John Eric Nelson
May 29, 1947 to February 5, 2020
not to be confused with
John K. Nelson, prof of Buddhism at USF
Nelson was a much beloved member of the SFZC. He was a student at
Tassajara for a couple of years. He, his wife Kim, and their kids,
Bergen and Eric lived in Muir Beach for some years. He worked for Huey
Johnson's Trust for Public Land helping to steer real estate toward the
public good. They moved to the East Coast but stayed in contact. The
last I was in touch with John, he was involved with John Steiner in some
projects, again, for the benefit of society. John was a managing partner
of Wall Street
without Walls, "Preparing community development
organizations for capitol markets." I remember John as a most congenial,
optimistic, likeable person, always maintaining his youthful vigor, and
from what others are saying, he did so till the end.
Farewell dear friend. - DC
Announcement of April 4, Reston, VA memorial for John
Wall Street without Walls profile of John
The Institutional Development of Zen in America from 1893 - a 1973 paper by John E. Nelson when he was doing graduate work at the University of Michigan. Now immortalized on with listings on the Early Papers and Others Contribute pages.
Norman Fischer Oh dear had no idea he was sick. Such a bright presence. Kim and John were parent/comrades at Tassajara long ago. We will never forget John. Kathie and I send love and condolences.(fom Facebook)
John Steiner sent the following in memory of John Nelson
We called John Eric Nelson the laughing bodhisattva. He
never stopped being kind, loving and in service to everyone he me in any
capacity he was engaged in. I certainly was on the receiving end many, many
times. Virtually every time I came to Washington, DC, John would pick me
up at Dulles or Reagan and I’d spend my first night in town with him and Kim, or
he and I would head out for dinner, usually at the Tabard Inn. John introduced
me to many wonderful folks over the years.
I believe John meditated virtually every day for nearly 50
years. He had a deep center, a joyous calmness, and an infectious laugh, which
was rarely far away. To me he lived by the motto, “ If it’s not fun don’t do it.
If you must do it, make it fun.”It was a delight to be with him. He was such a
gift to friends and colleagues. I saw him maybe once or twice a year and
considered him to be one of my closest friends. I suspect many felt the same way
about him. His warm, loving heart enveloped us, supported us, and enlivened us.
John loved DC and environs and I suspect he knew the name
and a little history of almost every public building in a wide area. One had his
or her own private sight seeing service. One of the last times we were together,
he took me – for my very first time -- to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in
Arlington National Cemetery. He showed me the vaults where some of his relatives
were interred.
John and I had the privilege of being together at
Tassajara, the Zen Mountain Center back in the mid to late 70’s where we
bonded for many lifetimes. I had the privilege then of knowing Kim and Eric and
Bergen and being with them often when they lived at Muir Beach, after leaving
I had known John’s great mentor, Huey Johnson, who had been
with the Nature Conservancy and then started the Trust for Public land – helping
to provide parks and open spaces in cities. John, as I recall, led a
campaign to plant trees all over DC.
When in grad school at Michigan (he did his undergraduate
work at Yale), John wrote about the history of Zen in America. He loved American
history and occasionally we would work together on various civic engagement
projects. John loved to share his knowledge and his wisdom and being with him
was also uplifting. His capacity to enlist professional Wall St types, some
better known than others (!) to support cities and towns was prodigious. His
ability to learn and master, often complex subjects, served him well.
We all loved and adored him. Who he was made that possible.
One felt better about themselves when in the radiance of John Eric Nelson. I
miss him dearly. Although we all are, some are more so. John was an original.
There’s a rent in the fabric of the Kosmos. May his great spirit continue to
touch us and offer us solace, while making sure we don’t take ourselves too
I close with one of my favorite quotes attributed to William Penn and as worthy an epitaph for our dear friend, father and husband as I can think of:
If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I
can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect
it, as I shall not pass this way again.
from the Yale Alumni Magazine - by Ted Van
(thanks John Steiner)
John Eric Nelson died of colorectal cancer on February 5,
2020. He fought it bravely,
tenaciously and optimistically.
When I last saw him on January 24, we parted with a long-held fist bump and his
saying, “It’s not looking good, but I’m not giving up.”
John was an excellent athlete, winning the class of 1969
intramural athlete of the year award and leading the JE Spiders football teams
to multiple championships. John
even teased Calvin Hill that he had been the best athlete in the class.
Not just an athlete, John was always proud that his father had seen
written on his admissions folder, “Football not necessary.”
Handsome, too, he was very popular with my wife’s Vassar friends, among
many others.
He was not always happy at Yale and freshman and sophomore
year we discussed transferring endlessly—he to Stanford.
Yet, he became devoted to Yale and served for many years as a stalwart on
the reunion committees. At the 50th,
he even led the Memorial Service as he was battling his own, eventually fatal,
John had a gift for friendship.
He was an integral part of a group of close JE classmates.
A sub-set, he, Steve Haworth, Eric Lenck and myself took close to 10 golf
vacations over the past 20 some years, including one to the Azores last
September. There, undaunted by his
cancer, he and I defeated Eric and Steve to take the self-styled “JE Open.”
The center of a very loving family, starting with his wife
Kim, his children Bergen and Eric, three grandchildren, Harper, Sawyer and
Miles, his sister Kathy and her family, it extended even to the parents of his
children’s spouses.
Professionally, John marched to a different drummer, to the
point of spending two years at the Zen Monastery at Tassajara, Ca.
He used his outgoing and self-confident personality to develop a career
as a consultant, helping disadvantaged neighborhoods obtain expert financial
advice to further their development projects.
For many years there was a cartoon on his refrigerator with four bees—
the queen bee, the warrior bee, the worker bee, and the consultant bee.
I was especially fortunate to have had a relationship with
John that goes back unbroken for 63 years to our bonding as the second baseman
and shortstop on a Northern Virginia Little League team.
Many others were also lucky to get to know him, and all who did will
always remember his larger than life personality with affection.
from the SFZC and East Coast Zen page
Chester Carlson died in 1968 having been the major contributor toward the purchase of Tassajara, is credited with being a donor toward the purchase of the ZC City Center in 1969 through his wife but her interests soon turned elsewhere and she came to see, at least for a while, these Zen groups as being too interested in real estate. John Nelson wrote her a letter around 1973 thanking her for the family's support of Zen Center and got back a letter with scathing disgust resulting from too much giving and too many requests. But later my aunt who like Carlson lived in Rochester, NY, said she thought that wasn't the end of her support for the Rochester Zen group. John gave the letter to abbot Richard Baker.
Partner, Wall Street Without Walls
Eric Nelson is the managing partner of the Wall Street Without Walls initiative,
providing financial technical assistance from finance professionals to
community-based organizations and public agencies in order to access the capital
markets and for transactions over $3M. Funded by major foundations, WSWW
provides capital markets orientation and training programs nationally through
the individual banks of the Federal Reserve Bank system and financial technical
assistance to community development organizations and public agencies through
teams of volunteer finance professionals, including retired and active
investment bankers volunteering their expertise as a new form of philanthropy.
recently organized a WSWW exchange between China and the US on “Next Generation
Philanthropy.” He earlier served as director of the Corporate Partnership
Program at the National Congress for Community Development. Funded as part of
the Ford Foundation's Corporate Involvement Initiative, the program facilitated
market-driven, business case opportunities with community-based development
organizations and minority entrepreneurs in joint venture business investments.
He has
been involved in comprehensive environmental policy as a senior advisor to the
Resource Renewal Institute’s international “Green Plan” initiative and as a
consultant to the President’s Council for Sustainable Development during the
Clinton administration.
Nelson has over thirty years experience in community economic development,
management consulting, and collaborative environmental policy. He designed and
managed the Small Business Opportunity Project for HUD to assist public housing
residents plan and run their own businesses. He founded the national urban land
trust program for the Trust for Public Land and managed non-profit liaison for
the Chevrolet-Geo environmental program.
of his consulting activity has been in the area of multi-sectoral collaboration
on behalf of clients in business, government, and the public interest and the
design and implementation of corporate social responsibility programs. He is
senior advisor for strategic relations at the Institute for Building Technology
and Safety. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors for the National Disability
Institute, a board member of the Institute for Local Innovation, and previously
served on the Board of Overseers of the School of Community Economic Development
at Southern New Hampshire University.
He is
currently on the CRA Advisory Board for BB&T's Washington DC area; the Advisory
Board for Impact Community Capital, Waveleand Ventures and for Partners for the
Common Good; and a member of the Economic Development Assistance Consortium. Mr.
Nelson was the founding President of the William James Foundation, promoting the
development of socially responsible businesses by young adults, including a
nationwide business plan competition among business and graduate schools. He has
spoken as a panelist or keynote speaker before national and regional audiences
for numerous conferences over the past 30 years and authored articles in various
national publications on innovations in public private partnerships, community
development finance, and corporate social responsibility.
Nelson graduated from Yale College and recently co-chaired the class reunion;
received his MA degree from the University of Michigan where he also taught
social psychology; and has a certification in Community Development Finance from
the Milano Graduate School of New School University. He has been a guest
lecturer in community development finance at the McDonough Business School at
Georgetown University from 2001 to 2012. He was honored by Civic Ventures as a
“Purpose Prize” semifinalist in 2009. Married to Kimberly Ballard Nelson for 45
years with two grown children and three grandsons. Likes to play golf and