- an archival site on the life and world of Shunryu Suzuki and those who knew him. Home to the Cuke Archives and other stuff from DC. From December 1998.

Links to photos with Dainin Katagiri from the Shunryu Suzuki Photo Archive. (Click thumbnail to view larger image in new window)

Wedding Photo Peter and Buncy Di Gesu, Dainin Katagiri with Shunryu Suzuki seated at Soko-ji
With sewing teacher Yoshida Eshuun R to L: Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Yoshida Eshuun, ?, ?. Yoshida was our first rakusu and okesa sewing teacher. We called her Yoshida Roshi. David Schneider isn't sure that's him but it sure looks like him to me dc. He didn't sew a rakusu till 76, but he was around some in 71.
Shunryu Suzuki + others at ceremony in Buddha Hall, City Center L to R: Dainin Katagiri, Shunryu Suzuki, Silas Hoadley?, Reb Anderson, Craig Boyan
Ceremony at Soko-ji in auditorium downstairs. Dainin Katagiri and Phillip Wilson on right.
Buddha's Birthday procession George Hagiwara holding float, Tony Johansen with son, Dainin Katagiri to his left, Phillip Wilson behind, then Shunryu Suzuki in ceremonial robes.
Shunryu Suzuki + group at Tassajara L to R: ?, Dainin Katagiri, Mike Daft, Ed Brown, Togen Sumi, Bill Kwong, Shunryu Suzuki, Phillip Wilson behind SR?, Richard Baker, Taizan Maezumi, Kobun Chino, ?
Tassajara zendo kinhin? L to R: ?, Togen Sumi, Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri
Meg Gawler offering incense Shunryu Suzuki with fan + Dainin Katagiri at City Center Buddha Hall. Maybe that date was on the photo. - dc
Day of Mel Weitsman's shuso (head monk) ceremony at Tassajara.
Click for interactive photo with names. Six closeups start at SR0364.
 Front couple of rows: Maya Dreimane, ?, Peter Schneider, Ruthie Discoe, Claude Dalenberg, Reb Anderson, Silas Hoadley, Mel Weitsman, Peter diGesu, Sotan Tatsugami, Alan Marlowe, Dainin Katagiri, Jean Ross, Louise Pryor Welch, Jim McGuire, Bill Kwong, Marian Derby, Mary Quagliata, Helen? ?, Angie Runyan. Mid Rows L to R: Araki, Jan Westberg (Schneider), Doris Griffin, Dianne Goldschlag, Ed Brown, Sandy Hollister, Deborah Madison, Amy Richmond, Meg Gawler?, Bonnie Miller, Lew Richmond, Bob Halpern, ?, Ken Straus, Paul Shippee, Lew Musto, ?, Frank Wood, David Chadwick, ?, Mark Lewis, Lucille Harris, Katharine Thanas, Kathy Cook Hoadley,?, Joanna Bull, Back rows: Reuvane be Yumin, Frances Thompson, Bob Shuman, E.L. Hazelwood, Jim ?, Niels Holm, Margret Kress, Jerry Fuller, Bill Shurtleff, Craig Boyan, Paul Discoe, ?,?, Donn DeAngelo Crockin, Jack Elias (another version in Tassajara 25th book, p. 14)
Shunryu Suzuki + Dainin Katagiri + Reb Anderson in City Center Buddha Hall. Possibly jukai rehersal. Bill Lane in back, Tommy Dorsey with shaved head.
Shunryu Suzuki + Dainin Katagiri + Reb Anderson - City Center Buddha Hall. L to R: Dainin Katagiri, Shunryu Suzuki, Reb Anderson, Pat Herreshoff, Dan Welch. Tommy Issan Dorsey with shaved head.
Lay Ordination City Center Shunryu Suzuki with Dainin Katagiri in City Center zendo continues SR0127
Richard Baker's Mountain Seat Ceremony  Baker standing facing Shunryu Suzuki followed by his son Hoitsu, Peter Schneider, Dainin Katagiri. Jane Westerg (Schneider) seated with bell. At bottom Yvonne Rand, Claude Dalenberg.
Soko-ji group photo: Della Goertz far L, unknown visiting priest with Dainin Katagiri to L, Shunryu Suzuki to R, Grahame Petchey, Connie Lueck far R. 2nd row R to L - Trudy and Mike Dixon, Richard Baker, Phillip Wilson, Silas Hoadley. Jean Ross in back.
Left to right: Dainin Katagiri, Bishop Togen Sumi, Shunryu Suzuki at Soko-ji 
At outdoor ceremony in Japantown at Peace Pagoda L to R: Phillip Wilson, Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Ryogen Yoshimura See SRC0061
Shunryu Suzuki in zendo at Soko-ji Dainin Katagiri sitting on altar platform to right. print No. 5 from SR0213 proof sheet. Wonder about date - earlier? - dc
Shunryu Suzuki & Dainin Katagiri in zendo at Soko-ji;  print No. 12 from SR0213 proof sheet. Wonder about date - earlier? - dc
Ordination at City Center Shunryu Suzuki presiding. Dan Welch and Peter Schneider on R. Katharine Thanas holding tray, Dainin Katagiri assisting Suzuki.
Ordination at City Center Shunryu Suzuki presiding, seated. Dainin Katagiri standing in gassho. Dan Welch on R and Peter Schneider offering incense, Dan's parents to the left.
Ordination at City Center Shunryu Suzuki presiding. Dan Welch and Peter Schneider on R. Dainin Katagiri in gassho, Dan's parents beyond Suzuki, Mike Dixon upper left corner.
Ordination of Dan Welch and Peter Schneider at City Center Shunryu Suzuki presiding, handing Peter okesa, Dainin Katagiri assisting, Mary Williams to his right, Dan's mother upper right.
Richard Baker Mountain Seat Ceremony at SF City Center L to R: Daigyo Moriyama?, Shunryu & Mitsu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Bill Kwong, Jane Westberg (Schneider), Fran Keller, Dan Welch, Rick Levine Also see color SRC0063-68.
Richard Baker Mountain Seat Ceremony at SF City Center L to R: ?, Richard Baker, Pat Herreshoff, Shunryu Suzuki, ?, Ed Brown, Dainin Katagiri, Jane Westberg (Schneider) with bell, Bill Kwong seated. Also see color SRC0063-68.
Richard Baker Mountain Seat Ceremony at SF City Center L to R: Daigyo Moriyama?, Shunryu & Mitsu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri with stick, Jane Westberg (Schneider), Bill Kwong, Fran Keller, Dan Welch, Rick Levine. Also see color SRC0063-68. Richard Baker standing, Daigyo Moriyama? in corner, Shunryu Suzuki seated. From behind: Silas Hoadley, Yvonne Rand, Claude Dalenberg. Also see color SRC0063-68.
Shunryu Suzuki with Mel Weitsman and L to R: Mel, Claude Dalenberg, SR, Kobun Chino, Dainin Katagiri. Old note says at priesthood ordination of Mel @ Berkeley zendo
Shunryu Suzuki + Dainin Katagiri  at lay ordination in City Center zendo
Shunryu Suzuki + Dainin Katagiri at lay ordination  in City Center Buddha Hall
Lay ordination in City Center Buddha Hall.  L to R: Dainin Katagiri, Shunryu Suzuki (speaking), Reb Anderson, Pat Herreshoff, Dan Welch. Issan Tommy Dorsey with shaved head, Frances Thompson on L, Tim Ford on R.
Lay ordination in City Center zendo.  Shunryu Suzuki and Dainin Katagiri on R in zendo 1972 WB (p. 22) gives August 1971 as the date.
Shunryu Suzuki + Dainin Katagiri  at lay ordination in City Center zendo.
with Peter DiGesu and Buncy Shaden at their wedding. Dainin Katagiri on Shunryu Suzuki's right.
Reception at Mel Weitsman's ordination L to R: Mel, Dainin Katagiri, Reuven be Yumin, Shunryu Suzuki, Bill Kwong, ?,?,?, Kobun Chino, Mark Lewis?, ?,?
Shunryu Suzuki and Dainin Katagiri  sitting Zazen at Sokoji, side view
Shunryu Suzuki and Dainin Katagiri  sitting Zazen [at Sokoji?], front view
City Center ceremony L to R in front not including bald student from behind which may be Bill Kwong: Shunryu Suzuki, Sotan Tatsugami, Daigyo Moriyama, Claude Dalenberg, Dainin Katagiri. Chuck Hoy to the L of Claude, then Louise Pryor Welch, Bob Halpern to the R of Tatsugami. Old note says at City Center Mountain Seat Ceremony so that would be installing Shunryu Suzuki as abbot.
(not from the SFZC list that Shinshu Roberts made) Sokoji L to R - Phillip Wilson, Paul Discoe, Shunryu Suzuki, ?, Tomoe & Dainin Katagiri, Ryogen Yoshimura
Richard Baker, Ryogen Yoshimura, and Dainin Katagiri in front of 300 Page Street 
Dainin Katagiri and Shunryu Suzuki Mel Weitsman's ordination
Close up from day of Mel Weitsman's shuso ceremony at Tassajara. See SR0090 or here. Peter DiGesu, Alan Marlowe in front. Mel Weitsman, Sotan Tatsugami, Dainin Katagiri / Bonnie Miller, Bob Halpern, Lou Musto / Lew Richmond, Rick Morton, Ken Strauss, Paul Shippee, Paul Haley.
Jean Ross, Mitsu Suzuki, Claude Dalenberg, Shunryu Suzuki, ?, ?, Dainin Katagiri Outside Sokoji.
Lay Ordination R to L: Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Pat Herreshoff, Reb Anderson? - SF City Center zendo
Lay Ordination Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri in back left. SF City Center zendo
SF Japantown Peace Pagoda ceremony L to R: Phillip Wilson, Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Ryogen Yoshimura
SF Japantown Peace Pagoda ceremony L to R: Phillip Wilson, Shunryu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri, Ryogen Yoshimura
Richard Baker Mountain Seat Ceremony Shunryu Suzuki last public event. L to R: ?, Hoitsu Suzuki, ? in back, Shunryu Suzuki, Mitsu Suzuki, Dainin Katagiri
Richard Baker Mountain Seat Ceremony Shunryu Suzuki last public event. L to R: ?, Dainin Katagiri, ?, ?, Shunryu Suzuki, ?
Shunryu and Dainin Katagiri with Zen students. Click for interactive photo with names. at Sokoji main entrance. Bill Kwong in blue 3rd from L, Linda (Padou) Burkett then Lynn Warkov w/red hair up to his R, Betty Warren above her, Lynn Goode to R of her, Fran Keller (Blanco) above SR, Pat Herreshof R of her, Richard Baker 2nd down on L, Jordan Goode? top in red, Claude Dalenberg then Silas Hoadley upper R, Tim Burkett 2nd from L bottom, Doug Loskutoff to his R.

  All Cuke pages referring to Dainin Katagiri.