Michael Katz
Michael Katz is not only my friend and agent but that of the SF Zen Center,
Jack Kornfield, John Tarrant, Edward Brown, Stephen Mitchell, Byron Katie, and many others. He
is also quite familiar with the lectures, teaching, and practice of Shunryu
Suzuki and has been an indispensable advisor in the work we now call Cuke Archives. He
first came to Zen Center
in the early seventies from the Lindesfarne Association place on Long Island to
work with the Suzuki lecture tapes and practiced at the ZC many years. He was
intimately involved with the creation of Thank You and OK!, Crooked Cucumber,
and Zen Is Right Here (see DC books).
In fact, it was at his urging that I did the first book - because he liked my letters which I'd photocopy and send to some family and friends in the US from Japan. He's been an invaluable editor and advisor about everything I do. We're in contact
frequently. I first met him in 1973 when I visited the Lindesfarne house and
founder Bill Thompson with my then wife Dianne (now Daya) Goldschlag. He took me on a canoe ride. He was their AV guy. He recorded my future father-in-law Rusty Schweickart's famed in our circles talk about what he experienced in outer space as an astronaut. You can hear or read that talk by going to Schweickart's page. He's English but went to college in the US. Oberlin comes to mind.
He went to film school. He's the
official Co-conspirator of Cuke Archives. He's also been the major supporter financially. - DC
Michael is on the Who Are We page of Cuke 2020 Presentation
Michael Katz statement of support for Cuke Archives is on the Cuke 2020 Presentation page
Michael Katz statement of support
for the Crooked Cucumber Archive from 2012
This is one of those pages with more intentions than posts
but I'm glad it at least has these photos. More to come. - DC Here are
two good photos of a bunch of us at home in Fort Worth after Ahdel's
Memorial 6-30-14 - Michael Katz and John Tarrant, founder and head
teacher of the Pacific Zen Institute.
They're standing in front of Michael and Jenny's sheep barn. They're close
friends. Katrinka and I lived in John's barn for years. - DC
Muir Beach on Sunday, shortest day of the
year—our old stomping ground. - writes Jenny.
Michael Katz on the left, Austin 18,
senior in high school and applying to colleges, his wife Jenny Wunderly, Bowen at right edge, turning 21 on
January 1st, 2015 - 3rd year of college.