Social Activist and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Sulak Sivaraksa
Will Give Three Bay Area Talks April 23-25
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"Sulak Sivaraksa and I share a conviction that if we are to solve human problems, economic and technological development must be accompanied by an inner spiritual growth." --His Holiness the Dalai Lama
"Like Gandhi, Sulak offers great inspiration to a civilization that has lost its way." --Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart
Thursday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. - UC Berkeley, Wheeler Auditorium, on "Revolutionary Love & Martial Non-violence." Contact funiehsu@berkeley.edu
Friday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. - Zen Center, 300 Page Street, San Francisco. Contact alan@clearviewproject.org
Saturday, April 25, 10:15 a.m. -Berkeley Zen Center, 1933 Russell Street, Berkeley, Contact alan@clearviewproject.org
Sulak is one of Asia's leading social thinkers and activists. His wide-ranging work includes founding the International Network of Engaged Buddhists and dozens of other educational and political grassroots organizations, and authoring more than 100 books in Thai and English. He was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize and, in 1995, received the Right Livelihood Award, known as the alternative Nobel Peace Prize.
His newest book The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century (www.wisdomofsustainability.com) will be available for purchase and signing at these events. For more information, contact arnie@koabooks.com.