Liz died on March 7, 2011
Here's the initial notice
appeared on this site.
Great photo of Liz around 1970
Photo credits and dates will be updated
Funeral service for Liz Tuomi - Jane Okamura writes:
The funeral service for Mom will be on March 26, 2011 at 3pm at Green Gulch Farm in Muir Beach. Following the ceremony there will be a gathering at Mom's and Ethan & Catherine's at 369 Ocean Parkway from 5-9pm. Bring a dish. Love Jane
Statement read by Liz's grandson Taro Tuomi Smithson at her funeral at Green Gulch Farm, March 26, 2011
Dan Leighton lay ordained Liz with the Buddhist name Sosho Tenkai, Ancestral Smile, Heavenly Service. I, DC, think she was previously lay ordained by either Suzuki or Baker.
The family attended a cremation ceremony for Liz on Friday March 11th. There will be a public service in April with Mel Weitsman officiating.
DC statement read at Liz's cremation:
Farewell from this place Liz. On the day your body is turned to ashes, I still feel attached to who you were because we had a bond and we have always been close to each other in some way since we met. You were a great friend to me and others and a great mother to your children. We do and will all miss you very much. But now is the time to realize what Suzuki Roshi meant when he said, "Actually, nothing ever dies." I am near Ramana Maharshi's Ashram in India and now is the time to let you go and reflect on what Ramana meant when he urged us to realize that our real self is not the body, not these bodies, but something undivided and wonderful we are forever. With all my love, David
Jane Okamura wrote to me two days before the ashes ceremony: Taigen Leighton and Linda Cutts are at my side with other stuff and of course my friend Jesus. Mom's last bratty statement on Sunday was, " I think you wear your cross to agitate us!" She was spirited and contrite even in her death time.. We are sad but she was struggling.
Cheryl F. wrote: "David, I am sorry to read about Liz. I remember being around her a bit and what I remember most was her at times ironic sense of humor. I liked it because it meant she had some perspective about what was important and what was not important. Loss is everywhere present as well as comfort. Be well, friend."
3-09-11 - Elizabeth Tuomi, mother of Beth, Jonathan, Jane, and Ethan Okamura, my partner for nine years in Bolinas, Suzuki student, pianist, teacher, dearest friend for forty years, a wise and wonderful woman, died at Marin General hospital on the evening of March 7th after reporting she wasn't feeling well earlier in the day and finally collapsing. She was 76. Liz has been weak for several years since successful yet harmful radiation treatment for throat cancer. I visited with her at her home above Agate Beach in late January right before coming to India and whereas she was discouraged about some of her physical problems she was reading as much as ever and looking forward to resuming the weekly music date (after a holiday respite) with a few fellow musicians including Zen friends Mel Weitsman (flute or recorder) and Sadja Greenwood (also her doctor). Earlier on the 7th I'd thought of her and posted her memories of Shunryu Suzuki here on cuke.com, gathered fifteen or so years ago and stored on various drives and discs only to be posted hours before she passed away.
Taigen Dan Leighton with Liz Tuomi (L), Bolinas Practice Leader, and Dale McCarthy, San Rafael Meditation Hall Leader from Mt. Source Sangha website.
Some of the last things liz had written while reading (ethan displayed/picked)
Liz was in the middle of George Elliot's Middlemarch when she died.
Some photos on this page - thanks to Phil Henderson for archiving and sending them.
Liz's alter now.
L to R - Lizzie Amond (sp?), Liz and ? ? on Bolinas Beach
Songs done by, with, and for Liz
The Songs by DC with Liz section is now done which completes the Songs by, with, and for Liz department. That's all I got that I know of now. Thanks Liz. - dc
Liz's youngest, Ethan Okamura, offers this song, Full Circle, in memory of his mother. I know she loved this song. See more of Ethan's music at This Old Earthquake
Also by This Old Earthquake is Tsunami which Ethan played at Liz's funeral.
Liz with Fidie, our Australian Blue Healer, taken around 82. This photo taken by Phil Henderson is on the alter in her studio now.
The Okamuras - 66? - DC loves this photo.
L to R, Beth, Jonathan, Liz, Arthur, Jane, Ethan - taken at Bolinas home around 1968.
Photos from around the time of Arthur's funeral in 2009 - by Phil Henderson
Arthur Okamura, Liz's husband of twenty plus years and father of their four children, remained close with Liz. He died July 10, 2009. Arthur's memorial page
Liz at Arthur Okamura's ashes ceremony, July, 2009.
That's DC behind her to the
right, officiating.
Liz and I, DC, on Agate Beach watch as Arthur's ashes are spread out at Duxburry Reaf