Cuke Podcast with Linda 🔊
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Linda Hess came to the SF Zen Center in 1974 after a decade of studies and seeking in India. She has continued returning to India through the years. She became a senior lecturer emeritus at Stanford University in religious studies. She and husband Kazuaki Tanahashi live in Berkeley. She's written three books focusing on the poet Kabir and translating his songs/poems and is working on another:
Linda's website:
It's joyful to learn the difference between Kabir in text, song and performance: Linda Hess, 2015 article, The Economic Times (India)
A Tale of Two Translators: Sensei Kaz and Linda Hess, 2018, Upaya Zen Center
An excellent bio and recording on, 2019.
Coursera Video: Gandhian Principles of Non-Violence - Linda Hess in Conversation with Anne Firth Murray, 2020
Linda and Kaz’s wedding at SFZC in 1980. Richard Baker officiating and Reb Anderson assisting.
Linda and Kaz together 40+ years later. At Muir Beach.
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