanks to the publication of the Japanese Edition of
Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki.
Furthermore, the book provides not simply a personal history and biography, but
it also serves as a collection of sayings thanks to David’s clever style and
organization of the book. Shunryu Suzuki’s existence as a person who practiced
and taught about Zen may be talked about in the future. And he may be completely
forgotten by all. But I think that he himself did not concern himself at all
with such outcomes. The only thing he was concerned about was whether the path
of Harmony and Stillness that is Zen will be spread far and wide among the
peoples of the World. As of this writing, twenty years have passed since
the publishing of the English Edition of Crooked Cucumber, and it will
soon be fifty years since the death of our master Shunryu. A Japanese Edition
has now been published and I would like to take this opportunity to express my
appreciation for the efforts of those who were involved in making this possible.
Thank you Kaoru Aragane and Eisaku Kawashima of Samga Co., Ltd. Their efforts in taking over the dedicated work of
Sadayoshi Asaoka in translating the book deserves my sincere respect. With deep humility, Hoitsu Suzuki Disciple and Eldest Son of Shunryu Suzuki and Chief
Priest of Rinsoin *About Hoitsu Suzuki's Introductory Words for Magatta Kyuri, the Japanese edition of Crooked Cucumber - which was featured Saturday Jan. 2. In it he wrote in Japanese: Stanford University Professor Carl Bielefeldt in the United States was the first to attempt to depict a personal history and biography of Shunryu Suzuki, but his work seems to have been premature in various aspects, and it did not reach completion. Nope. I checked with Carl and, as I thought, Hoitsu was thinking about the interviews that Carl, his wife Fumiko, and Peter and Jane Schneider did following Shunryu Suzuki's death. Actually some were done before he died with his visiting family and temple godfather at the City Center. Later in Japan more interviews were done with family and with Noiri, a teacher who revered Shunryu and whom Shunryu greatly respected. Noiri maybe assumed they were doing research for a biography because he talked about how to do a biography of a Zen teacher. So reading what Hoitsu wrote, it looks like he too was thinking they were doing research for a biography. Actually, Peter Schneider had talked some about that. He did the 1969 interviews with Suzuki about his life and encouraged Suzuki to speak to us in a lecture about it. And Peter did other historical research and writing that was reflected in the Wind Bells. When I was working on Crooked Cucumber he mailed me his tapes from Japan. Thanks Peter! Some were damaged in the mail and the tape had to be mounted into new cassettes - but they were all audible. Except for Peter's 1969 interviews with Suzuki, this audio is not on If I ever get back to the US I'll have all the other interview tapes digitized - if they haven't deteriorated too much. But they've all been transcribed and translated. Anyway, all of these interviews were extremely helpful in doing Crooked Cucumber and all can be found now on on the Interview lndex page. I appreciate the kind words that Hoitsu said about me and the research done in Japan and I think the conclusion is correct if the credit goes to a team of us, as it wasn't just me. It was a number of us who did interviews in the mid 1990s. All are given credit in the Sources part of the End Matter for Crooked Cucumber though. - dc |