Call for Submissions
Seeking fungi inspired poems for a book- length anthology entitled Decomposition. Current contributors include Gerald Stern, W.S. Merwin, Maxine Kumin, Gary Snyder, Nance Van Winckel, Alberto Rios, Robert Bly, Jim Daniels, Marvin Bell, Richard Wilbur, Kay Ryan, David Dodd Lee, Christopher Howell, A. R. Ammons, Robert Wrigley and others. We want Decomposition to explore a broad spectrum of human response to fungi; there are no restrictions regarding poetic form or content. Deadline: August 1, 2008. Submissions/questions: Renée Roehl Kelly Chadwick: Samuel Ligon:
| for more on Kelly and Renée go to DC family
Fungi fascination with Kelly and Renée!