Hoka Chris Englehorn Fortin
Chris Fortin is the founding teacher of Dharma Heart Zen in Sebastopol, CA, and online at: dharmaheartzen.com.
From her bio there:
She began practicing Buddhism in 1976 while living at the San Francisco Zen Center. After many years of practice she received Dharma Transmission from Zoketsu Norman Fischer of Everyday Zen, in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.
She is a senior teacher at Everyday Zen and leads workshops at San Francisco Zen Center.
Chris discussed her motivation for becoming a counselor and Zen practitioner in this 1988 article on "Right Livelihood" in the Wind Bell.
In 2008 Chris co-founded Veteran's Path to provide "high quality, veteran-specific mindfulness training and support to build inner strength and resilience" for veterans.
Lee Klinger Lesser and Chris currently (2023) lead annual retreats for Wildland Firefighters under the sponsorship of the San Francisco Zen Center.