Rick Fields
Memories of Suzuki-roshi by Rick Fields (from October '75 New Age Journal)
Rick Fields farewell in the Sangha News section
a Tricycle Interview with Rick on living with cancer
on Rick from the Existential Buddhist
Marcia Fields sent on June 6th, 2021 - 22 year anniversary of Rick's death
Rick Fields wrote How the Swans Came to the Lake:
a narrative history of Buddhism in America (third edition, revised
and updated). Shambhala, 1992. [A
great and significant book in which Fields does a terrific job in
describing Shunryu Suzuki and his teaching]
Shambhala link. Amazon link.
a selection of poems from Fuck You Cancer & Other Poems
The Turquoise Bee: The Lovesongs of the Sixth Dalai Lama - co-authored by Rick Fields with art by Mayumi Oda like the cover of the Swans book above (these are Amazon links).
Instructions to the Cook: A Zen Master's Lessons in Living a Life That Matters with Bernie Glassman
The Awakened Warrior: Living with Courage, Compassion & Discipline (New Consciousness Reader)
The Code of the Warrior in History, Myth, and Everyday Life
On 6/7/2021 12:30 AM, Marcia Fields wrote:
Been thinking a great deal about birth and death, mostly death as that has been my contemplation for the greater part of my life. I knew this anniversary was nearing. And here it is. June 6. Now it is 22 years. 22 years of absence and memory.
Rick wrote and brushed a serigraph with Richard Miller, a small cloth booklet printed in 1973. Perhaps some day (God is laughing.) we will reprint it.
One of the pages, one of the poems, reads:
Your one breath.
Your one death.
So today we celebrate Rick Fields', his breath and his death.
The photograph of Rick was taken by his dear friend and amazing photographer, Christine Alicino, part of a booklet of photographs that was a birthday present to Ric so very long ago. The musical tribute was a favorite of Rick's and what we played in the house while Rick's friends carried his body out to the car for the ride to the crematorium. It always stops my mind and opens my heart.
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