Wendy Pirsig was for thirty years an archivist and writer
featuring extensive web-based history for small
Old Berwick
Historical Society's Counting House Museum in Maine. She's a
student of Myozen Joan Amaral at the Zen Center North Shore in
Beverly, Massachusetts.
She's done a great deal of work with the Shunryu Suzuki lecture archive,
transcribing, making light edits. She is working with DC on Tassajara Stories.
- this from Cuke's Who We Are
An in-depth nine web page document:
On Quality - An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected
Harper Collins page for On Quality
at local indie bookstore | on Amazon
Sesshin with Dainin Katagiri - Wendy Pirsig’s Journal Account of
her and Bob Pirsig's Sesshin - September 17-23, 1979, Monday to Sunday
Letters from Marian Wisberg to Wendy Pirsig, 1984 - 2004
From What's New January 27, 2021 - The soon to be over intensive on The
Lotus Sutra: A Teaching for Bodhisattvas in Our Time of Great Challenge and
Change - that Reb Anderson is leading via Zoom.
Wendy Pirsig is attending it and wrote: Over 200 people with
Tenshin Reb Anderson, from all over the world for 15 weekdays, plus there have
been breakout discussion groups on Saturdays, and talks by Linda Cutts and Nancy
Schroeder on Sundays, and even sutra-copying zoom sessions. Reb lectures about
an hour, and then invites offerings, shosan-style, the second hour. There's also
Green Gulch-based zazen and service on zoom. The Lotus Sutra is pretty hard
sledding for me but I am soaking it in, and it has been a highly beneficial way
to spend the cold January days of lockdown. The other participants are quite
amazing, just about everyone ordained and most have done intensives before, now
all together again through zoom. Great tech backup support from Brendan Crowe.
And Reb is in full force. I never thought I'd see him again, let alone have a
chance to do something like this, it's pretty great.
The bio there reads:
RIP Robert Pirsig (from
What's New
April 25, 2017) Condolences to his widow Wendy, son Ted, and daughter Nell.
Pirsig was a sincere seeker of the truth, a supporter of Dainin Katagiri and the
Minneapolis Zen Center for some time. He was supportive of Zen writers like
Marian Mountain (Derby Wisberg) and me and others. The murder of his son Chris
down the street from the SFZC City Center in 1979 was great sadness for him, his
family, and those of us at ZC who knew and loved Chris. Farewell Robert and
thanks for all. - dc
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